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Desolate: A Riverbend Novel - Part 2

Page 6

by Sara Daniell

  “We need to focus on somewhere to take you.” She looked at my chest again then her eyes went to my unbuttoned pants. "You should zip that and button them. I'll get your shirt." She went to go past me.

  Garrett walked up and grabbed my arm, jerking me towards the truck. "Come on, Casanova. Let's get you somewhere before you embarrass yourself."

  "Too late." I laughed.


  I was finally able to get Havock to put his shirt on, which made him pout like a two year old.

  We pulled up to J's, and I looked at Garrett oddly. "Why J's?"

  "Because, I want mom and dad to have a chance to calm down for a while before I take him home."

  "Yeah I get that, but why a public restaurant?" I asked as I got out of the truck.

  “She has an apartment upstairs.”

  "O-kay," I said as Havock got out and we went inside. I about tripped when I saw Janet. She took one look at us then nodded at Garrett. We headed to some stairs at the back of the restaurant and went up to an apartment.

  Garrett used a key and unlocked it. "You have a key to the apartment?" I asked with a curious expression on my face.

  Havock had his arm wrapped around my waist and his hand was slowly finding its way up the side of my shirt. I was having to focus to hold a conversation with Garrett and keep his hand from roaming too much. He started kissing my neck.

  Garrett groaned. “Havock, I'm in the room.”

  Havock shrugged. "Then get out," he said against my neck.

  I shrugged him off the best I could. "Down boy," I mumbled.

  I heard a laugh and turned to see Janet come into the living room. "This should help. Havock, pancakes," she said as she held out a bag.

  I don't think I've ever seen him run so fast. He grabbed the bag and sat down at her table.

  Garrett shook his head then went to the kitchen and grabbed a plate, butter, and syrup. He knew his way around this place.

  That was interesting. "You'll want to grab him a coke out of the fridge as well." She then looked at me and smiled. "You want anything, Reese?"

  I shook my head. "No, thanks, Janet."

  Janet nodded then plopped down on the couch. She motioned for me to sit. I sat at the table with Havock. Okay, so she wasn't part of the hallucination. She had been real. What else had been real?

  “You two know each other?” Garrett asked as he sat next to Janet and turned on the TV.

  “I stayed with her dad and uncle. That’s where I was brought to after I was taken from you guys,” I said without looking at anyone.

  “But she was abused there! Your dad did this to her?!” Garrett was instantly fuming.

  Janet looked at him. “I didn’t say I liked my dad. Don’t worry, I’ve called the police and they’re doing an investigation,” Janet said while looking back down at her books. “But this is my dad we’re talking about. He’ll get out of it. He always does. So, what happened to Lover Boy?”

  Garrett explained everything to her while I battled with myself in my mind.

  I was not a witch. That part wasn't real. But Janet helping me get out of my prison was real. I looked at Janet when he finished talking. "I never thanked you."

  She smiled a little. "Anytime." She looked up from her bank books at Garrett. “So, Jackson…that sounds familiar.”

  "Jackson Collins."

  "Oh, right. I know him. I guess it turns out Jackson is an ass like his older brother. Go figure," Janet said as she looked at Havock. "Are you good or do you need more pancakes?"

  Havock gave her a thumbs up.

  Garrett opened a coke of his own and took a sip. "Jackson isn't so bad. Havock provoked him, J."

  "One thing I like about you, Garrett,” she said cutting him off, “you see the best in everyone." She shook her head then looked at her books again.

  I couldn't help but stare. "So you two are? What?" I asked in confusion.

  Janet looked at me. "Friends. We have been friends for what..." she stopped and looked at Garrett. "Three years now?"

  “And a half.” Garrett smiled.

  We all looked at Havock. He was asleep with his head on his plate. In the syrup.

  There was a knock at the door and before Janet could get up to get it, Garrett hopped up and opened it.

  “What’d ya’ do, double book?” A man’s voice asked from the door.

  Janet looked up. “Damn, I forgot to cancel,” she muttered.

  Garrett stuttered a bit before he could form a complete sentence. “No. Wait. What are you referring to?”

  “I’m referring to the fact I had a hook up with J.” The man leaned against the door frame.

  Janet rolled her eyes. “It’s canceled, Tim.”

  The man cocked an eyebrow at Janet then walked off.

  Garrett laughed in shock as he shut the door. “You’re adding men to your schedule now? Wow, J.”

  Janet raised an eyebrow at him. “I’ve always had men in my schedule. I just didn’t talk to you about it.”

  “Well, this is awkward,” I said feeling uncomfortable.

  Garrett stared at Janet. He obviously had no idea what to say. He looked at me then at Havock. “Reese, your boyfriend is drowning in syrup.”

  Janet got up and got me a dish rag. After she wet it she handed it me. She looked at Garrett then walked out of the room. I leaned Havock back in his chair and cleaned him up.

