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The Game: A Billionaire Romance

Page 10

by Kira Blakely

  “Don’t you see? I can’t help other people because I am a mess.”

  “So what if you’re a mess? You’re a model for us women, not a god. We don’t expect you to be perfect. Heck, we don’t want you to be perfect. Do you think people want to take advice from a perfect person? If what you wrote doesn’t work for you, write a new book. Share your struggles with other people and tell us what we can do about them, because I’m pretty sure you’re not the only one going through what you’re going through right now.” I grab her shoulders. “I said I admired you because you seemed to have everything in control. Well, get everything in control or seem like it. Whatever happens, you’re Lindsey Holland. Don’t forget that.”

  Lindsey wipes her eyes with the back of her hand, chuckling. “You know, you could write a book of your own.”

  “No.” I shake my head. “You write the books, and you continue helping people. Allow us to put your name on those apps and help us to sell them, to convince people to use them.”

  “Fine. I guess I just can’t win against you.” Lindsey goes back into the kitchen, pulling out a paper towel to blow her nose. “Can anyone?”

  I chuckle. “You won’t believe how many times I’ve lost.”

  “Maybe that’s why you’re such a strong person now.” She holds my hand. “Grant is so lucky to have you. I hope he realizes that. And don’t you ever let him take you for granted.”

  “Well, whatever happens, I can use your app and you can point me in the right direction.”

  Lindsey grins.

  I give her a hug, squeezing her tight. “Just hang in there. You’ll be all right.”

  She squeezes me tighter, and my heart bursts with joy as I realize I had not only sealed the deal but found a good friend.

  “Thank you.” She smiles as she lets go of me.

  “No.” I shake my head. “Thank you.”

  I have done what I came to do and more.

  I’ve done it!

  Chapter 10



  Abby’s done it. She’s really done it.

  When she first teased me over the phone about her and Lindsey becoming good friends, I had an inkling she had succeeded, but I didn’t give it much thought. Now, as I stare at the initial business documents spread out over my desk, each with Lindsey’s signature, I still can’t believe that my plan is finally going to be executed. The papers are proof, though.

  Finally, everything is falling into place.

  “How did you do it?” I lift my head to look at Abby, who looks extremely proud of herself.

  As she should be.

  “It’s a secret.” She grins, putting her arms around my neck.

  I put my arms around her. “Is it now?”

  She looks down, the corners of her mouth droop.

  My eyebrows crease in concern as I lift her chin. “What is it?”

  She looks into my eyes. “You’ve kept a secret from me, too, haven’t you?”

  I tense. Did Lindsey tell Abby about our phone conversations, particularly the one where she challenged me to send her a woman who loved me? Has Abby discovered that I hired her and seduced her with the intention of sending her to Lindsey all along?

  She strokes my collar, tugging on my shirt. “You didn’t tell me you and Lindsey had a thing. She’s still mad at you for breaking her heart, you know.”

  Oh, that.

  I let go of the breath I’ve been holding. “I know.” I stroke her cheek. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you.”

  “Why? Did you think I wouldn’t go if I knew? That I’d be jealous? Insecure?”

  “I’m just… I just don’t want to lose you.”

  That gleam of warmth in her eyes as she places her own hand on my cheek makes my breath catch and my heart skip a beat. “You won’t.”

  Damn. What have I done to deserve her?

  Unable to resist a moment longer, I kiss her, letting my lips and tongue show her just how much I’ve missed her. She moans, placing her arms around my neck once more as she kisses me back.

  Without taking my mouth off hers, I sit down on my chair, my cock springing to life inside my boxers as she falls into my lap.

  Fuck. I’ve missed her.

  I squeeze one of her thighs, delighting in the moan that goes through her, then I slip my hand beneath the hem of her skirt, slowly crawling up the smooth skin.

  Suddenly, she grabs my hand, stopping it in its tracks.

  I break the kiss. “Is something wrong?”

  “Don’t you have stuff to do?”

