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The Game: A Billionaire Romance

Page 48

by Kira Blakely

  I didn’t even want to imagine what Casper was doing right then, what he was saying, or what Samantha was saying to him. I pictured him laughing about it, about the scene I had just made, his friends pulling his leg for calling me wild just moments ago.

  What was I doing? This wasn’t the Lily Fitz I recognized. I was ashamed of myself and of my behavior. Casper Argent was supposed to be the enemy, the kind of guy I should have stayed away from. And now he was driving me crazy. He was making me do things that I could never have imagined myself doing. What would Marla say if she saw me like this? How let down would my environmentalist friends feel if they found out that I had slept with the man whose company I was supposed to be protesting against?

  What would Marla say? Was Zoe missing her Aunt Lily?

  I was holding my chest as I tried to catch a breath and orient myself again so I could think straight. The moon illuminated the beautiful silver beach around me, and in any other moment, I would have been awestruck by the sheer island beauty, but not this night. Right now, I couldn’t appreciate anything. I couldn’t see the beauty in anything. All I could think about was myself and what a huge mistake I made by even opening the door to Casper. That now, in less than a day, I was falling in love with a man I should have stayed away from since the beginning.

  The gentle crashing sounds of the waves before me had masked the sound of Casper’s footsteps in the sand. When he called out to me, I turned, a little afraid of him.

  He was still some distance away, and I couldn’t see him clearly, but his voice was unmistakable. He was in no rush to catch up, almost as though he was giving me some time to think about what I had just done.

  Even from this distance, his sandy blond hair was a bright golden. He was in his tuxedo and bowtie still, with his hands thrust into the pockets of his black pants.

  He’d rolled up the bottom of his pants and taken off his shoes when he had stepped into the sand, and now the breeze had blown his smart hairstyle to the side, making him even more handsome. As he came closer, I saw his eyes were that deep blue again, almost like the color of the sea around us. His jaws were clenched as he approached me, and his lips were set tightly. His skin looked darker now in the night, but seemed to shine in the moon’s silvery illumination. Casper was like a Greek god walking stealthily down the beach. My stomach did an instant flip. All the thoughts I had been having about all this being a mistake were gone. I was reminded of why I had suddenly gone this crazy.

  It was because of this man and how he made me feel. Because of how handsome and perfect he was. And because when I expected him to be back at the party, laughing about me with his friends, he was walking toward me on a dark deserted beach instead.

  I drew in a deep breath and licked my lips as I watched him. The closer he came to me, the faster my heart beat. I was still angry, I was still embarrassed, but I was also relieved to see that he hadn’t abandoned me completely.

  Chapter 14

  “Lily, what on Earth was all that about?” he asked when he was finally within earshot.

  I shrugged my shoulders and splayed my hands. Even though I was glad that he followed me here, that I wasn’t alone on this deserted, dark beach, I still had my pride. I couldn’t completely give in to him yet.

  “I was overwhelmed. I wanted to talk to you privately, and you were shutting me out,” I said, watching him shyly as he walked toward me.

  Casper wasn’t smiling yet. He looked like he was visibly upset by what had just happened. It was embarrassing. I didn’t want him to be upset with me. I didn’t want him to start thinking that bringing me here was a bad idea.

  “I was in the middle of something, Lily. I couldn’t just go away with you,” he said, exhaustion in his voice. His jaw was set straight, and he was still clenching it. That humorous expression I was so used to seeing in his eyes was gone.

  “Yeah, I saw that. You were in the middle of being seduced by some woman you claim is just your friend,” I spat out. I didn’t know where those words were coming from exactly, but they came tumbling out of me. I hated myself instantly for saying them.

  Casper laughed. He threw his head back, and his shoulders shook as he laughed. “Samantha? You thought I was in the process of being seduced by Sam?” he asked through his laughter.

  It angered me more, seeing him not taking my words seriously. I crossed my arms over my breasts again and stood glaring at him till his laughter began to die.

