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The Logan Brothers - Books 1-4: (EXPOSURE, CRASH, TWIN PASSIONS, and ADDICTED TO YOU)

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by Shorter, L. A.

  She was cryptic as hell, the Yoda to my Luke, trying to inspire something in me. I started, her advice ringing in my ears, her words rattling around in my head. I reached the pole and wrapped around it. It's an extension of your body, every movement around it must be natural.

  I was down to my underwear, losing myself to the music, my hands sliding gracefully along my skin. I glanced seductively at him, his eyes narrow, his breathing heavier than before. His expression made me hotter, gave me confidence as I snaked myself around the pole.

  I stepped down from the stage towards him, standing right in front of him. I could feel my power growing as he stared at me, his eyes betraying him, his lust coming to the boil. I got closer and closer, bending to improve my cleavage, moving my face towards his.


  He spoke suddenly, his breath sounding short.

  “What's the matter,” I said, leaning back up and standing ahead of him once more.

  “Too close Alice, it's too close.” His breathing was heavy, his cool lost. “I think maybe it's not a good idea for you to practice on me.” He glanced up to the corner of the room, just as he had before.

  “Why do you do that,” I asked. I felt slightly hurt by his second rejection. Fuck Alice you're stripping, not coming on to him in a bar. This is just a job.

  “We have a strict policy here Alice. There can be nothing, absolutely nothing between clients and dancers.”

  “But you're not a client. You're the boss.”

  “I'm the manager, not the boss. I have people I need to answer to, and client or not, there's nothing that can happen between us.”

  My heart sunk at his words. “But I was only dancing, I wasn't going to kiss you or anything.”

  “I'm not talking about you Alice. I - I can't trust myself around you.”

  I stepped back and quickly put my dress back on.

  “You were good though Alice, you did well.”

  He stood and returned to his professional tone. “We'll call you when we need you. You'll work with private clients, not random customers out there.” He gestured towards the main area. “I have things I have to do Alice. Please, have a drink, relax, watch some of the other girls, learn from them. Mace is upstairs ready to prepare a car when you leave.”

  He turned and walked through the door, leaving me in the private room alone.

  I don't really know what I expected. He was my boss and I was doing a job. He was right - you couldn't mix business with pleasure, not in a world like this. It could get messy. But still, when I was around him I couldn't help it. Every little iota of his being drew me in: his square jaw and dimpled cheeks, his dusty stubble, his eyes, so deep I could swim in them. The things they must have seen down here, it all turned me on. After spending the whole of the last year worrying about money and college, suddenly another part of me had begun to awaken, a part long dormant.

  I took his advice and walked back into the main bar for a drink. The bar staff and waitresses were all women. In fact, I could see no men working there at all, not even security. What happens if a guy acts up, starts getting too aggressive with one of the girls?

  “Chardonnay,” I said as a girl approached me at the bar. She was clad in a corset that pushed her breasts right up to give her some cleavage. It looked like she needed it. She had a cute smile and big round eyes, blonde hair tied back behind her head.

  “Alice, right?” she said as she passed me the drink.

  “Erm, yeah,” I said, slightly confused. “How did you know that?”

  “I can tell. I just saw Kyle - um, Mr Logan - walk out and then you follow. There's been talk about you down here.”

  “Talk? What do you mean?”

  “Just natter between the girls. Looks like Mr Logan's got himself a new favorite. They're all pretty jealous.”

  “Jealous? Why? Nothing can happen between with him anyway - you know, boss,/staff relationships and all that.” My voice had a bitter edge to it.

  “No, I don't mean that. Trust me, we'd all like to go there! I'm talking about money. You're being groomed for the big fish, it's the prize job round here.”

  She must have been playing a prank or something.

  “But I've only been down here a couple of times, I still don't know what the hell I'm doing.”

  “Yeah,” she said nodding and chuckling, “that's why they're all so pissed off!”