  “Nothing more important than having sex with the woman I’ve missed so much.” I kiss her palm. “Besides, I do believe I should reward you.” I continue moving my hand up as I kiss her cheek. “And that we should celebrate.”

  “I’ll take the reward,” she says, gasping as I plant my lips on her neck. “But as for the celebration, I think we should wait until the apps have been launched successfully.”

  I kiss the other side of her neck. “But that could take a month.”

  “Then we’ll celebrate after a month,” she tells me, placing her hand on my knee and letting out another gasp as I dip her to kiss the patch of skin between her collarbone, tasting some of her fruity perfume.

  “That way, we’ll be sure it’s a success,” she adds.

  How can she still be talking?

  I have to admit she makes sense, though.

  I stop devouring her, looking into her eyes with a serious expression. “Fine. We’ll celebrate when all the hard work has been done.”

  “I’m sure you can do it.” She places a hand tenderly on my cheek. “And when you have, I’ll be the first to congratulate you.”


  “Congratulations.” Nathan places a firm hand on my shoulder. “At this rate, you’re going to surpass your grandfather’s limits.”

  “Thanks.” I take a sip from my celebratory glass of champagne, smiling at some of the guests glancing in my direction.

  After a month of hard work, the Lindsey Holland Women’s Apps have finally taken off and so has my company. A few days ago, Lindsey Holland herself talked about them on The Ellen Show, and this morning, the apps were launched in a party honoring women at the ballroom of the St. Regis and were made available online for Android, iOS, and Windows Mobile. The last time I checked, there were already close to two million downloads in less than ten hours.

  As promised, tonight I’m hosting a grand celebration in the mansion gardens with overflowing food and wine, endless music from a string quartet on Abby’s request. In attendance: My friends, some prominent businessmen, and even a few celebrities. Of course, Lindsey is here, too. Right now, she and Abby are near the fountain with their glasses of champagne, their faces lit as they engage in animated chatter.

  Who would have thought those two would end up being such good friends?

  “The one who got away, and the one who got you, huh?” Nathan teases as he nudges my shoulder.

  “The two women who are responsible for my company’s success,” I say proudly.

  Indeed, without Abby or Lindsey, today’s launching of my company’s biggest series of apps would not have even been possible. One can say they are the stars of the show, the belles of the ball.

  And they sure look the part. Abby looks beautiful, wearing a strapless lime green dress with a sweetheart, crystal-studded neckline and a slit that extends up to her left thigh. Lindsey looks stunning in maroon lace, seemingly covered in a bunch of little roses.

  “Gorgeous, aren’t they?” I think aloud.

  Abby looks especially divine, her hair braided with tiny crystal flowers, the tip cascading down her left shoulder. And that slit – I just want to run my fingers up that leg and squeeze that thigh before moving even higher.

  “Boasting, are you?” Nathan frowns.

  I take another sip. “Well, if Sam was here, I’m sure she’d fit right in with them.”

  “Yeah,” Nathan agrees, taking a sip from his own g

  “Where is she again?”

  “The Galapagos, I think. At least, she was the last time we spoke. I’m sure when I tell her about your company, she’ll be happy for you. She was hoping for your success, you know, so much it almost made me jealous.”

  “Well, tell her I said hello.”

  “No chance. But I’ll tell her about how well you and Abby seem to be doing.” He pats me on the chest and lowers his voice as he leans over. “Make sure she doesn’t slip through your fingers.”

  I nod. “I’ll do my best.”

  “And speaking of slipping through your fingers, here’s Lindsey now.”

  True enough, Lindsey is walking toward me, Abby occupied with another guest. Nathan meets her halfway, shaking her hand, then walks away.

  I smile at her as I tuck one of my hands in my pocket. “Enjoying the party?”

  “You know I am.” She looks around. “So, this is your place, huh?”

  “My humble abode.”

  She grins. “You seem to be doing well.”

  “Well, I am now, thanks to you.”

