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THIRDS Beyond the Books Volume 1

Page 2

by Charlie Cochet

  Tony pushed himself to his feet and cursed under his breath. He had to pull himself together, if not for his own sake then for Dex’s. Tony missed John and Gina like nothing else, but their little boy needed him to be strong. Taking a deep breath, he released it slowly through his mouth. He needed to get started on the investigation. He turned to leave when he heard a faint cry.

  Slowly he removed his Glock from his shoulder holster. He listened closely and heard it again. It was coming from close by. He gingerly circled the yard, leaning in toward the huge containers. Nothing. Moving on to the next one, he stopped and listened, his eyes widening when he heard a baby crying.

  “Shit.” He quickly returned his gun to his holster and threw open both halves of the container’s lid, the baby’s crying erupting from within the depths of plastic bags.

  “Jones! Rodriguez!”

  His coworkers came running. Rodriguez got to him first. “What? What did you find?”

  “There’s a baby in the trash.” Tony motioned them over. “Rodriguez, give me a hand. Jones, stand over here.”

  “Shit.” Rodriguez laced his fingers together and held them low. He gave Tony a boost. Thankfully, the bin was almost full. A bundle of blankets wriggled between some trash bags, and without hesitation, he called down to Jones. “Hold my legs.”

  Jones hopped to it, grabbing Tony around his legs and holding on tight. With exceptional care, Tony reached down and grabbed hold of the baby wrapped in several blankets.

  “Pull me out, and be careful!”

  His coworkers helped lower him out, and Tony made sure not to lose his grip on the crying little bundle. The baby’s voice was hoarse. Who knew how long he’d been crying. He thanked the guys for their help.

  “Jones, go grab one of the EMTs. Tell them we found a baby back here.”

  Jones ran off, and Tony took a seat on the tree stump, the baby on his lap. He unwrapped the blankets, and his heart swelled. He’d never seen anything so tiny and amazing.

  “He’s beautiful,” Tony heard himself saying.

  “Yeah, he is kinda cute. He’s—” Rodriguez pulled back with a noise of disgust. “Look at his eyes.”

  “What about them?” They looked perfectly fine to him. They were big and bright, a pale silvery gray.

  “Look at them from a different angle.”

  Tony tilted his head and noticed the tapetum lucidum. Unbelievable. He glared up at Rodriguez. “So he was cute when you thought he was Human, but now that you know he’s a Therian, he’s not?”

  Rodriguez rolled his eyes. “Don’t give me your Therian rights bullshit, Maddock. Kid’s one of those animals.”

  Tony stood, mindful of the baby in his arms. “Human or Therian, this poor baby just lost its family. How about showing some damn respect.” He wanted to tear Rodriguez a new one, but now was not the time. At least Rodriguez had the decency to look ashamed.

  The baby stopped crying, his tearful eyes meeting Tony’s gaze. His cheeks were flushed, and his soft brown hair stuck up from his head. He was dressed in a little cheetah print onesie with his name embroidered over his heart. “Cael.” Tony couldn’t help his smile.

  “Where the hell do you think he came from?” Rodriguez asked.

  Tony scanned the area. He looked up and saw an open window six floors up directly over the bin. “Do you think someone tossed him out?” The window all around was blackened from smoke. There had been no survivors.

  “You think maybe his parents threw him out the window? But the lid was closed.”

  “Maybe it closed after he fell in? Who knows.” Tony chuckled at Cael’s gurgling, and his heart warmed all over when Cael reached out a chubby hand and closed it around Tony’s finger. Loud chatter caught Tony’s attention. It was the EMT.

  “I want to ride with him,” Tony said, ignoring Rodriguez’s stunned expression. “Until we can locate any relatives.”

  The EMT nodded, and Tony quickly followed her. He called out over his shoulder for Rodriguez to let their captain know. Jim would be pissed, but right now Tony didn’t give a shit. Cael shouldn’t be alone. As Tony hopped into the back of the ambulance with the EMT holding Cael, he prayed Cael’s parents had somehow survived or maybe hadn’t even been home. It was one hell of a long shot, but he didn’t want to think about another child without his parents. His gut told him Cael was on his own.

