Alyssa's Desire
Page 7
"Son of a bitch!" Jack yelled as he ran toward the elevators. A few minutes later the entire firm was watching as Jack confronted his ex-wife. He ran up to her with his hands extended and his face in shock.
"What the fuck are you doing?!" he demanded furiously. Jack ran around his car like a mad man, pointing toward all of the damage and making indistinguishable sounds.
"I'm making you pay!" Jade responded devilishly as she twisted the bat in her hands and brought it down on the hood of Jack's car like a sledge hammer.
"Pay for what?!" Jack demanded through clenched teeth. His face was red with fury and he was shaking despite his best efforts to contain his rage.
"My attorney has informed me that you rejected my request for an increase in alimony. So if I can't have nice things, you can't have nice things," Jade said in the bitchiest tone she could muster. Then she arrogantly dropped the bat, clasped her hands together and started to walk away with a sly smile. Jack ran after her, ultimately blocking her exit.
"I should have you arrested! In fact the only reason why I haven't already called the police is because I don't want my son to have to see his mother in jail!" Jack's voice was shaking and he nearly choked as he spoke.
"Well if you care so much for your son, give him a better life and sign the new agreement," Jade said smugly.
"Four million dollars," Jack said under his breath. His hands clenched into fists.
"What was that?" Jade demanded.
"Four million dollars," Jack repeated through clenched teeth. "I gave you four million dollars and you cheated on me with every guy you could possibly get into bed! The guy who does our yard work, three of our neighbors, your psychiatrist! You basically fucked everyone, and spread videos of it all over the internet and now you expect me to pay you for it! Just tell me one thing, what did I ever do to you?"
"Nothing! That is just it, you did nothing. You were never there! You were never home. You were always working on some big case. There was never any time for me. So yeah I have sex, a lot of sex with a lot of different men, because casual sex is easier. No one gets hurt and I get to feel like I'm wanted," Jade said through forced tears. She was clearly trying to look as sad and pathetic as possible, hoping to gain the sympathy of the countless onlookers.
"Oh really? It seems to me that those long nights and countless work hours are what paid for the lifestyle that you have become so accustomed to! Obviously the money means a great deal to you seeing as how you keep trying to get a bigger piece of it!" Jack screamed at his ex-wife with an intense and overwhelming fury that seemed to surprise Jade. She took a step back as if she was reconsidering her presence there.
"Well if you can't discuss this rationally then I am going to leave," Jade said as she crossed her arms and backed away slightly. In response to this, Jack motioned by waving his arms about wildly and pointing toward his now completed destroyed Lexus.
"Whatever!" Jade said as she got into a red convertible and drove away. Jack looked all around at his car. He bent down and pick up one of his side mirrors that was now in broken pieces. He hung his head for a minute and then he threw the mirror toward the car while spouting off a bit of well justified profanity. After this Jack looked up and saw that the entire office was still watching him from the window. Everyone stepped away when he looked up. All the employees figured that was their cue to go back to work. Everyone kept their heads down and their mouths shut when Jack came back upstairs. Jack walked coldly through the office with a stern and downright pissed off expression on his face. This soon gave way to a more apprehensive look when Jack's father, senior partner Edward Coleman entered the room. Everyone couldn't help but stare. Edward Coleman never came to this floor. Most of the employees had never even seen him in person before, even those who at worked there for years.
"Jack, I need to see you in my office," Edward Coleman said sternly. Jack hung his head at the sound of his father's commanding voice.
"Yes, Sir," said Jack as he followed his father.
Jack and Edward Coleman made their way to the elevator in silence. They both sported solemn expressions.
"Coleman wouldn't fire his own son, would he?" someone asked from the back of the office. This inquiry was met with a barrage of hushed whispers and side conversations. People were trying to talk in small groups and keep their voices down, but everyone was talking about the same thing. Clearly being the boss's son didn't mean that Jack was infallible.
