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Love Unleashed

Page 4

by Matilda Martel

  Well, that’s what she used to say.

  After my father passed away two years ago, Alex pulled me out of therapy. He was afraid I’d tell the lady something about his business and his cheap paranoid ass stopped paying for my sessions. I think I’m okay, though. I read somewhere PTSD never completely goes away. And I guess that’s what I have. But I’m okay. Sincerely.

  I’m not crazy.

  For forty days, I feared for my life. Every morning I woke up thinking this is the day they’ll kill me. This is the day they’ll cut off my head or feed me to the alligators. Alberto Romo kept six in a small lagoon. I know because they showed them to me.

  How do you get over that? I’m not sure I ever will. But it’s okay. Shit happens, you know? That’s just life.

  I’m not broken, just damaged. Most people don’t know the complete story. They think because I function like a normal person and try to have fun, I must have forgotten. And I let them believe whatever they want. There’s no sense in drudging up the past. I hate sympathetic cringing and pitiful comments, so I spare them the gory details. Few ask for details and most seem fine with my omission. It’s too uncomfortable to digest.

  My parents didn’t want to know. I could see it in their eyes. I was home. I was alive. Nothing else mattered.

  Leo’s the first person in years to ask me if I’m okay. We talked about it on last night over midnight poker. I told him about the gators, the constant threats, a little more about Felix and the day I almost died. He didn’t press for more, he just let me talk. And when I finished, he settled back against the headboard and stewed. I can handle anger. I’m angry, too. I just can’t handle pity.

  I’m alive. I’m working through it. I’m glad he hasn’t brought it up since.

  He’s not so bad. I like Leo a little more than I did yesterday and a lot more than the day before. But I’m not the person he thinks I am. And for the first time, that worries me.

  I thought if he eventually saw the side I try to hide, he’d send me packing. I’m too much trouble for someone like him. He fell for fun Alia. Sexy Alia. Not certifiable Alia.

  But I can’t go home. Leo is the only thing standing between me and Felix. His home is a fort. My new bodyguards operate like the Secret Service and in the two hours we’ve been apart, he’s checked on me repeatedly to make sure I’m being treated well.

  No one has ever paid this much attention to me. I should feel smothered. But I don’t. I thought I’d feel like a prisoner, but I don’t remember the last time I’ve felt this safe.

  Maybe, never.

  I’m not sure what I want but it feels like I might need Leo as much as he says he needs me.

  Oh God, I need to behave. But I’m not sure I know how. Our entire relationship is based on his unwavering adoration and my simmering animosity. How do I flip the switch and keep my advantage?

  Just do it. Be nice, damn you.

  “That dress is far too tight. It leaves nothing to the imagination. A wedding dress should be classy and demure.” Leo’s cousin, Giulia, once again offers an opinion that was never requested. How am I supposed to be nice when he sends his stuck-up, mean-girl cousin to help me shop for the most important dress of my life?

  “Thank you, so much Julie!” I sneer and strut across the small runway in front of the dressing rooms. Pleasant sales ladies fighting for commission clap and cheer offering praise with every step.

  “It’s Giulia.” She bites back.

  “Pronounce my name correctly and I’ll pay you the same respect. It’s Alia. Ah-lee-ah. It’s not Alice. It’s not Alyssa. And it sounds nothing like alien. It can’t be that difficult.” I spin on my heels and someone hands me a flute of champagne.

  Giulia’s friend, Martina, whom I expected to be the second half of their mean girl duo, lifts her glass and joins the applause. “That’s not too revealing. It’s darling. Leo will be the proudest man in New York.” She takes a whopping swig of champagne and giggles. I think she’s drunk.

  I easily spot Giulia shit-eating grin through a reflection in the mirror before she tells Martina that Leo will grow tired of me after two weeks. Thats why he didn’t invite family to our wedding. He knows it won’t last long. She thinks she’s clever. She thinks I don’t understand Italian.

  “Why would you say something like that?” Martina’s slurred words jumble out before Giulia can stop her.

  “Yes, Jubilee. Why would you?” I spin around and confront her.

