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The Italian Inheritance

Page 12

by Louise Rose-Innes

  You are over-reacting, she told herself sternly. Just because the guy is great in bed doesn’t mean you’re in danger of falling for him. He’s made it perfectly clear this is going nowhere. Take it for what it is, hot sex, nothing more. Yet the uneasy feeling remained.

  A small, elderly woman was sweeping the patio when they got back. Anna turned to greet her. This must be the housekeeper. As she held out her hand the old woman gasped and the broom fell to the floor with a clatter.

  “O Dio mio!”

  Rafael jumped up. “Maria, are you alright?”

  “Io non ci credo,” cried the housekeeper. I don’t believe it.

  “What’s wrong?” Asked Rafael worried. “You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”

  “Si, si...” nodded the woman, pointing at Anna.

  Anna approached the housekeeper. “My name is Anna,” she said softly. “I’m from England. Is everything okay?” The woman was as white as the lime-washed walls surrounding the villa.

  “Si, Inglese,” nodded the housekeeper.

  Rafael looked at Anna. “She doesn’t speak English. Let me talk to her. I’ll be right back.” He steered the elderly housekeeper back to the kitchen, talking fast but softly in Italian.

  Anna exhaled. Well, that was odd. She took a seat on the patio step and waited for Rafael to return. After a few minutes he was back.

  “Is she okay?” asked Anna, concerned.

  “Yes, she is fine.” Rafael stood in front of her. He looked rather pale himself. “She said she recognised you from a long time ago.”

  “That’s impossible. I’ve never been here before.”

  “That’s why she thought she was seeing a ghost.” Rafael gave a grim smile. “It wasn’t you she met, it was your mother.”

  “My mother!” Anna shielded her face from the sun. “When? Here?”

  Rafael nodded. “Do you look like her? Your mother, I mean?”

  Anna nodded. “People used to say we did. I don’t really remember. The few photographs I have don’t really do her justice.”

  “Apparently she used to be a nanny.”

  “A nanny for whom?” Anna frowned in confusion. “I don’t remember her ever mentioning that she was a nanny. When I was growing up, she worked at the local crèche. Perhaps that’s the connection?”

  Rafael sat down. He didn’t know what to make of this latest development. Maria, who had been with Giovanni’s family for decades, could hold the key to this entire case. That’s if she really did meet Anna’s mother twenty-five-years ago.

  “Maria said Giovanni’s uncle came to visit one summer and brought your mother with him. She was nanny to his two young children. Apparently they stayed here for six weeks, in this house.”

  “So that’s how my mother met Giovanni,” whispered Anna. “They must have had an affair.”

  “The timing fits,” he remarked. “Maria couldn’t remember the exact year, but she said it was just before the wedding.”

  “Giovanni’s wedding?”

  Rafael nodded. He had to admit this pretty much proved that Anna’s mother had been here. If Giovanni had met her then and had an affair, it would have been illicit, given his engagement to Rosa. If that affair had resulted in Anna’s mother getting pregnant, then Anna could truly be Giovanni’s missing heir. It was possible, but there were still a lot of ifs...

  “It’s all starting to make sense now,” said Anna excitedly. “They met here on Capri, had a passionate affair and then my mother left, not knowing she was pregnant. She must have found out back in England. Oh, poor mum.”

  “I think we need to hurry up with that DNA test,” Rafael said sharply. “I’ll make the arrangements this afternoon.”

  “Don’t tell me you’re still having doubts?” asked Anna. “Surely this proves my story?”

  Rafael forced a smile. “I admit it’s looking more and more likely that you are Giovanni’s missing heir. Unfortunately, we still need the DNA test—for legal reasons. I can’t execute the will until I’ve proven you are his daughter.”

  At her exasperated look he added, “Sorry, its protocol. Nothing I can do.”

  Rafael didn’t feel remotely bad about lying to Anna. In his line of work evidence was everything. Assuming something was fact could be and often was disastrous.