  At the hospital he waited patiently as they checked Cael over. He drank more coffee than any one man should consume. When the doctor came out and told him Cael would be just fine, a huge sense of relief washed over him. At that moment, his captain surprised him by making an appearance.

  Tony asked the doctor to keep him informed, and then he excused himself. His captain looked pissed. He came to a halt in front of Tony, his dark eyes boring into him.

  “What the hell’s going on, Maddock? Rodriguez calls me up and tells me you bailed on the crime scene to escort a Therian baby to the hospital?”

  “Sir, it’s likely that boy’s parents were killed in the fire. I had to make sure he was all right.”

  “Look, social services will be in later to have a look at him.”

  Tony’s heart sank. “What? Doesn’t he have any other family?”

  “They’re looking into it. They’re having trouble finding any next of kin. Both parents were cheetah Therians. Probably unregistered.”

  “So there’s a chance he’s going to end up in foster care.” A lump formed in his throat. Foster care was tough enough for Human children, but for Therians…. “I can’t let that happen.”

  His captain stared at him. “What the hell are you saying?”

  “If there’s no other family, I’ll adopt him.” Tony had no idea where the hell this was coming from, but he couldn’t let them take Cael and dump him in some godforsaken place or worse, because for Therians it could always get worse.

  The captain put a hand on Tony’s shoulder. “Listen, Maddock. I know things have been rough for you with Daley’s death. He wasn’t just your partner. He was your best friend. Family. Hell, the guy entrusted you with his son. Little guy must be beside himself. How is Dex?”

  “He’s a strong kid, but he’s missing his family.” There was no doubt in his mind that Dex loved him, and Tony was doing his damned best for that boy, but Dex needed family. He needed someone to look after and take care of. Tony wanted to be home more, but with his job…. “If I adopt Cael, it’ll give Dex that sense of family he needs, plus it’ll save a Therian child from getting shuffled around in the system. You know where those kids end up, Jim. They end up in some lab, sliced and diced just so pharmaceutical companies can come up with another ‘cure’ for something that doesn’t need a goddamn cure. Being a Therian isn’t a sickness.”

  “I know you and Daley felt strongly about Therian rights, and hey, good for you.”

  Next time try and sound a little more patronizing. Tony reined himself in. Now was not a good time to tell his captain where he could stick his two-faced sympathy.

  “But you’re talking about bringing one into your home, raising it as your child.”

  Tony took a step back. What the fuck did the man just say? “Him,” Tony said through his teeth. “Cael is a him, not an it.” His captain was clearly running out of patience, as was he.

  “Taking in John’s kid is one thing. He’s Human. The press ate it up. But a Therian? Do you know how much shit I’ll get for having a detective with a Therian kid? How much shit you’ll get? What about Dex? Do you really want to ruin his life by giving him a Therian brother?”

  “That’s enough,” Tony replied gravely, his hands balled into fists at his sides.

  “Think of your future at the HPF.”

  “Who I take into my family has no bearing on my job.”

  The captain’s eyes darkened. “Believe me, it will. I hate to lose a good detective.”

  I swear on little baby Jesus, if you don’t shut up, you’re going to end up on one of those gurneys. There was no need for Tony to ask what his
captain was implying. Tony wanted to tell him to shove his job where the sun don’t shine, among a few other choice words. Instead he straightened to his full height and replied in a steady, calm voice.

  “You do what you have to do. In the meantime, I’m going to see about being that baby boy’s daddy.” Tony walked off, ignoring his captain’s not so subtle threats behind him. If the HPF couldn’t deal with him adopting a Therian child, then they could go to hell. Right now he had two boys who needed him, and he was going to be damn sure he’d always be there for them.

  Prompt #3: The first day Tony brings Cael home from Dex’s POV.

  “DEX, I’D like to talk to you about something.”

  “Is it bad?” Dex asked, hugging his favorite stuffed lion toy. He didn’t want it to be bad, but Tony wasn’t smiling so maybe it was bad. His bottom lip jutted out, and he tried not to cry. He wasn’t a little kid anymore. He was six years old now. “Am I in trouble?” He’d been good today. He nodded as if to say so. “I didn’t hide from Carla, and I did my homework. She made chocolate chip cookies, and they were really yummy, and I left you two.” He put two fingers up. “Well….” He bit his bottom lip and put one finger partway down. “One and a half.”

