To the Secretary
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15. Michael Graczyk, “Texas Club Auction Right to Hunt Endangered Rhino,” Bloomberg Businessweek, October 31, 2013.
16. U.S. Embassy Harare, “Zimbabwe at the Epicenter of Rhino Poaching,” December 14, 2009.
17. U.S. Embassy Harare, “ SAVE Valley: Struggling to Hold On,” December 17, 2004.
18. U.S. Embassy Harare, “ZANA-PF Governor Forcing Himself on Amcit-Owned Conservancy,” May 29, 2009.
19. U.S. Embassy Kathmandu, “Maoist Ambush Mars Annual Rhino Relocation,” March 11, 2002.
20. Ibid.
21. Dan Levin, “From Elephants’ Mouths: An Illicit Trade to China,” New York Times, March 1, 2013.
22. U.S. Embassy Rangoon, “Burma Timber Industry Threatens Elephant Population,” June 16, 2009.
23. U.S. Embassy Bamako, “Efforts Continue to Save Mali’s Elephants,” April 24, 2008.
24. U.S. Embassy Bamako, “Drought Threatens Mali’s Migratory Elephant Herd,” April 22, 2009.
25. U.S. Embassy Abuja, “Nigeria’s Mbe Mountains Function as Important Wildlife Corridor for the Endangered Cross River Gorilla,” January 26, 2010.
26. U.S. Embassy Abuja, “Great Apes, Ecotourism in Cross River, Nigeria,” January 26, 2010.
27. U.S. Embassy Abuja, “Nigeria: A Glance at the State of Wildlife and Forestry in Nigeria,” January 2, 2009.
28. U.S. Embassy Yaounde, “Cameroon’s Lom Pangur Is World Bank’s Dam Problem,” June 9, 2009.
29. U.S. Embassy New Dehli, “Wildlife Conservation in India’s Gujarat State Yields Impressive Dividends but Pride Leaves Lions Exposed,” May 5, 2008.
30. U.S. Consulate Mumbai, “Mumbai Masala: Consul General Visits Kutch, Mundra Sez and Gir Forest in Gujarat,” January 27, 2009.
31. Kumar Sambhav Shrivastava, “Gir Lions Get a Second Home,” Down to Earth, April 15, 2013,—40813.
32. U.S. Embassy Kathmandu, “Momentum Builds for the Global Tiger Initiative,” April 23, 2009.
33. U.S. Embassy Kathmandu, “Kathmandu Meeting Agrees on Plans to Help Tigers Avoid Extinction,” November 4, 2009.
34. U.S. Embassy Bangkok, “Asian Ministerial Continues Effort to Prevent Extinction of Wild Tigers,” February 24, 2010.
35. U.S. Consulate Vladivostok, “Highway Threatens Endangered Leopard Habitat,” November 16, 2008.
36. U.S. Consulate Vladivostok, “Amur Leopard: World’s Rarest Big Cat at the Crossroads,” November 16, 2007.
37. U.S. Consulate Vladivostok, “Forest Mafia Adapts to the Economic Crisis,” January 29, 2009.
38. U.S. Embassy Zagreb, “Croatian Storks Turn Up Dead in Somalia,” December 11, 2006.
39. U.S. Embassy Rangoon, “Burma’s Pro-American Kachin State,” January 20, 2006.
40. U.S. Consulate Rio de Janeiro, “Brazilian Police Arrest Suspect in Environmentalist’s Death,” March 3, 2005.
41. U.S. Embassy Yaounde, “Cameroon Forestry and Wildlife Minister Discusses CITES, Forests,” February 9, 2010.
42. U.S. Embassy Abuja, “Nigeria: A Glance at the State of Wildlife and Forestry in Nigeria,” January 2, 2009.
43. U.S. Embassy Hanoi, “We Eat Everything on Four Legs Except the Table,” October 9, 2007.
44. U.S. Consulate Ho Chi Minh City, “Vietnam’s Caged Bears: HCMC’s Small Steps at Protection Aren’t Up to the Challenge,” February 20, 2008.
