Rival Dreams (Rival Love #3)

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Rival Dreams (Rival Love #3) Page 10

by Natalie Decker

  “Well, good thing I do, and we’re about the same size.” She goes to her closet and pulls out two really revealing outfits. One is a skirt, and a halter that shows a lot of cleavage. If you were blessed in the boob department it would be great. I’m not blessed in that department.

  I’ve got a decent ass though. I try on the other outfit, which is a red strapless dress. It’s really short. As in if I bend over everyone will be able to see everything. I fidget with the hemline and Brie slaps my hand. “Stop it. You look fantastic. How are you in heels?”

  “Like how high of a heel?”

  She pulls out some stilettos with six inches of heel. My eyes widen. “Oh no. I’ll break my neck. And I’m not holding your hand the entire night.”

  Travis knocks on the door and whines, “Are you girls done yet?”

  Brie opens the door for Travis and he glances over at me. Brie orders him to sit down while she works on my hair. It takes about ten minutes of her bitching, drying, and bitching some more about how dry and gross my hair is. But she finally gets it curled and pinned up. She does my makeup quickly and then spins me to face the mirror.

  I stare at myself and then look up at Brie. “Wow.”

  “I know. I have talent. Let’s go.” She tosses me my black sandal wedges. I put them on, grab Caleb’s gift, and head out the door.

  Travis lends an arm to each of us and jokes, “Two hot women on my arms. This is going to be the best party ever.”

  Brie leans on him and says, “It definitely is.” She looks down at my bag and asks, “What did you get him?”


  Travis and Brie look at me like I’ve lost my mind. “You didn’t,” Brie says.

  “I did. I also got him a hat, a hoodie, a keychain, and, um, a necklace.”

  “A necklace?” they both say.

  “It’s special. Caleb’s parents died in a horrible car accident, and there was a necklace that Caleb’s father always wore. It was in shambles. I took it to a jeweler in town who specializes in these kinds of repairs. Anyway, he fixed the necklace, and now Caleb has something from them that he can wear always.”

  “Wow.” Travis says as he opens the door for us.

  I walk through. “Yeah, that was the idea when I thought of it for an anniversary present. But that’s not happening. It’s better this way.”

  Brie frowns at me. “Aw, honey.”

  “Caleb is a stupid son of a bitch for dumping you,” Travis says. I smile.

  “Thanks.” This is so awkward. I hope to hell her date doesn’t decide to hit on me. Or make any more comments like that.

  Chapter 20


  The party is, well, raging. There are so many freaking people at Matt’s house it’s hard to move without bumping into someone. The cops are surely going to get called.

  I’ve taken a seat by the pool table where I can still see what’s going on, pretend to be enjoying myself, and socialize without making too much of an effort. This is how smart people party.

  Matt comes over with another red cup filled with beer and cheers me after he hands it over. “Dude, check it out.” He points toward the living room, and the cup of beer slips from my hands when I see Skylar come through the front door. She shrugs off her coat, revealing a red dress that hugs her body. Matt yells at me, “Bro, party foul!”

  I don’t give a fuck about the beer. I hop off my chair and make my way over to Sky. My steps falter a bit as soon as she turns and there is a guy’s hand pressed to her lower back. He guides her through the house over to the area where people are dancing.

  Like a pervert, I watch. Watch while he twirls her, places his hands on her hips, grinds against her to the point I fucking explode.

  Someone grabs my arm. “Hey man, what are you doing?”

  I shove Vince and snap, “Let me go.”

  He looks around the room and apparently spots what I’ve been seeing. “Dude, come on.”


  “Seriously. Caleb, you need to come with me before you do something really stupid.”

  “I’ll fucking kill him.”

  Vince tries to pull me and he whistles for someone to help. “Man, listen to me. It’s probably not what you think. And you can’t go kicking that guy’s ass.”

  “Why not?” I growl.

  “Because his dad is one of Sky’s coaches.”

  I stare at the prick. “What? I’ve never seen that little punk before.”

  “That’s because Travis just started. He’s only a freshman.”

  “I don’t care. I don’t want him touching Skylar.”