  I looked around at the dozen or so girls gyrating on podiums and twisting round poles. “And you,” I said, turning back to her, “are you pissed off?”

  She smiled. “I would be, but I'm not a stripper yet - just a barmaid, as you can see.” She had a friendly look on her face. She didn't seem the bitter or bitchy type.

  “I'm Lexi,” she said, reaching a delicate hand across the bar.

  “Alice. Nice to meet you.”

  Chapter 18

  “So how long have you worked here?” I asked Lexi as she bounced from the other end of the bar, customer served.

  “A few months. Trying to work my way up to the stage.”

  A looked at her slightly surprised. “So you actually want to dance for these men?”

  She turned and fetched a bottle of wine from a fridge behind her and refilled my glass. “Sure,” she said as she poured in the liquid, “why wouldn't I?”

  I was slightly taken aback by her attitude. She sounded like Tess. “Well, isn't it demeaning?”

  She smiled and shook her head. “I don't look at it like that. If you're gonna be down here then why bother having that attitude? The money's better than I'd get doing anything else, so I might as well look at the positives. Anyway, I kinda like the idea. Maybe not at a normal strip joint, but somewhere high end like this. Sure, why not.”

  “But what about a career? What about college, getting educated, all that?” I could hear myself coming across as a bit pompous, a bit condescending. I knew the world wasn't as simple as that.

  “College was never on the cards for me. I don't have the brains for that, never did. You've gotta make the best of what you've got. I love dancing, so this job, all of this, it helps me follow that dream.”

  “What sort of dancing?” I asked, doubting it would be the kind she'd do down here.

  “All sorts really. I go to a dance school where I learn lots of different types. The only problem is - it's expensive. So, that's why I'm here.”

  “Yeah, I know that feeling,” I said, sipping my wine.

  She nodded knowingly. “College bills huh? You're not alone down here.”

  My eyebrows fell into a frown. “Really? There are other college girls here?”

  “Sure,” she said breezily, “it's kind of a fetish thing for some clients. They like college girls dancing for them. It's part of your appeal.”

  I felt slightly nauseated by the thought that college girls might be in higher demand. “Why?”

  “I don't know, I guess it's the thought that college girls are more innocent, less tainted. Although I bet that's not true, right?” she laughed.

  “Spend a night out with my friend Tess and you'll have your answer!”

  We carried on talking for a little while as I sat there, somehow oblivious to the debauched world around me. I sat with my back to the action, the stripping women and leering men locked from my mind. Lexi was confident, cute, and funny. I never expected to meet someone like her down here. For some reason I thought all strippers would be hard edged and world weary. She was quite the opposite.

  After some time a man appeared at my side. He sat beside me and summoned Lexi for a drink, his eyes fixed on me as I tried to avoid his gaze. “You working tonight honey?” he asked, his voice deep.

  I shook my head lightly. The question made me shudder - the idea that I might have to go and dance for this man, get naked in front of him.

took out his wallet and placed it on the bar in front of him. It was stacked with notes, full and fat like a pig prepared for slaughter. He looked directly at me, puffing his chest out at his financial prowess. “How about you grab a clutch of those notes and we take this somewhere more private?”

  I looked up at Lexi who continued to hover nearby. “I'm sorry, I only work with private clients.”

  I continued to look forwards but could feel his expression harden at my words. “Well hell darlin, let's go to a private room and make this private then. You are a stripper ain't you?”

  I nodded hesitantly. “I can't I'm afraid, I'm not allowed to dance for random people.” I regretted the way the words came out as soon as I said them. I wasn't meaning to be rude, but my guard was up.

  His words grew colder as he spoke. “Random people?” he asked. “Just who the hell do you think you're talking to honey?”

  I shook my head. “I mean no offense. It's not for me to decide.”

  “Well I'm making the decision for you. This is a strip club. You are a stripper. I am a paying customer and I want your custom. Now come on, let's go.”

