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His Mate - Seniors - Book Two

Page 13

by M. L. Briers

  Maybe, she doesn’t want to be bonded with me … yet.

  Maybe, I just screwed up big time…

  Should I backpedal?

  Should I cover her with a duvet and back the hell off?

  I don’t want to rush her…

  I don’t want to scare her…

  The scariest damn witch I’ve ever met …

  She’s my mate … I should slow the hell down…

  Show her some respect…

  Make sure that she knows that she doesn’t need to rush into anything with me…

  It’s not like I’m going anywhere…

  Hell, it’s not like she’s going anywhere…

  She’s mine and I’m hers, and if that means that I’ll need to woo her until the cows come home – so be it…

  Damn … I’m naked here…

  She’s almost naked here…

  How do I back off from this and give her some space?

  “I get that you might not have thought about…” Jamie winced…


  His beast growled, adamant that they’d come that far and they should keep wooing her until they bonded with her…

  Not now – He growled back at the wolf – Can’t you see that we rushed her into it?

  Shame on you…

  Shame on me…

  “That’s to say,” Jamie approached the subject from a different angle, “I know you might be…”He rolled his eyes in his head and bit down on the need to head butt the wall…

  He wasn’t good with words.

  Not words that mattered.

  Not words that mattered to his mate and their future together…

  “I get that you are…” He started again and then groaned…

  “Hot – horny for your cock inside me and your fangs biting down into my shoulder as I come around your…”

  “Holy hell woman!” Jamie growled out, ripping the fabric from around her ankles before he crawled up her body…

  His lips came down on her smirking ones, and she didn’t hold back, she opened to him and gave just as good as she got.

  He felt her legs wrap around his hips once more, and she tried to pull him in with her feet against his backside – temping him to be right where he needed to be, balls deep inside of her…

  But he held strong – he wasn’t entirely sure how he held strong – but he did.

  Even when his hands ripped through the soft lace of her panties and he rubbed his hard length against the wet heat of her sex…

  “You’re going to pay for that…” Fallon hissed out against his lips…

  “What?” He looked like a man who didn’t know which way was up, and in truth, he wasn’t sure that he did…

  She was driving him crazy wolf…

  “Ripping my panties…” Fallon said, moving her hips until she had the hard press of his length right against her needy channel…

  “I’ll buy you new ones…” Jamie’s grin was fighting the strained look on his face that came about from having to keep his cock from being inside of her…

  “That’s not the kind of payback I’m looking for…”

  Fallon thrust her magic right at his chest, and tossed the beta over onto his back. She rolled with him, climbing up and over his hard body, and dipping her head to run her tongue down the mountainous muscles of his chest and contoured abdomen…

  Jamie growled like a wolf in a cage, because that’s exactly where she had him, locked down against the bed with her magic, and there wasn’t a damned thing that he could do about it…


  His wolf protested in no uncertain terms, but to no avail. He was as helpless as helpless could be, and she was licking down his body like he was her favourite flavour of ice cream…

  “Fallon…” Jamie warned, biting down on the fire within him.

  The need was clawing inside of him to have her where he wanted her, and the fact that he couldn’t move a damned muscle as he watched her travel down over his body … was killing him…

  Fallon’s eyes flicked up to his as she got where she was going, and he had to say that he’d never seen so much mischief, so much desire, so much damned wickedness in one simmering look that he couldn’t have looked away from if he’d tried…

  He swallowed down his tongue as she took that wickedness out on his cock…




  “Hey!” Chloe tapped on the kitchen window and Angela jumped on the spot and spun in place.

  She scowled back at the vampire as her heart hit her ribs, and she groaned inwardly when she realised just who was knocking…

  “Go away!” Angela grumbled.

  “Well, that’s a nice how do you do from a grateful witch who only wants to thank me for saving her best friend,” Chloe snarked back.

  Angela guessed that the woman had a point…

  “Thank you,” Angela sighed, feeling a pang of guilt at the vampire’s words, because they were true and to the heart of the matter – she was more than grateful. “Now go away.”

  “That’s not nice…” Chloe said on the shake of her head and the determined look in her eyes to get what she wanted.

  “I’m not opening a vein for you,” Angela sounded bored.

  “Wait until you’re asked, pushy witch…” Chloe snorted.

  “There you are,” Monty announced as he stepped out of the darkness and into the light that came from the kitchen window.

  “Don’t you two have a home to go to?” Lark grumbled as he stalked into the kitchen and over to one of the stools at the kitchen counter…

  “You’d think not,” Monty offered back with a roll of his eyes…

  “I just want in…” Chloe grumbled.

  “Maybe you shouldn’t be so needy…” Angela tossed back with a subtle grin that the vampire caught.

  “If I were needy then I would have been taking and not giving to your friend, don’t you think?” Chloe offered back with a sneer…

  “I try not to think. I mean, at my age there are only so many brain cells left in my head – why waste any on you?” Angela shrugged…

  “Harsh,” Lark offered with a teasing smile.

