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Black Belt Knockout (Powerhouse M.A. Book 4)

Page 17

by Winter Travers

  “Yeah. In all things karate, they’re well known.”

  “And they want to interview you.”

  “I’m sure it’s a fluke, baby.”

  I hummed under my breath. “Humble Roman Yeck. I have seen it all now.”

  He chuckled. “Miracles do happen.” Someone hollered in the background they were ready for him. “I gotta go. I’ll call you when I’m done, okay?”


  “I love you, and make sure you tell Sam I love and miss him, too.”

  “We love you, too.” I hung up before I did something insane like begging him to come back right now.

  Hadley tapped on the window, and I jumped. “Time to paste on a happy face, Sage,” I mumbled. I shoved my phone into my pocket and headed back into the café.

  “Everything okay?”

  I sat down and took a sip of my blah decaf coffee. “All good. He was just letting me know he had landed.”

  She nodded her head. “Tate was telling me how good this is for Powerhouse. It’s really helping to grow the brand, and he’s only been to two tournaments.”

  “Yup, this is his third one.”

  She reached out and rested her hand on mine. “How are you doing with it?”

  I scoffed. “I’m fine, Hadley. I know what a big deal this is for Powerhouse. I’d be a raging bitch if I didn’t like it.” I was a raging bitch. When Roman had first told me about going back on the circuit, I was fine with it. A weekend here and there and days training sounded like no big deal. That was, until I fell in love with the man and felt like my heart was breaking anytime he wasn’t near. Lord, I was a pathetic excuse for a woman.

  Hadley stretched her arms over her head. “So, when are you going to tell us what you are having? Molly said you weren’t going to tell us until you talked to Roman.”

  “Wait!” Molly hollered. “There isn’t any way in hell you are going to tell Hadley what you are having before you tell me.” She ran over to our table and skidded to a stop.

  “Have you been listening to our conversation this whole time?” I asked.

  “What? No, that’s insane. I told Hadley to signal to me when you were about to spill the beans. I knew it was only a matter of time since you just talked to him.”

  Hadley shrugged. “She made me do it.”

  Molly pulled out the chair next to me. “Counters closed for five minutes,” she hollered.

  “Dammit, Molly. I was looking to get a refill.”

  Molly pointed at Harry. “Pot is behind the counter, Harry. I got more important things going on right now.”

  He grumbled about poor service but got up to get his own coffee.

  “People are gonna start going somewhere else if you keep making them get their own coffee,” I laughed.

  “Oh please, they know even with wonky service, they’re still getting the best coffee within fifty miles. Now tell me if I need to go out and buy blue or pink? I’ve got a huge ass list I’m dying to go out and buy with Kellan’s credit card.”

  Hadley high-fived her. “Yeah, girl. That’s what I’m talking about. I’m gonna have to hit up Tate, too.”

  I laughed and finished my coffee. “You both aren’t hurting for money at all, and yet, you’re still gonna hit up your men.”

  They scoffed in unison. “Girl, what else do these guys have to spend their money on beside us? I’m just sharing the love.” Molly brushed off her shoulders and smiled. “So, spill.”

  “Maybe I won’t tell you.”

  “Pfft, girl. Have you not learned yet? These men are worse than women. I’m sure he’s already told Kellan, who then told Tate and Dante. Hadley and I are probably the last ones to know since Dante probably already told Kennedy.”

  So true. I sighed and pushed my cup back. “Well, the baby looks healthy, and I measure right along with my due date.”

  “Yes, yes,” Molly urged.

  “And well, although I was hoping for a girl, you guys are going to have to deal with another Roman Yeck running around.”

  Molly jumped up and threw her hands up in the air. “The second generation of ninjas has begun!”

  I grabbed her arm and tugged her back into her chair. “You’re crazy,” I hissed.

  “Hold up. What’s this I hear about ninjas?” Bess hollered.

  “Oh, dear God, you’ve done it now,” Hadley laughed.

