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Hamelton (Dr. Paul)

Page 5

by Blake, Christopher; Dr. Paul

  The man talking looked majestic; his outfit was some kind of velvet with pinstripes of another material. Not only did his regal outfit look hot to wear but he also had a small cape around his shoulders. He was bigger than average build and had a bit of a belly. He wore a hat on his dark hair that was well trimmed. We stood unnoticed off to one side as we listened to him talk. Luckily after listening to the people in town for a week and having read William's book I could make out much of what he was saying. His talk was about growth of self contentment. The way he romanticized every sentence reminded me of William's writings. I thought to myself, "At last I will meet William."

  He suddenly noticed us and immediately pulled off his cape and ran toward us in a frantic manner. He draped his cape around Hanna and led her toward the house. All the pupils broke out talking at once, the quick slurred hysterical voices blurred together to make an incomprehensible rumble. The majestic man also rambling on led Hanna into the house. Not feeling in danger we just followed behind Hanna and the man. He was yelling that we were sinners or something.

  Several other people were moving quickly around us in the entryway. A soft voice spoke behind me and instantly the room quieted. I turned to see the man in white calmly telling everyone that there is nothing to worry about. This man was unique because he did not stand tall or speak loudly but received instant respect.

  He walked up to us and touched Jeff's shirt. "How far have you come?" The man in white asked.

  Handy causally replied, "Farther than anyone here has been."

  Turning to Handy now, the man asked, "I have never seen clothes like yours nor heard talk like your speak before."

  Handy very wisely said, "Our great grandparents were marooned on a big island and they found their own way to do things."

  "Do you make women go out in public in their under garments?"

  Handy must have realized that Hanna's tank top was too revealing for the time, especially in a religious retreat. "Sometimes we forget the customs of the places we visit. If you have better clothes, we will be glad to conform."

  The man turned to a female servant standing under the stairs. "Take proper care of the ladies", he ordered.

  The maid said obediently, "Yes sir, Master Hamelton."

  I caught on to the fact that our host was William! In the sudden commotion I had all but forgotten that I was in hunt for William and here he stood right in front of me. My mouth must have drop to my chest. What do I say, what do I ask, how do I ask it? I was not ready for this to have happened just then.

  Luckily William, perhaps noticing our confusion, helped me out of my dilemma. "I do not know why you have come," he said, "... but you must be weary after your very long trip. I would be honored to offer your party a room for the night. We can talk over your business at dinner tonight."

  He leaned his head forward and nodded as if to prompt us in to accepting his generous offer. I then looked into the face of the man I came in search of. He was skinny and meek. His openness radiated kindness. His eyes were sunk deep in his head. Short black hair slightly unkempt fell loosely down his forehead. The outside corners of his eyes were busy with lines. His mouth was lightly turned up in the corners with a gentle smile; this seemed to be the usual for him.

  In the corner of my eye I could see Hanna and Cindy being ushered up the stairs by two maids. My head seemed to follow William's head nodding. I thought of Handy and looked over and noticed both my friends nodding. William lifted his hand to command some unseen servant, then turned and exited through the front door. Most of the crowed left behind him. Hanna and Cindy were nowhere to be seen. Two male servants and one female standing off to the side exchanged several words that could not be understood. Then they lead the three of us up both flights of stairs to the third floor. We were taken to the right side of the house. We were given one room to share with three simple beds in it. The room itself was also simple. Plain sheets and drapes. The maid straightened up briefly and left. One of the butlers asked where he could retrieve our wardrobes. When we said they were lost, he said they were prepared for such instances and left. Now we three boys were temporarily alone.

  "Where is Cindy?" Said the wide eyed Jeff.

  "Oh, I'm sure she's fine. We have to decide what to tell them at dinner tonight," I said.

  Handy sitting on the bed said, "Wait just a minute. Let"s slow down and look at this one thing at a time. Starting with how did we get here and..." feeling himself "If I traveled through come my pants, my wallet...and the fillings in my teeth came with us?"

  I couldn't deny Handy was probably right; however I knew we did not have the experience to start to analyze the mysteries of science. "We don't have the luxury of time to discuss it right now; we must go with the flow until we have a handle on it. At dinner tonight, I say we all stay together so we all say the same thing. Agreed?" They nodded. "What do you think would be good to say is our business with him, the Garden of Eden?"

  "Then how do we know about his secret experiments? No, that won't work. I don't even know what kind of business they did in the 1600s. How about a deep inner unknown calling to this house," Handy suggested.

  "It's corny, but it's all we have so far. Let"s see what else we can think of before we have to say something," I said as a knock came at the door, "Come in." In came the two male servants with a coat rack filled with outfits suitable for dining. Plainly this is not uncommon and our gracious host is well prepared. An outfit was set out for each one of us and the servants left. One said dinner was being served soon and the rest of our party will meet us there.

  We decided that Handy would do most of the talking and Jeff did not want to say anything. We thought it might be better to try to ask more questions than we answered. So we prepared for and went to dinner.