  In effect he had the power to award Anna the money right now if he wanted to. He’d seen Giovanni’s will and if Rafael was convinced Anna was the real deal there was no reason why he couldn’t write her a cheque this instant.

  But he wasn’t a lawyer for nothing. He wanted that cold, hard evidence before he signed away the remainder of Giovanni’s fortune. He owed the old man that much.

  As he went to his office to call the clinic Rafael admitted there was another, more personal reason for insisting on the DNA test. If he awarded Anna the inheritance now, she’d say thank you very much and be gone tomorrow. No more exploring her glorious body or having those long legs wrapped around his waist. No more passionate kisses or watching her orgasm in his arms. Sorry, he wasn’t ready to give that up yet. Nowhere near ready. Their affair had just begun. Last night had been amazing and Rafa wanted more. Anna was the best thing that had happened to him in years. Why would he voluntarily give her reason to leave?

  Selfish and manipulative? Maybe. But stupid, he was not.


  The DNA test took roughly ten minutes. Anna gave a mouth swab and filled in the relevant forms, before everything was bottled, sealed and sent to the pathology lab in Naples where the actual paternity test was being carried out.

  After the housekeeper’s dramatic reaction to Anna yesterday, Rafael had insisted she get the DNA sample done without delay so they could set the process in motion. She’d gone alone as Rafael had headed back to Naples for two days to view prospective properties for the shelter. It was important for him to find something soon as two months wasn’t a long respite when there was renovation work to be done.

  Anna was excited. Within a week she would have concrete proof that Giovanni was her real father. After so many years of believing her father had been killed in the Middle East before she was born, it would be a relief to know for sure. She’d have a real family connection, possibly even relatives strung around Italy, but most importantly she’d feel like she belonged.

  Plus, she’d be rich. As much as she didn’t like to tempt fate, Anna couldn’t help but think about the millions of dollars. It seemed like a fairytale.

  Please... she prayed. Let this one have a happy ending.

  In Naples, Rafael was having a second look at a warehouse with Tina from Streetwise. He thought it had lots of potential. Tina also loved it. The large space was an added bonus. There was even room outside for a mini football pitch. The kids would love that.

  He stopped in at the real estate agent’s office and put in an official offer to purchase. Rafael went in at ten percent under the asking price. He was confident his offer would be accepted. The site was derelict, and the owner desperate to sell.

  Earlier that morning, Rafael had drawn up documents around Mancini’s ‘napkin’ agreement and his next stop was at the Industrialist’s office to get the official version signed. Mancini, of course, wasn’t available, but his Chief Operating Officer, after a frantic five minute phone call, grudgingly signed on his behalf. Rafael had Anna to thank for that. There was no going back now. He had his two month window. Things were finally coming together.

  With Rafael gone, Anna found herself strolling through his house from room to room. It wasn’t that she was snooping, it was more that she was looking for clues as to his personality. Or that’s what she told herself anyway. Since the man was constantly surprising her, Anna was curious to know more about him.

  Her first impression of the austere, pragmatic attorney was evident in the well-thumbed financial magazines that lay in neat piles in the lounge and the liquor cabinet that housed his favourite brand of whiskey.

  The pictures on the wall were modern, yet contained fluid lin
es and bold, suggestive elements which hinted at a man who appreciated art but had a strong sensual side to his nature. That she knew first hand. Anna grew warm at the memory of their lovemaking in Naples. Had that uninhibited person really been her?

  Anna hesitated before entering his bedroom, but only for a moment. Her natural curiosity soon got the better of her. It still smelt faintly of his aftershave—or perhaps that was her imagination. His bed was large, as in the apartment in Naples and once again the pedestals were bare except for low bedside lighting and on his side, a stack of impressive-looking non-fiction books on law.

