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Matched (Navy Seals of Little Creek Book 2)

Page 12

by Paris Wynters

  “Inara?” Tony tugs me back as I turn to head into the produce area. “Thanks for that.”

  I whip my head around and my brows furrow. “Thanks for what?”

  “For supporting me with the whole party idea.” Tony’s unexpected gratitude warms me from the inside out. That, along with the sweet, caring side of himself that he just showcased by figuratively gathering Trevor under his wing like a mother hen.

  Tony grabs the cart from me and trolls through a row of fruits. “Jim’s still shutting him out when it comes to things other than work.”

  Jim can be so bullheaded. But I have no idea what it’s like for any of them. I’ve never lost a close friend, especially one I work with. Nor can I imagine what it would be like to have someone new shoved into their tight-knit group. I shake my head. It must be so uncomfortable for everyone. “The team needs this celebration.”

  Tony takes his time inspecting the produce before placing each hand-chosen fruit and vegetable into a bag and gently setting them down in the cart. There’s something about a big, brawny man delicately handling apples and carrots that makes me go all soft inside. Maybe because it seems so out of character with the macho front Tony often puts on.

  While he continues to shop for our impromptu celebration, I pull out my phone and text Taya. Of course, she responds right away and offers to text the rest of the group so I can concentrate on shopping. I snort and look over at the cart. She has no idea. If Tony is left unchecked, we may be walking out of here with a three-hundred-dollar grocery bill, considering the cart is already half full and it’s only been five minutes.

  Tony and I blaze through the store and walk out, having spent two hundred dollars. By the time we get home, we have a few hours before everyone is supposed to arrive. The house isn’t a mess, but Tony insists on running over everything and making sure it’s all spotless. I knock on the door frame to the guest bathroom as Tony scrubs the sink. “So, I have some decorations stored in the garage from one of Mami’s old parties.”

  Tony interrupts me before I have a chance to finish. “You got one of those slow cookers, right? I make a mean salsa.”

  “Yeah, it’s in the pantry,” I say, gesturing to my left. “Right next to the sex toys.”

  Tony freezes at first, and then stutters. “S-sex toys, yeah, those are cool.” His skin takes on a reddish hue and he fumbles around, knocking over the toothbrushes and hand soap. Yet another reminder he’s not as much of an experienced player as he likes to let on. What’s annoying about it, though? Imagining how much fun I could have teaching him new tricks.

  I choke out a laugh and head to the garage to grab the decorations, glad for a few moments to chill out. When I get back, I plop the box down in the living room before I head into the kitchen to help Tony get the food ready. I start slivering onions and some jalapeño.

  Tony reaches into one of the produce bowls, grabs a clove of garlic, and hands it to me. “You’ll want to add this too.”

  “I know to add garlic. Jesús. I do it after I cut the other stuff up.” I jerk my head toward the slow cooker where he’s got food sautéing. “You better start breaking up that chorizo or else you’ll have a sore shoulder trying to pry it to bits.”

  He nudges me with his shoulder. “Aye, you just keep your eyes on your stuff.”

  My body is extremely aware of his presence as we maneuver around each other. I’m genuinely impressed by how he moves while preparing food. There’s no denying it—the way Tony handles himself in the kitchen is downright sexy. The way he works the knife as he finely chops tomatoes. The motion and rhythm lead me to dangerous thoughts. Like how much raw potential is there, and how enjoyable it would be to lead him back to the bedroom right now and tap into that sensual energy. I shake myself when my sex starts to pulsate.

  We have things to get done. Nonsexual things.

  Once everything is prepped, I rush to my room and get ready. Taya’s heading over early to help set up. Hopefully, Tony will have a talk with Jim about easing up on Trevor—at least for today. I mean, he doesn’t have to love the guy, but it’s so sad that Trevor was going to spend his birthday alone.

  I shove clothes in my closet aside and try to find something that says homemaker, wife, and seductress all at once. A part of me wants to give sex with Tony another go tonight, but another part of me just wants him to hold me. If only he weren’t so dead set on making our relationship temporary. Because all this party-planning business and cooking really shows Tony and I work well together. Which brings me right back to my outfit dilemma. Maybe I can make some headway into charming my new husband into changing his mind.

