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When He Woke (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting ManLove)

Page 13

by Taylor Brooks

  Matt eyed him suspiciously as he walked away. He loved Aaron and Matt. He trusted them fully, but he couldn’t help but wonder if he was going to end up on one of those true crime dramas about boyfriends who go crazy with jealousy and murder the one they claim to love.

  He stepped back into the kitchen cautiously and kept his eyes on them as he approached the table. “So, we’re just all having dinner together, huh? Just like that?”

  Aaron nodded. “Yep. Is that a problem?”

  “What’s going on?” Matt asked. He couldn’t help but feel like he was facing a firing squad who was loading a round of heavy duty bullets.

  Aaron poured some wine into Steve’s glass. “Well, for the past several days Steve and I have been getting to know each other.”

  “So that’s it? You found out about him and now you two have been comparing notes? Look, if revenge is your game, just do it already.”

  “It’s not like that,” Aaron told him.

  “Really it’s not,” Steve added.

  “Then what? What the hell is going on? I know I lied to you, Aaron. I’m sure you’re pissed off and angry with me on more levels than I can even comprehend, but I never wanted to hurt you.”

  “I know that.” Aaron nodded sympathetically.

  “Then why are you two doing this? Haven’t I been through enough?”

  “You know,” Steve added, “you’re not the only one whose emotions have been trampled on here, buddy. In fact I would say out of all three of us you got off the easiest.”

  “Oh really? And just how in the hell do you figure that? I’ve been torn up with guilt over both of you. It’s been making me damn near sick,” Matt confessed, his agitation mounting with every uncomfortable minute that passed.

  “Well, Aaron here knew that you were hiding something. You just wouldn’t tell him what. It was making him crazy and filling him with all sorts of doubt. Then of course when he found out about me earlier this week—”

  “Yes. Let’s talk about that, shall we? You found out about him when exactly? And why didn’t you say something? Why hide it?” Matt held up his hands. “I know, I know. I sound like a hypocrite, but…I don’t know. This is just all too…awkward.”

  “I found an instant message from Steve. I answered as though I was you and invited him over,” Aaron explained.

  “Jesus. So yesterday while I was at work you two were…wait, just what were you two doing all day?” Matt asked.

  Aaron lifted his glass and took a sip. “After I found out about Steve he came over then we talked. Then as we talked more and more, we had a hard time hating one another. That was when things got a little…complicated.”

  “Complicated? How so? ” Matt asked before taking a drink.

  “There’s really no easy or gentle way to say this.” Steve tried to prepared him. “But, we…”

  “We slept together,” Aaron finished the sentence for Steve.

  Matt spit his wine out across the table, spraying Aaron and Steve with his regurgitated grape juice.

  Aaron lifted his napkin and wiped his face clean. “Well, out of all your potential reactions, I have to admit I didn’t see that coming.”

  “I don’t think he saw that coming either,” Steve said.

  “Do you two think this is funny?” Matt stood up from the table, pissed beyond all reasoning at the obvious game they were playing with him. “What the hell do you mean you slept together? Why? How? Who just meets someone and sleeps with them?”

  Aaron raised his hand. “Actually, you and I slept together on the first night we met.”

  “Yeah, us, too, Matt,” Steve added.

  “Would you two just knock it off already!” Matt shouted. “What is really going on? Stop playing games and tell me what this is all about. Are you leaving me, Aaron? Is that what this whole show is about? And you, Steve…what is this, your payback for me hurting you? You two meet, you sleep together, and then you run off together in the sunset? Is that your ultimate revenge? I mean seriously! Just what in the fuck is going on here?”

  “Whoa. Calm down.” Aaron stood up and walked over to him. He placed his arm around him and continued. “It’s nothing like that. And I’ll admit that Steve and probably aren’t approaching this subject with you in the most delicate manner, but neither of us have been in this situation before. We’re doing the best that we can.”

  “Yeah.” Steve stood up to join them. “We really are.”

