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The Duke's Possession

Page 8

by Zoe Blake

  “Good girl.” Asher removed his thumbs and gave her a quick kiss on one raised bottom cheek. Charlotte collapsed on to her stomach.

  Asher knew a firm hand would be needed early on if she was going to adjust to her new life. Charlotte was used to getting her way through manipulation, temper tantrums and by simply ignoring authority. She needed to understand all that had come to an end.

  “I’m going to reward you for taking your first lesson so well. Roll onto your back. Open your knees.”

  The last thing Charlotte wanted to do was obey him, but she wanted his fingers painfully up her bottom even less. She did as she was told. Asher placed a warm hand against the tender skin of each inner thigh and opened her even wider. He then bent his head low and ran his tongue along the smooth seam of her cunny. “Sweet.” He grinned as he saw her shocked gaze.

  Charlotte could not take her eyes off the sight of Asher’s head between her thighs. His tongue tickling her secret place. Sliding his hands down her thighs, Asher dipped the tips of his fingers and opened her petals, exposing her light pink skin and clit.

  Placing an open mouthed kiss on her cunny, Asher moved his tongue in rapid circles over her clit. Grasping fistfuls of bed linens, Charlotte writhed and moaned, throwing modesty and caution to the wind. It felt too delicious. Just the idea of this powerful man, servicing her in this forbidden way was sending her over the edge.

  Asher scraped his teeth delicately along her clit at the same moment he pushed three fingers into her cunny, painfully deep. Charlotte lost control. Screaming her release.

  Light-headed and slightly disoriented, she watched as he ran his tongue slowly over his lower lip, tasting her.

  “So sweet,” he said with a grin and a wink. “Now time to get up. I have work to do and your nanny is waiting for you in your nursery.”


  Asher purposefully ignored her question. Striding over to her wardrobe, he selected a sprig green muslin dress cut in the sailor style for her to wear to meet her Nanny. It was even shorter than her dress yesterday so it had bright yellow, ruffled bloomers to go underneath. It would cover her cunny but her bottom would look so adorable covered in ruffles!

  Asher turned back to face Charlotte. The stubborn tilt of her chin the moment she saw the childish dress immediately told him their engagement with the nanny would be delayed. It looked as if his little one was about to earn a spanking.

  “Are you truly going to give me that defiant pout after the warning to behave you just received?” he asked incredulous, but secretly loving her childish little huffs and puffs.

  “Not fair!” she pouted. “You cannot call me not wanting to wear such silly frocks as misbehaving!”

  “Any time you defy my wishes, no matter how small, is misbehaving, little one,” he warned.

  “But…but I don’t want to wear that,” she whined as she pointed to the dress he had in his hand.

  “Well, then I guess I’m just going to have to convince you,” said Asher as he dropped the dress and lunged for her.

  Charlotte screamed, partly out of fear and to be honest, partly out of excitement. She was playing with fire and she knew it.

  Asher had her squirming, slight form over his lap before she could say another word. Raising his hand high, his first slap landed on her vulnerable right bottom cheek. He watched as a pink handprint formed on the creamy, white skin.

  “I changed my mind!” she shouted. “I changed my mind! I’ll wear the dress.”

  “Too late.”

  In short order, her left cheek bore the same handprint brand. Asher peppered her bottom with punishing spanks, relishing in the warm, red glow that slowly appeared. Charlotte screeched her disapproval with every stinging spank. Her bottom throbbed and burned. The pain radiating down her body and transforming into something entirely different with each shiver that coursed between her legs. She was still too innocent to understand why pain led to pleasure, but her body understood.

  Asher could see the faint glisten on her pink cunny lips as he finished spanking her. It was just further proof how they were well-matched, whether his Lottie realized it yet or not. She craved his dominance and discipline as much as he craved to master her spirited willfulness.

  Her sniffles brought him out of his reverie. Raising her into a sitting position on his lap, he dried her tears with the edge of his dressing robe.

  “Have you learned your lesson?”

  “Yes,” she whispered.