  She shrugs and shakes her head. “You’ll never fit into his world. Besides, everyone knows you’re nuts.”

  Martina spits out her drink and slaps Giulia’s arm. Hard. Hard enough to make her shriek. “Don’t believe her. No one thinks you’re nuts. She’s just mad because she’s friends with Leo’s ex-girlfriend. No, not ex-girlfriend. She was more like Leo’s fuck buddy.”

  Giulia gasps. “She was not! They were in love until little miss hot pants jumped into his lap and smashed her tits in his face. Fabrizia’s devastated.”

  In love? Fuck buddy? What the shit? That rat said he worshipped me. How dare he!

  I take a deep breath and exhale loudly. This will not stand.

  Have you ever watched those movies where some mean girl tells the heroine something terrible about the hero and instead of confronting the situation head on, she slinks away defeated? I know it’s meant to drag out the plot, but every time that happens, I scream inside and think why don’t you say something, woman? This can be cleared up in seconds.

  But she never does. She wallows in self-pity for another hour before someone finally tells her it was bullshit all along.

  Well, I’m not that kind of heroine. Shit’s going down now.

  Before I head back into the dressing room, I grab my phone and point to shitty Giulia.

  “You’ve got a big mouth, Justine. We’ll see what Leo thinks of it.”

  Her face grows pale but her mouth stays zipped. Finally.



  “Leo? What’s the matter with you? You promised we’d discuss Romano’s hotels and all you’ve done is stare out the window and ignore me.” Lorenzo complains for the third time in thirty minutes and he’s right, I am ignoring him.

  “I’m thinking.” I stand and pace for effect, hoping it buys me time before I need to answer him. He knows I marry Alia tonight. I’ve got shit on my mind.

  “About the hotels?” He asks, oblivious to the storm brewing in my mind.

  I can’t stop thinking about tonight. About her. About us. I can’t expect sex. We aren’t there yet. We aren’t anywhere yet. We’ve kissed once. Only once and it was weeks ago. It was a goodnight kiss at her front door, right after our second and last date.

  I know she felt it. I could see something stir behind those big brown eyes. She wanted to use me to get Yuri jealous. I know that now. But that doesn’t mean she didn’t make a mistake. We had a nice time. I made her laugh and she let her guard down.

  And that’s when I slithered in.

  She can deny it all she wants, but I saw the look in her eyes when I lit that spark. Now, all I need to do is kindle the fire until she explodes in my hands, my arms and all over my cock. Goddamn it, that girl drives me crazy.

  Jesus Christ, I’m hard again. I better sit down.

  “Yes, about the hotels.” I lie. “Are we or are we not the majority investors?”

  He nods. “You know we are. Seventy-five percent.”

  “Seventy-five?” It catches me by surprise. I must have had my head up my ass when I agreed to so much. This is exactly why I need Alia with me. I make dumbass mistakes when I’m lovesick over my doll.

  “It’s an excellent investment, but I’ve gotten wind that Gabriel Romano’s been cozying up with the Russo’s. I question his loyalty. The Russo’s can’t be trusted. They’re getting too big and trying to circumvent the rules. What do you want to do about it?”

  “Watch him for now. If he continues down this path, I’ll take control of his hotels and make him sell me the tw
enty-five percent for pennies. He’s the junior partner. I’ve let him keep control because hotels are not my thing. But if he keeps it up, I’ll sell them to the highest bidder and wash my hands of him for good. There are plenty of other wise guys who’ll be happy to scoop them up to launder their money.” As I finish my sentence, I feel my phone buzz in my pocket.

  It’s Alia. Oh, shit. She’s never called me before.

  I gesture for Lorenzo to leave. “It’s important. Give me five.”

  He grimaces and shakes his head. “What’s happened to you? You’re not even married yet.”

  “Hurry, or I’ll demote you. I don’t care if you’re my brother.” I wave my hand and he scurries away, airing his complaints until the closing door silences him.

  “Baby? What’s up?” I swallow hard, steadying my voice and hoping she can’t tell how excited I am to hear from her.

  “Are you ashamed of me?” She starts off with a hostile whine.

