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Rival Dreams (Rival Love #3)

Page 11

by Natalie Decker

  I nod.

  “Are you going to be okay?”

  “Yeah.” Lies. I’m not sure if I’ll ever be okay again.

  She looks me over and smiles. “Okay. Well, I’m going to the mall. I’ve got some shopping to do. Want to come?”

  I shake my head. “I have work. Thanks, though.”

  She heads out. I go to the showers then off to work.

  It’s slower than normal and I hate it. Really hate it. While I’m taking inventory, my thoughts keep going back to Caleb. His stupid note. Should I write one back? No. He’s leaving today, and indulging in his stupid games will only cause more trouble for me.


  It’s almost five and I notice his car is still here. That stupid note of his has been in my head all day. I shouldn’t answer it. I really shouldn’t, but I do. I pull out a small Post-It from my purse and write: Yes. Condoms. Problem?

  I march over to his car, lift up a windshield wiper, and stick my note to his car. I drop the wiper blade and head back to my dorm.

  What is wrong with me?

  Chapter 22


  I hold her note in my hand while I’m in the air, heading to Indianapolis. Strangely enough, I don’t feel as nervous as I have all week. My agent has talked to me a few times, but honestly, he isn’t really helping my worries. I think it’s because I know this is his job, to tell me random lines in order to keep me focused. He doesn’t actually care how I feel, he just wants me to get this done. End of story.

  I have a lot to be worried about because everything is now on the line. Four days. That’s all you get to impress someone. There are no do-overs; it’s all or nothing. Like a championship game, this will be set in stone. Thirty-two teams will see what I’ve got and if they find me lacking in any way, I’m fucked.

  I stare at Sky’s note and smile.

  “Attention all passengers, this is your captain speaking. We’re about ten minutes away from landing at Indianapolis International airport. The skies are clear and the temperature is twenty-five degrees.”

  He talks about the service carts coming around and some other shit. I place my hand on the cross that hangs from my neck and sigh. She’s my one. She really is, and I can’t let her go.

  Once the plane touches down, I text Sky.

  Caleb: I’m here. Thanks for the note.

  My phone pings.

  Sky: I’d tell you good luck but it’s got nothing to do with what you’re about to do. So, do better than your best and you’ll be fine.

  Me: Always know what to say. Sweet dreams. And tomorrow eat something. Please.

  Sky: I do eat.

  Me: Brie told me otherwise. Should I check with Kayla about this?

  Sky: Fine! I’m trying to sleep. Stop texting me.

  I start to type out I love you always, but erase it and continue my way through the airport and collect my bag, then set off to the rental car station. I feel safer driving myself than getting into a cab, especially after my last few trips to New York with Sky.

  I get into the sedan and punch the coordinates to the Staybridge Suites into the GPS on my phone and drive to the hotel.

  In the lobby, a woman with a voice of a cheerleader, all chipper and peppy, checks me in. Her light brown hair is pulled back into a ponytail and it bounces and swings when she moves. I’m surprised she hasn’t slapped herself in the eye.

  “Here you go, Mr. Morgan,” she says, handing me my room key. She points me to the elevators and asks if I’d like any help with my things. I tell her no and head up to my room.


  Day one. I walk up to a desk and register. My agent, Mr. Frank Jones, comes over and shakes my hand. “Glad you made it. You’re going to do great. How’s your room?”

  “It’s fine.” I look around and notice most of the guys registering have the same thing going on as I do. Only none of them looks as uncomfortable.

  All my teammates this morning sent me “Good luck” texts. The only person who didn’t was Sky. Because she knows luck has nothing to do with what I’m about to do.

  “Alright champ, we have to get you off to the hospital pre-exam area.”

  I nod and head on over.

  Being in this area reminds me instantly of Skylar. If she were here right now she’d tell me in full detail what the machine does, when it was built, and who was the first person to use it. To say she’s fascinated with anything that deals with helping people is putting it mildly. “Mr. Caleb Morgan,” a woman calls out. She’s petite with short black hair peeking out from under her cap. Sky would be able to tell you the exact name of it; I’m calling it a poofy blue hat.

  “My name is Sharon. I’ll be your examiner today. Follow me please.”

  She sits me down at a table and asks me a lot of medical questions. Family history, genetic and psychological stuff. Then I’m told to lie down on this table. “Do not move. You must sit still until we pull you out and tell you it’s okay to move. If you move, your test results will be inconclusive and we will have to test you again.”

  She explains what it’ll be like once the MRI scan starts. Then the table moves slowly into a very small tunnel. It’s noisy and so loud it feels like a train is coming at me. I almost can’t take it; I’ve had an MRI before, and I loathe them.

  Then the table is moving again. I want to hop right off this thing but remain still because I don’t want to have to go back in there.

  Once all the X-rays are finished, I’m off to orientation. After that are the interviews. I’ve done these before. When college scouts were looking at me, of course they asked questions. They continued to evaluate my knowledge of the game. It’s no different in college. Reporters tend to get in your face with cameras and mics and the last thing you want to do is act like a complete ass. You’ve got to be humble, know when to shut up, and give credit where it is due. I always give credit to my teammates. When we lose a game, I always put the blame on myself. Because it’s my job to make sure plays are being made. As a captain that’s the role you play, as a quarterback, if I’m not getting us down to field goal range or in the end zone, I’m failing at my job.

