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Cowboy Most Wanted (Copper Creek Book 1)

Page 16

by Stina Lindenblatt

  What happens if I do look at Violet the wrong way?

  Go ask Roger Mathews from Texas. Turns out the guy had a girlfriend he’d failed to mention.

  Now he’s facing a lawsuit. A lawsuit for a lot more than Cora Lee requested on a loan from the bank.

  And worse yet?

  Because of the contract, I have to be intimate with Natalie—if that’s what she wants. She gets to call the shots…even if I don’t want to be intimate with her.

  Luckily, “calling the shots” excludes sex.

  The gravel crunches underfoot as Jake and I walk down the path to the driveway. A bird chirps behind me. I turn around and spot a chubby chickadee sitting on a wooden post.

  I raise my smartphone and aim it at him. Several clicks later, I have a good picture to post on our social media sites. Yes, the ranch is now on social media…thanks to Violet.

  Jake laughs. “She’s really got you trained, hasn’t she?”

  “Who?” I ask even though I know who he’s talking about. I just don’t want to admit it.

  Because he’s right. Violet has me trained. Do I believe the dramatic increase in Facebook page likes following the episode I was on is due to people wanting to buy a horse from us?

  No—if the number of requests for shirtless pictures on the page are any indication.

  But it’s a start.

  “I don’t suppose you could marry Violet,” he says. “Then she can do all the social media for us?” He might not be laughing this time, but it’s definitely in his tone.

  “Yes, maybe we could include that in our wedding vows.” I shove him on the arm.

  He chuckles. “Hey, it was just a thought. But at least Cora Lee’s blackmail didn’t involve you marrying Natalie. Be grateful for that.”

  I admitted to Jake and Noah what happened after Cora Lee blackmailed me. They decided not to kill me when I told them, although I’m sure the thought has crossed their minds a few times since then.

  The good news is, Cora Lee did delete the audio recording once I cosigned the loan and it was approved.

  The other good news? Jake got a lawyer friend from college involved. If she has another copy and it’s released, she’ll be in legal hot water.

  I post the picture on Instagram with a bunch of hashtags, including one for our ranch. Like with Facebook, our Instagram followers grew exponentially after the episode I was on aired.

  A limo pulls up in front of the house as Jake and I approach the driveway.

  “They sent her in a freaking limo?” A white limo with big-ass steer horns tied to the grate. There would be less disbelief in my tone if Santa had landed on the driveway with his flying reindeer. “Please tell me she’s not one of those city girls who can’t handle getting a fleck of dirt on them.”

  What do I know about Natalie? Not a helluva lot. I didn’t bother watching the episode when she was introduced to the viewers.

  Noah filled me in on the highlights. But I have no idea what they are. I was fantasizing about Violet at the time.

  Violet’s rental car and two white vans park farther back from the limo. From where Jake and I are standing, we can’t see much of anything. But a moment later, a tan cowboy hat covering long, wavy blonde hair pops into view from the other side of the limo.

  The owner turns around, giving us a better view of her face.

  Jake lets out a low, appreciative whistle, heard only by me. “Shit, she’s a fucking Victoria’s Secret model. Or she could be. No wonder Noah’s had a boner for her ever since he saw her on TV.”

  “Now are you sorry you didn’t volunteer to take my place?”

  He laughs…because we both know the answer. “Not at all. I’m still sticking with better you than me.”

  “Speaking of Noah, where is he?” You would think he’d be falling over himself to meet Natalie in person—even if he’s not a contestant.

  “No idea. But look who did show up.…” His gaze shifts to the small, bright green car driving up the driveway.

  Now imagine a clown car at the circus. The door opens and a never-ending stream of clowns pour out of the vehicle.

  Welcome to Gertrude’s car. She climbs out of it, along with Grandma Meg, Tilly, and three other old ladies from the senior center. I have no idea how she even fit them all in the car.

  And what’s worse? They’re outfitted with binoculars and cameras.

  “What the heck are they up to?” I ask. “They look like spy-wannabes.”

  Jake bursts out laughing.

