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Trials of the Vampire

Page 17

by Emma Glass

  With that moment I felt as if, for once, I truly understood this tragic creature who had slyly threatened on so many times to drink my blood or treat me like a mere pet.

  Nikki Craven suddenly pulled me into her embrace, holding me tight against her chest with a hand clutching the back of my skull.

  “I will never hurt you, Clara Blackwell,” she whispered into my ear. “From now and until the end of my days, no matter what becomes of me, you’ll have nothing to fear. You have my word. What is inside me will never have you.”

  When she pulled back from our embrace, I looked into her teary eyes. “Nikki…”

  “I wish there was more I could give you, Clara. There must be something I can do to protect you. But after yesterday, I doubt that I’ll be allowed to stay in the castle for much longer. For right now, Elliott struggles with his clouded priorities…”

  She turned away sadly. “I came to help him and protect you. But it can be such trouble to keep myself thinking logically. I fear that he will either have me destroyed or cast out.”

  “Let me talk to him.”

  She smiled faintly. “No, it’s too late for that.”

  Before I could try to refute that, a movement caught my eye. I turned to see the approaching–


  “Well, if it isn’t little miss human,” the guard wistfully greeted me with a little bow. “And as it turns out, Lady Craven is still here! As pretty as she is utterly insane…”

  I winced nervously at his questionable choice of compliment, but Nikki grinned lovingly at him. It didn’t particularly surprise me anymore that she could accept offhanded remarks like that with a sense of fondness and ownership. Nikki might be insane, or she might not be. There might not even be a real answer. But she’s certainly complicated…

  Wilhelm turned to me cheerily. “Apparently, your immediate presence has been requested in the throne room. Seems to be rather urgent…”

  “Really? Now?” I glanced at Nikki.

  “Go,” she smirked. “I’ll be fine without you.”

  “Actually…” Wilhelm mischievously glanced to her. “Your sticking around has saved me a fair bit of wandering. Dreadfully boring, hunting you folks down, and you might know how much I hate boring… anyway! As it so turns out, he’s looking for you as well. Didn’t say why, just that the two of you had some… talking to do.”

  It was such a faint movement that you’d have missed it with a blink, but Nikki’s lip just slightly twitched with a frown.

  When we arrived, Elliott wasn’t actually sitting in the throne. Curiously, he was standing in front of it, his arms crossed as he studied it from afar. If I didn’t know any better, it was as if he were figuring out if he deserved it…

  He wasn’t the only one in the room. Besides a few guards, Lorelei and Sebastian were here too. They glanced up as Nikki, Wilhelm, and I arrived.

  “Clara,” he turned to face me. “I’m really sorry for running off earlier from dinner. I had to be alone to think on things…”

  “I know,” I smiled warmly. “What’s up?”

  Lorelei and Sebastian shared a forlorn glance, and I felt the first stings of fear. Something was wrong; it was written all over Elliott’s face…

  “Did you notice the moon tonight?”

  I frowned. “Of course I did. It’s as beautiful as it always is here. Your skies make the whole night sky look phenomenal.”

  He smiled sadly. “For the last couple of days, there’s been an alignment. It grants a great and powerful boost to certain kinds of magic. Even old and difficult spells…” The vampire lord paused; his pained expression filled me with dread.

  “Elliott, what are you saying?”

  His eyes sadly locked onto mine.

  “Clara, there is a way to send you back to your world. And it has to be tonight.”



  She didn’t make a move.

  There wasn’t even a peep out of her as she just stood there, watching me silently. That was the hardest part – the fact that I couldn’t read her.

  Of course, I could read everybody else. Lorelei and Sebastian were upset, and my sister quickly became a violent mixture of fear and hatred. I ignored all of their looks, focusing on the only one in the room that mattered.