  Matt turned his head, looking from one to the other, looking for signs of deception or hints that they were acting out some sort of revenge, but he saw neither. They looked just as he remembered them. Steve’s green eyes, Aaron’s brown eyes, they were both filled with sincerity and damn it if he didn’t love them both so damn much it consumed him.

  “Just tell me what’s going on,” Matt asked again. He was much calmer and willing to listen to what they had to say.

  “Well, for lack of a better word I guess you could say we have a proposition for you,” Steve told him.

  “A proposition? Like what?”

  Aaron answered. “Matt, I know you love me, but as much as it hurt me to realize it, I know you love Steve as well. It’s obvious that you tried to do right by me after I woke up from the coma. And it’s clear to me that a piece of you has been missing because you haven’t been able to let go of Steve. And even though I didn’t want to see why, after spending time with him, I’m beginning to realize how you were able to fall in love with him. He’s a good man. And he loves you, too. Just as much as I do.”

  “You’re not really answering my questions. What is going on here? Did you two really…you know?”

  “We did, babe,” Steve answered. “And while I’m sure that comes as a shock to you, believe me, it came as a shock to us as well. And once we realized that we had this…I don’t know, connection you could say, Aaron and I talked and we came to an understanding about what we both want and what we could all potentially have. And maybe even what we all need.”

  “I don’t understand.” Matt shook his head. “I feel like you guys are speaking in code.”

  “Okay, we’ll make it real simple for you,” Steve continued. “I can’t live without you. Aaron can’t live without you. You say you love us both, and today we realized that we have a hell of a lot of chemistry together. So, we were thinking—”

  “Ménage à trois?” Matt asked.

  “That’s the word!” Aaron nudged Steve’s shoulder. “Thank you.”

  “Seriously?” Matt took a few steps away and stared at them both. He felt like he was dealing with a couple of aliens from outer space, rather than the men he loved.

  “Well, that depends on you? Aaron and I have decided that we can share you. The question is, can you share us with one another?” Steve asked.

  “You guys are kidding, right? This is some big joke that will end up on YouTube or something, right?”

  Aaron shook his head and turned toward Steve. “Looks like he needs some proof.”

  Steve reached out and grabbed Aaron by the waistband of his shorts and pulled him in close. Matt watched in fascination as the two kissed like they’d been doing it for years. Their tongues swept into one another’s mouths right before his eyes and he could feel his excitement build as he looked on.

  After a minute of one of the hottest kisses Matt had witnessed in a long time, Aaron turned to him. “Now do you believe us? We’re dead serious. We didn’t just think of this five minutes before dinner. We both love you so much. And we want to make you happy. Plus, we’re finding out that we’re pretty good together, too.”

  “We can have it all. Everything we’ve ever wanted. All you have to do is say you want it, too,” Steve said in a husky voice.

  Matt listened to them both. He loved these men more than he loved life itself. He never thought he would have to choose between them, but he did. He never thought he’d be given a second chance with Aaron, but he was. Now here they stood, offering him the type of lifestyle that he was sure only occurr
ed in wild porno flicks. Still for the life of him, no matter how crazy he told himself it was, he was actually considering it.

  “You both are serious? No hurt feelings? No jealousy?”


  “None from us. How about you? We can share. Can you?” Steve asked. “What do you say?”

  Matt stared at them for what felt like an eternity. His heart was so full of love for these two men and his body had belonged to each of them long before that. “I think…I think I need to lie down.”

  Matt turned away from them both and walked toward the bedroom. He needed to get all of this sorted out in his head. He’d always been good about compartmentalizing things and making sure everything fit perfectly into their neat little boxes. It was what made him a good banker. Would that also make him a good partner in this type of relationship?

  He went to the bedroom and lay down on the bed. He lifted his arm and covered his eyes as he thought of the possibilities. One of them he considered was that he had actually been the one injured and had been in a coma for the last two years. That would mean that this could potentially be a giant dream. A wild and crazy dream, but a dream nonetheless.