  A framed photograph on the wooden dresser caught her eye. Anna picked it up. It was of Rafael standing between a man and woman, with the sea in the background. Presumably this was Giovanni and his wife. She stared at Giovanni’s face for a long time. If this was her father she couldn’t find any resemblance at all, except maybe the blue eyes, but then loads of people had blue eyes. It was strange. Here she was staring into her father’s face and she felt absolutely nothing. It was like looking at a stranger.

  “Pleased to finally meet you, dad,” she whispered, replacing the photograph.

  Rafael’s presence was everywhere. Feeling slightly guilty at her voyeuristic activities, Anna decided to call it a night and went to bed. Yes, the man was undeniably sexy and good looking, but it wouldn’t do to carry on like a love struck teenager. In a week she’d be leaving Capri. It was probably best not to have too many memories of him to take with her.

  “Ciao, bella!”

  Anna jumped. “Oh, Rafael it’s you. Hi, how was your trip?” Rafael stood at bottom of the stairs looking like he’d just stepped out of GQ Magazine in a double-breasted grey suit and black shirt. He wore no tie and his top button was undone. Could he be any hotter?

  “I just got back,” he smiled at her. “It’s been a successful few days. I’ll tell you all about it over dinner.”

  Anna glanced at her sandy toes and flimsy sundress. “I’ll have to shower and change before dinner,” she murmured. “I’ve been at the beach all day. I’m terribly sandy.”

  “There is no rush because tonight, I am cooking for you.”

  “You cook?” Another layer to add to his multiple personality.

  “Only on special occasions.” The suggestion hung in the air like the Mediterranean heat that wouldn’t let up.

  Anna smiled but her lips stuck on her teeth, so she nodded instead. “Great, I’ll look forward to it.” Then she fled upstairs to get ready.

  When Anna came back downstairs, the spicy aroma of Mediterranean cooking wafted around the house making her mouth water. She poked her head into the kitchen. There was Rafael wearing an apron over his clothes, patiently stirring homemade tomato sauce with a wooden spoon. Instead of looking comical, as Anna would have expected, he looked cute and downright sexy.

  “Care for a glass of wine?” He handed her a glass of red as she entered the kitchen.

  “It smells great,” she complimented him, accepting the wine glass.

  “Wait till you taste it.”

  With that slightly arrogant confidence that Anna found so attractive he lead her outside onto the patio. The table was set, complete with candles.

  “What’s the occasion?” asked Anna, suddenly wondering if all this wasn’t some elaborate seduction. After that night in Naples, her senses were still reeling. The thought of making love to Rafael again gave her heart palpitations. Would he try it on with her again, or was once enough for him?

  “We’re celebrating a new property for the shelter,” he confirmed happily. “I found the perfect place and I’ve just heard they accepted my offer.”

  “Oh, that’s wonderful, Rafael. I’m so pleased.” She breathed a big sigh of relief.

  He nodded, pulling out her chair. “Sit, I will be right back.”

  Anna did as she was told. She tried to admire the view over the bay, but the knot in her stomach wouldn’t go away. In desperation she took a huge gulp of wine. Then another. Ah, that was better. Slowly the knot dissipated. By the time Rafael got back with two places of steaming pasta, Anna felt quite merry.

  Without blinking an eyelid, Rafael immediately refilled their empty glasses. “Bon appetito,” he said, sitting down next to her.

  “Bon appetito,” she replied, picking up her fork. “This looks amazing. I’m so impressed.” Hopefully, she wouldn’t’ make a fool of herself by dripping pasta sauce all over her dress.

  “It’s good?” he asked after she’d taken a mouthful.

  “Delicious,” she mumbled, trying not to choke on a long strand of linguini as she spoke.

  Rafael chuckled. “Bene.”

  “So tell me about this property you found?”

  Anna listened while Rafael described the warehouse he’d discovered and outlined his plans for the renovation. Once again she was struck by his dedication. Every time he mentioned Streetwise or the kids his face lit up. She was beginning to realise that when Rafael was passionate about a project there was nothing he would not do to see it through.