  He gave her a kiss on the forehead. “It seems I have had to spank you every time to get you into a dress, which of course is striking me as a bit novel. If you don’t start acquiescing soon, I will start to believe your preference is to walk around in the bare,” he teased, loving the deepening blush it brought to her cheek.


  Over an hour later, Charlotte was ushered into the upper floor nursery dutifully dressed in the sprig green muslin dress her papa has chosen for her. She was able to take in her surroundings before the nanny appeared.

  All four walls were covered in an elaborate and colorful mural. Upon closer inspection, she recognized the dancing fantastical creatures as the characters from that new children’s book that was all the rage…someone in Wonderland. Charlotte couldn’t remember the name but it started with an “A”. The room’s furniture was delicate and pretty. There was a small day bed at one end, covered in white lace and pink pillows. A diminutive table and chair set, its polished surface covered in painted flowers. On the table top, was a tea set decorated with more characters from the Wonderland book. At the other end was a small classroom setting complete with blackboard and bookshelves. Instead of the ABCs or 123s on the blackboard, Charlotte was shocked to see what looked like a drawing of a lady’s breasts!

  A woman in a starched white apron and gray gown entered from a hidden door across the room. “I’m terribly sorry, Your Grace. I did not know you were here with my new charge.”

  “Quite all right, Mrs. Bibel. We only just arrived,” assured Asher.

  “Very good, Your Grace.”

  Asher took an uncharacteristically silent Charlotte by the hand and led her deeper into the room. Stopping before the cheery fire, he sat in one of the plush comfy chairs and pulled Charlotte onto his lap.

  Charlotte was startled to feel the soft linen of his trousers against her exposed legs. She shimmied her hips to get more comfortable in the unusual position until Asher’s guiding hands stopped her. Looking into his face, she was confused to see the stern look of warning behind his dark eyes. Then she felt the unmistakable, even to her relative innocent experience, feel of his growing member against her bum. Startled, she tried to scramble off his lap, but his hands stayed her.

  “I fear I need you to protect my modesty, my dear. We wouldn’t want to offend Mrs. Bibel’s delicate sensibilities would we?” Asher asked with a grin as he playfully pushed his hips up against hers to emphasize his growing dilemma.

  Charlotte became so entranced by his jaunty mood that she quite forgot about the nanny’s presence until the woman appeared by her side.

  “Oh, yes, Mrs. Bibel. Introductions are in order,” said Asher. “Charlotte.”

  Charlotte did not respond—too engrossed with taking in the nanny’s measure. She was a stout, older woman. Charlotte would have said she had kind eyes but the effect was ruined by the stern line of her mouth. When she spoke, Charlotte thought she detected a slight German accent which added to the nanny’s severe demeanor.

  “Charlotte,” Asher repeated, taking her by the chin to direct her attention back to him. “I want to introduce you to Mrs. Bibel but you are only to refer to her as Nanny.”

  “I do not require a nanny!” huffed an offended Charlotte. “I have been out of the school room for years now!”

  “Yes, but it is my wish that you return to the school room, little one, because obviously the lessons of obedience, modesty and good behavior were not learned,” responded Asher calmly.

  Charlotte’s eyes widened an

d as she opened her mouth for a stinging retort, Asher placed his finger over her lips. “I would warn you against whatever response you are forming in that pretty little head of yours. Judging by your mutinous expression, I fear it would affirm rather than refute what I have just said,” cautioned Asher.

  Charlotte closed her mouth in a huff.

  “You will spend your days in this nursery with Nanny learning very particular lessons that I have prepared. By all respects, you will be treated not as a Duchess but as my own special little girl. You need to trust me. This is what you truly need whether you agree at this moment or not.”

  Charlotte most certainly did not agree! This was not what she had planned. She was looking forward to more independence not less! She wanted expensive gowns, champagne and balls!

  Asher could read every nuance of Charlotte’s response to his dictates across her expressive gamine face.

  “You will be required to learn your lessons, take naps, wear the childish attire I have chosen for you. When not dining with me, you will take your meals up here with your Nanny,” he continued. “Any disobedience will be dealt with severely.”