  Did I mention they’re also wearing trench coats? Bright, colorful trench coats.

  “To them,” Jake says, “this show is the best thing that has happened since Pastor O’Reilly’s granddaughter ran off to Vegas to marry Barry the Bug Exterminator.”

  The six elderly women spot us looking at them and wave wildly at us.

  I give them a halfhearted wave. “At least someone is excited about this.”

  “I bet if you’re real nice, they might even ask you for your autograph.” He chuckles.

  I scowl at him. “You know, you’re enjoying this way too much for your own good.”

  He laughs again. “I know. But it’s worth it.”

  I backhand him in the chest.

  We walk around to the other side of the limo. Grandma Meg and her cohorts move closer, their faces alive with mischief. They lift their cameras to take some photos.

  Unlike Camilla, Natalie is dressed like a cowgirl. A sexy, pin-up poster version of a cowgirl. Her boots match the color of her hat. She’s wearing jeans that appear molded to her legs. Her denim shirt, rolled up to just below her elbows, skims over her body and tits, and is unbuttoned low enough to catch a glimpse of her cleavage.

  But despite all of that, there’s something about her that doesn’t scream city slicker. It screams, “I’m comfortable around horses and don’t mind getting dirty.”

  “Makes you wonder, though,” I say, “why she agreed to be on the show.”

  Despite the urge boiling inside me, I avoid glancing, even for a second, at Violet. The consequences are too great.

  Camilla introduces everyone—including the spy wannabes. “And here comes TJ’s youngest brother, Noah.” Her gaze is directed over Jake’s shoulder.

  Jake and I turn to see our brother coming from the stables, my old lasso hanging from his shoulder. The lasso that I purposefully stored away to keep the competitive craving at bay.

  The old desire at seeing the familiar rope is like puppies clambering over each other for a much sought-after bone.

  I tear my gaze from it and focus on his face. The face that I’m imagining covered with huge warts, like a witch.

  He gives Grandma Meg and her cohorts an amused grin. I can’t tell if he knew they were coming. He doesn’t give anything away.

  Camilla introduces Natalie to him.

  He shakes her hand. “So, what do you think of Montana so far? Not quite North Dakota, is it?”

  He’s definitely done his homework—unlike me. I had no idea where she’s from.

  Or maybe that’s not where she’s from. Maybe she spent last week in North Dakota with the cowboy of the week.

  She smiles at him. “No, it isn’t.” She turns back to me and her smile widens. “I didn’t realize how beautiful this part of Montana was until I saw the video footage and the gorgeous photos of the area.”

  “So you’re familiar with brutal winters then?” I’m hoping she’s a southern girl, whose idea of cold doesn’t involve a thick winter coat, boots, and enough snow to build an army of Olafs.

  Natalie smiles again. “Very familiar. Granted, I prefer warm days…but not the sweltering southern heat. That’s why I’d never make a very good Southern girl.” She lowers her voice for the last part, as if to keep it a secret from the TV crew, and winks at me.


  “What did she say?” Gertrude says a little too loudly.

  “Shh,” Tilly says, equally loud. “I can’t hear them if you’re jabbering.”

bsp; Grandma Meg says something to Gertrude, who then gives me a double thumbs-up.

  Note to self: find out just how many cowboys from the north made it to this round of the show.

  I turn to Noah and clench my fingers into a fist, fighting the urge to stroke the lasso he’s holding. Stroke the rope like it’s my favorite pet. “What’s the lasso for?”

  Noah shifts on his feet, his expression one I recognize from when we were kids. Only I have a feeling it’s not because he was caught sneaking cookies before dinner.

  “Camilla requested that you demonstrate your calf roping skills.” He rubs his hand against the back of his neck, then leans in close so only I can hear him. “I did explain to her about your knee. Maybe you can talk some sense into her.”

  I shake my head. “Don’t worry.…I’ll do it. This show was supposed to help us gain exposure for the ranch, so Jake could stop regretting our decision to switch to horses. I’m sure it’ll be fine. It’s just this one time.” It’s not like it will be a real competition.