  He stood up and grabbed my arm, aiming his path towards the private rooms at the back. “Don't struggle honey,” he said, “let's not make a deal of this.”

  He pulled me off my chair and to my feet, his hand strong around my upper arm, forcing me with him. I looked round for security, for someone. No one seemed to notice that anything was going on, that anything was happening. All except Lexi, who looked on, her eyes darting nervously around.

  He pulled me through the door from the main club and down the corridor, looking for a spare room. There were lights outside each one - red indicating that the room was occupied, green that it was available. Number 3 was green, so he immediately opened the door and pulled me inside, shutting the door behind him quickly.

  “Now, is this so bad?” he asked. “I long to see that flesh.” His eyes swam over my body, a lewd smile crossing his lips. He reached for his wallet and withdrew several notes, placing them on the side table at the end of the sofa. “Now please, begin,” he said, sitting down and running his tongue lightly over his lips in anticipation.

  I glanced down at the money on the table - it looked to be a good few hundred dollars. Was I really worth that much? Everything in me was telling me to turn and run back through the door, away from him. But if I was to do this, I had to start somewhere. I wasn't going to be dancing for Kyle every time. After tonight, I wasn't going to be dancing for him ever again.

  I composed myself and flicked the switch in my head - the switch to stripper. I began sliding sensually out of my dress, watching the man drool in his chair, his pants growing tight. Tess was right - this was power.

  The dress hit the floor and I stood there in my underwear, rolling my hands gently over my soft curves. I could see him shuffling and breathing heavily, his eyes unable to hide his lust for me. I walked slowly to the stage and climbed up, grasping the pole and snaking myself around it. Then, suddenly, I heard the door open, the privacy of the room broken.

  “Stop.” I heard the voice, deep and smooth, in the doorway.

  “Hey, what the fuck's going on,” said the client, trying to cover his hard on. “This is a private dance fella.”

  “Show's over,” said Kyle, his eyes burning into the man. “No one touches the girls. Leave, now.” His words carried a heavy menace, a real threat.

  “Hey fuck you, do you know who I am?”

  “Yes. You're Mr Kleever. You live at 38 Lincoln Drive. You have a wife and 2 young girls. You drive a Porsche 911 and you're about to leave my fucking club right now.”

  The man was dumbstruck for a moment.

  “I just wanted a dance from a stripper. What's the problem?” His words were growing quieter under the threat of Kyle's stare. “What sort of fucking strip club is this!”

  “One you won't be coming back to Mr Kleever. You touch a girl, and you don't come back.” Kyle clipped his fingers and two large security men walked in the room from behind him. “Are we going to have a problem with you leaving?”

  Mr Kleever dropped his head like a submissive dog and slipped the money back into his wallet. “I'll leave. Wouldn't want to come back anyway if this is the way you do things round here.”

  He stood and walked out of the room, the two bouncers flanking him as he made the walk of shame out through the main club towards the exit.

  The room fell silent as I stood there on the stage, Kyle turning back to face me.

  “I apologize for that Alice. We are very careful with who we let down here, but sometimes a bad fish slips through the net.”

  “It's OK, I don't mind.” I looked at him longingly, hoping for him to wash his eyes over my body as I stood there. He kept his stare on my face, his expression slowly hardening as he spoke again.

  “I told you, though, did I not, that you would only work with private clients. What were you doing Alice.”

  He was stern, like a teacher telling off a naughty pupil. I felt ashamed under his gaze, his accusatory expression making me retreat into my shell.

  “I - I guess I thought I could practice on him, see how far I'd come. You won't do it, so I needed someone.” My words stung.

  “Alice, you are a prized asset. If you are seen dancing for any old client you will lose value. If you lose value, you earn less money. Do you understand.”

  The way he spoke to me was making me shrink by the second. I felt so small, so stupid. I nodded my head. “Yes boss,” I said sarcastically, “I understand.”