  After they’d eaten Rafael cleared away their plates and returned with another bottle. “Oh, no more for me,” insisted Anna, holding her hand over her glass. “I’ve had way too much already.”

  “Are you sure? It’s not a crime to lose control occasionally.” His amber gaze challenged her.

  Was she that transparent? “Is that what you’re trying to do, Rafael? Make me lose control.”

  “I don’t need to rely on wine for that,” he murmured, putting down the bottle and reaching for her hand across the table. As their fingers intertwined Anna felt a surge of fear mixed with anticipation. “I’m not so sure this is a good idea,” she whispered, searching his eyes for clues as to his intention.

  “What isn’t a good idea?” He was being deliberately vague.

  “This. You and me.” His fingers began to make little circles on the inside of her wrist causing her pulse rate to go berserk. Surely he must feel it.

  “You and I make a great team, in and out of bed. Didn’t you enjoy yourself the other night? Because I certainly got the impression you did.” He was teasing her. Images of his firm, naked body sprang to mind. Those broad shoulders, lean hips and washboard abs. Anna breathed in sharply.

  “You want me as much as I want you. I can feel it.” His finger settled knowingly over her pulse.

  It was true. There was no point denying it. She did want him. Badly. The problem was, for him it was just sex. For her it was more of a sexual awakening. It meant tapping into a whole range of emotions that, up until the other day, she hadn’t known she possessed. It was terrifying. It was exciting.

  “I don’t deny I want you,” she began carefully watching his eyes gleam. “It’s just that I’m leaving soon and I’m not sure we should be starting anything now. It could really complicate matters.”

  Rafael let go of her wrist, but leant forward so that she had his full attention. “My darling...” Shivers ran down her spine. “You don’t need to worry. We are not starting anything. We are living purely for the moment. Once you are gone, our affair will be over. I, for one, would like to make the most of it.”

  “Our affair?” That almost sounded romantic.

  “Si. That is all it would be—an affair.” His dark, knowing eyes were mesmerising. Anna desperately wanted to give in to her basic instincts and allow him to sweep her upstairs into his bed, but her carefully controlled pragmatic side made her pause.

  “I don’t know...” she shook her head, confused. “So you’re saying after I leave, that will be that? Anything between us will end.”

  “Precisely. Long term relationships never work out.”

  “Yes, I remember. No such thing as love, right?”

  He shrugged as if to say, “You got it.”

  Perhaps she was being a prude. Most girls would jump at the chance of a week-long romp with a man like Rafael.

  “I won’t push you if you are not keen,” he said quietly. “But I know you want
it, too. Your body is crying out for my touch. I want to love you properly, every night until you leave. What is wrong with that?”

  Heat flooded her loins.

  Maybe she should explore her sexuality while she had the chance. Why not lose control and enjoy life for a while without thinking about the consequences? She was so tired of always looking for the perfect man, the one that ticked all her checkboxes.

  With Rafael what you saw was what you got. There would be no security, no happily ever after. He was not husband material and not a family man. She would get nothing from this affair other than the pleasure of being with him, every night, for a full week. That was her prize. After that it would all be over.

  Perhaps it was the wine talking, or maybe she was just fed up with trying so hard, but something inside of her shifted.

  “No. There is nothing wrong with that,” she whispered. In actual fact, having Rafael worship her body for a week sound like sheer bliss.

  A slow grin spread over Rafael face. He pulled her gently to her feet. “In that case, Signorina, I am not going to waste any more time talking. As beautiful as you look in that lilac dress, you will look even more beautiful out of it.

  Embracing her gently, he reached behind her back and tugged at the zipper. The dress fell in a heap at her feet. Gingerly she stepped over it, naked except for a small cotton g-string and her heels.

  The look in Rafael’s eyes made her feel beautiful, powerful. Suddenly Anna felt a weight lift off her shoulders. Spontaneity bubbled up inside her. For once she was going to let herself be like other women.

  There’d be plenty of time to revert back to her old self later.


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