  “Caleb Morgan, what made you decide to go into the draft early?”

  “Playing in the NFL has been a dream of mine since I was little. When I realized that the need for quarterbacks this year was so strong, I jumped on that opportunity. It was a sign that this was the next step and I needed to take it.”

  “Caleb, you’ve been seen with a certain young lady from the start of your college career. How does she feel about the decision you’ve made?”

  “You’re talking about Skylar Fletcher?” I swallow. For God’s sake, why are they bringing up Sky? Shouldn’t this be about me? I can feel my face turning red. Might be the lights beaming down on me. “Sky is fine with this move.”

  “Does she plan on coming with you?”

  “No. She’ll finish her degree at Duke and go on to medical school. We’ve decided to go our separate ways for the time being.”

  The reporter giving the interview makes an “Oh” sound. Then she moves on to the next set of questions. At the end of it, I want to go back and say, “I love Skylar Fletcher and she’s it for me,” but that seem like it would open a door full of more questions that I don’t have the answers for. Not now. Not until I see Sky again.

  Chapter 23


  I look around my biology class and notice everyone is taking notes. This is the first time since setting foot in a classroom that I haven’t scribbled down one word. I listen to my professor talk about genetics, how certain crossbreds are born, and what happens to the cells and all that important stuff I should be writing down. I’m not, though. Instead I’m thinking about Caleb and how his day is going so far.

  He hasn’t texted me. I haven’t texted him either. Why would I? He said I was smothering him when we broke up, so texting him today would only prove his point, right? Is it wrong that I want to ask him about his day, though?

  I hea
r chairs move and notice people are leaving the room. Shit. Class is over. I gather my things and leave. I’ll have to get notes from someone in class.

  I’m heading to the union to grab some food when an arm slings around my shoulder. I look over and see Matt.


  “Hey, you. Where are you off to?” he asks.

  “Food?” I promised Caleb I’d eat something. This was me keeping that promise.

  Matt nods. “Awesome. I was heading there too. Wanna join me?”

  “Did Caleb ask you to check on me or something?”

  Matt laughs. “No. Was I supposed to be a babysitter?”

  I shrug. “No.”

  He follows me into the union with his arm still slung around my shoulder. We walk over to a table near the back where Vince and another kid sit. Vince glares up at Matt. “What’s going on, man?”

  “We’re just stopping in for some food.”

  I don’t like how he says the “we’re,” like we’re a couple, but I will never be with Matt. Yes, he’s cute in that overly barbaric way—think caveman hauling a woman off to his cave. This is Brie’s type of man, not mine. I made the decision that when I date again it will be with someone who knows what he wants. And I’m not talking about having entire weekends scheduled around parties. I’m pretty certain he’s an alcoholic. If that wasn’t enough to steer me far away from lusting over Caleb’s friend, he’s a male whore. That’s putting it mildly. For two years, he’s been seen with a different girl hanging on him three times a day. You’d think the girls on this campus wouldn’t fall for that kind of thing, but they do. They all see it, and I swear there is some sort of fan club because he has a horde of followers. The saddest part is, I don’t think he even knows the names of any of the girls he’s screwed and ditched. Lovely, right?

  He tightens his arm around me and I cringe. “Um, I’m going to go get my food,” I say and pull away.

  Vince hops up from his seat. “Hey, Sky, wait up.”

  Matt talks to the other person at the table while Vince and I head up to the sub station. “Have you heard from Caleb today?” he asks.

  I shake my head. “I don’t think I’ll be hearing from him for a while.”

  “Look, it’s none of my business, and feel free to tell me if I overstep. But don’t hook up with Matt. He’s a good friend, but that’s about it.”

  I laugh. “Vince, I’m not hooking up with anyone. But thanks for your concern.”

  “Caleb really is a good dude, and I know you might not see it, but his intentions were in the right place.”

  I nod. “I know. That’s probably why it hurts so much, because I know he was only looking out for me. But he didn’t trust me enough to ask me. To even tell me, Vince. And the really shitty part about this whole damn thing is he has no clue what my answer would have been.”

  The line moves a little more. “What would you have done?”

  I glance up at Vince’s dark face and then back at the floor. “I would have let him go. But I would have asked that we’d try to still be us. Because I love him. I would have found a way to make it work.”

  “And that’s what he was scared of, Sky. Long-distance relationships blow. They do. Trust me, I had a girl when I came here. We tried meeting up on the weekends. But it got harder and harder. Finally we just called it quits. I miss her. A lot. But I couldn’t stand seeing her miserable. Every time we had to leave each other she was in tears. It sucked.”

  I’m about to tell him I’m sorry, but the woman taking orders yells and we order our subs. We take our sandwiches, drinks, and chips back to the table. Matt isn’t there. He’s off in line flirting with some girl. My phone pings as soon as I sit down.

  Caleb: Call me. Please.

  I text him back.

  Skylar: Can’t. Eating.

