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Finding Friday

Page 10

by Quell T Fox

  “I’m never done. You should know that by now, Cal.”

  “Unfortunately.” His eyes shift to me, looking down at my bare legs then back to my eyes, “do you have any pants?” He pushes his glasses up the bridge of his nose, the look on his face very businesslike.

  “I’m sure she does, but I like her without them.” Lenny hooks his hand around my thigh and pulls me closer to him, leaving his hand to rest on my leg. “If you don’t like it, don’t look.”

  “Both of you need to shut the fuck up before I go over there and make you. Bad enough you kept me up all night with this bullshit.”

  “Good job, Cal. You woke the asshole,” Lenny stage whispers and this time I can’t help but burst out laughing. I look to Callan who is, you guessed it, red, as usual. Though this time, it’s more of a tinge of pink and I think it’s from anger and not so much embarrassment or discomfort. His eyes meet mine for a second and I’m sure something was there, but he blinks it away quickly returning his gaze to the movie that he is pretending to watch. I clench my thigh’s together, because once again these guys have managed to make me the horniest girl in existence.


  These assholes kept me awake most of the night talking about Friday, the girl who is supposed to save us. And now they still can’t shut up and let me get some sleep. I have half a mind to go into the room with Maddox and lock the door behind me. Fuck, I have half a mind to leave all together and not come back. The girl who is going to save us? Do they really believe that shit? No one on this planet is capable of saving us...of saving me. I’m too far gone. I’ve accepted it and so should they. I’ve tried getting over what happened, there’s no use. The memories haunt me day and night, awake and sleeping. Nothing stops them from coming. I’m shocked I've kept it together the entire time without exploding. Granted, it’s only been a few days, but a few days too much. I don’t think I’ll last the entire trip.

  I realize that I am never going to get to sleep with Lenny’s big mouth and Friday’s annoying as fuck laugh, so I roll out of bed and plant my feet on the ground. I hear Lenny making a shushing sound behind me, and honestly? I like that they avoid me. I know it’s a big joke to Lenny, but it still keeps them off my back and that’s all I care about. I want to be left alone. I rub the tiredness from my eyes, they’re dry and it feels like there is sand in them from the lack of sleep, I run my hand over my head and realize that I need to shave soon. I dig through my bag and grab a change of clothes and head into the bathroom, trying to hide the fact that my dick is rock hard. Thanks to all the talk about Friday in her underwear and the image I caught of her laying between Lenny and Callan in said underwear.

  When she was dancing around the room last night, it took everything in me not to give her the attention that I wanted to. I don’t want to talk to her or for her to look at me, I just want to fuck her. Raw and savage. The dirtiest definition of the word. Fuck. Twice last night I had to go to the bathroom to jerk off. Twice. In one night. I can’t remember the last time I wanted to jerk off at all, never mind twice. Closing the door to the bathroom I realize that this hard-on is not going away. I rest my head against the cold door, completely defeated with my life and everything that this fucked up universe has handed me.

  I turn the shower on and step in without waiting for it to get hot. Maybe the cold water will make my dick go back to normal.

  No such luck.

  I wash my body with the soap that I brought with me and use a special shampoo for my beard. All the while distracted by my throbbing cock because it’s becoming painful. There’s no use trying to will it away. I should know by now that there is no way to win a war with a rock-hard cock, you have to give in, so I do just that. Grabbing it by the base, harder than I should, but I’m fucking angry. I squeeze and stroke, resting my head back against the shower wall for just a moment. It doesn’t take me long to get to the point of feeling like I’m going to burst, not when I need it this badly. I keep going, my dick harder and bigger than it’s ever been before. My balls tighten up until finally...release. But I refuse to allow the groan to come out of my mouth, instead it’s a strangled sound that gets caught in my throat. I watch the cum pump out of the tip of my cock, and swirl down the drain, wondering how there is any left after all the jerking off I’ve done recently.