  Camilla rejoins us. The crew is now scurrying around, setting up the lighting and the sound equipment. “All right, now that TJ and Natalie have had a chance to get acquainted, we will do that again, with Natalie climbing out of the limo. But Jake and Noah, you won’t be in the shot. It will just be TJ and Natalie. And TJ, once Natalie is out of the limo, you’ll present her with this rose.”

  A short girl in her midtwenties hands me a single red rose. Then the pair walks away, with Camilla dolling out instructions to everyone nearby who works for the show.

  “Doesn’t the director usually do that?” Jake nods at Camilla, who is too busy to notice. She’s talking to Grandma Meg and her fellow spies and pointing to where the white vans are parked.

  The elderly women nod and scurry off to where she was pointing.

  “She’s both the director and producer this time,” Natalie says.

  “What happened to the director who was here last time?”

  “I have no idea. He was with us for the first ranch, but I don’t think Camilla was happy with him. He didn’t share her vision for this part of the show. Rumor has it she got him fired.” Natalie glances briefly over her shoulder to where the crew is working. “Welcome to what the show is really like. It’s not as spontaneous as you might believe. If she’s not happy with a shot, she’ll force us to do it again. And again. And again.”

  Noah chuckles. “You sound like you speak from experience.”

  “More than I care to admit,” Natalie says on a sigh.

  Camilla strides toward us with a determined look on her face…and my brothers leave. Which is a nice way of saying they wish us luck and bail while laughing their heads off.

  Fortunately, Noah takes the lasso with him.

  Camilla shoos Natalie back into the limo and tells me where to stand. “Okay, places everyone.…Action!”

  The driver opens the vehicle door and helps Natalie out of the limo. I can feel Violet watching as the scene unfolds. The burning need from earlier, to turn around and smile at her, comes back with the intensity of a grade five hurricane.

  I glue on my I’m-happy-to-meet-you smile. I didn’t need it when I first met Natalie, but that was when there were no cameras recording my every move, my every expression, my every word.

  In contrast to my smile, Natalie’s appears genuine. But this is week number three for her. She’s had a lot of practice.

  “Hi, Natalie. Welcome to Pine Meadow Ranch.” I hand her the rose.

  Right—that doesn’t feel phony at all.

  She takes the flower and sniffs it. “It’s nice to finally be here. It’s a gorgeous place.”

  I offer my arm—as Camilla instructed me to do. Natalie accepts it, and we walk toward the ranch house.

  We reach the bottom step.


  We both turn to see what Camilla wants us to do next.

  Violet is watching us, her face an expressionless mask. My heart clenches and drops like an elevator after its cables fail. Heart, meet gut.

  Camilla has us wait by the stairs while the cameramen videotape the limo driving toward the house.

  “Is it going to be like this all week?” I ask Natalie.

  “Pretty much.”

  “And you’ve still got two more weeks of this after you’re finished here?”

  “Plus the four weeks after that, when the six of us converge on the ranch resort they’ve lined up for the remainder of the season.” She places her hand on my arm, either in support or condolence. “Don’t worry, TJ. You’ll get used to it.”

  I’m not so sure about that.

  I peek at Violet to check her reaction to Natalie touching me. She’s busying herself with her camera.

  Remember, dumbass, Violet and you were only having sex. Nothing more. At the end of all of this, she will return to her life in LA.

  That was the deal.

  End of story.

  Too bad that’s not how I want the story to end.

  But unfortunately, this is real life—not an episode on a reality show.

  All right—my life is currently a reality show. But it’s not like I can ask Camilla to give me a happy ending…with Violet as my forever.


  A few hours later, I’m standing outside the stable, saddling up Thor. Everyone else is next to the training ring, waiting for us.

  “Why don’t you just tell Camilla you can’t do it?” Jake says from behind me. I didn’t even hear him approach.

  “Won’t make a difference. Noah already tried. Besides, the video footage of me roping the calf might go a long way in helping the ranch. I’m no longer on the rodeo circuit. People don’t know my name—other than as a contestant on the show. This way they can see me in action. It might help get the ranch’s name out there to the correct target market. It’s worth a try.”