Alyssa felt sick to her stomach again, but this time it was due to guilt rather than alcohol consumption. She was still angry with Jack. Although she had no evidence to support it, she felt that he willingly led her to give a statement that drastically increased her mother's sentence. Alyssa silently admitted to herself that she had derived a small amount of pleasure from watching Jack's ex destroy his car. Now instead of being mad at Jack, she was mad at herself.
She cared for Jack, which was the real reason why she was so angry with him in the first place. She felt betrayed to the degree that one would feel from a lover, not a boss. She knew it too; she knew that her feelings were more about her attraction to him than it was about the actual events that occurred. The truth was that her mother was being charged with the crime that she committed. When it came right down to it the charges were justified, regardless of how they came about.
Once Alyssa realized this she also realized that she needed to let go of Jack. Despite telling herself that thinking about him all the time was nothing more than fuel for her sexual fantasies, she knew that she had built up this idea that she would be his girl someday and that just wasn't going to happen. She needed to move on and find somebody else or she would make herself crazy from lusting after him all the time. With that thought, Alyssa opened up a private browsing tab on her computer and she logged in to the dating site she had signed up for. She hadn't been on it in a long time and she had never responded to any of the men who tried to contact her. She honestly had not been ready date due to her overwhelming obsession with Jack. In her mind, none of the other guys were good enough in comparison to him. However these were real men that had a real interest in her. So Alyssa looked around to make sure that no one saw her doing this on company time and then she clicked on her inbox. Wow sixty-three men had responded to her profile. Most of them were pervy or scuzzy and so she deleted those responses right away, but she didn't dismiss every guy that just seemed like he was looking for a hook-up. The truth is that Alyssa was basically looking for the same thing. She doubted that she could fall in love with anyone else when she still felt so strongly for Jack, but a little casual sex and a night out every now and again might just take the edge off.
Chapter Seven: Casual Sex
When Alyssa got home that evening, she decided to look through the profiles of the men who responded to her dating profile with greater detail. Alyssa poured herself a glass of wine and sat down at her computer. She decided to begin by sorting through the profiles. She deleted the responses from guys that she knew she would not be interested in. Then she decided to sort the others by guys she was definitely interested in and guys that were a maybe.
At first Alyssa put a lot of men in the maybe category, but nobody really stood out. Then she clicked on a direct message from a guy named Aaron Searly. The message was entitled, "English surfer seeks fun New York girl to show him around." Alyssa chuckled to herself, English surfer? What is an "English surfer?" Amused and somewhat curious, she clicked on his profile. This guy wasn't kidding; he was the most typical looking surfer guy she had ever seen. There was a picture of him in a wet suit, holding a custom surf board. He had blonde hair that hung about his face in a messy but awkwardly sexy fashion, blue eyes and an amazing body. He was kind of thin but it was obviously all lean muscle. The wetsuit made this apparent as it hugged the contours of his body nicely. Alyssa couldn't help being a little excited. After all, this surfer boy was pretty hot and she did have a bit of a weakness for an English accent. Besides up until now she didn't even know that there were surfers
in England. With her interest peaked, Alyssa decided to read through Aaron's profile in greater detail.
His full name was Aaron Michael Searly. He is twenty-four years old, mmmh Alyssa thought. Twenty-four was kind of young. She was thirty-three so it seemed like a bit of an age difference. Then again she was only looking for a little fun, not anything serious. Dating a younger guy could have some advantages; after all he probably had good stamina. His background page said that he was from a place in the United Kingdom called Sennen Cove, located in West Cornwall. There were some pictures of his home town. It was an exceptionally beautiful place. It was an extended peninsula that featured high cliffs that gave away to white, sandy beaches and luscious tropical waters. The town itself was built on a hill and it almost looked like the houses and buildings were being elevated on a platform surrounding the sea. It was so exotic and enchanting that Alyssa couldn't help but wonder why anyone would ever leave such a place. This question was soon answered when she read that Aaron was in the United States to assist his mother who had recently undergone surgery on her hip and leg. She lived here in New York and she needed someone to help her to get around. So the Englishman was just lonely. That was okay with Alyssa; she was more than willing to help him out with that while he was in the states.
