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Desolate: A Riverbend Novel - Part 2

Page 13

by Sara Daniell

  I looked back outside as it started raining. So weird.


  I looked at Havock as we pulled up to his house for dinner. “Havock, can I ask you something?”

  “Hmmm?” He held an unlit cigarette between his lips.

  I chewed on my bottom lip. “Are you interested in going to prom with me?”

  He took it out of his mouth and never lit it. He looked at me. “Sure.”

  My face lit up into a bright smile. “Really?” I asked in a squeal.

  He shrugged. “Yeah, if that’s what you want.” He put the cigarette back between his lips.

  Before he could light it, I moved so I was straddling his lap. I took the cigarette out of his mouth and kissed him, deeply.

  He kissed me, barely, then moved me off his lap. “We need to go inside.” He took the cigarette from me and got out of his truck.

  Open his glove box, sweetie. There’s plenty of crack in there to snort. That’d be an easy death. An over dose. Take a peek. It’s there under all of his college acceptance letters he plans on burning so no one will see he actually applied to some. Don’t believe me? Look. Just a little look.

  My hands shook as I actually opened his glove box. I couldn’t stop myself from looking. I looked out the window. Havock was smoking a cigarette with his back to me. I moved around some envelopes. Harvard, Princeton, Berkeley. . .I swallowed hard when I saw the crack. There. In Havock’s truck. I slammed the glove box shut.

  And you thought you could help him. You’re not helping anyone, Reese Johnson. You’re dead weight-bringing everyone down with you!

  I swallowed hard again and got out of the truck. I walked over to Havock. “You ready to go in?” I asked, my voice shook.

  He put his cigarette out and we walked in. Johanna was putting the plates on the table. She smiled when she saw me.

  “Reese, sweetheart, can you go grab the napkins?” She asked as she set a plate down where I usually sit.

  I helped her finish setting the table, then we all sat down to eat. Havock put his hand on my thigh under the table which shocked me. I didn’t expect him to do that with the way he had been acting.

  Mr. Rick smiled at Garrett. “I think it’s pretty awesome that I get to see both my boys graduate on the same day. I guess it’s good you were a sickly kid and had to repeat a grade, huh Garrett?”

  Garrett shrugged. “Ummm, sure?” He laughed. “Pass the corn, dad.”

  Johanna smiled at all of us. “This is nice. All of us together.”

  “Is it mom?” Havock snapped at her.

  I didn’t look at Havock. I had a feeling that whatever had been bothering him was about to come out. I put my hand on top of his and played with his fingers.

  Mrs. Johanna wiped her mouth on her napkin. She went to bring her fork full of food to her mouth but it dropped. She stared at Havock.

  “What is it mom? Can’t stand the torment of your secret? Is it eating away at every fiber of your conscience?”

  “Havock, not here. Not now,” She begged.

  “Then when, mom?!” He yelled.

  She shook her head as tears fell. Mr. Rick and Garrett looked at her oddly. Mr. Rick took her hand, but she yanked it away.

  “Havock, stop! You’re upsetting her! Whatever it is can wait until after dinner!” Mr. Rick yelled.

  Havock pushed his plate away and bit his lip as he laughed coldly. He stood forcefully from his chair. “Upsetting her?! You don’t know what upset means!” He grabbed his head like he was going insane. “I feel like my fucking brain is about to explode from all of the bullshit! I can’t take this shit anymore! Going through the motions like our life is anything less than perfect is getting so damn hard!”

  Havock pointed at Mrs. Johanna. “She’s cheating on you, dad!”

  Garrett’s mouth fell open.

  I stared at Havock in shock then looked at his family. I looked back at Havock, understanding now why he had been so distant. On top of dealing with my shit, he was having to deal with this as well.

  Mr. Rick looked at her. He was so broken. “Johan-” He couldn’t even finish her name.

  She started bawling.

  Havock looked at everyone until bringing his attention back to me. “I can’t do this anymore. None of it.” He stormed out of the house.

  I swallowed hard understanding completely. “Garrett, can you give me a ride home?” I asked quietly.

  Garrett was in shock. He finally nodded and stood, clearing his throat.

  We got in his truck. He didn’t drive. He just sat there staring at his steering wheel.

  Told you so. Everyone is falling apart because of you.

  I wiped a tear that fell then focused on Garrett. “I can walk if you don’t want to leave. I’ll understand.” I rubbed his back. My phone started ringing. I pulled it out and answered. “Janet, this isn’t-”

  “There are witches here! A lot-” she screamed out in pain. “Wasn’t ready-” she cried out again before her phone hung up.

  Janet was in pain. A lot of pain. I didn’t care about some witches-I had to get to my friend. “Garrett, I need to go to Janet’s. NOW! Something’s wrong!”

  Garrett slowly turned his head to look at me. “Janet?” He asked, confused.

  “She called! She sounded like she was in pain! We need to get to her now!” I knew if anything would snap Garrett out of his shock was Janet needing him.

  He didn’t ask questions. He put his new truck in drive and sped towards J’s.

  My phone dinged as he drove.

  Havock: I’m sorry you ever met me. I’m so sorry, Princess. Goodbye.

  Me: I’m not and never will be. I will always love you, Prince Charming. My feelings for you will never change, but I won’t fight for you anymore. If you ever decide you want me-you know where to find me.

  I put my phone up. We pulled into J’s parking lot and I jumped out of the truck before Garrett had really stopped. I ran up the stairs in the back with Garrett on my heels. The door was locked and I pounded on it, but there was no answer. I looked at Garrett. “Key?!”

  He fumbled with his keys and handed it to me. Before I could get the key in the door, he had kicked it in.

  We ran in and found Janet on the floor passed out. She was pale and her nose was bleeding. I fell to the floor next to her and put her head in my lap. “J, wake up,” I pleaded as I touched the side of her face. I looked at Garrett in a panic. “What do we do?!”

  “Like hell if I know?!” He knelt beside her and started begging her to wake up. He looked at me. “Call an ambulance or something!”

  I pulled out my phone, but before I could dial 911 Janet woke up in a gasp and grabbed my wrist stopping me. “NO!”

  I heard thunder crash outside. “Janet, you need-”

  She touched her nose that was bleeding. “No, I’m fine,” she said weakly.

  Garrett was shaking. “No you’re not! What the hell happened?!”

  Her eyes landed on me then Garrett. I saw the pain in her eyes. She knew she couldn’t hide any of this from Garrett anymore. Her eyes looked back at me. “There is so much you don’t know yet. There is so much I still need to teach you.”

  Garrett stopped wiping her face. “What is she talking about?” He asked me.

  Tears filled her eyes. I gave her a weak smile. “She’s talking about what she still needs to teach me about what we are.” I looked at Garrett. “We’re witches, Garrett.”

  To be continued . . .




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