  Then there was the other possibility, that maybe he’d hit his head and was suffering from some sort of brain aneurism that caused him to dream the unimaginable and make it come to life.

  Then there was the third and probably most likely possibility. He could have just gone crazy at some point. Maybe he was delusional from staring at spreadsheets all day long and that was what finally pushed him over the edge into bat-shit-ville.

  None of those theories were true and he knew it. This life, the one that he had, no matter how crazy it had become, was his and those two men, those amazing men that he loved so much, were offering him something that he not only wanted, but he felt like he needed to take.

  He could think of much worse ways to live a life. Much worse indeed.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Aaron tiptoed into the bedroom and removed his shorts before going to retrieve a towel from the bathroom. He came back and laid it on the far side of the bed across from where Matt was resting. He and Steve had talked while Matt thought things through. They gave him the time they thought he needed to sort it all out, knowing how analytical he was.

  After an hour they felt it was time to confront him and ask for a decision. Both of them truly believed that this was what Matt wanted. The trick, as they already knew, was in convincing him that it was okay to take it.

  Aaron wasn’t quite sure if Matt would be ready for a threesome so soon, but like Steve had told him, it was now or never. The sooner they made him comfortable with their idea, the easier it would be for all of them.

  He walked around the other side of the bed and knelt down next to Matt. His head was rested back against the pillow with his arm covering his eyes. Leaning over, Aaron placed a gentle kiss to his man’s forehead. Matt lifted his arm and with his dark brown eyes, he offered a glimmer of hope in what Aaron hoped to hear.

  “Hey, you.”

  “Aaron, you startled me,” Matt said while turning his head to face him.

  Aaron could already feel his excitement building. His cock had been semi-hard all afternoon as he considered the possibilities of what tonight may bring them.

  “Do you want me to leave you alone? We were getting worried about you so I came to check on you.”

  “No. Don’t go.” His voice whispered the response.

  “Okay. I’ll stay right here.” Aaron ran his fingers through Matt’s hair. “I love you. You know that, don’t you?”

  “I do. You know that I love you, too, right? I’m sorry that I wasn’t honest with you about Steve. I was scared and worried. I didn’t want to lose you. I thought…I don’t know what I thought. I just should have told you.”

  “It’s okay, baby. We can’t worry about the past. That’s why it’s there. The only thing we can control is tomorrow.”

  “I know,” Matt whispered and reached out for Aaron’s hand. He laced their fingers together and then brought them down to his mouth. One by one, he kissed Aaron’s fingertips, slowly showing him how much he loved him.

  “Have you thought about what we asked you?” Aaron asked, not letting on that Steve was watching from the dark shadows in the hall.

  “I have. But, I’m scared.” Matt’s admission came with a shameful expression. “I don’t want to lose either one of you. I know it may not seem fair to you. And believe me when I tell you, I’d rather die than ever intentionally hurt you. I just can’t help myself with Steve. I do love you more than you’ll ever know. But, I love him, too. It’s been so hard being without him this week. If I allow him back into my life, I won’t ever want to let go.”

  Aaron smiled softly down at him. He understood all too well what Matt was saying. It was a feeling he knew as well. It was how he felt about Matt, and no matter how untraditional it may be, he could see himself growing feelings for Steve, too.

  “I understand. And I promise you that we will be okay. Maybe this was how it was supposed to be. You heard the doctors. There was no rhyme or reason for why I stayed in that coma for as long as I did. But, I did. And in that time when I was away, Steve came to you. And now, he’s come to us both. We can make this work, baby. I want to make this work. We just need you to tell us that you want it, too.”

  Matt pushed Aaron’s hand down and pressed their hands against his cock. “I want it. I want you, the both of you. Now and forever. Just please, I know you’ve already told me, but just once more, promise me you’re okay with this. Swear to me that I won’t lose you.”

  “I swear to you, Matt. I am yours, and I will never leave. I will be yours and Steve’s. Steve will be ours and you will be ours. Do you understand just how much we love you?”