  Pissed at myself for giving in... again, I step out of the shower, dry off and get dressed. I walk out of the bathroom and straight to my boots, putting them on as quickly as possible and heading out the door.

  I need air.


  I watch Alec as he stomps out of the room, leaving a manly, citrus scent in his wake. One that I would love to smell more often. What could have pissed him off in the shower? Part of me is saying to go after him, to try to talk to him, to try to help him. I don’t know why; I don’t even know the guy and he’s done nothing but be a dick to me. But another part of me, the one that makes sense says fuck him. Stay here in bed with these two hot guys, the two that aren’t dicks, not completely. I’m literally in a man sandwich right now. Squished between these two hot-as-fuck guys and this is me, living my best life, right in this moment. Lenny with his boyish features, gorgeous blue eyes and shiny, soft hair. Plus, he makes me laugh and that always does it for me. Then there is Callan that has that naughty teacher slash model look to him. With his pointed jaw, perfect hair and nerd glasses. And I have to admit, his being shy gets me. It makes me want to take charge and show him who’s boss, and I bet my life that he’d have the time of his life.

  “Have you ever been fucked before?”

  Callan chokes on his own spit while Lenny sucks in a sharp breath before cracking up over the question. It wasn’t meant to be a joke but whatever.

  “Uhm, ya?” He responds in a raspy voice, trying to hold back the cough.

  “Is that a question or are you sure?”

  “Of course, I’m sure.” He shifts around uncomfortably. Oops, my bad.

  “And I thought I didn’t have a filter.” I look at Lenny and wink before rolling over to face Callan, I scoot closer to him and I place my hand on his lower belly, I feel him still. He’s holding his breath, afraid to move. He smells like soap, but not the cheap soap that you buy at chain stores, he smells like the expensive shit, the good kind that makes girls wild. I lean up on my elbow and position myself close enough to him that I can whisper into his ear.

  “Because if you’re not sure...” I lick my bottom lip.

  Callan makes another choking sound and I back off, looking at him with a huge grin on my face. I expected him to get more worked up, like jump out of the bed or something. I look down to where my hand just was, and I realize that he is worked up. Very worked up, just not in the way that I expected.


  It’s been over an hour and Alec isn’t back and something inside of me is worried for him. “Have you guys heard from Alec?” All three guys answer in unison, giving me different variations of no.

  Maddox has been awake for a little while now. Callan was in the bathroom when he came in and he stole his spot on the bed without hesitation. When Callan came back, he looked both disappointed and relieved at the same time. He got himself comfortable on Alec’s bed.

  “You’re not worried about him?”

  “I’m more worried about anyone that he may run into. How pissed was he when he left?” Maddox stares at the TV, leaning up against the headboard, wearing nothing but those grey sweatpants. I may have stolen a look or two…or three, to his, ya know. But I can’t help it, it’s just there! And tempting as fuck.

  “That’s the thing, I don’t think he was. Nothing happened. He came out of the bathroom and stormed out.” Callan has a soft spoken, gentle voice. One that could calm me in my most frantic moments, but I love when it comes out raspy. He sounds like he could be a singer in a punk band or something. It’s totally hot.

  “You guys know how he is, he probably had a flashback or something.” Lenny being the voice of reason, for once.

ashback? From what?” I ask them.

  “It’s not our story to tell,” Callan answers quickly before anyone else can say anything.

  “Fruitcake is right. Alec will come around eventually, he doesn’t have a choice.”

  My phone starts ringing, the sound of an old school telephone comes from the other room. I hop off the bed and jog to it before I miss the call. When I reach it I wish that I hadn’t of wasted my time. Fuckwad is calling. I thought he’d given up. I press the fuck you button and go back to my boys. That’s right, my boys. As soon as I settle back down between hottie #1 and hottie #2 - or should I say 1 and A? Cause it’s hard to rate them - it rings again. Once more, he gets the fuck you button. Maddox raises his eyebrows and I shrug in response. When the phone rings a third time, I growl in aggravation, contemplating throwing my phone again. Maddox snatches the phone from my hand before I do something rash and answers it.