  I didn’t need any kind of increased perception to grasp her reaction. Clara struggled with this news, and it was written cleanly across her face. What I’d just told her was forcing her to decide which world she really wanted to stay in. If I were in her position, there wasn’t a shadow of a doubt that I’d grapple with the weight of that choice.

  Even to me, it seemed deeply unfair. I had the fortune of centuries at my back, and the luxury of nearby family and practical advisors.

  At the end of the day, Clara Blackwell was just a seventeen-year-old girl – a human, here from another world. In everything that I’d seen out of her so far, in her forgiveness and her unending cheeriness, she was so capable of fantastic things; but she was still a child, and a fearful one.


  Almost in a daze, she looked at me.

  “I think you should go back.”

  The effect was immediate. Devastation was plastered across her gorgeous face as she blinked, her lips trembling under the weight of powerful and tragic emotions.

  “You… you think that I…”

  “Clara.” I steeled my resolve, pushing down every last painful reaction in my heart and soul. “Even if I could somehow promise you’d never be attacked within this castle again, I cannot protect you from the retribution of the Eight Holds. The vampire lords will come for you, and I can only keep them at bay for so long.”

  My beautiful Clara looked destroyed.

  I felt the sting of a tear and fought it back.

  “I have to be honest with you. If you choose to stay here, Clara, you will be in constant danger for the rest of your life.”

  I was killing something inside of her. It was plain across her face; every last, bitter ounce that I pushed down on that emotional weight stung me harder than any pain I’d ever felt before.

  She didn’t move a muscle, even as tears began to stream down her face. “I don’t want to go.”

  If I showed any weakness or empathy, I knew I’d lose the strength to do this. I had to be strong for her, to help her make the right decision. But I couldn’t stop myself from recognizing the single most powerful thought in my heart, the thing I wanted more than anything to tell her:

  I don’t want you to leave me.

  Instead, I replied: “Clara Blackwell, when you perish because I couldn’t protect you, everything you love inside me will die with you.”

  It took the last ounce of resistance I had to say the words, no matter how true they might have been. I’m being cruel to be kind, I reminded myself. The painful irony of this choice twisted the knife in my spirit ever harder.

  I felt my resolve collapsing. There wasn’t any more strength left inside me, and I knew then, all of a sudden: No. I can’t do this. I’ll find a way, there has to be another way…

  As I opened my mouth to beg her to stay…

  Clara painfully averted her eyes, unable to look at me. “Please, just let me have one last time to see everything I’m giving up.”

  My world came crashing down, and it was my own fault. But she’d spoken the words, and there was no denying the truth of what I’d said.

  You’re safer on your own world.

  And thus I resigned myself to my fate.

  “Very well then,” I heard myself lifelessly say. “You have free reign of the castle for one hour… but on one condition.”

  Clara met my stare. Her eyes were just as dead inside as mine. “What’s the condition?”

  My sister stood still in such a violent vacuum of emotion that I couldn’t read her any longer. But this was insignificant to me as I leveled my gaze at her, letting her see my fury.

  “Witness the punishment of Nikki Craven.”

Feeling the eyes of every person in the room on me, I silently ascended the stairs and took my place on the throne.

  The doors opened. Asarra and Viktor stepped into the room, freezing in place when they sensed the hanging air of complete solemnity. I waved them over to Wilhelm; one look at his mirthless expression, and they didn’t have to ask.

  “Nikki Craven, step forward.”

  Terror flicked across her face, but she did as I told her. My sister broke away from the group and approached the throne, stopping just a few steps back from the first stair.

  “Kneel,” I ordered her.

  Nikki defiantly tilted her head. “You want me to kneel? Are you being serious right now?”

  My voice boomed as I rose up from my seat.


  I didn’t care how much trembling fear or quiet horror I felt in every vampire in the room. There was no patience left in me for her madness; I refused to entertain her any longer.

  My sister looked like a child then, lost and alone, as she dropped to a knee in front of me. Her eyes welled with tears.