Alyssa decided to reply to Aaron. She wrote that she was interested in meeting him. She did tell him that she was a bit older. Even though she wasn't looking for anything long term, she wanted him to know about the age difference. She wrote that she thought it was nice that he had come so far to care for his mother and that she would love to show him around New York. She clicked the buttons to allow him full access to her profile, including her cell phone number. Now she was just hoping that he would call her.
Alyssa wasn't sure if Aaron would reply to her and so she decided to keep looking. She eliminated a few more guys and she put a couple more in the maybe file. Then she came across a record store clerk named Chris Reynolds. He was thirty-three years old, divorced with no children. He had kind of a hippie thing going on, but Alyssa thought it was hot. His hair hung down to his shoulders and he had big, brown eyes that just looked so endearing. So she clicked on his full profile as well. This guy was definitely a hippie, but he was an honest one. His profile stated that he was looking for women who enjoyed having a good time and that were interested in expressing themselves through open sexual exploration. So basically he was a hippy with the whole "free love" mentality, but she was cool with that. The idea of just letting go and enjoying the sexual experience was something she really needed. So she decided to send him a message and tell him exactly that.
As it turns out, Chris was online. He sent Alyssa an instant message talking about the spiritual benefits of free and open sexual encounters. He told her that sex was all he was looking for and that he wanted to be honest about that. Alyssa responded that at this point in her life that was what she wanted as well. Chris then invited her to dinner that night and he told her that she would be welcome to spend the night if she wanted to. Alyssa told him that she would pack an overnight bag and depending on how dinner went she would consider it. Chris wrote back that he would not pressure her but that he was hoping that things would go well. Then they made arrangements for him to pick her up around eight that evening.
Alyssa happily logged off the computer once their conversation had ended. She really needed to get laid, and this guy looked like he would be fun for a night. Alyssa's biggest problem now was figuring out how to kill seven hours until her date. She went for an hour long jog, enjoying the music of her ipod as she ran. When she got home she decided to give her apartment a thorough cleaning. It wasn't dirty but just in case they decided to come to her place instead of his, she wanted it to be perfect. She washed her sheets and bedding and then she got caught up on the rest of her laundry. She scrubbed the bathtub, toilet, sink and floor. She vacuumed and dusted and she cleaned out her refrigerator and cleaned everything really good in her kitchen. Then she went around the house spraying flower scented air freshener just to give it that extra touch.
After all of that she still had a good four hours to kill. So she watched a movie that had a fair amount of sex in it. It was kind of cheesy but she figured that the eroticism might help to put her in the mood for later. Then she took a shower and started to get ready for her date. She chose an outfit that was a bit sluttier than what she would normally wear for a first date, but this was different. They both knew what they were getting together for. Alyssa was ready about forty-five minutes early but that turned out to be a good thing because Chris showed up early anyway.
When she answered the door she was pleased that he looked pretty much like he did in his profile. He was taller than she expected though, but that didn't bother her. He had shoulder length brown hair, brown eyes and a sweet smile. He smelled heavily of marijuana and his eyes were blood shot, but still kind. Alyssa smiled to herself; the smell had taken her back to her college days. She hadn't smoked weed in nearly seven years, but the truth is she was kind of hoping that he would share with her. As hypocritical as it was, considering that she had just helped to put her mother away for drugs and prostitution, she really just wanted to get high and get laid tonight.
"I hope things go well tonight, you are hot as hell," Chris said when he saw how gorgeous Alyssa was. Alyssa blushed in response but she appreciated how forward he was. At least there was no guess work involved.
"I have a good feeling about it," Alyssa said eagerly. Chris smiled and then he asked her if she was ready to go to dinner. She grabbed her bag and her jacket and they headed out. Chris took her to a small vegan restaurant. Alyssa was a meat eater through and through but she figured if she was going to indulge in a little hippie action, she might as well embrace his lifestyle for the night. She avoided the tofu and soy products though because she wasn't sure if she would like that. It looked pretty weird and it smelled worse than it looked. Instead she just opted for a nice safe garden salad. Chris had a stir fry dish with tofu and oriental veggies in a bean sauce. That particular dish smelled and looked okay but Alyssa was happy with her salad just the same.