  “Hello? No, she isn’t available. She’s busy. That’s none of your business. Because I said so. Oh, is that so?” He has a proud smile on his face and winks at me. “Listen up shithead, because this is the one and only time that I’m going to say this. Stop calling Friday’s phone, stop texting her, stop doing whatever the fuck it is you’re doing and go back to,” he removes the phone from his ear and looks at me, not trying to hide the fact that I’m right next to him, “what was her name?”

  “Ashley.” I’m sure to say it loud enough that Dickface call hear me.

  He puts the phone back to his ear, “that skank Ashley. Trust me buddy, you don’t want to fuck with me.”

  He ends the phone call but doesn’t give it back. Instead he’s looking through something, but I have no idea what he’s doing until I hear the snapping sound of the camera.

  “You’re not!”

  “Oh, I am.”

  He sends the ridiculously sexy selfie that he took of himself, shirtless by the way, to Twatwaffle in a text.

  My hands cover my mouth in shock. I’m not mad by any means, this is the single best thing ever. Asswipe was always insecure, always. When he sees that I’m hanging out with this sexy as fuck guy, he’s going to shit his pants and cry all at the same time. I guarantee it.



  We’re packing all our things and getting ready to hit the road again. I don’t know why we are continuing to move around if Maddox says Friday is it. What’s the point? I stop Maddox while I’m loading the jeep and I ask him.

  “We’re not, I just don’t want to stay in this shithole. Where we go next, it’s were we’re staying for the rest of this trip.”

  “Any idea where that will be?”

  “Not yet.”

  “Don’t you think you should tell Alec?” He gives me a look like I’ve just asked the single most stupid question possible. “If you’re so worried about it, you do it.”

  I finish throwing half of the bags into the jeep and peek around to make sure Friday isn’t near. I place my hand on the inside of the trunk and speak a simple incantation that makes more room in the trunk, without making it appear larger on the outside, giving me more room to put all our stuff. It’s a really convenient thing to know, especially when travelling with Callan. You’d think he was planning on staying away from home for six months. Maddox comes in close second with all the shit he brings along. They are both too worried about their looks, but for different reason. Callan is self-conscious whereas Maddox is just cocky and knows how good looking he is and uses it to his advantage.

  Even using this little bit of magic helps itch the scratch. I’ve been playing with a few energy balls whenever I get the chance. It’s rookie stuff, but it’s enough to hold me off for a bit, until I can get some alone time to really let some energy out. Or maybe I won’t have to be alone, if everything works out with Friday.

  I’ve just finished throwing the last of the bags into the trunk when my three brothers and Friday pile out of the rooms. I close the trunk and meet Friday at the back door. I brush her dark red hair away from her face, my fingers tingling from contact and tuck it behind her ear causing her to smile.

  “Sitting with me?”

  “Of course.”

  I open the door for her, and she climbs in the middle, I slap her ass as she does, causing her to yelp in shock. Alec growls before getting in on the other side. I wish he would get over himself already. It would make things so much easier. For all of us.

  Maddox is backing up before I even get my seatbelt on. He’s in a rush. It’s late afternoon now and I hope we aren’t driving for long. I’m sick of being in the car, the only perk is getting to sit this close to Friday. These road trips used to be fun enough that it didn’t seem like the driving part was a chore, but now? It’s the worst part. Which is why I force myself to sleep.


  Everyone besides Maddox and I are sleeping. They all went out around the same time. It’s getting dark and we’ve been driving for too long. I know we’re going to have to stop soon for gas, which I am okay with because I really need to pee and stretch. These car rides are rough, I can’t believe these guys choose to do this. Though, I guess with one less person there is a bit more room.