  Bess bustled over to the table. “It’s a boy, isn’t it? I just knew it.” She turned around. “It’s a boy, Ethel. I damn well told you. She’s carrying way too low to be having a girl.”

  I looked down at my stomach. “Carrying low?”

  “Damn Ethel, trying to tell me about babies when she never even had one. After having three kids of my own, I can just look at a woman and know what she’s having.” She glanced around the café. “I was gonna show you my magic, but everyone is too old or not pregnant in here.” She glared at Molly and Hadley. “I assume you ladies will be rectifying that shortly.”

  “Uh…well…you see…with the winter coming…and well…Hadley has the hips for it.” Molly jumped up and dashed back to the counter. “I’m sorry, Hadley,” she shouted over her shoulder.

  Bess took her seat and grabbed Hadley’s hand. “Have you heard of the piercing your left nostril? Or how about pomegranate? Start feeding it to Tate to up that sperm quality, and you’ll be popping out a baby in no time.”

  Hadley spat out her coffee. “Sperm quality?”

  Whew, and the spotlight was off me. I had to remember to keep Bess around if I ever wanted a distraction. I couldn’t even make up half of the stuff she was saying.

  “Also, make sure he doesn’t put his laptop on his dicktol region. Totally hampers sperm formation.” Bess tsked. “Every time I see a laptop on one of these young buck’s laps, it takes all my strength not throw it across the room. So many young babies not making it just because the damn book of faces is more important.”

  I was still stuck on the dicktol region. Had she just made up a new word?

  Hadley sputtered trying to get a word in.

  “Also, underwear is bad, bad, bad. Hostile environment for those spermies swimming around.”

  I tilted my head to the side. I was going to have to make sure Roman wore underwear all the time now. Once I popped out this little guy, I was done with babies for a while.

  Bess turned to me. “That was how you got it, girly. That man doesn’t wear underwear.”

  My jaw dropped. “What?” How in the hell did she know that? I didn’t even know until the damn man had taken his pants off.

  She wagged her finger at me. “Bess knows everything, doll.”

  I pointed at Hadley. “I bet Tate wears underwear.”

  That did the trick.

  Bess turned her attention back to Hadley. I mouthed I’m sorry to her, but I didn't think she really cared.

  I sat back, listening to Bess spouting all her info on how to get pregnant while I tried not to think about how much I missed Roman.


  Chapter 31


  “Come on, fucker. Let’s go get a drink.”

  I leaned against the doorframe and shook my head. “Nah, brother.”

  “Come on, dude. Call up your girl, tell her what you’re doing, and let’s bounce.” Marcus pushed me into my room and looked around. “Damn, brother. How the hell did you get the fucking presidential suite?”

  “That’s all SKW.”

  “I can see why you wouldn’t want to leave your room. This shit is impressive.”

  “Just a room, brother.” It was nice, but it was just whatever.

  “Well, you can leave it for an hour.”

  “What’s so important downstairs?”

  He smiled. “My mom is down there. She’s bugging that you’re here without your woman and told me to come down and get you.”

  I busted out laughing. “Your mommy sent you up here?”

  He shrugged. “Dude, it’s my mom. Not like I can tell her no.”

; “Are you sixteen or twenty-six.?”

  He grabbed my phone off the dresser and tossed it to me. “Just like you need to check in with your woman every couple of hours. Call her. Give her my number, tell her the damn address of the place, whatever she needs.”

  “Doubtful Sage is going to have a problem with me hanging out with you and your mom. I mean, that thing between Agnes and I happened years ago.”

  I ducked into the bathroom and locked the door behind me.

  “You fucker!” Marcus hollered.

  “Give me five minutes, asshole.”

  “Just for that shit, I’m going to eat everything in your snack bar.”

  Didn’t matter to me. All of this was SKW’s dime.

  I jumped on the counter and called Sage.


  “Hey, baby.”

  “Marcus is up here harassing me about going to get a drink with his mom.”