  Tony smiled and ruffled his hair. “Thank you, kiddo. And you’re not in trouble. Carla said you were a real good boy today.”

  He knelt down and hugged him, making Dex happy. He liked cuddling Tony. It made him feel not so scared, because Tony would keep the bad people away. When Tony pulled back, he looked sad. Dex didn’t want Tony to be sad.

  “Someone else is in trouble. Remember how we talked about the riots and all the people who’ve been hurt and left all alone?”

  Dex nodded. He didn’t want to think about all the fighting. Why was everyone so mad? Tony said it was because of Therians. Because people were scared of them, didn’t understand them. His daddy had told him about Therians. He said they only looked different on the outside. When Dex grew up, he was going to be a policeman like his daddy and Tony, and he would stop all the bad people from hurting other people. He missed his mommy and daddy so much. Dex’s bottom lip trembled, and he gave a sniff, trying real hard not to cry. He didn’t want to make Tony sadder.

  “I found someone who needs our help. Would you like to meet him?”

  Dex nodded, and Tony took his hand, leading him toward the big bedroom. Dex wanted to help. He liked helping. Tony said they should always try their best to help someone if they could.

  Inside Tony’s room was a chair for babies, like Dex used to have when his mommy and daddy took him out for car rides. He gasped. “It’s a baby!” He ran over excitedly and crouched down next to the seat. The baby was little and pink with big gray eyes. “Can I hold him?” Dex asked. “Please.”

  “All right,” Tony said with a chuckle. “You have to be careful, though. Sit down by the bed, and I’ll put him in your lap. His name is Cael.”

  Dex did as Tony asked, sitting down by the bed and putting his toy lion on the floor next to him. He smiled when he heard the baby making noises. Tony put Cael in his arms, and Dex was very careful with his head like Tony said to be. He laughed when Cael tried to grab Dex’s nose. Tony sat next to them.

  “Dex, this is your new baby brother. You need to be a brave boy, because he’s going to need you to take care of him. He’s all alone in this world.”

  Dex gasped in awe. He smiled so big it hurt his face. A baby brother? He saw the shiny part in Cael’s eyes. He was a Therian. “He’s going to stay with us?”

  “Yep. There’s still a lot of paperwork, but I’m adopting him. He needs us.”

  Tony smiled and kissed the top of Dex’s head before playing with Cael. Cael laughed and squealed and grabbed Tony’s finger.

  “What happened to his family?”

  Tony looked sad again. “There was a fire. He’s all alone.”

  Dex puffed up his chest. Baby Cael wasn’t alone. Dex was going to be the bestest big brother ever. He looked down at Cael and nodded. “I’m going to take good care of you always. We’ll be bestest friends.”

  Cael gurgled and spit up.


  Dex laughed, and Tony did too. Tony cleaned them up, and they played with baby Cael. Dex would never let anything happen to him.

  “I think he should have Brave Heart Lion.”

  Tony looked surprised. “Are you sure you want to give him Brave Heart?”

  “Yes,” Dex said with a nod. He loved Brave Heart, but he loved Cael more.


  Tony took his toy and gave it to Cael, who made more happy-baby noises and squealed, making Dex laugh. He wanted Cael to always be happy.

  “Is he a kitty Therian or a puppy Therian?” Dex asked, holding Cael’s tiny hand.

  “The Therian doctor says Cael is a cheetah Therian.”

  Cael started to wriggle lots, so Tony took him from Dex and held him close, rocking him until Cael yawned and got sleepy.

  “Dex, are you sure you’re okay with Cael being in our family?”

  Tony looked worried, so Dex petted his arm.

  “It’ll be okay.”

  “You need to be prepared. Not many people will understand. They’ll be mean to you, to Cael, just because you’re brothers. Because you’re a Human and he’s a Therian.”