  His gaze remained unchanged, emotionless. “Good. Now go home Alice. We'll contact you when we need you.”

  He turned and walked through the door, for the second time tonight leaving me feeling a fool in a private stripping room. Who the hell was this guy. He was like a chameleon - charming and sweet one minute, a complete fucking jackass the next.

  I quickly put my dress back on and walked back out towards the bar. I could see Lexi's eyes widen as I walked towards her.

  “Can I get a drink babe. Something strong.”

  “Sure,” she said, pouring me a whiskey. “Get that down you. What happened?”

  “Nothing - Kyle. He can be a real dick.”

  “Hey listen,” Lexi said, leaning in closer towards me. “Don't bother thinking about him like that, there's no point.”

  I tried to put on my most apathetic face. “Yeah, I know, I don't. What do you mean anyway?” I fumbled through my words, bringing a smile to Lexi's face.

  “I can tell you like him. Forget it, OK.”

  I had nothing to say except to mumble some form of disagreement.

  “Keep your mind on the job, nothing more,” she continued.

  Sure, easier said than done.

  Chapter 19

  “How is she coming along?”

  I could hear the conversation from around the corner through the half open doorway. I'd crept in to make sure I could hear - I didn't suppose the words were intended for my ears.

  “She makes good progress,” said Mrs Jones. “I'll turn her into what you want yet.”

  “Good. Please keep me updated.”

  “I will Mr Logan.”

  The sound of his name sent a bolt of confusion through my body. It didn't sound like Kyle.

  I quickly darted to the other side of the room and fell straight into a yoga pose on my mat just as Mrs Jones stepped back through the door. I looked up at her with a smile on my face.

  “Who was it?” I asked, trying to sound indifferent.

  “No one that concerns you Miss Newton.” She only called me Miss Newton when it was something of importance.

  Of course I knew it did concern me, only she wasn't willing to tell me.

  “Now, enough yoga. Let's get started.�

  For the next hour we moved through our usual session. At first I'd felt overwhelmingly uncomfortable as she taught me various stripping techniques - moves that would 'bring a man to climax just at the sight of you,' as she'd said.

  She was a very hands on teacher. 'You do as I do' was her mantra. That, of course, meant that she'd strip in front of me, slipping to her skin right there in the studio. The first time she did it I had no idea where to look.

  “Look at me,” she'd said. “Watch me, and don't avert your eyes.”

  I knew that her intentions were two-fold: teach me what to do and break down my prudishness at the same time. “Don't turn away,” she'd shout as her underwear fell to the floor. “You need to break free of your shackles Alice.”

  Th first time it happened I had considered leaving right then and there and washing my hands of all of this. I never thought I'd witness the sight of a 40-odd year old women giving me a private dance. That one private dance turned to many, and I began to repay the favor in kind. Soon, I was desensitized to the whole thing - the sight of her stripping in front of me, of me stripping for her, nothing to batter an eyelid over.

  As the session ended Mrs Jones asked me to sit down on a bench to the side of the studio. “You're making good progress Alice,” she said, a proud smile on her face. “You've come a long way over the last few weeks, I'm very impressed.”

  “Thanks,” I said, still wondering exactly how my life had taken this turn. I was yet to strip for anyone, for a real client, and it had been weeks since I'd seen Kyle at the club. I'd gone down there a few times and talked to Lexi, but Kyle never seemed to be around. He'd told me he'd call me when he needed me, but that had been weeks ago.

  Somehow I was yearning to get that first notch on my bed, to get it over and done with. I felt uncomfortable with the fact that Kyle was paying me and I wasn't even dancing for anyone, wasn't completing my end of the bargain. “You're in training,” Mrs Jones had assured me, “they're investing in you.”

  I never asked, but the mention of 'they' always confused me. Kyle had told me that he was only the manager, and I was eager to find out who was pulling the strings behind the scenes.


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