overview, 35–37, 224n
and Patrice, 117–18, 119–20, 128, 130
Picquigny review of accord in, 118–19
protests ending inquisition in, 59–60, 65–67, 236n, 237n
punishment and hanging for secession plan, 168, 170–71, 254n
riot after reading of the accord, 127–28
See also Wall, the
growth of, 15–16, 19, 218n
Knights Templar, 20–21, 23–24, 29, 183, 219n
Waldenses, 17, 42, 44–45, 116, 217n
See also Cathars; Dominicans; Franciscans; Spiritual Franciscans
Brothers Karamazov, The (Dostoevsky), 46, 232n
Bruges, Flanders, 106, 107–8
Bruges Matins, 108
Brunet, Guilhem, 56, 235n
Capetians, 24, 26, 29, 109, 220n, 226–227n
capital punishment, 44–45
Bernard’s influence in, 5
complaints about Castanet, 93
Dominicans and Franciscans as overseers of the inquisition, 98
effect of inquisition, 89–90
Philip IV’s visit, 153–54, 155
Pont Vieux, 37
secession attempt, 156–61, 169–71,
193–94, 254n
Trivalle and Faubourg St. Laurent, 36, 65, 225n
See also accord between the Church and Carcassonne; Bourg, the; Cité, the; Wall, the
Castanet, Bernard de
and Albi’s wealthy, 75–77, 85, 238n
Bernard’s plea for removal of, 89, 90, 96, 104
biographical info, xv, 74
and Cathedral of Ste. Cécile, 73–74
charges against Bernard, 188
complaints against, 93, 96
and Philip IV, 93, 101
return to Albi, 101–2, 117
sex rules for married couples, 74–75, 237n
and Ste. Cécile Cathedral, 73–74
See also prisoners from Albi
Castel St. Angelo, Rome, 11, 215n
Autier revival, 166–68, 172, 182, 191, 253n
beliefs of, 17
Bernard’s view of, 68–69, 237n
Church opulence vs., 16–17, 174–76, 184, 217n, 256n
conclave in St. Félix, 28
consolamentum sacrament, 78–79, 166
defectors and betrayal, 53–54
growth of, 16
melioramentum ritual, 49
overview, 6
post-Crusade, 38
Spiritual Franciscans compared to, 178
torture of, 50
See also Albigensian Crusade; Autier, Peire; inquisition
Celestine V, Pope, xvi, 13, 176, 216n
Champagne, Durand de, xvii, 103–4, 169
Charles of Valois, 223n
Châtillon, Jacques de, xix, 107–8
Church, the
Cathars on, 167, 253n
fear as tool of, 174
the forgiving apology, 205–6, 260n
and France, 25, 136–38, 221n
as institutional technocracy, 15–16
opposition to literacy among laity, 16
opulence of, 16–17, 174–76, 184, 217n, 256n
and Roman inquisitio, 39
Truce of God movement, 117
See also accord between the Church and Carcassonne; papacy
Cité, the
and Albigensian Crusade, 36–37
the bishop’s palace, 36, 93, 191–92
overview, 35–36, 224n
and prisoners from Albi, 132–34, 191
royal custody of prisoners from Albi, 132–34
trial of Bernard in, 190–98
Clareno, Angelo, xv, 3, 185, 187
Clement V, Pope, xvii, 171–72, 173, 176, 183, 206
Colonna, Sciarra, 32–33
Commercial Revolution, 21–22, 25, 218n
Comtat Venaissin, 171, 226–227n See also Avignon
Coninck, Pieter de, xxi––xxii, 106, 107, 108, 109, 147
Conradin, 25, 220n
consolamentum sacrament of the Cathars, 78–79, 166
Constantinople, 22, 218n
Conventual Franciscans, 176–78, 179, 181–82, 184–85, 187–88
Costa, Bernard, 78, 79, 81–82, 90, 206
Costa, Raimond, xxii, 56, 89, 235n
Crusade, the. See Albigensian Crusade
Dante, 11–12, 33, 116, 215n, 223n
De Coninck, Pieter, xxi––xxii, 106, 107, 108, 109, 147
Délicieux, Bernard
appointment to convent in Nar-bonne, 102–3
beliefs of, 4
biographical info, 3, 4, 6, 206–7, 214n, 260n
and Boniface, 60, 236n