  “Ah, yes.” I grab a pair of high-waisted shorts and an orchid button-down crop top that ties just above the belly button. It’s the perfect balance of cute and sexy once I add a pair of jeweled sandals.

  The doorbell rings and I walk into the foyer just as Tony shuts the door. I’m rewarded for the extra few minutes I dedicated to my outfit when his eyes move slowly, trailing from my wedge sandals up the span of my legs. He lingers on the exposed skin of my abs, which even I have to say are toned and tanned. His Adam’s apple bobs and he turns his head away. A smile pulls at the corners of my mouth in response to his reaction. I can’t deny that I enjoy having this effect on my husband.

  Taya walks over and gives me a hug. “You look so cute.”

  “Thanks.” I turn to Jim and Tony before they head off to God knows where. “Can you guys set up the decorations while Taya and I get the plates ready?”

  The two men nod and grunt. Jim’s not much for words, but this is the first time Tony’s been so quiet. Cat must have gotten his tongue. I snort and grab Taya’s hand, pulling her into the kitchen.

  “I can’t believe the guys didn’t know it was Trevor’s birthday?” Taya slams the forks down onto the countertop and huffs. “Though maybe they did.”

  I set the stack of plates next to her and place a hand on her shoulder. “From the shy way he was acting, I doubt they knew.”

  Taya laughs. “At least neither of our guys is Bear. God only knows what Marge did to the man after I texted her about the party.”

  Marge is a petite woman with the personality of an M-80 firecracker. The men are scared of her. Hell, at times, so am I. But I love her, just the same. And watching her with Bear always makes me believe love exists. The two are opposites in so many ways, yet were made for each other.

  The doorbell rings and a moment later Lucas Craiger walks in, along with Bear and Marge. I hug Marge. “Where’s Leslie?”

  “Hayden’s home. Nothing like a built-in babysitter,” Marge says.

  Bear grumbles a greeting just as Jim walks over, looking as if someone just inserted a stick up his ass. I scowl at him before catching Tony’s eye and jerking my chin in Jim’s direction. Someone better talk to the guy because I’m not looking for a fight to occur in my house.

  Tony takes my hint. He claps his teammate on the shoulder and gives him a firm squeeze. “Better check the attitude at the door.”

  Jim presses his lips into a tight line but doesn’t say a word.

  Tony withdraws his hand and shoves it into the pocket of his jeans, but doesn’t back down. “Look, the kid purchased a stupid frozen pie and movie that he planned on eating and watching alone. You know it’s not how we do things. Not in our line of work. So, get your shit together.”

  Something flares in my chest as my husband scolds Jim and stands up for the newbie. Before I can examine the emotion, the storm door slams closed and everyone spins around. The guest of honor has arrived. We all rush into the foyer and scream, “Happy birthday!”

  “Thanks again for doing this.” Trevor is all bashful head ducks and smiles. I never noticed before how white his teeth are.

  Tony walks over and pulls him in as if he’s about to wrestle him. “No worries.”

  Bear sidles in behind the duo and pulls something from his pocket. It looks like a twenty-dollar bill when he slaps it into Trevor’s hand. “Here, kid, get
yourself the latest Disney princess movie on me.”

  Trevor scoffs and shakes his head as laughter rings out around him. Some of my tension dissolves when even Jim laughs. Thankfully for Trevor, the spotlight moment is fleeting and we all dissipate soon after.

  I move toward the side table by the door and stare at it for several long seconds before I realize what’s wrong. My vase is missing. What the hell? My gaze jerks to Tony, who exchanges a wide-eyed glance with Lucas before looking back at me. He leans in and places his rough hand against the exposed skin of my back. “About that. I’ll tell you later, and I’m sorry in advance.” Then he winks and saunters off to get Trevor a beer.

  I can’t help but shake my head and laugh as he departs. God only knows what happened, and it wasn’t even a real vase, just an old mayonnaise jar that I glued beads to. But Tony doesn’t need to know that, or the fact that the typical husband-wife snapshot that just played out was oddly appealing.