  “Look, Sam is an old friend. I’ve known her since college. Our parents tried to arrange a marriage between us for the sake of our family businesses, but we both refused. She knows just as well as I do that we are not meant to be together.” His voice had a certain earnestness to it, which immediately calmed me down. I also felt slightly silly, hearing him explain what the situation was. Obviously, it was all a big lie, right?

  “It didn’t seem like she knows that you’re wrong for each other,” I blurted out, still not able to control the words spewing out of me. Casper laughed again, but this time more subtly. He kept his distance from me, and his hands were thrust into the pockets of his pants.

  “Sam is a special woman. She has a certain way about her, but Lily, believe me when I tell you that I’m not interested in her,” he said and finally took a few steps toward me.

  I could feel the hotness of my face beginning to die down a little now. Whether I completely believed him or not, I wanted to. What other choice did I have but to accept the explanation he was offering me? Besides, I already made a fool of myself by displaying my jealousy. I dropped my arms to my side as I sensed his body move closer to mine.

  “Ah, Lily, Lily, Lily… what am I going to do with you?” He placed both his hands on my arms and squeezed my body between them. The smile in his eyes returned, and there was laughter in his voice again.

  I looked up at him with a slight quiver in my lips. I was embarrassed and flushed, and unsure of him still. And I also had nothing to say to him. I knew an apology was in order, but I wasn’t about to give it to him that easily.

  When I remained silent for a while, Casper took in a deep breath and sighed, studying my face closely.

  “What can I tell you, Lily? I have a past. And I’m also set in my ways.” he continued.

  “You mean you’re a Casanova? A playboy?” I snapped, still not aware of what exactly I was feeling. My cheeks burned despite the cool sea breeze as I glared at him.

  “Call it what you want. But human nature is a strange thing,” he added. I sighed and looked away from him.

  “Are you trying to say that I shouldn’t try and change you?” I asked him without looking at him.

  “You can’t, just like I can’t change you. And it would only be foolish of you to try,” he said, and I faced him again.

  I was trying, with all the strength in my body, to not simply break down and cry. That would be a disaster. That would make him laugh again. And he was right, who was I to try and change him?

  “Lily?” he said again, trying to catch my gaze.

  “Casper?” I said, and he smiled like he was satisfied with my reaction.

  “You are very warm,” he said, running his hands up and down my arm. Even through the fabric of my netted sleeves, he could feel the hot rage coursing through my veins. I remained silent, allowing the sensation of his hands on my body to wash over me.

  Despite everything that had just happened, Casper Argent could, in an instant, completely change everything. Just one touch from him was enough to make me forget myself and give in to him.

  I leaned in toward him. Before I could stop myself, I lifted myself up on my toes, and I kissed him. I didn’t know what I was doing, all I knew was that I wanted him. His mouth was rough and strong as he kissed me back. I pressed myself against him, my breasts crushed against the muscular strength of his chest.

  We kept kissing, his hands slowly tracing my back, pulling down the subtle zipper that ran down the back of my dress. I was moaning into his mouth, and my moaning got louder when my d
ress fell to my feet. The cool breeze lapped against my skin gently and sent a shiver down my spine.

  Casper pulled away from me, ending our kiss and he quickly undid his bowtie, flinging it to the sand. He took off his jacket, unbuttoned his shirt, all while keeping his eyes on me.

  “You drive me crazy, Lily,” he grumbled as he pulled me close again, kissing my neck, down my throat, and to the top of my breasts.

  His hands were fumbling with the hooks of my bra while my hands worked on his pants. His belt came off, and I boldly unzipped him. I was eager to have his solid, long cock in my hands once again. When I did, it was hot and throbbing, already prepared and hard to be inside me.

  Casper took off my bra, and then he was sliding down my panties. Now, it suddenly hit me that I was completely naked on a public beach, walking distance away from the party. I was panting from excitement and feeling nervous about getting caught. I could hear his heart beating against my ear when I pressed my head to his chest, stroking his cock with both my hands.