current opinion of, 214n
and death of Benedict XI, 168–69, 181, 194–95
inciting townspeople, 115, 116–17, 120–23, 124–25, 136
lessons from Flanders, 110–11
overcoming heresy, 68
personality of, 2–4, 133–34
sermon of 1303, 120–22, 181, 244n
as soothsayer, 168–69, 181, 190–91, 195, 204–5
as Spiritual Franciscan, 5–6, 178–79, 193, 237n, 258n
Dominic, xvii, 16–17, 44–45, 230n
on Bernard as Spiritual Franciscan, 178–79
Bernard’s accusations against, 82
Carcassonnais’ ridicule and vandalizing, 129–30
competing with Franciscans, 19–20
desecration of convent in Albi, 102
expulsion from Toulouse, 54
feast day of St. Dominic, 54
as inquisitors, 40–42, 133, 228n
Miracle of Fire, 17, 45
origin of, 16–17
overview, 15, 19
and Philip IV, 59, 96–97
and Picquigny’s excommunication, 137–38
at royal meeting in Toulouse, 147, 148, 249n, 250n
university in Toulouse, 38, 226–227n
as wolves in sheep’s clothing, 121–22
world as their monastery, 41
See also inquisitors; specific Dominicans
Dostoevsky, Fyodor, 46, 232n
Duèse, Jacques, 184. See also John XXII, Pope
Duvernoy, Jean, 7, 214n
Edward of Woodstock, Prince of
Wales “Black Prince,” 35, 224n, 226n
Eliot, T. S., 11
Elne, Kingdom of Majorca, 89, 158,
Black Prince of, 35, 224n, 226n
and Carcassonne, 35, 109, 224n
and Flanders, 106
and France, 30
and Languedoc, 109
Estates General, Paris, 104
Europe, ix, 7. See also England; France; Majorca
Eymerich, Nicolas, 44
Fabre, Aimeri, 78, 238n
Fabre, Castel, xvi, 78–82, 238n
Ferran, prince of Majorca, xvii, 156, 157, 159–60, 252n
Flanders, 106–9, 110–11, 147, 152–53, 242n
Flote, Pierre, xxi, 30–31, 104, 108
Foulques de Saint-Georges
at Bernard’s royal audience, 93
biographical info, xvii
and Fabre’s body, 78–82
Philip IV’s condemnation of, 97–98
post-accord attempt to arrest heretical sympathizers, 65–67
punishment of, 148
as rapist, 96, 97
Fournier, Jacques
as Benedict XII, 182
biographical info, xix, 182–83, 258n
and Cathar revival, 167
as judge at Bernard’s trial, 192–98
as man of principle, 196, 201
on Peyre-–Cavaillé, 253n
and Registers X and XI, 206
the Church and, 25, 136–38, 221n
and Commercial Revolution, 25–26
and England, 30
growth and consolida
tion of, 24–25
loyalty to the monarch, 27–28
university teachings, 26–27
See also French monarchy; specific areas and towns
Beguins, 178
competing with Dominicans, 19–20
convent in Carcassonne, 37, 226n
Conventuals, 176–78, 179, 181–82, 184–85, 187–88
division over poverty, 176
founding of, 18
French monarchy turning against, 5
as inquisitors, 179, 187–88
overview, 15, 19
poverty as taught by Francis, 5–6, 18, 176, 256n
revival of kindness to fellow man, 68
See also Délicieux, Bernard; Spiritual Franciscans
Francis of Assisi, xviii, 18, 176, 179–81, 217n
Fréauville, Nicolas de, xx, 93, 152–53
Frederick II, xvii, 25, 52, 220n
French monarchy
Bernard’s use of, 4–5, 87–91
Capetian line, 24, 26, 29, 109, 220n, 226–227n
enquêteurs-–réformateurs of, 87
and Majorca, 157, 160–61
pope vs., 32–33, 87
support for townsmen vs. inquisition, 75
See also specific kings
Fresquet, Jean, 103
Galand, Jean, xix, 55, 56–58, 75, 259n
Garric, Guilhem, 56, 235n
Garsie, Arnaud, xv, 152–53, 157
Gascony, English possession of, 30
Genoan traders, 21–22
Germanic emperors, 25
Giles of Rome, 27
God as killer, 45–46