  “Nikki Craven, you are guilty of endangering the life of a guest of the royal family. You have, in your insanity and foolishness, put one of the most valuable lives on the planet in jeopardy.” I shook my head in complete defeat. “The first human ever seen on Earth, and you try to take her away? Do you have even the slightest grasp of what could have happened to her? What could happen to this kingdom if the other holds learn she was nearly ripped out of this castle by a sleeper agent?”

  My sister remained silent, but her eyes said it all. So did her heart. She knew what she had done, and the dangers she’d gambled to do it.

  “I will not execute my last remaining sibling,” I told her, lifting my gaze to the troubled Lorelei. “If our own mother didn’t have you slain for the things that you’ve already done, then killing now would only show us all that she was wrong.”

  The room went deathly silent.

  Clara clearly couldn’t take much more of this; before she could voice objections, Lorelei clasped her hand onto the human’s shoulder and silently shook her head. While Clara lowered her gaze to the floor, Lorelei turned away, unable to watch.

  “Brother…” Nikki sadly murmured. All traces of her madness were gone for the time being, and her haunted gaze stayed glued to the bottom stair. “I just want you to know… that I accept whatever wrath you feel. Punish me however you desire.” In complete regret, she lifted her eyes to meet my own. “I love you, Brother.”

  I read her heart. I believed her.

  And it changed nothing.

  “Nikki Craven, with all the powers vested in me as the vampire lord of Stonehold, I strip you of all royalty privileges and your rightful place in Stonehold Castle. Henceforth, you are denounced by the Crown, forever and always. From now ‘til the day you die, you are a Craven in name only.”

  Nobody said a word. They didn’t have to.

  I could feel their horror and shame.

  “I humbly accept your mercy,” Nikki replied. “You don’t want me in your life anymore. I know. I understand. Let me grab my few things, and I’ll be gone from the Isle of Obsidian for eternity.” She started to climb to her feet.

  I shook my head. “I didn’t order you to rise.”

  Nikki looked confused.

  “Kneel,” I commanded again.

  She slumped back into position.

  "My gaze slid across the room. I read all of their resignation and confusion, their sorrow and fear. The only heart I cared to read was Clara’s, and yet I would always be blind to her emotions.

  My stare focused on my disgraced sister.

  “Without your efforts, the traitorous Sabine would have taken Clara far away to distant lands. You and I both know I’d have never found her again. For the remainder of my life, I would have become a gnarled creature of regret and shame; with my failure, Stonehold would descend into an era of despair and ruination.”

  Rising from my throne, I walked down to the bottom step and reached for my hip. I unsheathed my ceremonial sword and withdrew it from its scabbard. I stared down into her surprised eyes as I planted it onto her shoulder beside her throat.

  “Nikki Craven, for your selfless bravery and valor, I hereby appoint you my vassal, with all the duties and privileges of such. Now and forever, you will serve as guardian of the Crown, personal advisor to the reigning vampire lord… and you will remain my valued, constant companion.”

  I might have expected relief. What I saw in her eyes instead was a powerful love and respect. She lowered her face. “I live to serve, Brother.”

  “Rise, my vassal.”

  The sword tip lifted from her throat, and I sheathed it. Nikki threw her arms around me in a firm embrace, and I couldn’t resist a smug smile. Besides, she wouldn’t see it… but then, when I noticed the rest of the room silently watching me, it disappeared from my face with a scowl.

  I pulled from her embrace. The sanctity of the moment had almost made me forget my reasons for choosing to do this now, and I felt my heart break as I turned to the human among us.

  “An hour from now, join us in the pavilion. You’ll have your moment to say your goodbyes to everyone, and we’ll send you back to your world.”

  Clara didn’t say a word as she turned and left.

  Viktor and Assara shared a solemn, knowing glance, and they turned to me. At my silent nod, Wilhelm joined them as they left after her. After all, she had been in danger before…

  When they were gone, I turned my back and faced the looming throne. As tonight slowly drew to its end, there was so much left to do. Part of me feared what tomorrow would bring, and that was perfectly fine.