  A waiter with a tray of champagne glasses passes by and I take a glass, handing it to Lindsey.

  “Cheers.” I raise my glass to hers.

  “Cheers.” She does the same, our glasses meeting with a clink in mid-air.

  I take a final sip, setting my empty glass down on another waiter’s tray. “Thanks for doing this.”

  She finishes all her champagne in one gulp, disposing of her glass as well.

  “Are you sure you can handle drinking that much that quickly?” I ask her, putting my other hand in my pocket.

  She raises a finger at me. “I’m Lindsey Holland, remember?”

  I chuckle. “Of course.”

  We start walking.

  “And don’t thank me. Regardless of what you think, I didn’t do it for you.”

  “I know. Abby said you were still mad at me for breaking your heart. I think she scolded me a bit for it.”

  She laughs, clasping a hand over her mouth to suppress the sound. “Serves you right.”

  “Did you do it for her? The two of you seem to have hit it off.”

  “No, I didn’t do it just for her. I have a lot of reasons. And yes, I think we will be good friends for a long time to come. As it turns out, we have a lot of stuff in common.”

  “Like me?”

  She crosses her arms over her chest. “Don’t be so sure of yourself. We don’t even talk about you.”


  “I’d like to talk to you about her, though. I like her, Grant. I really do.” She rubs her arm. “When I issued that challenge to you, I wasn’t really thinking straight. There was a large part of me that didn’t think you’d find a good woman to really fall in love with you. And there was that small part of me that didn’t want you to so that you could feel even a little bit of the pain I felt when you left me. But you have, and she’s not just a good woman. She’s a great woman. I don’t know if what you feel for her is as real or as strong as what she feels for you, but please don’t break her heart like you did mine.”

  Just then, a harsh breeze blows. Lindsey rubs both of her arms, her shoulders bunching up as she shivers. I take my jacket off, placing it around her.

  “Why, thank you, sir,” she tells me in a mocked British accent.

  I make a face. “Your accent is still as bad as ever.”

  She punches my arm playfully.

  I rub the spot. “For what it’s worth, I’m sorry for what I did. And as for Abby, I promise I’ll take good care of her.”


  “So, what were you and Lindsey talking about?” Abby asks curiously as she removes another flower pin from her hair.

  She’s been at that for the past twenty minutes, ever since we came up to my bedroom after the last guest left. Frankly, I’m getting impatient as I wait on the bed, not to mention I’m getting hard just from watching her do her tedious chore, wearing only her beige corset bra, which her breasts are nearly spilling out of, and matching bikini panties.

  I swear it’s the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen, and it’s just screaming for me to fuck her.

  Well, I will.

  As soon as she’s done with her hair.

  “Nothing,” I answer, almost forgetting about her question.

  “Nothing?” She looks at me with a pout, the ruby red lipstick still on her lips, begging to be wiped off with a messy kiss. “What do you mean nothing? The two of you talked for quite a while. Plus, you seemed cozy.”

  “Don’t tell me you’re jealous.”

  She shrugs as she turns back to the mirror, carefully removing another pin. “She is Lindsey Holland, after all. And you did sleep with her once before.” She adds the pin to the pile. “Maybe more than once.”

  I sit up. “You are jealous!”

  She says nothing, but her silence and the narrowed gaze she’s casting at the mirror gives her answer away.

  I know what they say – jealousy is ugly. But on Abby, it looks hot. My cock twitches in agreement.

  Fuck. To hell with the pins. I can’t wait any longer.

  I walk over to her, standing behind her chair. “You have no reason to be jealous, Abby. I’ve never wanted anyone as much as I want you.”

  I run my hands through her hair, pressing some of the tendrils to my lips.

  “Really?” she asks.

  “Really,” I answer, grasping her chin and kissing her.

  Enough talk. I’m going to show her just how much I want her.