  “Tell me about your childhood,” Maddox’s deep, husky voice speaks up, breaking the silence. Another ridiculous thing about him is that he refuses to listen to the radio. I have no idea why, but I asked him to put it on once and Lenny shook his head at me while Maddox continued on with his previous conversation.

  “Not much to say really. It was shitty.”

  “Why?” I glance up to the rearview mirror and see a pair of dark and stormy eyes looking directly at me. “My mom was and probably still is a drug addict. Hardcore. If she isn’t dead by now, that is.”


  “Sooo, she was always high, always having parties, always having random guys over the house. Every week I’d wake up to a new guy in her bed and new people passed out on the floor. I’m surprised she kept me alive as a baby and at how I didn’t get into her drug stash as a toddler. Once I was old enough to do things for myself, I did just that. I didn’t have a choice. I made meals for myself by five, did my own laundry at seven. Once I got older, her friends started hitting on me and she allowed it. Told me to quit being a prude. I think the first time I heard her say that, I was only twelve, possibly younger. Once I was thirteen, I got a job at one of the local diners, just cleaning up and stuff. I saved every penny; minus the bits I took to buy food when there was none in the house because shooting up is priority over feeding your kid. On my sixteenth birthday, I left. Knowing that there was nothing she could do about it at the time.”

  “Go on,” he says with an impatient tone.

  “I stayed with this girl from school until I was old enough to get my own apartment. She was a senior that had stayed back so she was old enough to have her own place. I don’t think my mother ever looked for me. I stayed in the same town as her, continued to go to school and she never found me. She was so high all the time, she probably thought she imagined having a kid. After graduation I moved, found jobs here and there to keep myself alive. I never had enough money for college or anything like that, my main goal was to survive and stay far away from my mother. I eventually met my ex and well, you know what happened there.”


  He’s being...weird. This conversation sounded more like an interrogation, or a job interview. Not a normal “friendly” conversation. The only one who seems to be as normal as the first day I met him, is Lenny. I thought Alec would come around, I know it’s only been a few days, but I still expected him to get used to me. Nope, he just seems to be getting worse. And Callan? I don’t know, he seems weirder too. Like he’s trying to avoid me at all costs, strange because he seemed like he had been trying to talk to me more, and now this with Maddox?

  Not that I completely regret hopping into the car with these guys because where would I be right now? But I do question it sometimes. Talking about my childhood made me entirely grateful for the
guys and the fact that I didn’t have to go back there. Not yet, anyway. But was this really a good idea? What is my end goal here? What am I supposed to do when they are done with their road trip? Are they going to leave me in whatever town they’re in before going home? I should have thought this through more before agreeing to jump into a car with four random guys, but at the same time I didn’t have the time to think about it. It was literally a now or never situation and in that moment it was my best option.

  The guys said they stopped at that motel the night before me, which was a Tuesday and today is Sunday. They also said that their vacation lasts three weeks. So that gives me a little over two weeks to figure out what to do with my life. I guess that’s better than the few hours I had before check-out. Plus, not having a home gives me more options. So, what if they drop me off in whatever place they end their trip in? I may be able to start a home there, I’m literally at the bottom right now, lying on the floor with nothing and from there I can only go up. Maybe all of this is a good thing. A learning opportunity. It’s one more hurdle for me to get over before being successful in life, because trust me when I say that I will be.

  My ultimate goal is to be everything that my mother wasn’t. I’m on the fence about having kids, but if I ever do, no way I will do what she did, no fucking way. When I’m done on this trip with these guys, I’m going to find a job, an apartment and go to college. Start a career, start a life. A good life with good people and leave all of my shitty past behind. I thought that I had done that, when I met Dickface. But I was wrong, and I should have known better. There were so many signs that I overlooked, or outright ignored. Things with him were easy, I wasn’t completely happy, but I was comfortable and that was huge for me after what I had come from. I will not allow myself to do that again. It’s nothing but the best from here on out.


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