  A hand clamps down on my shoulder and someone picks me up. “What the fuck!” I yell.

  Someone drops me and I spin around to punch the stupid ass in the face, but I stop. “Derrick?”

  He has longer hair than he did in high school and a freaking beard. “Yeah, man. Good to see you. Sky called me.”

  “Sky? Why?”

  He shrugs. “Going away party.”

  Lance smacks my hand. “Had to pick the dickhead up.”

  Derrick laughs and elbows me. “I can’t believe he still drives that piece of shit truck. How old is that damn thing anyway? I thought we were going to break down on the way here.” I start to laugh.

  “Fuck off! I’ll have you both know that truck is awesome!” Lance shouts.

  Derrick and I just continue to laugh while Vince nudges me, “You good, man? I’m going to get a drink, you guys want anything?”

  They all say beer and I tell Vince I’m good. Then my arm is yanked and I turn right as a girl’s arm wraps around mine. “Um …”

  Derrick laughs. “Nice. I feel like this is high school all over again.”

  I shake my head. “Don’t start.”

  “Hi Caleb! I’ve been looking for you all night.”

  “Yeah, uh …”

  “Vicki. Anyway, I was wondering if you wanted to open up my present?”

  Lance looks over at the girl and then around the room. He nods to someone and says, “Hey Caleb, I’m going to say hi to Sky.”

  Derrick looks over at where Lance is heading and says, “Holy fuck! That’s Sky? Oh my God, I think I just nutted my pants. No offense dude, but wow. Just wow.”

  “I know,” I say through gritted teeth. She looks amazing. But it doesn’t mean I want my friends to drool all over her.

  “Caleb,” the redhead grabs my face and pulls it down to hers. I untangle myself from her.

  “Vicki, I’m sure you’re nice. But I’m not interested.”

  She flutters her eyelashes and juts out a lip. It’s not going to change my mind. In fact, it only confirms my decision. “But my present is really, really special.”

  “I’m sure it is.”

  Vince returns with beers and I push Vicki at him. “He has to approve all my gifts.”

  Vicki looks at me then over at Vince. Vince shrugs and says, “That I do. Where is it at?”

  “Um … it’s upstairs.”

  Vince lets Vicki lead the way and I release some air. “Fuck. She’s been following me everywhere.”

  Derrick smirks. “Really?” he shakes his head. “When did that happen?”

  “Few weeks ago. She was outside my dorm and then she was everywhere. Literally. Christ, and her outfits keep getting more and more nonexistent.”

  Derrick lifts a beer to his mouth. He swallows and mumbles, “Sounds like a bitch of a problem. You know, you being single. Hot girls, slutty or not, following you around.”

  “It is a problem.” I stare at Skylar who is talking to Lance. Dude she was talking with left her. I don’t know where he went, but I don’t care as long as he stays away from her.

  “Go talk to her. You know you want to.”

  I shake my head. “I can’t. Derrick, I destroyed us. She gave me a box with every gift I ever gave her in it. Every song she wrote. Every note I wrote. Everything was in that box. She hates me.”

  Derrick runs a hand through his dark hair. “
She doesn’t hate you. She’s just upset. You broke up with her on the holiday that’s all about love. How is she supposed to act? Give you a kiss and say thanks? She’s hurting, man. Even I can see it. Yeah, she’s rockin’ in that dress, but look at her. Really look at her. She’s been crying a lot. I bet she hasn’t eaten anything. And she keeps looking over here and then looking at the floor.”

  “That just means I really shouldn’t talk to her.” I walk away and head to the bar.

  I don’t want to feel, remember, or even think. I take two shots of Crown. Some guy I vaguely remember stands next to me and says, “Hey, Caleb.” I nod to the dude. “Nice party,” he yammers on.

  “Yup.” I take another shot.

  “So I saw your girlfriend. She looks smoking tonight.”

  I nod. And take two more shots.

  “Dude, you okay? Should you be taking that many shots so quickly?”

  I push the guy away from me. “Does it look like I give a fuck? And who the hell are you, the shot police? Get the fuck out of here.”