  “Get down on your knees,” he said, and I obeyed his command. I got down on my knees in front of him, with his enormous cock swinging in front of me, hanging from between his legs. I looked up at him. His face was illuminated with the silver moon like a halo. His hair was disheveled. His bare, muscular torso was splendidly on display, and I reached with both my hands to feel the velvety golden skin on his abdomen. He grabbed my hands and then directed them toward his cock. He was watching me; he was directing me to do exactly what he wanted.

  I started stroking him again, and he stood in front of me with his hands on his hips.

  “Good girl,” he said with a smirk on his face, and then closed his eyes, enjoying the sensation of my moist hands on him, stroking him gently, growing harder in my hands. Whatever he thought his life was like, in that instant, I knew exactly the kind of control I had on him and what I could do to his body.

  His eyes flew open with a sudden jerk, and he savagely threw my hands away from him.

  “Enough. I want you now,” he growled, and in a flash, he was on the sand. He pushed me back so that my body fell with a gentle thud on the sand. I could feel its cool moistness on my back. My legs instinctively fell wide apart, inviting him in. He was kneeling in front of me, holding my knees, watching my wetness growing, glistening, pink, and swollen with desire for his cock. He knew what needed to be done, what I was yearning for him to do, but he kept watching me, like he was taking a mental picture of me for later.

  Then Casper wedged himself in between my legs, still holding my knees with his hands.

  “I’m going to fuck your brains out,” he said, just as he slid my legs over his shoulders. His face was between my knees, and I moaned again. I was wet – dripping wet – and anxious for him.

  Casper bit down on his lower lip when he thrust himself into me. He wasn’t gentle; he wasn’t slow. He pushed his cock deep into me, and I screamed, spreading my arms wide on either side. My back arched up to receive him. I could feel him inside me, tight and enormous, pumping into me. With each thrust, my legs grew apart, and Casper brought them closer to his ears again.

  In the dull light of the moon, his face was fierce. He was focused entirely on me and making me come. This time, as before, I was going to come easily. He moved his hands from my knees to my breasts, grabbing them both tightly in his hands.

  I came while I stared at his face, with my nipples between his fingers as he pinched them hard. He increased his pace so that he was pumping into me with a new kind of force. We were going to come together. I felt him shoot inside me. His face hardened, and he groaned loudly. I threw my head back with my back and neck arched away from him. My breasts were high up in the air and still in his hands as he squeezed them.

  I was screaming as I came, and he remained inside me. Still big and strong, and still throbbing.

  When my breathing became even, Casper pulled out of me. The smile had returned to his face. Like before, he was quick to start putting his clothes back on.

  “Now, are we back to being in a better mood?” he asked. It was embarrassing that he thought he could simply fuck me into changing my mood. But there was some truth in that, I had to admit, so I stuck my chin up in the air.

  I reached for my undergarments and started slipping them on. Casper had already started tucking his shirt into his pants by now.

  “Lily, just try and enjoy the party tonight,” he said in a much more serious voice.

  I looked up at him and forced a smile on my face, not sure if he could tell the emotional turmoil that had taken over my body.

  “Of course,” I said, hooking up my bra. He smiled at me, too, like he believed what I just told him. Then he clapped his hands and rubbed them together.

  “Right. Ready for round two on the dance floor?” he asked, grinning at me.

  I didn’t want to dance. I didn’t want to dance ever again.

  Chapter 15

  We stayed the night at the same hotel where the party was held. I wriggled out of Casper’s arms when he tried to get me back on the dance floor, making excuses of tiredness. Also, thankfully, I hadn’t seen Samantha again for the whole night.

  The next morning, I woke up beside Casper on a large, circular bed; I couldn’t even remember what time we came up to the room or how we had fallen asleep. All I remembered was that we’d had sex again on the ledge of the window overlooking the sea. I remembered that my back was pressed against the glass pane as he drove into me, making me scream.