  “Except we can’t afford for you to get injured over something as stupid as this.” Jake doesn’t say it in his concerned brotherly voice. The words also hold his typical business-minded tone.

  I tighten Thor’s cinch. “I’m not going to get injured. It’s just this one time. I rope the calf, they capture it on video, and everyone is happy. Isn’t that right, Thor?”

  Thor whinnies his reply.

  “Remind me to kill the Masons for loaning the calf to Camilla.” Jack smacks me on the back. “Just be careful, okay?”

  I have a feeling he’s not only talking about the calf roping and my knee. “Make sure you videotape this, in case the network won’t let us use their footage on our website.”

  “Will do.”

  He walks away, leaving me alone so I can focus on my pre-race ritual.

  I pat Thor on his shoulder. “All right, boy. You haven’t failed me yet.” It was my knee that fucked it up for both of us.

  Although I’m sure Thor has no complaints about that. He got to become the ranch stud. One of us definitely got the better end of the deal.

  Once I’m finished with my ritual, I lead Thor to the training ring. Because this isn’t a real event, we have to improvise. There is no chute or starting gate.

  Plus the ground is muddy from yesterday’s rain, making for less than ideal calf roping conditions.

  I dare a glance in Violet’s direction. She’s holding her camera up, the strap looped around her neck.

  I double-check the cinch and mount Thor. I adjust my seat, pick up my lasso from the saddle horn, and nod for Jake to open the gate.

  I exhale slowly to bring my heart rate under control, then kick Thor at the same time Noah gets the calf to race away from me.

  And as we have done thousands of times in the past, horse and rider move as one. Seconds later, the calf is on the ground, tied up.

  Cheers break out from the other side of the fence.

  My knee is not so impressed. I bury the pain deep, so no one is aware of what this stupid stunt cost me. It’s nothing painkillers and a dip in the cold river won’t cure.

  An image pops to mind. Of
me. Naked. In the river. With Violet.

  Naturally, she’s also naked.

  Maybe realizing things didn’t go as smoothly as I had hoped, Jake jogs over and unties the calf.

  “How did it look?” I ask. The animal scrambles away free. “Think the video will impress anyone?”

  By anyone, I’m referring to potential buyers who are looking for quality, future rodeo horses.

  “You and Thor looked good out there.”


  “Anyone who is seriously considering one of our horses, and sees that footage on the show, will hardly be impressed.”

  My mouth jerks up to one side. “Maybe I can break into their rooms tonight and delete it.”

  “Then they’ll make you do it again.”

  Good point.

  Natalie steps between us, oblivious to what Jake and I just said. “Oh God, that was the hottest thing I’ve seen so far on the show.” She flings her arms around my neck and kisses me.

  I stiffen—and I’m not referring to my cock.

  When I don’t kiss back, she pulls away and smiles. It’s the twin to the smile she wore when we met for the first time in front of the camera.

  The one I assumed was genuine.

  “Sorry,” I say. “I don’t usually kiss right after I race. Adrenaline high.”

  Although if Violet had just tried to kiss me, I wouldn’t have stiffened. I would’ve gone along for the ride and thoroughly enjoyed it.

  “I’m sorry,” Natalie says. “I just got caught up in the moment. It was really exciting watching you ride.”

  “Thanks…and it’s okay.” It’s part of what the show expects of us—the role we have to play.

  But at least Natalie wants to be here.

  I just want to be in bed with Violet.

  My head begins to turn to where I last saw her. Don’t look at Violet. Don’t look at Violet. Don’t…

  “How come you don’t compete anymore?”

  …look at Violet.

  It doesn’t help that my body isn’t listening to my brain.

  Violet is still holding her camera up, the lens aimed at Natalie and me. My gut ties itself into a sloppy bow at how bad this looks. But it’s not like I’m cheating on Violet. Besides, Natalie and I are just talking…if you ignore the part where she kissed me.


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