Godin, Guilhem Peire de, 147, 148
Good Men and Good Women. See Cathars
Got, Bertrand de, 171. See also Clement V, Pope
Gregory IX, Pope, xviii, 38, 176
Gros, Raymond, 53, 234n
Gui, Bernard on Bernard’s ambush of inquisitors, 67
biographical info, xvi, 182
and Cathar revival, 167
charges against Bernard, 188
on death of Patrice and consols of Carcassonne, 168
on desecration of Dominicans convent in Albi, 102
and Patrice, 118
on rabies Carcassonensis, 59
on relapsed Jews, 233n
Guzmán, Domingo de “Dominic,” xvii, 16–17, 44–45, 230n. See also Dominicans
hagiography, 45
Hell, threat of, 40
heresy and heretics
Autier on Church hatred for, 175
Bernard’s approach to conversion, 68
and Bernard’s unflappable man story, 124–25, 244n, 245n
Church as too prosecutorial for, 68–69, 178, 180–81
Dominican view of, 41
Innocent III’s decree on treatment of, 47
of Spiritual Franciscans, 187–88, 193, 258n
Tarragona checklist, 43, 79–80, 229n
techniques of evasiveness, 44
testifying on behalf of, 238n
See also terror; torture
Hospitallers, 20
Humbert of Romans, 40
Hundred Years’ War, 30
Inferno (Dante), 11–12, 116, 215n
Innocent III, Pope, xviii, 18, 40–41
Innocent IV, Pope, xix, 53
Inquisition, 205
ambush of inquisitors at Franciscan convent, 65–67, 236n, 237n
and Cathar revival, 167–68
charges against Bernard for interfering, 195–98, 258n, 259n
and Clement V, 172, 255n
confessions and accusations, 23, 46–47, 57, 97, 136, 193–94
corruption of participants, 52–53, 234n
Dominicans and Franciscans as overseers in Carcassonne, 98
papal creation of, 38, 40–41, 50–51
and Philip IV, 56–60, 95–96, 97–98
question about occurrence, 38–39, 227n
rationalizations for, 39, 45–46
registers (See below)
wrongful persecution and unflappable man story, 124–25, 244n, 245n
See also Cathars; terror; torture
Inquisition at Albi 1299–1300 (Davis), 238n
inquisition registers
alleged attempts to steal, 58, 75
Bernard’s lack of faith in, 67–68
Bernard’s testimony about, 195–96, 258n, 259n
Bernard’s version, including tortures administered, 135–36
at bishop’s palace in the Cité, 191
compilation of, 43, 55
fraudulent information in X and XI, 80–82, 89–90, 195–96, 206
and Miracle of Fire, 45
research utilizing, 78
ambush at Franciscan convent, 65–67, 236n, 237n
Franciscans as, 19, 179, 187–88
Gregory’s university for, 38
manual for, 43–44, 229n, 233n
overview, 52, 53
process for exposing and punishing heretics, 41–42, 46–51, 54, 69
and relapsed heretics, 50–51, 52, 233n
sermo generalis, 48, 49, 54, 76, 233n
See also Dominicans
international trade, 21–22, 218n
Islam, 180–81
Jaume II, king of Majorca, xix, 157, 159–61, 252n
Jesus Christ, 45–46, 230–231n
Jews and Judaism, 29, 233n
Joachim of Fiore, 179–80
Joan of Navarre, queen of France and Bernard, 169, 170–71
biographical info, xx, 170–71
in Flanders, 106–7
and silver vase from Carcassonnais, 154–55, 170
and wives of prisoners of Albi, 88, 103–4, 170
John Paul II, Pope, 205–6, 260n
John XXII, Pope
and Bernard’s trial, 190, 193, 201–2
biographical info, xx, 184–85
seizure of Bernard, 185–86
and Spiritual Franciscans, 187
Jubilee (1300), 11–14, 20, 22, 33–34, 116–17, 216n
Kamil, Malik al-, 18, 217n
King’s Mill, Carcassonne, 36, 65, 225n
Knights Templar, 20–21, 23–24, 29, 183, 219n
belief in corruption of inquisitors, 53