  “But true,” Angela offered back, playing to the crowd.

  “Is that a bad smell or am I imagining…?” Sarah asked, knowing full well who was at the window. “Oh, Chloe, it’s you!” Sarah offered her a smug grin and a double meaning.

  “I’m not even going to rise to that bait,” Chloe lifted her chin and glared at her niece.

  “Oh, go on, love,” Monty offered from beside her. “Take it out on them and not me.” Chloe tossed her mate a death glare.

  “I’ll deal with you later,” Chloe informed him.

  “Sounds like I’m in for a fun night of torture and debauchery,” Monty offered her a devilish smile…

  “You’ll be lucky…” Chloe grunted back, but the sound of loud, window rattling howl filled the air, and everyone looked upwards … as if the ceiling somehow had answers…

  “Sounds like someone beat you to it,” Angela frowned, and then tossed a curious look at her mate…

  “Sounds like Hank…” Lark informed her and she punched the air…

  “Yeeeesssss!” Angela grinned like a lunatic.

  “Someone’s happy that Dorothy bonded…” Sarah chuckled.

  “Now I have so much more ammunition to throw at the old bat…” Angela offered with glee.

  “Well, I’m obviously not wanted here…” Chloe bit out…

  “Oh look, you can teach an old hag new tricks…” Angela scoffed.

  “You and I are going to have words…” Chloe said, pointing a finger of contempt at her.

  “Or, maybe I’ll just take a leaf out of your book…” Angela said, offering her the middle finger.

  Chloe snapped her head back on her neck and grumbled a few choice words, as Monty hid his grin behind his hand…

  “Witches…” Chloe hissed.

  “Takes one to know one…”
Angela tossed back, before the woman turned on her heels and stormed away…

  “Monty!” Chloe snapped out, causing the vampire to snap his body to attention…

  “The little woman…” he said, his eyes flashing with mirth before he was gone…



  Jamie growled, and grumbled, and grunted, and he bit down on his need to kill someone – just not his mate – because that would be wrong…

  She looked up at him as she tantalisingly took his hard length over her tongue, and suckled his cock like she was determined to get him to explode his seed down the back of her throat…

  “Fallon…” he growled long and hard.

  He didn’t have much damned willpower left, and she was trying to kill the last of it off with kindness…

  “Release me…”

  Jamie had spent long enough struggling to be free to finally get the message through to his brain that it wasn’t going to happen unless she willed it…

  She made a sound in the back of her throat that pained him with so much excitement that he almost lost his mind and his seed, and then she did the unthinkable and scratched her fingernails down his thighs, and his body couldn’t take it a moment longer…

  “Fallon!” He growled, biting down hard and so close to being lost… when he felt her magic snap off from his body…

  He was up off his back and over her body in a heartbeat – he growled like a wildling as he reined in that need to release his seed inside of her…

  His hands were on her wrists and he had her hands pinned down to the mattress of either side of her head, and his black eyes were locked and loaded on hers with a dangerous look – just like a predator that had finally cornered his prey…

  “So close…” she grinned up at him – mischief filling her eyes and making him growl once more…

  Jamie pushed her hands above her head and held them there with just one hand… with his free hand he ran his fingertips down over her body, his fingers burning a path to the wet heat between her open thighs. He nudged them wider with his knees as he pushed two thick fingers into her…

  “Payback’s a bitch…” he growled.

  “I hope so…” Fallon bit out at the feel of his digits stretching her channel and the pad of his thumb rolling against her clit…

  The scent of her sex was thick in the air around him, and his length twitched with need as that scent called to him…

  A moment later and he was devouring her with earnest. His hands were locked against her hips and he held her right where he wanted her…

  He wasn’t teasing. He took her up towards the edge of the abyss fast enough to make her head spin and her body beg for mercy … taking her right over that cliff and into a mindless, melted, pool of intense pleasure as he replaced his fingers with his tongue and became insatiable with his need – ferocious with his desire…

  Over and over, he didn’t give way to her pleas or her protests as he made her body fire up with one release after another…

  Then, while she was lost in pleasure, he climbed up and over her – settling his hips between her thighs, and pressing into her with one long thrust that went right to the heart of her…

  Fallon’s inner muscles were still throbbing from the last release as he stretched her silken walls around the thick length of his cock…

  His hips met hers and he rolled them, opening her body for what was to come, and that erotic sound was right there in the back of her throat once more and it enthralled him.

  He started another fire within her that she didn’t think she was capable of. The way that he was taking her down his length was causing so much sweet friction within her that she couldn’t have stopped the climb back towards the edge of the abyss if she’d tried…

  She cursed.

  She moaned.