  Then I snap a pic of my food, and another of me taking a bite out of the sub. God, it tastes so good. My stomach rumbles in agreement. I send both pictures to Caleb.

  Caleb: Good. Eat and then call me.

  I almost text back, “Why?” but I don’t. I tell him okay. As soon as I send it, I think, what the hell am I doing? Is this not asking for more heartbreak and trouble?

  Chapter 24


  I spread across the hotel bed, waiting for Skylar to call. It’s pushing eight. I sent that text four hours ago; I know she’s not still eating. Why hasn’t she called me? Because I’m an asshole. I gave her reasons to hate me. She doesn’t owe me a thing. But I hope she calls.

  My phones buzzes and I glance down at the caller ID. I frown when I see it’s not Sky. “Hey Vince.”

  “Morgan! How’s it going, man?” Vince asks.

  “It’s fine. How are things there?”

  “Same old shit, different day. Have you talked to Matt yet?”

  “Nah.” I get off the bed and begin pacing the room.

  “You didn’t hear this shit from me, but I think he’s after your ex.”

  I stop pacing. “What?”

  “He was hanging all over Sky today. I just thought you should know.”

  I clench my fist and take a deep breath. “Really? The asshole couldn’t wait until I was out of the way, huh?”

  Vince coughs. “Tell me about it. I asked him what he was up to, he said nothing. I don’t believe him.”

  “Thanks, man. Hey, I’m going to have to call you back.”

  We hang up and I call Skylar.

  She picks up, yawning into the phone. “Hello?”


  “Mmm. Hi. How was your day?”

  I lie back on the bed. “It was different. Long. How was your day?”

  “Fine. Had a three-hour study session.”

  “Ouch.” I miss this. Us talking like this. I can’t say it, though. Not yet. “So, is that why you didn’t call me?”

  “Kind of. I don’t think this is a good idea.”

  I sit up. “What’s not a good idea?”

  “This. Whatever this is. I’m not going to be that girl, Caleb Alexander.”

  I chuckle. “What kind of girl would that be Skylar Olivia,” I mock.

  “You know. Your little sideline treat. I can’t be that girl. So …”

  “Oh, you can’t? Huh … looks like I will have to ask someone else,” I joke.

  She mumbles something and then growls, “Is this amusing?”

  “No. I’m sorry. I’m not looking for that. Just so you know. I am, however, curious why you bought me condoms?”

  She groans. “Ugh. I’m never going to live this down. I bought them in case you decided to be wild and go on a … you know what, I’m not getting into this. I have to go to bed.”

  “Thank you for the necklace. It means the world to me.”

  “What? Oh …”

  “Sky, it really is the best gift ever. I needed you to know that.”

  “You’re … you’re welcome. I’m glad you liked it.”

  “Well, I more than like it. That and the condoms.” I laugh.

  She laughs too. “Good night, Caleb.”


  “Yes, Caleb?”

  “I’m worried about tomorrow. The interview questions are challenging and I just … fuck, what if I messed up everything. What if I’m not ready for this?”

  She sighs. I wish she were here. I’d kiss the corners of her sweet mouth. That simple thought alone gets me uncomfortably hard. “You are ready. But for fun, how about we play a quick game. Ready?”

  “Sure.” I start to adjust my shorts. Hey, the girl has me turned on. Sue me.

  “Mr. Morgan,” she starts in a low sexy voice that has my entire body zinging. “Last winter when you played against Virginia Tech and lost, you said in an interview that your opponent played better. What would you have done differently to win that game?”

  And this is why she’s the one for me. No one else could have thought of something like this to calm my nerves. “Sky, when I get home, will you see me?”

  “I won’t be here
. Answer the question Mr. Morgan.”

  What? Where will she go? Yeah, it’s spring break, but … Sky’s supposed to be there. Instead of asking, I answer her question. “I wouldn’t have second-guessed myself or my teammates. I would have trusted them more, made better decisions.”

  “That’s a good answer. But that’s probably going to go against you. You basically told them you doubt your decisions and can’t trust your teammates when it matters most. So maybe try something like, ‘I would have followed my instincts more, and run the ball. That was what worked for us that game. I would have taken more risks rather than playing it safe.’ See what I did?”

  “I should have had you with me rather than Jones. I like him, but your answer was way better.”

  She laughs. “Right, well … Just take your time and think. Think about the question. Think about the most favorable answer and go with it. Don’t doubt yourself. I have to get to bed now. Some of us have class in the morning.”

  “Thank you. For everything. Sweet dreams.”

  “Night, Caleb.”

  We hang up and I breathe, “I love you.”


  “Caleb Morgan?” calls a guy with a clipboard. I hold up two fingers and make my way toward the balding man. He looks me up and down and says, “Let’s get you measured and down to the exam room.”

  More exams to make sure I’m healthy and not a junkie, that I’m not taking any performance-enhancing drugs. I always shake my head when someone gets caught doing this. How stupid can you be? They test. They’ll know.

  Jones drapes an arm over my shoulder and guides me into another room, a couple of players with guys in suits trailing them pass us. The room is filled with bright lights that make me squint. More interviews. As if they couldn’t get enough yesterday?


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