  Havock’s eyes shot open and he grabbed my wrist. When he saw it was me he let go. “Shit, I thought I was being attacked.” He touched the side of his face. “What the-” He looked down at his plate then at his hand. “So not cool.”

  “I was trying to clean you up,” I said with a chuckle.

  “I would’ve been cool with you just licking me,” he teased as he grabbed the towel from me. “I’ll go take a shower.” He got up and looked at Garrett who was pointing to a door down the hall. He stumbled towards the bathroom.

  I followed after him and steadied him. “ sure you’re stable enough to do that?”

  Janet walked by us. She smirked at us but didn’t say anything as she went back into the living room with Garrett.

  Havock leaned his head back against the wall. “Holy shit, how much did they give me? This shouldn’t affecting me like this.” He put his palm to his forehead. He was sweating. He looked at the bathroom. “I think I’m gonna be sick.”

  I helped him into the bathroom and to the toilet. We made just in time.


  After Havock fell asleep, I walked to Jackson's house which luckily wasn't too far away from J’s. After seeing Havock puke his guts out, I was beyond pissed. Jackson crossed the line. He needed to be dealt with.

  I knocked on the door. I was relieved when Jackson opened the door and not his parents.

  He laughed. "I can't say I'm shocked to see you."

  “We need to talk.” I glared at him. I checked my phone in my pocket and made sure it was recording. I was going to get a confession one way or another.

  “You know he deserved it.” He stepped outside and shut the door.

  "No he didn't! You could have killed him, you Jack-ass!" I snapped as we walked away from the house and behind the barn, out of sight.

  He laughed. "What exactly are we doing back here, Reese? You know the best way to get revenge would be to sleep together."

  “I’m not going to sleep with you, you ass! You’re going to admit what you did to Havock to the principal.” I turned on him then shoved him hard in the chest. He went a little further then he should have. I'll chalk that up to how angry I was.

  He scoffed and steadied himself on his feet. "No, I'm not.”

  Anger filled me. "Yes, you are." I took a step closer to him.

  "Does he know you're here?" He laughed.

  "No, he's out from all the drugs you pumped into him."

  "Do you honestly blame me? You can't tell me you don't want to beat the shit out of Janzy."

  "Beating the shit out of someone and drugging them up is
two different things. Now you and I are heading to the school right now," I said as I started to walk off. Something was bubbling on the surface.

  "No one is there. Unless, you are wanting to talk to the janitors."

  "Fine, then we'll go to his house." I continued to walk.

  He didn't follow. "I'm going inside."

  I grabbed his arm to stop him. "No, you're not," I snapped.

  "Wow, you're really persistent aren't you?” He jerked his arm away. "I'm not admitting to anything. He deserved it and you’re so dumb you actually forgive him."

  I pushed him again and this time I slammed him against the barn. I was shaking I was so angry and as I shook, it felt like the ground was as well. "I may be little, but I'm tougher than I look. This is your last chance to do this the easy way." I grabbed the front of his shirt and threw him. Literally threw him to the ground.

  He cursed as he made it back to his feet. "How did you do that?!" He said in shock. He was a very tall, very large, football player.

  I looked down at my hands and a panic filled me. I was shaking all over. I felt myself losing control.

  Next thing I knew I heard a truck and Garrett was running over towards me.

  "Reese, what the hell are you doing here?!"

  Jackson took that as his opportunity to bail for his house.

  No! All of that witch stuff was hallucinations. Tears started to fill my eyes. I was shaking all over. "No, it was just a hallucination."

  Garrett helped me into his truck. "What was a hallucination?" He asked as he drove back to J’s.

  I shook my head as tears fell down my face.

  "I can't believe you walked over there! I told you I'd handle it, Reese!"

  I didn't say anything. We pulled up to J’s and we walked in.

  As we came into the apartment Havock was awake and pacing. “Why are you awake? I figured you sleep for a while.”

  “I was asleep. Then I was wide awake. Fun thing about Meth, sleep doesn’t happen. For days.” His hands were shaking. “Janet said you left and she didn’t know where.” He held up my phone. “And I couldn’t call you! Where did you go?!”

  “I went to get Jackson to admit what he did to you,” I said as I put my shaking hands in my pockets.

  His eyes went to my chest and fixated there. “Tell them to stop staring at me.”

  Garrett laughed from behind us.

  Janet choked on her coke and started coughing and laughing at the same time.

  I burst out laughing. “I don’t think I can.”

  “Slick, Romeo. Why don’t you just take her to the guest bedroom and bang her,” she said sarcastically.

  Havock looked at me and both eyebrows raised into his hairline. “Hell yes.” He started to walk off and looked at me when I didn’t budge. “You coming or what?”

  “I wasn’t serious! You’re not having sex in one of my beds!” Janet snapped. “Oh good gracious!”