45. Charles Homans, “Zoopolitics: How Caged Animals Became a Tool of Statecrfft,” Foreign Policy, May 26, 2010.
46. U.S. Consulate Chengdu, “Many Panda Twins Flourish at New Ya’an Breeding Center,” December 9, 2009.
47. U.S. Embasy Tirana, “Obama Mania Hits Tirana,” January 26, 2009.
48. U.S. Embassy Baghdad, “Baghdad Zoo—Respite from the Urban Jungle,” February 21, 2008.
49. U.S. Embassy Bangkok, “Half-Baked Idea for Zoo Increases Doubt About Thai Commitment to Wildlife,” December 13, 2005.
50. See the Night Safari, Chiang Mai website,
51. U.S. Embassy Bangkok, “Half-Baked Idea for Zoo Increases Doubt About Thai Commitment to Wildlife,” December 13, 2005.
52. U.S. Consulate Chiang Mai, “Night Safari Provides Touchstone for Attacking Thaksin,” August 17, 2006.
53. U.S. Embassy Bangkok, “Orangutan Odysseys in Southeast Asia,” November 29, 2006.
54. U.S. Embassy Ashgabat, “Turkmenistan: Only Basic Veterinary Services,” January 8, 2010.
55. U.S. Embassy Moscow, “Gimme Shelter: Strays Find New Home in Moscow,” May 15, 2007.
56. U.S. Embassy Beijing, “New Dog Rules Unleash Emotional Debate in Beijing,” December 4, 2006.
57. U.S. Consulate Guangzhou, “Who Let the Dogs Out? Canine Ownership in Guangdong on the Rise,” April 11, 2006.
58. U.S. Embassy Riyadh, “Saudi Pet Ban Raises Hackles,” August 12, 2008.
59. U.S. Embassy Riyadh, “Must Love Dogs,” September 12, 2006.
1. U.S. Embassy Sofia, “Sofia’s Mean Streets,” April 2, 2009.
2. U.S. Embassy Sofia, “Bulgarian Media: Lacking Money and Morals,” June 18, 2009.
3. U.S. Embassy Sofia, “Bulgarian Soccer Receives a Red Card for Corruption,” January 15, 2010.
4. U.S. Embassy Sofia, “Bulgaria’s Most Wanted: The Skull, the Beret, the Chicken, and the Billy Goat,” September 11, 2009.
5. U.S. Embassy Sofia, “Bulgarian Government Makes Historic OC Bust,” February 12, 2010.
6. Stephen Castle, “Law and Order, Bulgarian Style,” New York Times, July 20, 2011.
7. Transparency International, Corruptions Perceptions Index, 2015,
8. Timothy Frye, “The Culture of Corruption: Russians Pay, but They Don’t Like It,” Washington Post, February 17, 2014.
9. Joshua Yaffa, “The Waste and Corruption of Vladimir Putin’s 2014 Olympics,” Bloomberg Businessweek, January 2, 2014.
10. U.S. Embassy Kyiv, “Ukrainian Presidential Elections—On the Road to Happiness and Other Vignettes,” February 11, 2010.
11. Ibid.
12. U.S. Embassy Tbilisi, “DAS Bryza Meets Election Task Force Members,” February 5, 2008.
13. U.S. Embassy Tashkent, “Parliamentary Elections in Uzbekistan: Nothing Wrong but the Big Picture,” December 30, 2009.
14. U.S. Embassy Bratislava, “Regional Elections: Playing Rough in Bratislava,” November 13, 2009.
15. U.S. Embassy Moscow, “Ryazan Regional Elections: Yabloko Quits, Lashes Out at Rigged System,” February 19, 2010.
16. U.S. Consulate Yekaterinburg, “Bashkortostan—Waiting for Change,” July 15, 2009.
17. U.S. Embassy Brasilia, “Brazil ‘Monitors’ Zimbabwe Elections,” April 23, 2008.
18. U.S. Embassy Managua, “Nicaraguan Electoral Authority Continue Manipulation of Regional Elections,” February 2, 2010.