  As we came down from the third floor I thought how weird it was to walk down a staircase that was a ceiling this morning. The dining room was in a room I had not been in yet in either time. It was on the right side of the house. Double doors opened into a large room that drew my attention first to the ceiling. It was two stories high with about one foot wide rafters running back and forth in both directions reminding me of a waffle. Between the wood were hand painted designs. The walls were oak with carved symmetrical designs. Two large tapestries hung in the room. On the left wall the tapestry was a colorful picture of the leaders of two armies meeting while their soldiers stood ready in the back, the one at the far end of the room was the Hamelton family crest. The table was long and dark. Benches were on the sides as opposed to chairs. The one chair in the room was at the far end of the table and it had a high extravagant back. Cloths were set periodically down the table with candelabras on them. Some people had already been seated.

  William's voice could be heard from the chair at the far end of the room. "Please come and join me." As I approached I could see around the candelabras. There sat William, relaxed and surrounded by several laughing friends. "We haven't had a chance to meet properly yet, my name is William." We introduced ourselves while he seemed to take note of our names mouthing them silently to himself. "I always have my newest guests sit closest to me, their stories are the freshest." The seated gentlemen laughing at William's statement stood and excused themselves as they moved down leaving empty seats for us to inhabit next to William. We sat with Handy on his right and then me. Jeff was on the left.

  "This island you come from interests me, what is it called?" William asked as he sipped his wine.

  Handy answered, "California. It never rains in Southern California. You seem to have several guests tonight, a special occasion?"

  William said, "There happens to be a concert tonight, but most are just some intellectuals discussing philosophy. How many people live on California Island?"

  Handy said, "A lost boat of settlers landed there a few hundred years ago and there are about a thousand people now. What area of philosophy do you study?"

  Handy's face focused on the other side of the room. I turned to see what he wa
s looking at. Hanna and Cindy had just entered the room. They looked very feminine in their long dresses. The dresses were not exactly evening gowns, but the girls looked pretty. I don't mean a sudden bright light of radiance filled the room type pretty, just the "Oh, you like nice." I looked over at Handy, whose eyes were big and wide. William gave a quick uninformative answer to Handy's question then greeted toward the women. William stood and introduced all the people at the table to the women. Cindy sat beside Jeff and Hanna next to her.

  During dinner Handy seemed suddenly so infatuated with Hanna that he lost the ability to deal with William, so I took over the game of words they were playing. Most of dinner had gone by and neither William nor I really answered any question.

  Then William asked, "So why is it you came to see me?"

  At this point I figured the game had run long enough and we didn't want to wear out our welcome so I decided to give him a decent response. "It's an unbelievable thing that happened and I hope you take what I say how I mean it." William stopped and looked right at me apparently glad I decided to give a more lengthy response. I put in every clue I could without really committing myself. "Once we found a means of transportation, the five of us had an uncontrollable desire, like winning a gold ring, to make the attempt to come here and learn from you. It was a distant quick trip but we knew it would be worth it. We could not control our floating desire to come here."

  He froze for a moment then quickly recovered. "How did you know of me and what I'm teaching," William whispered with extreme interest.

  I said softly, "I find difficulty answering that without saying more than may be healthy for either one of us."

  "Tell me..," he asked softly as he pulled at his lip thoughtfully, "I saw you walk out of my home but never saw you enter it?" Picking up Handy's left wrist that held a gold bracelet that said "HANDY" on it. He rubbed the small finely braded links on the chain between his fingers. "Your clothes and ornaments seem better made than any place I know of can make?"

  "I can't directly answer that. The book you are writing, how is it going?"

  Again amazed for a moment, he recovered and trying to be helpful enough to keep me talking he said, "I write a few pages a month. My assistant, John, makes five copies. I never mentioned the book to anyone but John, I trust him completely. John has never mentioned the book to anyone. I assume you will not tell me how you know about it. Perhaps knowing that you know, tells me a lot, and how far this California Island is … or will be." William seemed to have the answer he needed, for the time. He paused thoughtfully like a statue.

  William straightened his back and said load enough to stop all the small talk to the end of the table, “Our new friends have traveled far and don"t know our customs. No notice will be taken or corrected if they seem impolite, because they are not.” When William finished speaking he looked back to me and all the small talk continued down the table as if there had been no interruption. This seemed strange how such a timid man could make a commanding proclamation. But then I recalled that not only was everyone living off William"s money, that he had some royal title, and that he was also their spiritual leader. I took a mental note not to again underestimate this man or the loyalty he has around him.

  The mood changed to comfortable as William told us amusing stories about the local town. He asked no further questions as he seemed to need to gain our confidence by being excessively friendly. He apologized for being low on rooms and promised to rearrange sleeping quarters so we could have private rooms. I refused his offer but asked if the girls could be in a nearby room which he easily granted.

  The concert that night was excellent. William kept us near him through the evening, but did not ask any questions at all.