educated members of, 39–40
increasing literacy of, 16
and Jubilee in Rome, 21, 22
threats from Dominican inquisitors, 41–42
Bernard’s trial in, 190–98
Clement V’s concern for, 172, 255n
French absorption of, 24, 37, 226n
and inquisition, 52, 56–60, 233n, 234n, 235n
lessons from Flanders, 109, 110–11
map, xi
overview, 7, 226n
Philip IV’s meeting in Toulouse, 146–53, 249–251n
Philip IV’s touring of, 145–46, 153–55
reaction to arrival of inquisitors, 53–54
See also Albi; Carcassonne;
Laurens, Jean-Paul, 1–2, 5, 143, 213n
Lavaur, Languedoc, 37–38, 227n
Lemoine, Jean, 250n
Leneveu, Richard, xxii, 87–91
Llull, Ramon, xxii, 3, 177
Louis IX, king of France, xx, 55, 87, 224n, 226n
Lucius III, Pope, 217n
Maison Seilhan, Toulouse, 144–45, 249n
Perpignan, 156–58, 251n
royal family, xvii, xix, 156, 157, 159–61, 252n
Saint-Jean-–Pla-de-–Corts, 158, 159–61, 193–94, 252n
manual for inquisitors, 43–44, 229n, 233n
maps, ix–xi
marine infantry parachute regiment
in Carcassonne, 35, 225n
Marty, Jean, 258n
Meaux, Geraud de, 125
Miracle of Fire, 17, 45
Molay, Jacques de, 183
Moneta of Cremona, xx, 45�
�46, 230–231n
Montaillou, 182
Montbrun, Pierre de, 258n
Montpellier, 29, 157, 224n
Montségur, 55
Mostuéjouls, Raimond de, xxii, 192, 206
murder charges against Bernard for
death of Benedict XI, 168–69, 194–95
Musée de Augustins, Toulouse, 1–2
names and terminology, xiii–xiv
Narbonne, 56, 102–3, 143–44, 184–85
Nicholas IV, Pope, 176
Nieheim, Dietrich von, 133, 247n
Nogaret, Guillaume de
and Bernard, 152, 155, 170
biographical info, xviii, 28–29
and Boniface, 30, 31–33, 98, 104, 133, 137
death of, 183–84
excommunication of, 137
and Philip IV, 110
and Popes Clement and Celestine V, 176
Nuova Cronica (Villani), 12, 216n
obscene kiss, 23, 219n
Olivi, Pierre Jean, xxi, 68–69, 176
On the Gift of Fear (Humbert of Romans), 40
Orders of the Friars Minor.
See Franciscans
Orders of the Friars Preachers.
See Dominicans
Outrage of Anagni, 32–33, 87, 136–37
Pagès, Guilhem, 78, 79, 81–82, 90, 206
Pamiers, 86, 182–83. See also Saisset,
approval of torture, 46–47, 53, 232n
creation of the inquisition, 38, 40–41, 50–51
and descendants of Frederick II, 25
move from Rome to Avignon, 14–15, 171–72, 255n
Philip IV and cronies’ attack on, 30–32
and Spiritual Franciscans, 179–81
See also specific popes
owl-king alleged as Bernard’s story, 247n
Peter and Paul defending themselves in inquisition, 149, 150
rams fighting off the butchers, 122
unflappable man, 124–25, 244n, 245n
Patrice, Hélie
biographical info, xviii
death of, 168, 170–71
inciting townspeople, 119–20, 128
as leader of the Bourg, 117–18, 130
and Philip IV, 153–54, 155
and secession plan, 157, 169
Pelhisson, Guillaume, 234n
penance after confession and sentencing, 48–49
Perpignan, Kingdom of Majorca, 156–58, 251n
Perthus Pass, 159, 252n
Peter of Verona, 53
Petrarch, 255n
Peyre-–Cavaillé, Guilhem, 165–66, 253n
Peyre, Sébélia, 183, 256n
Philip III, king of France “the Bold,” xxi, 56
Philip IV, king of France “the Fair”
and Bernard (See below)
biographical info, xxi, 25–26, 27, 94
and Boniface, 29–34, 104, 222n
and Castanet, 93, 101
collecting funds, brutally, 29
death of, 183
and Dominicans, 59, 96–97
and Flanders, 106–7, 108–9, 110
and Foulques de Saint-Georges, 97–98
The Friar of Carcassonne Page 30