  Guy throws his hands up as Matt approaches. “What’s going on?” Matt asks.

  “Nothing, man. I was just telling him he should probably take it easy.”

  Matt looks at the dude then says, “It’s a fucking party. Stop being such a baby.”

  At this moment Sky comes over to the bar. Tall dude is with her and I’m fucking livid.

  “Who the fuck is this dickwad?” I yell.

  Skylar glares at me. I hate when she does that. “Caleb, this is Travis. He’s …”

  I see his hand on the small of her back. Skylar is telling me something about the guy, probably that he’s her date, and I can’t stand it. I will not watch him touch her any more tonight. So I clench my fist and punch the jackass right in the jaw. He collapses, and I’m not done.

  Skylar shoves me. “What the hell is the matter with you? For Christ’s sake. Brie is going to be so pissed.”

  Is it completely messed up that my body was instantly turned on by her brief touch? The buttons on my jeans feels like they’re about to pop. To divert from the desire to take her hand and pull her into the nearest bedroom, I yell, “Why the fuck would Brie be pissed? Did she set you two up or something?” I should stop, but I’m on a roll. “And if you didn’t want me hitting your fucking date you shouldn’t have brought him here. And as for you, thanks for the show. I mean really Sky, you have to dress like this and flaunt some other dude rubbing his hands all over you in front of me?”

  Skylar jabs her finger into my chest. “You should have thought about that before you dumped me, you stupid asshole! God, Caleb. That’s Brie’s freaking boyfriend! I don’t have a damn date! You ruined me.” She walks over to a table and snatches up a gift bag and shoves it in my chest.

  “What’s this?”

  “I’m leaving. Have a great night!”

  She rushes out and Brie marches over to me. The side of my face instantly smarts. Brie goes to smack my face again but I grab her hand. “Is that your date?”

  “Yes, you dick!” I let go. “How could you? He was getting me a freaking drink. And he was being a gentleman because there were a bunch of jerks grabbing Sky’s ass every time she went to the bar. So Travis offered to walk behind her.” She bends down to help Travis up and looks him over.

  I snatch up the bag Sky gave me and head outside, scanning the grounds for Sky so I can apologize, but she’s gone. I slump down on the front steps and run my hands through my hair. Lance takes a seat beside me and Derrick sits in front of us.

  “I keep fucking up. I want her to be happy, but I keep …”

  Lance nods. “I know, man. Trust me. But things have a way of working themselves out. You just have to … I don’t know, give it some space. Wasn’t that your advice to me a couple of weeks ago?”

  I shake my head. “I don’t know. I think I’d had one too many when that came out.”

  Derrick smacks my leg. “It’s Sky, she’ll forgive you eventually. Not now. Not tomorrow. But eventually she’ll come around. Just don’t push her.”

  “Since when are you an expert on Sky?”

  “I’m not. Just on girls. Trust me, she’ll come around,” Derrick says.

  Lance throws out a fist and Derrick pounds it. “He’s right. Look at Kayla. I thought for sure she’d never talk to me after I screwed her friend. But I gave her some space. And she texted me that we needed to talk. We did, and now things have never been better.”

  “You two don’t get it. I have to let Sky go. I love her so much, but come May I’m going to be somewhere else. Looking for an apartment, learning a whole new city, and Skylar will be here. She’ll be taking classes, getting ready for swimming, keeping herself in shape, and looking at different med programs. I just have to get off campus. If I can’t see her moving on, it won’t be so bad.”

  “How about when you go home for Thanksgiving and she happens to be there with her new boy wonder?” Derrick chimes in.

  I glare at him but Lance says, “Man’s got a point, Caleb. You can’t just go beating every dude’s ass who starts talking to, or dating, Sky.”

  “I know. Fuck. I know. But … she’s all I want. Besides football, she’s all I want.”

  Derrick stands. “Alright. I’m starting to feel like a girl. I’m grabbing some more beer and we’re walking back to your place.”

  Lance nudges me. “What’s in the bag?”

  I look inside and start pulling some items out. A hoodie, a fitted hat, a keychain, I grab the next item and look over at Lance. “Condoms?”