  After I make sure everyone has a plate of snacks, and Tony hands out drinks all around, I plop myself on the couch. Now that the party is in full swing and appears to be going well, I can finally relax a little. Tony sits next to me and rests his hand on my knee. I must be buzzing off of everyone’s happy energy. And I can’t stop myself from leaning into my husband. He smells as good as his palm on my bare skin feels. My body is urging me to head into the ring for round two, while my wary heart reminds me to take care.

  He leans closer, his breath hot against my cheek. “I think we did good here.”

  “Yeah, I think you’re right. But I have to say, most of my meatballs are gone and your slow cooker of queso is still halfway full.”

  Tony throws his head back and laughs from deep in his belly, a sound that, despite my heart’s cautious approach, still somehow manages to turn my insides to mush. “Well, I made a double batch, and you underestimated.”

  I give him a light slap on the thigh and laugh along with him, and I’m oddly content sitting here by his side. I take the next few minutes to enjoy the moment—the party, our friends, and simply sitting here without arguing—and then notice Tony’s captivated expression and follow his gaze. Bear and Marge across the room, hands laced together, Bear leaning over her, Marge’s face tipped up in adoration. Not a bad thing to aspire to. And I have to admit, the Issued Partner Program must be onto something because Tony and I do make a good team. Maybe science hasn’t let me down yet.

  I sneak a sideways glance at Tony. Now, if only I can get my husband to get on board.

  Chapter Thirteen


  While hammers bang away, I tack on the final layer of sheetrock with the drywall nails and then grab my towel off the floor and swipe at the sweat that’s trickling down my bare chest. Once I’m done drying off my face, I sling the towel around my neck and study my handiwork. Fourth wall I’ve completed at Bennett’s site today. Not too shabby.

  “Feeling proud of yourself?”

  My gaze jerks over to where Inara’s standing. Her sweat-dampened curls are pulled back into a messy bun and her tank top is so wet, it’s clinging to her curvy form like a second skin. When she lifts her arms over her head to stretch, pulling the material taut over her breasts, I swallow hard. And then she turns to drop something in a toolbox, and it doesn’t help at all. Her ass in those shorts is a work of art, and that damned butterfly tattoo on her left shoulder keeps taunting me. It’s all I can do not to groan out loud. I’ve been kicking myself every time I skip out on speaking to her about our sexual encounter.

  After the party a couple of days ago, she definitely appeared to be flirty and possibly open to trying again. But as is the nature of our jobs, the guys and I got the call we were needed, and any hope of either talking or having another shot with my wife went out the window. And after spending time with her, getting to know her more, my balls are constantly aching because she’s sizzling—she’s the whole damn package.

  Inara stares at me, complete with a high-arched brow, and I shrug. “It’s hard not to feel a sense of accomplishment when you build something and see the progress, but it’s a team effort. We’ve all been working hard.”

  She gasps and presses a hand to her chest. “Will wonders never cease? Is that modesty I hear coming from Tony Martinez? I’d better mark this day on my calendar.”

  “Oh, you think you’re pretty funny, don’t you?”

  She glances up at me from beneath her eyelashes and flashes me a sultry smile. “Oh, I don’t think I’m funny—I know I am.”

  If I didn’t know any better, I’d say that my wife was flirting with me again. To distract myself, I pull a cold bottle of water out of the cooler and flick icy droplets at her. She squeals.

  “That’s what you get for being so cocky. Remember, I might be built”—I flex a bicep at her—“but my ego is delicate. When I take the high road and act modest, that’s the signal for you to shower me with accolades.” I finish half the bottle in a few big gulps before offering it to her.

  She downs the remaining half just as quickly. “Right. Sorry. I must have forgotten that part of the vows somehow.” She turns to peruse the wall, rubbing her chin and prowling up and down the length like she’s a paid inspector.

  When she finally turns back to me, I waggle my eyebrows. “Well?”

  She places a hand on her hip. “I was planning on giving you a hard time, but I’ve got nothing. You actually have done an amazing job. Even Bennett commented on how great it’s been to have you here, taking charge and helping teach some of the younger guys the ropes.”