  “Never. Why the shit would you think something like that?” I’m confused. She knows I worship her.

  “According to Giulia, you didn’t invite your family to our wedding because you don’t believe our marriage will last long. She says you think I’m crazy. She says everyone thinks I’m crazy. And I think she called me a tramp, too.” She bristles with fury.

  “I did not call her tramp!” Giulia screams in the background.

  “Just shut-up, Jessica. You said your peace. Now it’s my turn.” Alia growls back.

  “Who’s Jessica?” My confusion escalates.

  “Giulia. I’m paying her back for continuously and deliberately calling me by the wrong name all afternoon. Why did you ask her to come with me? Vito’s been more help and has far better taste. And he doesn’t go on and on about your true love, Fabrizia.” Her tone saddens into a squeak.

  Is she jealous?

  I stop listening to the sound of her voice like a fool and listen to what she’s saying. What the hell does Giulia think she’s doing? She owes me big time. This is not the way you show your appreciation.

  “She brought up Fabrizia? She said I think you’re crazy?” My blood pressure spikes. “She doesn’t know what she’s talking about. I dumped Fabrizia that first night you came on to me. I’ve wanted you for years, baby.”

  “You have? Hold on, I need to get this dress off.” She fumbles, then continues. “Leo Moretti, you dirty dog. Years? I’m nineteen years old. Years implies underage ogling, mister. And I don’t remember hitting on you.” She lies. She was shameless.

  I pause, picture her undressed on the other end and then return to the subject at hand. “My brother will be our witness. We’ve had one day to plan and I’ve kept the location secret for your safety. Then afterwards, you’re going to let me take you on that third date.”

  “Third date, huh? You know what happens on a third date, Mr. Moretti.” Her flirtatious, infantilized voice makes my heart soar.

  “It’s our wedding night, doll. A lot can happen. Just say the word.” I listen to her sweet giggle while my boner digs into my zipper, threatening to tear it open.

  “And you promise you don’t think I’m crazy.” She whispers into the earpiece.

  I chuckle. “You know what they say, baby. Crazy loves crazy.”

  She gasps. “You better be playing, mister. What time do we have to be at the church, crazy man?” She chirps.

  “Just before 7:30. I’ll be home by 6:00 to help you change, crazy lady.” I tease her, hoping she teases back.

  “Oh, hush up. You can buckle my shoes after you kiss my feet, Leo. I’ll see you in a few hours.” She laughs and hangs up.

  I’ll kiss your feet, baby. Then I’ll work my way up your legs.

  “Lorenzo!” I yell through the door.

  “What?” He peeks his head in.

  “Freeze Giulia’s account. She’s cut off until further notice.”



  Words could never describe this feeling. Standing at the end of a small aisle in one of the oldest churches in Manhattan, I watch my heart’s desire glide towards me. She’s breathtaking. Her white silk dress is old Hollywood glamour. It hugs every inch of her torso, showcasing her ample assets, then breaks out in a full skirt that falls halfway down her calves. She claims Vito helped her pick it out. He does have good taste. A small net veil covers half her face and my mother’s pearls adorn her delicate neck. I’m in awe of her beauty. Speechless that she’s minutes from becoming mine.

  I just hope to God, she doesn’t back out.

  When she reaches me, I hold out my hand and wait for her to take it. She doesn’t hesitate. She’s marrying me. This is real. My doll is marrying me.

  I can’t believe I’m hard in church. This is a first.

  As I escort her up the stairs to the altar, I breathe a sigh of relief and help her hand her to bouquet to Sofia, her last-minute choice for maid of honor.

  “Are you sure we should? A priest shouldn’t marry us if it’s only temporary.” She whispers and casts her eyes to the floor.

  “I bring her tiny hand to my lips. “I’m positive this is forever. Ti amo.”

  Her eyes meet mine, but she doesn’t answer. She can’t. I know she can’t. But that’s okay. It’ll come. I know I can win her heart.

  Our whispers draw the priest’s attention. “Are you ready, Leo?”

  I nod. “Yes, Father. We’re ready. Proceed.”



  I’m Mrs. Moretti.