  Charlotte jumped off his lap and would have gotten further had Asher not had a strong hold on her wrist. Pulling her to stand in front of him, Charlotte crossed her arms and stomped her foot.

  “I won’t listen to this!” she shouted.

  “Yes, you will because you have no choice,” responded Asher harshly. He grabbed her other wrist and forced her to stand before him between his spread knees. “Each evening you will have additional lessons in discipline with me. Afterwards, you will be given a bottle and put to bed early. If you are a good girl, this routine will offer many opportunities for pleasure. Choose to be a naughty girl and you will suffer the consequences. You remember what I said this morning about your naughty and nice holes?”

  Charlotte’s cheeks flamed at the reminder, especially in front of the nanny.

  “I don’t want this!” pouted Charlotte as she stomped her foot.

  With a determined look, Asher instructed the nanny to bring the strap. Dragging Charlotte across the room to a before unseen corner, she was unceremoniously placed over a tall bench. Her petite form hung from the padded piece of wood, only her toes touching the floor.

  “What are you doing?” screeched Charlotte as her hands were each secured to a leg of the bench with a thick leather cuff.

  “Showing you how serious I am.”

  Charlotte felt a cool rush of air as her dress was flipped up and her ruffled bloomers pulled down to her ankles exposing her still pink bottom cheeks. Asher was forced to give her a few swats this morning to get her into the childish dress she now wore.

  “Stop! Stop!” she begged, mortified to be exposed in front of the strange woman in the room.

  Asher took the thick leather strap from Mrs. Bibel. The leather was soft and well-oiled having been in his family for generations.

  “Up to this point, you have only received a light spanking from me as punishment for your transgressions. It is time, little one, for you to learn that I am not to be disobeyed.”

  Before Charlotte could truly comprehend the meaning of his ominous speech, she felt the first awful sting of the strap. At first there was just shock at the impact, the pain came seconds later. It was like nothing she had ever experienced. A burning, prickling heat radiated across both vulnerable bottom cheeks seeming to grow in intensity with every passing moment. A second and third strike followed in quick succession. The burning now increased to a throbbing flame. Charlotte danced around on her tip-toes trying to avoid the blows as she struggled against the wrist binds.

  “Stop! Please, stop!” she sobbed.

  “This is for your own good,” admonished Asher.

  He watched as her creamy white skin became mottled with bright patches of angry red. Careful not to bruise her, Asher gave her three more swats for good measure. Charlotte was sobbing so hard she started to choke and sputter unable to even plead for him to stop the punishment. Never had she felt such humiliating pain. Each pulse brought a fresh wave of pain to her swollen bottom.

  “Since this is your first real punishment, I will give you a reprieve, but know that in the future, this strapping will be followed by Papa forcing his cock up your naughty hole. You will do good to keep that in mind, little one,” he warned, his gentle tone belying the ominous nature of his words.

  Asher released her wrists and raised her off the punishment bench. Placing a knuckle, he raised her chin, forcing her to look him in the eye. “Kiss your papa.”

  Charlotte felt an unwanted twinge in her belly. There was something strange and unwarranted about her response to this powerful man who just took her into hand and was now demanding a kiss. She could not imagine how she could feel desire for a man who just punished her so painfully but desire she felt.

  Asher took a step closer and cradled her tear-stained face in his hands. Brushing away the tears with his thumbs, he softly kissed each cheek before moving to the corner of her mouth. Finally taking her lips in a breathless kiss. The moment his tongue swept in to taste her lips, Charlotte was lost. There was something intoxicating about someone who forced you to relinquish control.

  “Be good for your nanny,” he said. Then he was gone.

  “Well, dearie,” said the forgotten nanny who was standing right behind her. “That was certainly a bit of excitement! Now let’s get a nice cooling salve on that bum of yours,” she cooed as she gently took Charlotte by the shoulders and turned her towards the lace-covered day bed. “Lay on your tummy, that’s a good girl.”

  Mrs. Bibel covered Charlotte’s burning skin with a soft lotion that took away the worst of the sting and allowed Charlotte to pull up her bloomers for a small bit of modesty.