19. U.S. Embassy Yaounde, “Cameroon: USG Sends Message on Election Agency,” February 2, 2009.
20. U.S. Embassy Nassau, “Pre-Election Roundup: Momentum to FNM as Parties Hit Issues,” April 30, 2007.
21. U.S. Embassy Luanda, “Samakuva Discusses Unita’s Defeat and Next Steps,” September 22, 2008.
22. U.S. Embassy Sofia, “Bulgaria: From Prison to Parliament,” June 18, 2009.
23. U.S. Department of Justice, Foreign Corrupt Practices Act,
24. Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. OECD Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions,
25. U.S. Embassy Bratislava, “Fico Fires Environment Minister, but It’s No Cleanup,” August 21, 2009.
26. Much of the information from this section contains cables that were written while the author served as deputy chief of mission (2007–2008) and as chargé d’affaires (2009–2010), an
d that bear her signature. She also attended many meetings with key figures mentioned in the cables.
27. U.S. Embassy Prague, “Defense Procurement in the Czech Republic: Shady Deals and Big Dollars,” March 16, 2009.
28. Ibid.
29. U.S. Embassy Prague, “Pandura’s Box: Corruption Scandal Lifts the Lid on Czech Defense Procurement,” February 24, 2010.
30. U.S. Embassy Prague, “Defense Procurement in the Czech Republic: Shady Deals and Big Dollars,” March 16, 2009.
31. Jan Richter, “Ex–U.S. Ambassador Accuses High-Ranking Czech Government Official of Corruption,” Czech Radio 7, November 12, 2010.
32. Czech News Agency, “Former U.S. Ambassador Speaks Before Czech Court,” Prague Post, March 17, 2014.
33. Daniel Bardsley, “Former Tatra Boss Cleared over Bribery Allegations,” Prague Post, October 3, 2013.
34. U.S. Embassy Prague, “Corruptionism in the Czech Republic,” February 3, 2010.
35. U.S. Consulate Naples, “Can Calabria Be Saved?,” December 2, 2008.
36. U.S. Consulate Naples, “Report Shows Alarming Increase in Organized Crime in Naples,” October 1, 2009.
37. U.S. Consulate Naples, “Organized Crime in Italy I: The Political Dimension,” June 4, 2008.
38. Ibid.
39. U.S. Consulate Naples, “Organized Crime III: Confronting Organized Crime in Southern Italy,” June 6, 2008.
40. U.S. Consulate Naples, “Organized Crime in Italy I: The Political Dimension,” June 4, 2008.
41. U.S. Consulate Naples, “Organized Crime III: Confronting Organized Crime in Southern Italy,” June 6, 2008.
42. U.S. Consulate Naples, “Organized Crime in Italy II: How Organized Crime Distorts Markets and Limits Italy’s Growth,” June 6, 2008.
43. Ibid.
44. U.S. Consulate Naples, “The Naples Garbage Crisis: A Case Study in Southern Italian Paralysis, with Some Signs of Hope,” November 20, 2007.
45. Ibid.
46. U.S. Consulate Naples, “Organized Crime in Italy II: How Organized Crime Distorts Markets and Limits Italy’s Growth,” June 6, 2008.