  I sighed and hung my head. “I was just calling to let you know.”

  “Don’t believe what he’s saying about my mom, Sage!” Marcus hollered through the door.

  “What did he say?” she laughed.

  “Nothing important,” I chuckled

  “Sounds like you’re having a good time.”

  “Just counting down the minutes until I get to see you and Sam.”

  “You’re so sappy,” she giggled.

  “And you know you love it.”

  She sighed, and I heard Sam shouting in the background. “Go have fun with Agnes and Marcus. I’m gonna try to get some pizza in Sam and then get him into bed.”

  “Think about me?” I missed her more and more each time I talked to her. She was living without me, and I didn’t like it.

  “It’s almost too hard to forget about you. I love you.”

  She hung up, and I sighed. For most people, that would be enough, but she had said almost.

  Almost wasn’t good enough for me.



  “Was that Ro, Mama?”

  “It sure was.”

  “Did he say he missed me?”

  I smiled and nodded my head. “He did.”

  He pumped his fist in the air and ran around in circles.

  “Go wash up. Pizza will be done in five minutes.”

  Sam jetted down the hallway, and I leaned against the counter. I rubbed my stomach and wished it was time for bed already. I never realized how much Roman helped with Sam after work. I had played Sensei Says except it was just Mama Says according to Sam because I wasn’t a Sensei. Then we decided to make homemade pizza, which was an ordeal in itself.

  Roman had called two times since I had talked to him at the café, and each time he called, I missed him even more.

  Only a day and a half ‘til I got to see him again. I could make it.

  I think.


  Chapter 32


  Roman’s phone died. He said to watch SKW at 7. -Marcus

  “Is that Ro?”

  I tossed the phone on the coffee table. “No, it was his friend. Roman’s phone died, but he said to tell you we need to watch him at seven.”

  “Woo! That means he made the night show!” Sam jumped up and down. “This is awesome, Mama. He told me if he keeps winning, he could win some big thing in the end.”

  Sam was so specific. “You mean a title, baby?”

  “Yeah, a title.”

  I had found that out too. I felt like a jerk when Roman would start talking about karate, and I had no idea what he meant. Not that I was going to actually learn karate, but I figured I should learn some of the lingo and what the gist was with everything.

  “How long until we get to watch him?”

  “Hour and a half, bud.”

  His face fell, “Oh man.” His head popped up. “Can we have rice for dinner?”

  “So random, Sam,” I laughed. “You mean Chinese?”

  “Yeah, China! Not the kind you make either. The stuff they bring to the door.”


  “China,” he smiled.

  “Now you’re just messing with me.”

  He shrugged. “Roman said I needed to keep you on your toes.” He pointed his finger at me. “So now, order China.” He raced down the hallway to the bathroom. “I’ll even wash up right now.”

  Oh poor, Sam. Too bad he was going to find out he was going to have to wash up again when the food got here.

  “Mama,” he called. “Can I have some paper? I want to make a sign for Roman.”

  I strolled down the hallway and leaned against the doorway. “Baby, he can’t see you.”

  He rolled his eyes and balled up the hand towel. “Yes, he can. If you send a picture to him.”

  Lordy. Here came one of Sam’s crazy ideas.

  “I need a big piece of paper, markers, and you need to order China.”

  I threw my hands up in the air. “Aye, aye, captain. But it’s Chinese, not China.” The kid wanted me to order a whole country.



  “She text back?”

  Marcus shook his head. “No.”

  That sucked. I didn’t expect her to have a full-blown conversation with Marcus, but I at least expected an okay or something.

  “Dude, she’s got a kid. Maybe she’s busy.”

  It was half past six. She probably was. Sam was a handful, and it was right around his dinner time.

  “Look, just focus on your shit coming up.” Marcus’ phone dinged. “Whoa, hold on, brother. She just sent a picture. If this is a tit pick, I am so saving this shit to my phone.”