  It was best to let myself feel the fear now, to contemplate and suffer it. I could let myself feel weakness now, to become intimately aware of my shortcomings and grave disappointment. I would let it all run its course. Tonight was for suffering, for bathing myself in pain and heartbreak.

  But tomorrow was a different day.

  I would wake up strong. I would make myself prepared to do what must be done, no matter how difficult, all for the good of the hold.

  “Lord Elliott,” Sebastian broke the silence. “No disrespect, but I have to ask – why did you make up the part about the moon? This great ‘cosmic alignment’ you spoke of… none of that was true.”

  Nikki turned to me in complete disbelief.

  Ignored her judgment, I replied calmly.

  “I didn’t lie to her before: tonight’s my only chance to do this. Come the rising sun, I know I won’t be strong enough to make this choice again. Clara Blackwell must be protected at any cost, even if doing so means that we lose the chance at something truly powerful together…”

  When I turned away, it hid my face. I couldn’t stand letting any of them see the pain in my eyes as I felt my heart shatter.



  The guards stood at full attention as I passed by – on Elliott’s orders, they allowed me total access to nearly everything in sight.

  The Knightly Trio followed me at a distance. I wandered around the castle, taking in the décor. My feet marched me down hallways and corridors as I looked over beautiful magnificence that I was doomed to never see again.

  As I wandered, I even came across the old, forgotten bookcase against the wall that had very nearly sealed my fate, merely three weeks before.

  I planted my palm against the aged, warped wood. It was cool to the touch, cool and gnarled against my trembling fingers. “You know, I never thought I’d ever miss you… but here we are.”

  Asarra gave me a look.

  “Behind here is the abandoned wing,” I said.

  “…Yes,” she nodded slowly. “How would you know about that, Clara?”

  “It’s where I woke up,” I sadly answered.

  “Really?” Wilhelm asked. “It was here?”

  “The bookcase here was just ajar enough for me to get out,” I continued. “If not
for that little gap, I would have stayed trapped in the wing… I’d have died of starvation back there.”

  “How awful,” Viktor noted.

  “I woke up on the cold stone ground, near a bunch of books and vials,” I recalled fondly. “Then I clamored out and searched my way out. Must have taken me an hour to find this exit…”

  “Then I found you,” Asarra remembered.

  “Heh. Not before I spent a few hours hiding. The servants looked so strange at first, prowling around with their pale skin and sharp features… I suspected the worst and kept out of sight. When you found me, I’d been creeping stealthily along the halls for a while…”

  “You suspected right!” Wilhelm chuckled. It had been a while since I’d heard him laugh, and I knew I’d miss the sound. “Knowing what we all know now, any of those servants would have bled you dry on sight for your blood.”

  “Yeah… good thing you found me,” I glanced up at Asarra. “Don’t think I ever thanked you.”

  “It is I who should thank you,” she replied, as stoic as ever. “As a guard, we hate boredom. These last few weeks with you have been anything but.”

  “I’m happy to hear it,” I grinned. “Know how you can repay me for that, right now?

  “How?” Viktor asked.

  Asarra tilted her head. “Say the word, Clara.”

  My mind filled with beautiful memories of that otherworldly sky. “Lead me outside.”

  Night had fallen.

  I took the time to walk out towards the courtyard, appreciating the gardens under those beautiful stars. The sweet aroma of lush flowers greeted me as I wandered the hedges, taking deep breaths of foreign flora as I took in that deep, unending cosmos above.

  Once I had spent my fill with the grand gardens, I laid down in the springy grass for my last chance at stargazing their night sky. As I tried to fight away a great and looming sadness, I did my best to commit the sprawling, stunning abyss to memory: studying every last one of its cosmic colors, sweeping lights, and radiant stars.


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