  I grabbed Havock’s hand. “How about we go for a walk?”

  “You two have had sex?” Garrett asked seriously.

  Janet looked at Garrett. “Seriously? Of course, they have. And this is Havock we’re talking about. Besides, you’ve had sex.”

  I noticed Janet’s eyes narrow a little when she mentioned Garrett having sex before. Hmmm...interesting. She liked Garrett.

  “But Reese. She’s… Reese! You let my brother in your pants?!”

  “You had sex?! Wow. Awesome big bro! Who was it?!” Havock asked proudly.

  Garrett shook his head.

  “Technically I let him help me out of my pants.”

  Janet laughed and patted my back. “Good girl.”

  Havock just grinned. He looked at Garrett. “Did I screw her?”

  “Shut up, Havock. And no.” Garrett looked at Janet. “I can’t believe you’re encouraging this shit. The last thing Havock needs is to knock Reese up.”

  “I wasn’t encouraging it. I was proud she actually said something about it. And I’m sure they’re being careful. Havock isn’t a complete idiot.”

  “Mom put her on the pill. How ya’ like that, Garrett?” Havock chuckled.

  “Okay, it’s time for a walk,” I said as I grabbed Havock’s hand.

  Janet was standing in between us and Garrett now. “Garrett, they’re both eighteen. It’s none of our business.”


  My head was pounding. The high was wearing off but it should’ve never have lasted that long. Jackson shot me up with some stout shit. He could’ve caused me to go into cardiac arrest but I wouldn’t tell Reese that. I didn’t want her freaking out.

  I was dizzy but the fresh air was helping. “I’m gonna be in some serious shit when I get home.”

  “I know, but I got Jackson admitting what he did on my phone,” she didn’t look at me. She looked lost in thought.

  I stopped walking. “What’s got your nose all scrunched up like that?”

  She looked at me. “Will you love me even if I go crazy?”

  “That’s like asking me if I’ll ever stop loving pancakes if J’s closes. Of course I will but I won’t let you go crazy, Princess.”

  Her hands shook as she ran them through her hair. “I think I already am. I...Havock, I’m seeing these things and I did stuff…”

  I looked around for a place to sit. We sat on a bench outside a barber shop. A few people looked at us as they walked by. I’m sure I was already the talk of the town. The kid high on meth at school. I ignored them and looked at Reese.

  “Seeing things and you did stuff. Okay…can you elaborate?”

  “I see these shadows. They...they talk to me and try to get me to do things. It hasn’t been so bad since I’ve been home and with you again, but they are still there. And...I threw Jackson.”

  “Shadows that talk?” I scratched my head trying to comprehend. “And you threw Jackson. Like a football or what?”

  “Like I grabbed the front of his shirt and threw him. He landed a few feet away from me. That’s not normal!”

  I wanted to understand her. I didn’t want to laugh or tell her she was nuts. But to be honest, I was freaked out. This, out in public, wasn’t the place to have this conversation.

  “We should head back to J’s and probably go home. You need to check your sugar.”

  She put her head in her hands as she propped her elbows on her knees. “I knew you wouldn’t believe me.”

  “Princess, it’s kind of hard to believe something like that. You’re tiny. He’s large. And the shadow things…are you sure it’s not just bad dreams?”

  “I don’t know anymore.” She chewed on her lip then jumped up. “J will back me up!”

  “J as in Janet? How and why?”

  “Because she’s like me!” she grabbed my hand and pulled me towards J’s.

  “Ummm, kind of freaking out right now. But o-kay.” I let her drag me back to J’s.

  When we came up the stairs and knocked on the door Janet opened it. It looked like she had been crying. “Garrett’s not here.”

  “We’re here to see you. Tell him!”

  “Umm...tell him what?” Janet asked looking at me in confusion.

  “Shadows...throwing people twice her size…” I was completely weirded out by this whole thing. Plus, I felt like complete shit.

  Janet sat down with a groan. “Reese…” she sighed and looked at Reese who looked like she was about to have a break down any second.

  “Please, tell me I’m not hallucinating. That I’m not going crazy,” she begged as tears fell down her cheeks.

  Janet looked at me then held out her hand. In a matter of seconds there was a red flame floating above her palm.

  I’m high. On meth or some form of meth. That was the reason a red flame was dancing in the palm of J’s hand. Right? I looked at Reese then back and Janet. “I really need a detox or something,”

  Janet rolled her eyes. “It’s not because of the drugs, Havock. Reese and I are witches. And I swear if Garrett finds out about this I w
ill turn you into a frog, or something.”

  I sat down in a chair. I couldn’t process this. Especially, not right now. My phone started ringing. It was mom’s ringtone. I looked at Reese. How does one function after seeing something like that and their girlfriend telling them she can throw people and see shadows that talk to her? I couldn’t answer the phone. I was too dumbfounded to speak.


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