  I grabbed the phone from his hand and flipped him off. “Just for that, I am so kicking your ass tonight.”

  “Just one glimpse, brother. That’s all I’ll need.”

  “You follow me, and I’ll take out your good hand, brother.” I moved to the other side of the stage and clicked on the message. Sage and Sam’s smiling faces lit up the screen with a huge sign with words “Go Roman” scrawled on it.

  “It’s titties, isn’t it? That’s why you look like you’re about bust a nut.” Marcus peeked over my shoulder, and I didn’t even try to elbow him in the gut. “Oh man, that ain’t no titties.”

  I looked over my shoulder at him. “It’s fucking better than titties, asswipe.”

  He shrugged. “To each their own, brother. I’ll take titties any day, though.”

  “Can I have a fucking moment, please?” Marcus was a good friend, but he needed to get gone for five minutes. He held up his hands and strolled away.

  “Roman, I need you for five minutes.” Lauren walked onto the stage with her hands on her hips.

  “Kind of busy here, Lauren.” This bitch popped up at the least convenient times.

  “Well, you’re on SKW’s time right now, and I’ll tell you if you’re too busy to talk to me. Sending little love letters to your girlfriend is not what you’re getting paid for right now.”

  I crossed my arms over my chest. “What do you need now?” As much I didn’t like Lauren, she was still my boss.

  “Karate Illustrated wants to talk to you right now. They want to get inside the brain of Roman Yeck before he competes. I told them you would meet them on the side of the stage. Make sure to mention SKW.” She tapped the toe of her shoe and crossed her arms.

  This shit was getting old. After I had told Lauren to stick where the sun didn’t shine when it came to Sage and me, she was a raging bitch pulling me here and there. I quickly typed out a message, sent it Sage, and tossed the phone to Marcus.

  “Be back in ten, brother.” I turned to Lauren. “Lead the way.”

  She smiled smugly and marched off the stage.

  She may have thought she won, but she was going to have a rude awakening come Monday.

  Roman Yeck didn’t put up with this shit.


  Chapter 33


  “Where is he, Mama?”

  I glan
ced at the clock. “I’m not sure, bud.”

  “Maybe the plane ran out of gas?”

  I laughed. “I hope that didn’t happen.”

  Roman’s face lit up the screen on my phone. “Here he is right now, bud.”

  Sam snatched the phone out of my hand and answered it. “Ro, where are you?”

  Sam nodded his head and listened.

  “Did it run out of gas?”

  He plopped down on the couch and crossed his tiny legs. “Oh, bummer. Can we put the trophies together when you get here?”

  Sam smiled big. “Awesome. Here’s Mama. Love you!”

  He tossed the phone to me and turned back to the TV. Apparently whatever Roman had told him appeased him for the moment.

  I rose from the couch and walked into the kitchen. “Um, hey.”

  “Baby, I’m so sorry.”

  “What happened?” I leaned against the counter and watched Sam.

  “My flight got canceled, and I can’t get another one until early tomorrow morning.”

  It was only two o’clock. “How are there no other flights available?”

  “They’re all booked full. I’m on a waitlist for all of them, but I’m not guaranteed anything.”

  I hung my head and sighed. The universe did not want Roman and me to be together.

  “I’m not going anywhere. They offered to put me up in a hotel, but I’m staying here in case something opens up.”

  “Roman…” I didn’t know what to say.

  “Just wait for me, Sage. I’m sorry.”

  Again, this wasn’t his fault, but something nagged at me. “I know that, Roman,” I whispered.

  “Something’s wrong.”

  There was. I had struggled all weekend with what I was feeling, but I knew talking to Roman about it over the phone wasn’t going to fix it. “I’m fine.”

  “Sage, don’t lie to me.”

  “Please don’t make me do this right now, Roman. I have Sam, and I can’t go and hide.” I couldn’t hide that my heart was breaking.

  “Sage, I’m coming back to you. Please don’t let whatever is going on in your head right now make you decide something before I’m even there.”


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