  We retired to our rooms. The girl's room was now across the hall. We all met in the boy's room to review the day. During the talk Jeff mentioned, "When do we go home?" Stunned we looked at each other. No one had thought, "How do we get home?" We decided William knows if anyone does. We talked late into the night. Handy kept making passes at Hanna, however, she seemed to be more interested in being my friend than Handy's lover. I figured she was getting bothered by Handy and was trying to use me as a blocker. Everyone went back to their beds and slept hoping to wake in our own time.


  Morning came and I awoke in the same hard bed I fell asleep in. My friends were stirring awake at the same time. I reached back behind me in bed and pulled the drape toward me. The brilliance of the midday sun intruding from behind the dark drape was blinding. I thought I had not slept so long into the day then I remembered that it was mid morning when we left our time and mid afternoon when we arrived in this time. Just what I needed, when I finally recovered from my jet lag from the trip to England, my system gets mixed up again.

  Jeff was fumbling around looking for a bathroom. "Look what I found, a note stuffed under the door," Jeff said.

  "Then pick it up," Handy said in a patronizing tone. Jeff took the folded note to Handy. Handy read out loud from his bed. "William Hamelton requests the privilege of your party's company in the Library for morning nourishment."

  "I guess I peaked William's curiosity more than I thought last night. Why don't you see if the girls are up? And find out how close the nearest bathroom is, I hope not outside", I said to Jeff, who obeyed concerned there may not be bathrooms.

  We boys dressed in our own clothes, while the girls felt more comfortable in the outfits provided them. Once all together and ready we went to see William as a group.

  Entering the library was strange; it was the same as I remembered for the most part. The circular staircases and the brass ladders did not exist. Only the one wood staircase went up and the book shelves were accessed by moveable step stools. The furniture was different, but the style and placement was much the same. On the balcony were drop cloths around the newly installed stained glass window. William was seated against the opposite wall from the window facing into the room. The couch he sat on seemed out of place and probably recently moved for our benefit. There was also an assortment of comfortable chairs and couches set up in a circle. William was dressed in white similar to the way he was the day before. He stood to greet the ladies then waved his hand at waist level gesturing us to join him.

  "I'm sure you are all hungry and I will summon any meal you wish." As he reached over and rang a bell. We talked briefly about the violinist of the previous night. A servant appeared and we had a rather embarrassing time ordering breakfast when she did not understand what Jeff's cheese blintzes were. As she was leaving William said, "Tell John that we are waiting for him. Please close the door behind you." After that the smiling William kept the subject matter simple, as I wondered what he had planned.

  Soon a tall muscular man entered whom I had not seen the day before. "If I may, I would like to introduce my assistant John. I have no secrets from him and I trust his loyalty with my heart. I prefer if he could join us. Do you mind?" asked William in a manner which seemed not to be prompting an answer.

  "The balls in your court. Do as you want," I said. William did not seem to understand what I said but his expression accepted it as an “okay”. I said more plainly, "You have called us here for a reason, something we all must face. How do you want to handle it?"

  "As forward and direct as I can." William paused for a moment then continued carefully. "It's hard for me to talk about some things unless I have better proof... or... an... idea of what you know. So that I can be more open... What can you tell me that can gain my trust?"

  "That window you keep looking at looks like the Garden of Eden. It would be a nice place to visit," I said, looking right into his eyes.

  Apparently satisfied William started what seemed to be a well thought out speech. "I am very impressed with your presence within my house. And I apologize for hiding that last night, but I had much thinking to do before I could approach you. If my conclusions are correct, I understand that you are limited to what you can say and do. I feel if I tell you what I know,
completely, you may find yourselves able to tell me more. Is that so?"

  "It would be a good start," Handy said, as several servants entered with our food. No one spoke until the servants closed the door behind them as they left.

  William continued, "I saw you leave a house that I do not think you ever entered. The guards at the gate said they never saw you enter the estate. As you left the house, you looked around in amazement which confirms my belief that you left but never entered. I do not think the apparel and shoes you wear are made anywhere on this earth or in its past. I can find no record of California Island. Your speech is unknown to me, and I am well traveled." He took a deep breath. "Since I am a religious man, I do not believe life started anywhere besides earth. Therefore I can only come to two acceptable possibilities; either you come from the future, or from a world within our world. Both these may sound impossible to another man, however my studies of recent ...has opened my eyes." He stopped to see how we were responding.

  "I can see you have reasoned well," I said with a nod.

  Now more c omfortable he went on. “If you were from a world within our world, it would make little difference to you what you told me because it could never affect you. However if you were from the future you would be in fear that what you said could affect your own past. You seem weary to speak. I can come to only one conclusion.”

  Feeling more confident with our amazed expressions confirming his every word he went on, "If I were you, and was in a faraway place or time, and wanted to visit me on a mission, I would have prepared better. Maybe imitating the talk and clothes of the place I was going to. You must have known something of me. You seem to have read the book I have yet to finish." He stopped to think. "These things conflict. This is as far as I know. Not that I mind or anything. Your party are very honored guests in my home. But what is it you want from me. And how can I help you?"


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