Over dinner they had casual get to know you type conversation. She told him about her job and about stuff she did in college. He kind of looked nervous when she told him that she was a paralegal. She noticed his reaction and she assured him that she was cool and just looking to party. Chris seemed to relax a little bit. He flat out told her that he was a pot farmer and a dealer. Alyssa admitted that she was hoping that he would smoke a little with her when she smelled it on his clothes. She kind of looked at her plate and blushed as she told him this.
"I don't really do that kind of thing anymore, but I've been going through a lot lately. Some stuff with my mom and my boss and well I don't really want to talk about it, but I just need a night to just let go and have some fun," Alyssa said nervously.
"It's cool, girl. I will hook you up. It will make you more relaxed anyway," Chris said with a wink.
"That's good because to be perfectly honest, I was hoping to get a good buzz and a good hard fuck tonight," Alyssa said bluntly. It was unlike her to be so forthcoming about her desires, but damn it tonight was about trying to get her pussy pounded, plain and simple.
"Oh hell yeah," Chris responded and then he quickly asked for the check. Before long they were on their way back to his place. He lived in an old farm house in the country outside of New York City. Alyssa was a little bit nervous about being driven so far away. At least in the city if things went bad she could take the subway home, but out here she had no way back and no one she could call. She really started to hope that he was just a peaceful party type guy and not some strange psycho killer. At least she knew he was a vegan, so cannibalism was probably not in his game plan. She felt a little better when they arrived at his place. There were pot plants everywhere. Clearly he lived out here in an attempt to hide his drugs, and not because he was a raving lunatic.
When they walked inside she felt stupid for over c
leaning her own house, because he clearly hadn't cleaned at all. There were dirty clothes and dishes all over the place. There were bongs and pipes strewn about and various musical instruments lying around. He led her past all of that to his bedroom. His bed was made but he had just piled his clothes in the corner and stacked his personal items on his dresser. Alyssa figured that he had probably thought that he had cleaned up this room. She didn't really care though. She sat down on the bed and he pulled out a small wooden box from his dresser drawer. Inside was a bag of weed and a glass steam roller style pipe.
"This is my personal stash, it's good shit," he said as he proceeded to clean the herbs and pack it into the small bowl at the top of the pipe. He lit the weed and drew in a slow, deep hit. He then handed the pipe to Alyssa who coughed like crazy when it hit her lungs.
"Well, that one will get you," he said with a laugh. He patted her on the back and then he handed her a bottle of water from a small mini fridge he kept near the bed.
"Thank you," she said and then she took a much needed drink. "It's been a long time since I smoked." She giggled a little bit as her head started to go numb.
"Do you want to stop?" he asked.
"Not a chance," she said with a smile. Chris smiled back took another hit and then he cupped her face and gently blew the smoke into her mouth, offering her a gentle kiss in the process. She held the hit for a second before blowing it in the other direction and then moving in to give him a more passionate kiss.
"Now, that is a great way to smoke weed," she said as her tongue left his lips. "Will you give me another hit like that?"
Chris nodded and the two of them finished the bowl that way. After each hit they kissed and enjoyed the feel of each other's lips. Chris caressed Alyssa's skin so gently and lovingly that she felt herself swelling with desire. After the last hit, Chris asked Alyssa if he could rub her back. She gratefully accepted and she pulled her hair over her shoulder to allow him access. He started massaging her neck and shoulders, occasionally kissing her as he went. After about ten minutes, he started to undo her top, which fastened in the back. He slowly removed her shirt, cupping her face in his hands again and kissing her intently. Then he reached in a drawer and he pulled out some lotion, which was unsurprisingly hemp based. He started to rub the silky lotion into the skin on Alyssa's back, neck and shoulders. The silken feel added to the sensation of the massage.