  And she made a purring sound that was damning him to take her faster than he’d wanted too, but take her he did…

  Jamie wrapped his arms around her body and drew her up from the bed – his hips never missed a beat, and he was determined to make her come around his cock – to taste her blood on his tongue as he bonded with her – and those wild erotic thoughts meant that his beast wouldn’t be held back a moment longer as his fangs elongated…

  “Mine…” he growled out against her ear…


  She didn’t need to think twice. The moment that Jaxon was dead she knew what she wanted from life, and it was Jamie – normality – a home and family…

  That all started from that moment on…

  Jamie had her body locked against his.

  He ran his tongue down her neck and over her shoulder to where he would place his bonding claim in her skin … and he had her inner muscles locking around his cock as he thrust inside her…


  The moment that she came undone he struck with his fangs deep into her flash. He felt her body shudder against his and held on tightly to her as he tasted her blood upon his tongue…

  His beast roared within him.

  Souls met and merged together…

  The bond between them that nobody could ever break was formed, forged in her blood, and as he released his fangs, and cleaned and sealed her wound … so his wild side bayed for more…

  Jamie felt the fever within his blood.

  He craved that need for completion – the need to plant his seed deep within her womb and claim her heart, mind, body, and soul as his forever mate took over.

  He growled as he pulled out of her and turned her on the bed. Fallon braced one hand on the headboard and the other on his thigh as he thrust back inside of her – so damn deep that she was sure she could taste his cock on her tongue once more…

  She bit out a curse as his hips moved and his large hands clamped down on her hips. She’d never been stretched so tightly, taken so deeply, but the friction that his cock made was a delectable pleasure that she would never get tired of … always crave…

  His hips slapped against the curve of her backside like he was spanking her for being naughty … and if this was her punishment then she wanted to be bad a lot more.

  His fingers pressed into the flesh of her hips, leaving her under no illusion of just how lost he was inside of her…

  And he was taking her with long, deep, wild strokes that were as erratic as they were unyielding…

  He was demanding that she come undone around him again, and her body was complying…

  Fallon bit down on curse after curse, as her fingernails dug into the flesh of his thigh and she dragged them down his skin, causing his head to snap back on his neck as he gave a hard growl of pleasure on every thrust…

  Fallon cried out the moment that her body fell hard and fast off the edge of insanity.

  Her inner muscles clenched and released around his cock, suckling his seed from his balls just as her lips had tried to do…

  Every muscle in Jamie’s body was on fire as they strained to keep going on – to find that release – to complete the bond…

  Finally, he felt the buzz of his seed rip through him … a hard growl turned into a roar of a howl that shook the windows and made his throat raw…

  Over and over, he thrust his cock to the hilt and gave her everything that he had to give … and then, with quivering, burning muscles, he collected her against him and took her down to the mattress, curling protectively around her body as he tried to remember how to breathe again…





  There wasn’t a damn thing that could ever tear them apart except death, and he was never going to let that happen.

  The vampire was dead and she was safe, and he intended to keep her that way for a very, very long time.

  He wanted to share his life with her.

  She had already made a home within his heart.

  Pups. A family … he’d love her, worship and honour her until the day that he died.

  Forever m
ates, and forever had already begun.



  “It’s not a good idea…” Dorothy leaned in towards her friend and whispered, and Angela sighed.

  “What are you so worried about? Don’t you think everybody deserves to be as happy as you?” Angela scowled back at her.

  “Yes,” Dorothy shot back, and Angela raised her eyebrows, questioning her friend. “But, that’s not really the point, now is it?”

  “Of course it is…”


  “Is so the damned point.”

  “I will slap you silly…” Dorothy grumbled on a low whisper that couldn’t be overheard by the others that were coming their way.

  “You could try…” Angela warned her.

  “Do not tempt me…” Dorothy grumbled. “Hi!” She offered a bright and breezy innocent look to Sarah and the others as they came towards their garden table bringing a mishmash of food for a late supper…

  Angela repositioned herself in her chair and took on the air of normality and innocence.

  Sarah didn’t buy it for a moment…

  She’d seen the two of them with their heads together. Conspiring once more, and she didn’t like it.

  She could smell trouble in the air, and that stench came from their direction…

  “Ok, now, whatever the two of you are planning in those devious, elder, witchy brains of yours…” Sarah said, and both elder’s pulled their heads back on their necks in mock shock, and with an air of being somewhat insulted about them…

  “Us…?” Angela said.

  “Devious?” Dorothy added, and Hank grunted in amusement. “Excuse me?” She cranked up one eyebrow towards her hairline and aimed that look at her mate…

  “Oh, not a word came from my lips…” Hank tried to look angelic and innocent, but Dorothy knew the man was anything but.

  When Lark grunted a chuckle at the man’s expense, Angela turned her steely gaze on him…

  “I said nothing,” Lark shrugged.

  “Very devious,” Chloe put her two pennies in from the porch about the garden area, and Monty nudged her in the ribs…

  “Not a good idea to miff of the natives when you want in the Inn…” he reminded her, and she snorted her contempt for him as she folded her arms and then huffed in annoyance.


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