  I move my hand to Abby’s cheek, stroking it as I claim her mouth, by far the sweetest treat I’ve had tonight. The taste of her lipstick and the champagne stoke the hunger within me, all that heat and wetness sending heat coursing through my veins and causing my cock to be in the same state.


  I kiss her even harder, caressing her nape while I reach inside her bra to clasp one breast, freeing it from its restrictions. Abby gasps in my mouth, her nipple growing stiff as it comes in contact with the cool air in the room. I rub it, twist it gently, then tug on it, a thrill going through me as she whimpers and shivers in response. I know I should be gentler, but right now, I want her too much and the desire in my body is raging.

  I want more of her.

  I move my lips to her neck, sucking on the soft skin as I undo the front hooks of her corset one by one. Releasing her from the stiff garment, I cup both her breasts, stealing a glance at the mirror.

  Oh, what a beautiful mess I’ve made.

  The sight of Abby with her hair messy, a purple blemish on her neck, her eyes half-lidded, her red lipstick smeared around her swollen lips and her engorged breasts in my hands sends a fresh surge of heat down to my cock, turning its discomfort into ache.


  Still, I ignore it, latching my teeth on the lobe of Abby’s ear as I play with her other nipple and reach lower to slip my hand beneath her underwear.


  She puts her hand over mine and gasps, her back arching and her hips thrusting forward, moving to the edge of the chair so I can reach her more easily. I slip in a finger, stroking her while kissing her shuddering shoulder and getting another glimpse of her reflection.

  I’ve watched Abby’s face before as I brought her to the heights of pleasure, the brink of madness, captivated by her expression that is a combination of agony and ecstasy. Strangely, though, I’m more fascinated now as I watch her through the mirror, her breath coming in gasps from her parted lips, her cheeks flushed, her eyes glossed over.

  I’m more fascinated. And more aroused.

  Enough of the fucking mirror.

  After kissing her cheek, I kneel in front of Abby, pushing the chair back. With two hands, I tug on her soaked panties, the smell of her own arousal assaulting my nostrils and sending me into another high. I toss them aside then spread her legs wider, gripping her thighs as they quiver in anticipation.

  I dig in.

  My nose pressed a
gainst her curls, I lick her other swollen pair of lips, tasting what I smelled earlier. Her hips jump off the chair as a shiver goes through, her thighs shaking and rebelling against my grip as she reaches for the top of my head, nails sliding over my scalp. I push my tongue deeper, tasting more and more of her.

  I just can’t get enough of it, of her.

  But Abby apparently has. She pushes me away, my shoulders hitting the edge of the dresser.

  “I want something other than your tongue,” she whispers in my ear, nipping the lobe and sending a shiver through me.

  Just when I think she’ll just sit there or lie there and let me do whatever I please, she does something that drives me over the edge and sends my plans out the window.

  “As you wish.”

  I follow her to the bed, taking off my robe. Abby lies across the bed, spreading her legs for me in invitation. I climb on top of her, kissing her, impressing her taste on her with my tongue before I grip her thighs and plunge in.

  Oh, yes. Fucking yes.

  Bending her nearly in half, I place my hands behind her knees and pound into her Abby cries out and fists the sheets in response. My knees dig into the mattress and the bed begins to creak in protest. Still, I fuck her with all I’ve got, grunting like a savage animal.

  My cock loves the taste of her, too, more of that salty sweet nectar oozing out of her as she squeezes me, the sound of it adding to the ensemble that is already in play. It drives me even crazier, my cock slipping easily in and out of her as I move faster and faster.

  “Fuck!” I let out the shout as I release my pent-up desire deep inside her, my body trembling.

  Abby, too, trembles beneath me as her arms wrap around my back, her head coming off the bed as her lips open in a silent scream, her hips shuddering against me as she squeezes me for all I’m worth.

  Then her head crashes back down, her body growing limp as she falls still and silent. I collapse on top of her, my chest heaving with hers.

  “Do you still want to know what Lindsey and I talked about?” I ask Abby when I’ve caught my breath.


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