  “Now then. How about I ring for some tea and biscuits, and you and I can get acquainted,” Mrs. Bibel said with a smile.

  For the first time, Charlotte thought maybe having a nanny again would not be so terrible. When thinking back, some of the happiest moments of her life were spent in the safety and security of her cozy nursery with her nanny.


  After a surprisingly pleasant tea, Nanny brought her over to the classroom part of the nursery with the curiously, scandalous drawing of a woman’s breasts on the blackboard.

  “Have a seat, dearie,” Nanny said pleasantly, gesturing to the small school desk as she took a damp cloth to the drawing. “Now then,” started Nanny as she wiped the remnants of chalk dust from her hands, “let’s talk about pleasuring your new papa with your mouth.”

  The mouth in question fell open with shock!

  After spending an hour with the woman, Charlotte had begun to change her initial impression of the nanny from a severe German woman to a kind older motherly figure. Well at least what Charlotte had heard was supposed to be motherly having never experienced anything close to motherly affection from her own mother. Lady Brunswick was the typical ton lady. From the moment Charlotte was born, she was handed over to servants. She honestly could not recall even seeing her father for the first five years of her life. Her parent’s only real interest in their daughter came when Charlotte was old enough to be presented to society. Knowing this, Charlotte was determined to be more termagant than tender ingénue. Spitefully engaging in behavior she knew to be scandalous like drinking, laughing too loud and outrageously flirting with the rakes and rake-hells.

  The nanny’s causal reference to such an intimate act caused Charlotte to once again wonder at her demeanor.

  Charlotte watched in further amazement as the nanny drew some long object on the board with a large mushroom looking top.

  “Now this is a drawing of a man’s cock.”

  Charlotte looked at it in wonder. So that was what was inside of her last evening? She had never gotten a very good look. She could tell from the look of it thru his unmentionables that it was long. Also by the feel of it inside of her, she thought with a blush, but she was not expecting the mushroom top!

  Distracted, Charlotte missed the first portion of what Nanny was saying.

  “…that of course is essential or you will choke and gag,” finished Nanny. “Now then, about the…”

  Choke and gag?

  “Wait! I’m so sorry but I wasn’t attending. Can you please repeat what you just said about the…the choking?” asked Charlotte.

  “Really, dearie, you must pay attention. This evening your papa is going to be doing your practorial on this lesson and you need to be prepared,” Nanny said with a small degree of impatience.

  “Practorial?” Charlotte asked with trepidation, afraid she already knew the answer.

  “Why yes. Each day you will be taught a lesson on how to give and receive pleasure. Then that evening, your papa, his lordship, will put those lessons into practice to see how well you have learned,” explained Nanny.

  Charlotte flew out of her seat. “Bloody hell! You expect me to put his…his…his member in my MOUTH!”

  “Sit down this very instant, young lady!” snapped Nanny. Her German accent thick with her anger. Nanny rapped a long wooden ruler impatiently in the palm of her hand. The threat unmistakable. Charlotte reluctantly took her seat.

  “Your outburst will be forgiven this once and once only! Children do not use such language! If I ever hear such vulgar words come out of your mouth, you will get a spoonful of castor oil, make no mistake!” Nanny fumed.

  “Yes, Nanny,” replied Charlotte respectfully. Her old school room rules coming back to her by instinct.

  Taking a deep, calming breath, Nanny returned to her lesson. “We will start at the beginning. Every opening in your body is for your papa’s pleasure. If you are good girl, you will also receive pleasure. Now then, when you are expected to pleasure him with your mouth, as I have been given to understand will be often, the first rule is to never use your teeth. So repeat after me ‘When Papa puts his cock in my mouth, I must never use my teeth.’ Repeat.”

  Dismayed, Charlotte obeyed…sort of. “When Papa puts his…his thing in my mouth, I must never use my teeth.”

  “Dearie, you cannot continue to refer to your papa’s cock as his member or his thing,” said Nanny exasperated and perhaps a tiny bit amused. “It is a cock. C.O.C.K. Say it…cock.”


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