47. U.S. Consulate Naples, “Organized Crime in Italy I: The Political Dimension,” June 4, 2008.
48. U.S. Consulate Naples, “Reaching Out to Calabria,” April 22, 2009.
49. U.S. Consulate Naples, “Can Calabria Be Saved?” December 2, 2008.
50. U.S. Consulate Naples, “Organized Crime III: Confronting Organized Crime in Southern Italy,” June 6, 2008.
51. Ibid.
52. U.S. Consulate Naples, “Reaching Out to Calabria, April 22, 2009.
53. U.S. Embassy Dushanbe, “Dam If You Do, Damned If You Don’t: Roghun Pressure Mounts,” January 13, 2010.
54. Ibid.
55. U.S. Embassy Prague, “How to Succeed in Law School without Really Trying,” November 6, 2009.
56. U.S. Embassy Ashgabat, “Turkmenistan: Bribery Is Pervasive in Government Services,” February 23, 2010.
57. U.S. Embassy Ashgabat, “Turkmen Doctors Pay Bribes to Avoid Penalties,” February 2, 2010.
58. U.S. Embassy Ashgabat, “The Translucent State of Turkmenistan,” February 1, 2010.
59. U.S. Embassy Moscow, “The Luzhkov Dilemma,” February 12, 2010.
60. Ibid.
61. Ibid.
62. U.S. Embassy Moscow, “Medvedev Using MVD Reform to Increase Standing,” December 30, 2009.
63. U.S. Consulate Guangzhou, “China: Amcit Business Dispute Shakedowns Increasing as Economic Conditions Worsen,” March 15, 2009.
64. Ibid.
65. U.S. Embassy Bratislava, “One Down, One Dirty: Corruption and Incompetence Taint Slovak Border Police,” February 19, 2010.
66. U.S. Embassy Banjul, “The Gambia: Embassy Cable About Bogus Congressman in Public Domain,” January 9, 2007.
67. U.S. Consulate Jeddah, “Conversations with Saudi Education Official and Journalist Describing Widespread Discontent and Anti-Americanism in the Kingdom,” September 27, 2009.
Chapter 8. IRAQ
1. Christopher R. Hill, Outpost: Life on the Frontlines of American Diplomacy (New York: Simon & Schuster, 2014), 321.
2. Ibid. 296.
3. Karen DeYoung, “Envoys Resist Forced Iraq Duty,” Washington Post, November 1, 2007.
4. Helene Cooper, “Foreign Service Officers Resist Mandatory Iraq Postings,” New York Times, November 1, 2007.
5. Hill, Outpost, 296.
6. U.S. Embassy Baghdad, “Surge Staffing II: Ministerial Capacity Development,” October 6, 2007.
7. U.S. Embassy Baghdad, “Surge Staffing I: PRT Staffing,” October 6, 2007.
8. U.S. Embassy Baghdad, “Recommendation for Future U.S. Civilian Presence in Iraq,” January 29, 2010.
9. U.S. Embassy Baghdad, “PRT Wasit Gets a Laugh,” May 9, 2008.
10. U.S. Embassy Baghdad, “Ninewa: Songs in the Key of Ain Sifni,” March 19, 2009.
11. U.S. Embassy Baghdad, “Erbil RRT: Standing Room Only Audiences for U.S. Election Expert,” November 9, 2008.
12. U.S. Embassy Baghdad, “Rock Chalk, Jayhawk! U Kansas Professor Wows Kurdistan Region,” March 12, 2009.
13. U.S. Embassy Baghdad, “Baghdad Requests Participation in IIP’s Strategic Speaker Initiative with Walter Russell Mead,” November 16, 2008.
14. U.S. Embassy Baghdad. “ECA A/S Ameri from Ambassador Ereli,” July 3, 2008.
15. U.S. Embassy Baghdad, “ECA A/S Goli Ameri’s Meeting with Iraqi Higher Education Officials,” October 29, 2008.
16. U.S. Embassy Baghdad, “Strategic Framework Agreement Landmark Met with GOI Contribution Doubling Fulbright,” June 11, 2009.
17. U.S. Embassy Baghdad, “Iraqis Desperate to Learn English,” September 14, 2008.
18. U.S. Embassy Baghdad, “Progress in the Cultural Cooperation of the Strategic Framework Agreement,” October 7, 2009.
19. U.S. Embassy Baghdad, “Visas for Iraqis—A Strategic Vulnerability,” February 7, 2009.
20. U.S. Embassy Baghdad, “RRT Erbil: The 1991 Generation on College, Jobs,” March 16, 2009.
21. U.S. Embassy Baghdad, “Educating Ali—Teaching Saddam’s Lost Generation to Read,” November 25, 2009.
22. U.S. Embassy Baghdad, “Baghdad U.: Students Talk Politics, Offer Blunt Views About Today’s Iraq—and Us,” April 6, 2009.