  Lance shrugs. “I don’t know.”

  Derrick returns as I pull out a box. “If this is more condoms …” I lift the lid and inside is a gold chain with a cross on it. I’ve seen this cross before but not for a long time. I flip it over and gasp. “No way! This is my dad’s. She got my dad’s necklace fixed.” I feel like a piece of shit. This gift is by far the best gift ever, and it makes me love Sky that much more.

  My dad’s cross was literally in pieces when they handed over my parents’ possessions the day of the car accident. My uncle kept the rings, and my dad’s chain with the cross. I thought it couldn’t be fixed, that they’d have to replace the cross, which wouldn’t mean as much to me. But apparently I was wrong.

  I drop everything in the bag. “I’ve got to go see her.”

  Chapter 21


  God, Caleb infuriates me! Instead of standing there any longer, fighting with him, I walked away. It’s easier to hide when you aren’t ready to face your own truths. And it’s not hard to turn a blind eye to the things around you because you’re enraged. So this is why I’m inside my room, avoiding, lying to myself, telling myself I don’t care when actually I do, that I never want to see his stupid face again.

  I stomp around my empty room, probably sounding like a herd of elephants to the people living below me. They keep banging on the ceiling with stuff and yelling, “Knock it off up there!”

  I jump up and down and shout, “Kiss my ass!” Did I mention I’m in a very bad mood?

  I take a seat on my bed, snatching up my pillow and hugging it against me. I’ve come to the conclusion that I don’t understand boys at all. Caleb broke up with me. Yet every time he sees me around some guy he gets all defensive and acts like a total tool. Knocking out the guys he thinks are interested in me. Getting all crazy in libraries. It’s like he wants me to never move on. Not that I can. I’m not ready for that at all, but it’s still unfair and horribly selfish of him.

  He seemed to be getting cozy with redheaded chick. Every time I see him she’s around. For God’s sake, she was at the party and he had no problems flaunting her in my face, now did he? Stupid jerk!

  I bury my head into my pillow and scream, but stop when I hear pounding on my door.

  Great! It’s probably the people who live below me coming to tell me off face to face. They better be prepared, because I will totally kick and punch someone without giving a crap right now.

bsp; I open the door and snap, “What?”

  A girl who works the front desk has Caleb swaying behind her. Caleb slurs, “Let me in here.”

  The girl looks me over and says, “I buzzed your room. He’s demanding to see you. He followed me up here, but if you don’t want to sign him in let me know.”

  I glare at Caleb, who is trying to stumble past the girl, who has multi-colored braids. I think her name is Sophie, but I can’t remember.

  “I don’t want to see him.”

  The girl nods and Caleb screams, “Skylar! Come on! Please … this is bull—”

  I shut the door and lock it.

  This is for the best. So why do I feel like I’ve made a really big mistake?


  You’d think spending most of Sunday morning swimming laps would help clear my head. It always used to, but today it just isn’t helping shit. Instead I’m exhausted and more confused than ever.

  Why did Caleb come to my room? To apologize for being an ass? Pfft. No. He’d never do that. Maybe he came by to thank me for his gift, but there was no need for that. That’s something a friend would do. Although I’m not certain I can really call him that anymore. Maybe he wanted to yell at me some more, and in that case I made the right choice. Screw him!

  I trek across campus, lugging my bag over my shoulder back to my dorm. When I reach my door I see a note. Condoms. Really?

  I yank the paper from my board and crumple it up. His note is sort of funny, but it doesn’t mean I’m going to call him and have a chat about it.

  Brie gives me the evil eyes when I walk into the room. “Did you get your note? Your stupid man-child told me to hang that up for him. Guess he’s not allowed in unless someone checks him in because of the scene he caused last night.”

  I sigh. “I’m not talking to him. I’m sorry he was such a jerk last night. How’s Travis?”

  Brie shrugs. “He’s okay. Not very happy, but he’ll survive.”

  I frown. “Sorry if I ruined your night.”

  “You didn’t ruin it. We’re going out on Wednesday. Everything will be fine.”


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