  Any other time he might have been more patient and a bit kinder, but waiting for Matt to figure out his answer had pushed him to his limits. “Good, because I’m so fucking hot for you I can’t stand it.” Aaron stood up and showed Matt his nakedness.

  “Oh, baby. You’re already hard.” Matt reached out and grabbed hold of Aaron’s cock. With one fluid roll to his side, he opened his mouth and allowed the thick dick to slide into his mouth.

  Aaron clutched onto chunks of Matt’s hair and pushed his head down on his cock. He had been driving himself mad with fantasies of their first night together all day long. Now that it was finally here, he felt an odd sense of power.

  Aaron arched his body back as Matt alternated between licking and sucking on his cock and balls. As good as it felt to have Matt sucking him off, he needed more. Fighting the urge to drive into Matt’s mouth to the back of his throat, he reined in his lust and waited.

  The sound of footsteps coming behind him caught his attention and Aaron turned to see Steve walking in the room. He must have gotten undressed in the hallway because he was suddenly standing there in the dark room, naked and hard just like he was earlier that day.

  Matt stopped what he was doing and turned to see who it was. Aaron wouldn’t have believed it if he hadn’t seen it with his own eyes, but Matt actually blushed. The innocent moment only added to his love for him.

  “Hey, baby,” Steve greeted him.

  “Steve. I…”

  “Shh…It’s okay to be nervous the first time. We’ll make this work for all of us. I promise you. Neither one of us will ever let you go,” Steve assured him.

  Matt looked up at Aaron, his face flushed and his cheeks red. He wondered if he could make his ass cheeks just as red by slapping his ass like Steve had done to him earlier in this same bed.

  Aaron leaned over to kiss him. The taste of his own cock was on Matt’s tongue turning him on that much more. They kissed for a minute, stroking their tongues against one another until Matt pulled away.

  “I want you both to fuck me. At the same time.” Matt’s voice shook with desperation. There was a yearning in him that Aaron had never witnessed before. It was like seeing a side to him that was brand ne
w and unseen by anyone, maybe even himself.

  “Baby, nothing would turn me on more than fucking you in your ass while Steve came around and fucked your mouth. Is that how you want it?”

  Aaron waited, wondering if this was the point where Matt would freak out again and go running from the room. The room was silent except for the sounds of Steve and his own anxious breaths.

  “Yes, I want that. Exactly that,” Matt answered.

  “That’s my baby,” Steve said. “Now get yourself out of those clothes and crawl on the bed. Get up on your hands and knees above this towel, facing me.”

  Matt looked at Aaron as if asking for permission. “Go on, babe. Do like Steve told you to. This isn’t just about me. It’s about all of us.”

  Matt got up from the bed and removed his clothes. He stared at both Aaron and Steve as they each stood there, stroking their cocks and waiting for him. Matt’s cock sprang out from his boxers, proving he wanted this no matter how nervous he seemed.

  Aaron watched with admiration as Matt crawled on the bed. Steve picked up the bottle of lubricant and tossed it across the room. Aaron watched them kiss as he squirted the cool jelly onto his hand. He covered his cock with it, careful to not go too fast, and then began working the slippery substance into the opening at Matt’s asshole.

  Matt moaned into Steve’s kiss while Aaron finger fucked his ass. He and Steve were working Matt into a frenzy in their own way as they got him ready for their first of many nights together.

  Aaron didn’t want to wait. He wanted to seize the euphoric moment and take advantage of it. While they still kissed, Aaron spread Matt’s ass cheeks apart and took three of his fingers, sliding them hard and fast inside his tight hole.

  Matt’s body jolted from the intrusion and he could feel his muscles contracting and throbbing around his fingers. Fuck, but he wanted to feel that pulsation around his cock.

  Aaron gave Steve a nod that it was time. It was obvious they were both thinking the same thing that as Steve nodded his agreement.

  Steve pulled away from the kiss and whispered. “I love you. Now take that hot mouth of yours and suck me off.”


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