  Holy shit, I’m Mrs. Leonardo Antonio Moretti. Alia Moretti.

  Everything happened so fast. The dress. My attempt at channeling Ava Gardner. The strange pillbox hat that Vito convinced me would work and he was right. Pearls passed down for three generations gifted to me. How beautiful is that? My ring! It’s so big I can’t believe it’s real. He said his jeweler made it weeks ago, especially for me. A huge chunk of my icy heart melted as soon as he slipped it on.

  And oh my God, Leo.

  His gray pinstriped suit fit him like a dream, perfectly tailored but a little tight on the arms. Towering over Lorenzo and the priest, his impressive height made him look like a god. I couldn’t believe my eyes. That conceited man took my breath away. I had to bite my lip to keep my jaw from hitting the floor. As soon as the organist tapped the first key, I bolted down the aisle just to get a better look.

  Jesus Christ, how the hell does one man carry that much mojo and why did I never notice until now?

  I can’t believe he’s straight. I can’t believe he’s mine.

  I can’t believe he was hard in church. In front of the priest!

  If we’d never met. If I passed the church and saw this gorgeous man entering on his own, I would have followed him in and begged him to love me. But he does love me. Leo loves me. How do I make myself love him back? Girls would die to be in my shoes, and I’ve fought my attraction for weeks.

  But now, he’s my husband. I need to try harder to let him in.

  “What are you thinking of, doll?” He tugs my chair closer to his and leans in. “You look like you’re somewhere else.”

  After the wedding, we came to a restaurant called Vincenzo’s in Little Italy. We’re alone except for the typical bodyguards that surround the perimeter. It’s not open to the public. It’s been in his family for over twenty years and serves as a meeting place for the extended Moretti clan. They brought in cooks for our private dinner. And a lone server shuffles plates of Italian delicacies while we sip chianti and steal awkward glances.

  “I’m thinking of tonight. I know you want...” He cuts me off mid-sentence.

  “I do want. I want you now. I want you more than I’ve ever wanted anyone or anything. I want you in every way imaginable. But that’s not important. Tonight, we do what we both want.” His eyes smolder and the air simmers in direct proportion to the moisture flooding my panties. No wonder women love him.

  Wait... what women? Back off, whores. He’s mine.

  I wiggle in my seat and strai
n to breathe in my new bustier. “Every way imaginable? Is there more than one way?” I take a deep breath and watch his mouth spread into a devious grin.

  “More than one way? I can think of a thousand ways to love you. But this brings me to a question I’ve never thought to ask. Have you ever...” He pauses and brings his lips to my earlobe. “Has anyone ever been inside you?”

  Normally, I’d gasp and feign offense, but the feel of his breath against my skin sends a warm shiver down my spine. I bring my hand to his cheek and gently stroke his jawline. He’s so fucking sexy, my body instantly responds to his touch. I’m supposed to hate him. I’m supposed to be furious, but I can’t think of that right now. The only thoughts I can summon are climbing onto his lap, wrapping my legs around his hips and letting him break me all fucking night.

  “No. No one. I’ve never moved past first base. It’s kind of hard when almost everyone I know is terrified of my big brother.” I watch his eyes go wide as he bites down on that juicy bottom lip.

  “Lucky me. Your brother doesn’t scare me at all.” He lifts my chin with his finger and brings his lips to mine. A small lick parts my mouth. His fiery breath makes my lips fall open. When his fingers grip the nape of my neck, my newfound lust explodes. I crash forward, claw my way into his lap and clutch his arms for purchase. His mouth sears to mine. His taste swarms my senses and makes me whimper for more. Our tongues dive and dance, licking and stabbing, devouring the other until the sound of footsteps startles me back into my chair.

  “Do you want me to come back?” The server lingers a few feet away as he struggles to hold his heavy tray.

  “Yes.” Leo barks, pulling me back into his lap.

  “No, let’s eat. The sooner we finish, the sooner we can go home.” I kiss Leo’s cheek and he waves the server back.

  “And what’s on the menu when we get home? The choice is yours, cara mia.” He slides my hair behind my ear and kisses my shoulder.


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