  Dex made fists at his sides and frowned, feeling angry. “I won’t let anyone be mean to Cael!” If someone was mean to his baby brother, he’d show them.

  “There’s a lot we have to learn,” Tony said with a sigh. “I don’t know much about Therians.”

  He held his big hand out to Dex, who put his hand in Tony’s and smiled.

  “But we’ll figure it all out together. The most important thing is that we take care of each other and love each other. We’re a family.”

  “Family,” Dex repeated cheerfully. He got to his feet. “Let’s watch a movie! Do you think he likes Star Wars?”

  Tony laughed as he got up with Cael in his arms. “Dex, you’re going to wear out that videotape. Again.”

  “But I love it so much!” Dex said, bouncing. He ran around the room making lightsaber noises. He covered his mouth with his hands. “Luke, I am your father.” He threw himself to his knees. “Nooo!”

  “All right, little man. It’s time for dinner. Wash up while I get Cael ready for his bottle. You can watch your spacemen later.”

  Dex rolled his eyes and followed Tony out of the room, explaining Star Wars again. He took hold of Cael’s hand as they headed for the bathroom to wash up. He was so excited, thinking of all the fun things he and Cael would do together. Both their mommies and daddies were gone, but they had each other and Tony. They were a family, and Dex would do everything to make sure they always stayed a family.

  He kissed Cael’s little hand and whispered, “I promise.”

  Prompt #4: I’m really interested in the Therian tattoos and the whole process of getting them. So maybe seeing Cael or Hobbs getting theirs.

  DEX CROSSED his arms over his chest and kicked the back of the front seat with his sneakers. He kept kicking and kicking. He was so mad he wanted to cry, but he was a big boy now. Big boys could reach the front seat and kick it.

  “Dex, stop it,” Tony warned.

  “No!” Dex shouted. “I don’t want Cael to get marked.”

  “I know, son, but he has to. He’s two years old. He has to be marked. It’s the law.”

  “It’s a stupid law!” Dex kicked harder, his face getting hot. He didn’t want them to mark his little brother.

  “Dex, I’m going to ask you one more time. Stop kicking the seat.”

  Dex paused. “Or you’ll turn the car around?” That’s what Tony always said when Dex and Cael fought or were too loud in the car.

  “Nice try, little man. No.” Tony stopped at a red light and turned in his seat to look at him. He looked sad and tired. “I don’t want this either, Dex, but sometimes we have to do what we don’t want to. It might hurt, but it’s for Cael’s future
. He can’t go unregistered.”

  “Why can’t they wait until he’s a grown-up?” Dex asked, taking hold of Cael’s hand as Cael talked to him about Brave Heart Lion. Most of the time Dex didn’t understand what Cael said. Sometimes it made Dex laugh, because Cael sounded like he was talking a funny secret baby language. Dex understood when Cael said Baybar he meant Brave Heart, and Dack was Dex. Dadda was Dad.

  “It’s complicated, Dex. Please, I need you to behave while we’re there.”

  “Why couldn’t I stay with Aunt Danelle?” Dex jutted out his bottom lip. He didn’t want to hear Cael cry. He wanted to be with Aunt Danelle. She was fun and made him super yummy food. And she liked to call Tony grumpy-pants.

  “Because your Aunt Danelle had to work today.”

  Tony pulled into a parking space outside the office where the special Therian doctors worked. Cael was waving Brave Heart and calling Dex’s name over and over so he would look. Dex smiled at Cael.

  “Do you want to sing?” Dex asked. “Da-de-da-de-da-da Inspector Gadget. Da-de-da-de-da-da….”

  “Woo hoo!” Cael sang before giggling. It was his favorite part of the song.

  Dex laughed and tickled Cael, making him squeal and wriggle in his baby seat. Tony opened Cael’s door, and Dex let go of his little brother’s hand.

  “Dadda!” Cael bonked Tony on the head with Brave Heart and giggled.

  “Oh, it’s like that, huh?” Tony unfastened Cael’s safety belts and tickled Cael under his chin where he was the most ticklish, then on his belly. With a laugh, Tony took Cael out of his car seat and held him in his arms before he looked at Dex. “Come on. You want to be there for your brother, right?”


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