23. U.S. Embassy Baghdad. “Expo Najaf Draws Support from Shi’a Clerics, Generates Praise for PRT,” November 12, 2009.
24. U.S. Embassy Baghdad, “The Najaf Religious Establishment in Shi’a Politics and Society,” June 23, 2009.
25. Aaron D. Snipe, “Iraq/U.S. Embassy Baghdad Social Media Outreach,” in William P. Kiehl, ed., The Last Three Feet: Case Studies in Public Diplomacy (Washington, DC: The Public Diplomacy Council, 2012), 93–107.
26. U.S. Embassy Baghdad, “Need to Generate Public Discussion on Al Qaeda’s Resilience and Changing Tactics,” August 24, 2008.
27. U.S. Embassy Baghdad. “Encouraging Credible Voices to Counter Violent Extremism—The Case of Iraq,” December 8, 2008.
28. U.S. Embassy Baghdad, “PRT Muthanna: Rental Sheiks and Lost Iranian Weekends,” January 22, 2010.
29. U.S. Embassy Baghdad, “Iraq’s Border Surveillance Project Takes Shape, First on Syrian Border,” February 1, 2010.
30. Joseph S. Nye Jr., Soft Power: The Means to Success in World Politics (New York: PublicAffairs, 2004).
31. Joseph S. Nye Jr., “Get Smart: Combining Hard and Soft Power,” Foreign Affairs 88, no. 4 (July/August 2009).
32. Hillary Clinton, Confirmation Hearing to Be Secretary of State Before the Committee on Foreign Relations, United States Senate, S-Hrg 111-249, January 13, 2009.
33. Secretary Condoleezza Rice, “Transformational Diplomacy,” Georgetown University, Washington, DC, January 18, 2006.
34. Secretary Condoleezza Rice, “Remarks on Transformational Diplomacy,” Georgetown University, Washington, DC, February 12, 2008.
35. Dean Acheson, Present at the
Creation: My Years in the State Department (New York: W. W. Norton, 1969).
1. Susan B. Glasser, “Head of State: Hillary Clinton, the Blind Dissident, and the Art of Diplomacy in the Twitter Era, “ Foreign Policy, June 2010.
2. Adrienne Klasa, “Debating Hillary,” Foreign Policy, June 2012.
3. Hillary Rodham Clinton, Hard Choices (New York: Simon & Schuster, 2014), x.
4. Nick Gass, “10 Moments of Over-the-Top Flattery in Hillary’s Inbox,” Politico, July 2, 2015,
5. Peter Nicholas, “Clinton Emails Show Blumenthal No Fan of Axelrod,” November 30, 2015,
6. Patrick Healy, Jonathan Martin, and Maggie Haberman, “Hillary Clinton’s Handling of Email Issue Frustrates Democratic Leaders,” New York Times, August 27, 2015.
7. Stephan Dinan, “State Department Can’t Find Enough Staffers to Process Hillary Clinton Emails,” Washington Times, October 13, 2015.
8. Matthew Connelly and Richard H. Immerman, “What Hillary Clinton’s Emails Really Reveal,” New York Times, March 4, 2015.
9. Rachael Bade, “Clinton Aides Abedin and Mills Duke it out over Email,” Politico, October 30, 2015.
10. Ibid., 585.
11. See Vital Voices Global Partnership website, “What We Do,” at
12. Office of Global Women’s Issues, Fact Sheet, U.S. Department of State, Washington, DC, 2013,
13. Clinton, Hard Choices, 567.
14. Ibid., 569.
15. Ayelet Waldman, “Is This Really Goodbye?” Marie Claire, October 2012.
16. Justin Wm. Moyer, “Why Women Still Can’t Have It All Author ‘Devastated’ by Former Boss Hillary Clinton’s Reaction, Emails Reveal,” Washington Post, December 1, 2015.
17. Yochi Dreazen and John Hudson, “Michèle Flournoy Takes Herself Out of the Running for Top Pentagon Job,” Foreign Policy, The Cable, November 25, 2014.
18. USEU Brussels, “EU: What Is ‘Mainstreaming’ Women’s Issues and How Can We Help?” January 27, 2010.
19. U.S. Embassy London, “Engagement on U.K. Women’s Issues,” February 4, 2010.