  Her heartfelt praise makes my pulse race. Heat rises to my cheeks. To hide my reaction, I toss my head and strike a pose, with one hand on my hip and the other behind my neck. “That’s what I’m talking about. Keep it coming.”

  Inara snort laughs. “You’re too much.” She reaches out, grabs my hand, and tugs. “Come on. Let’s go get some of that flan my mom sent.”

  “Don’t have to ask me twice.” Inara’s mother makes the best flan. Before I moved here it had been months since I’d had a halfway decent one. In the neighborhood where I grew up in California, getting flan wasn’t all that hard. And that was when I didn’t have any at home freshly made.

  We head to the folding table outside where a bunch of snacks are arranged, including my mother-in-law’s flan. The hot sun feels good on my bare back. People scurry around, carrying more sheetrock and tools, while Inara and I help ourselves to bowls of the golden dessert.

  Hammering and sawing provides the soundtrack while Inara and I sit on a tarp and shove forkful after forkful into our mouths. Nothing makes me hungrier than physical labor. Building this house is an energy outlet and distraction that I welcome, especially since I’m still trying to come to terms with my feelings for Inara.

  Do I love waking up to her cute booty in those pajama shorts? Yes. Do I love the idea that each month that passes only brings us closer and closer to our eventual end? No. Not at all. In fact, the more time that ticks by, the more I question my plan to end this marriage before it’s barely has a chance to begin. When we first got hitched, the idea of walking away was easy. Simple. Now I’m not sure if I’ll even be able to crawl.

  Of course, there’s a part of me that wants to get the hell outta Dodge, the part that tells me Inara has no reason to want to remain a couple, even if I have a change of heart. Yeah, I’ve got some rock hard abs and yeah, I would die to protect her, but that’s the problem—I could literally die at any point in this job. And there’s no way I want to put someone through what my father and I went through when my mother passed away. Just like I don’t want to risk getting so wrapped up in a woman that I end up like my dad.

  I grind my teeth before exhaling. No reason to reminisce about things that can’t be changed. Lifting the bowl and tilting it, I place my lips against the ceramic so I can slurp down the slight sheen of flan liquid left at the bottom. Just as the sweet syrup hits my tongue, I catch Inara’s gaze on me. I’m afraid she’s going to lecture me, just like she did
when she caught me drinking milk out of the carton. Instead, she tilts her head and nibbles on her lip.

  Fuck it. Tossing the bowl aside, I place a finger under her chin and lift as I bend to meet her. Our lips are a breath away and I can’t resist. Not with her sitting so close, surrounding me with her warmth and deliciously sweet scent. I press my mouth to hers, sealing my end of the deal. We kiss a few brief moments before someone whistles in the background, reminding us that we’re not alone. She pulls away, giggling, but it’s enough for now. I’m already planning the rest of the day out in my head. No more avoiding. Tonight, I’m going to seduce my wife and get her to show me everything she likes.

  My body is already humming in anticipation when my phone buzzes. I glance down carelessly, but then go rigid. Quickly, I reread the message. Slower this time.

  Son of a bitch. This is karma for the thoughts I had of running earlier.

  “What is it? Is everything okay?”

  Inara’s worried voice breaks through my focus. I glance up from the text and force a smile, for her benefit. “It’s Bear. Looks like we’re getting shipped out.”

  “What? You guys have barely been back two months. And didn’t someone on one of the teams just end up in the hospital, from a training exercise?”

  I rub the back of my neck. If I didn’t know any better, I’d think she didn’t want me to go. “Yeah, but that’s the way it goes. Welcome to SEAL life. Isn’t it grand?”

  Her hands clench into fists. “No, it’s not. It sucks.”

  Then Inara shocks the hell out of me by stomping off toward the street, leaving me with my mouth gaping open. I know my half-hearted joke was pretty stupid, but still. I didn’t mean to upset her. How had I managed to set her off so badly? Guess it’s a good reminder that despite getting along better lately, our personalities just don’t mesh.

  I shoot Bear a return text and then take a quick look around. All my prior sense of accomplishment is gone. It disappeared with Inara. Now, all I notice is a shell of a house. Empty.


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