  Now I had a dull ache at the back of my head. I was hungover and tired and wished I could be home. I slipped off the silky hotel sheets and found my way into the bathroom. I quickly stepped into the shower and stood under the warm streaming water for what could have been close to an hour. By the time I was done, the bathroom mirror was completely fogged up and there was a hot mist in the room, making it hard for me to see.

  I tried to find the handle of the door, but I ended up bumping into Casper’s chest. Then I heard him laugh.

  “Seems like you had a good shower,” he said, but I couldn’t yet see his face through the mist.

  “Are we leaving today?” I asked, ignoring his question. I wanted to go home. I wanted to get away from him before he could seduce me again. I’d had enough.

  “We’ll leave as soon as you’re ready,” he said, grabbing my face with both his hands.

  I had wrapped a towel tightly around my wet hair and it knocked against his face as he held me, trying to look into my eyes through the mist. It was finally clearing up now, and I could see his face. He looked fresh and content, as though he had just come out of a relaxing spa. Who woke up in the morning looking like that?

  I wriggled out of his hands and finally found the door. My suitcase was on the floor next to the bed; somebody had brought it up for me, no doubt. Clearly, Casper had given his people instructions as to which room to bring the suitcase up to. He’d never intended on giving me a different room. He’d brought me here for sex, and that was what he’d gotten.

  I clenched my teeth as I hunched down on the floor and opened my case. I didn’t know how I was feeling. Now I knew for sure what Casper’s intentions were, but I had been a willing accomplice. I couldn’t fault him for what he’d done. He hadn’t tried to create a different illusion. I’d willingly fallen for his seduction, and I enjoyed it. There was no excuse.

  While Casper remained in the bathroom, I picked out my outfit: a lacy green dress, slightly old and faded in places, that grazed the floor. The straps were thin and frail on my shoulders, and my skin suddenly looked very pale against the emerald color of the dress. In the long, full-length mirror, I dried my hair as much as I could with the towel, then I ran my fingers through my curls, hoping they would settle down soon. I found the beaded earrings and necklace from the previous day, and I put them on. My blue eyes looked tired, and my pink lips looked swollen and pouty from all the kissing I had done.

  The bathroom door opened, and I turned to look at Casper.

  He looked as dashing as ever in a sparkling white polo shirt and tan chinos. He had an expensive-looking brown leather watch on his wrist and a pair of sunglasses in the front shirt pocket. As always, his hair was done stylishly, brushed to the side in a heavy tuft. His eyes were a calm morning gray again.

  “You look beach ready!” he said, but there was no smile on his face.

  “No beach. I want to go back home right away,” I said, zipping my suitcase back up again.

  “Hold your horses, Lily. I said we’ll go.” His face turned sour. He had taken offense, and I breathed in deeply.

  “I don’t mean to rush you. I just want to be back, back to my work and Marla and Zoe,” I said, running my hands down the front of my dress to smooth the creases.

  Casper remained standing at the door of the bathroom until he dropped his arms to his sides and walked up to me. “Let’s go then. We wouldn’t want Zoe to worry about you too much,” he said, and before turning away from me, he placed a quick, wet kiss on the top of my forehead.

  I licked my lips, afraid of how my body was going to react again to his touch. But I managed to soldier through, kept my emotions in check, and followed him out of the hotel room.

  It was going to be over soon, I reminded myself. I wouldn’t have to be a slave to my own feelings for Casper for very much longer. Just a few more hours, and all this could finally be a distant memory.

  “Leave the bags. Someone will bring them,” he said, turning to me. When I looked at his face, I realized that he had no idea how I was feeling.


  “A hot towel?” The flight attendant presented herself to us again, with the same rolled-up hot towels on a solid gold tray. Only this time, the towels were lightly scented with cinnamon. It instantly made my stomach rumble, and Casper looked at me and smiled.

  “Katrina, will you please bring us a plate of finger sandwiches or something?” he said to her, and she duly nodded her head and went away.


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