copper mining, 130–31
Correa, Rafael, 92
corruption, 217–50, 314
in Bulgaria, 217–20
in Czech Republic, 229–33
election fraud, 221–28
government, 240–49
organized crime, 233–40
procurement scandals, 228–33
as security threat, 249–50
Corruption Perceptions Index, 153, 220
Cosa Nostra, 234, 237
Costa Rica, 91, 97, 313
Cotonou, Benin, 65
Council for National Security (Thailand), 139
Council of Europe, 154
Council on Foreign Relations, 30
CPVPV, 213
Crimea, 222, 223, 309
crises, 71–111
Cyclone Nargis, 82–89
Haiti earthquake, 71, 74–81
Honduras coup, 89–101
Iceland economic crisis, 101–10
Croatia, 202
Crocker, Ryan, 254, 257–58, 266–67
Cross River gorilla, 197–98
Crowley, P. J., 28
“crusade” against terrorism, 44, 55
Cuba, 42, 64, 286
cultural ambassadors, 262–63
cultural programming, 38, 171
culture, 143
Cyclone Nargis, 74, 82–89
Czechoslovakia, 177–78
Czech Republic
corruption in, 229–33, 241–42, 249
and Entropa sculpture, 171–72
Václav Havel and, 178–79
and Human Rights Report, 53
and missile defense, 303–9
Dagestan, 23
Dallas Safari Club, 193
Damascus, Syria, 166
Danish cartoon controversy, 174
Darling, Alistair, 107
“Day of Change, A” (photo contest), 206
decision-making process, 68, 322
deforestation, 191
de Hoop Scheffer, Jaap, 303
Dell, Christopher, 22
DeLong, Victoria, 76
DeMint, Jim, 96
Democratic Party, 290
Denmark, 106, 172, 174
Department of..., U.S., See under “U.S. Department”
deputy chief of mission (DCM), 11
Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, 50
Dhaka, Bangladesh, 15, 318
Dhi Qar province (Iraq), 269
Dink, Hrant, 172, 173
diplomacy, 16–17, 24–27
diplomatic dispatches, 13
diplomatic missions, 62–63
Diplomatic Readiness Initiative (DRI), 50
Diplomats in Residence, 1
DipNote, 74
directed assignments, 251–52
disarmament, 314
disasters, See crises
Discovery Channel, 57
Discovery Communications, 57
disinformation, 48
Djerejian, Edward, 51
Dobbins, James, 316
dogs, 211–14, 212–13
Dominican Republic, 77, 79, 91, 100
Dongguan, China, 246
donkey bloggers, 176–77, 180
Donolo, Peter, 46
Donyi Polo, 113, 124
Douala, Cameroon, 203
DRI (Diplomatic Readiness Initiative), 50
Dritabiki, Suriname, 118
drone strikes, 54, 68
Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), 42, 164
Duke, Donald, 197–98
dumping, illegal, 236
Dushanbe, Tajikistan, 240
earthquakes, 72, 73–74
ECA, See Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs
ECA program, 61
“eco-guards,” 197
economic crises, 72
ecotourism, 119, 120
Ecuador, 42, 91, 92, 119
Edinburgh Fringe Festival, 177
Egypt, 36, 39, 49, 59, 262, 278, 293, 314
Eisenhower, Dwight, 271
Elbaraf, Somalia, 202
election fraud, 221–28
election observers, 221–22
elections, 236–37
elephants, 187–91, 193, 195–97, 208
Ellison, Keith, 35–37
El Salvador, 72, 91, 155
embassies, 62
encryption, 14
Endangered Species Act, 192
English Teaching Forum, 266
Entropa (sculpture), 171–72
Erbil, Iraq, 258, 267, 268
Erdogan, Recep Tayyip, 173–74
Ereli, Adam, 264
Eritrea, 65–66
Euromaidan, 223
European Council, 145–46
European Economic Area, 103
European Free Trade Association, 103
European Parliament, 147–48
European Union (EU)
Burma and, 81, 87
Germany and, 168
and global financial crisis, 102
and Honduras coup, 92, 97
Iceland and, 103
presidency of, 171–72, 306
Ukraine and, 222–23
U.S. Mission to, 63
Herman Van Rompuy and, 145–48
and women’s rights, 292, 300
eurozone, 72
Evangelical Lutherans, 137
Ewol, Senegal, 138
exotic locales, See remote locales
Expert Roundup (Council on Foreign Relations), 30
expired products, recycling of, 235–36
extortion, 246–47
extraordinary rendition, 54
Exxon, 132
Eyjafjallajökull (volcano), 110
Facebook, 272–73
“fair share assignments” rule, 252
“family voting,” 225
Farage, Nigel, 147–48
Farap border crossing, 128–29
FARC, 234
Faribundo Martí National Liberation Front (FMLN), 158
Fayyad, Salam, 311
FDP (Free Democratic Party) (Germany), 168–70
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 234–35, 247
Federal Reserve, 105–6
Felipe, Crown Prince, 158
Fico, Robert, 229
film, 175–76
financial crisis of 2008, 72, 101–10
Fischer, Jan, 231, 307–8
Fitch (rating agency), 104
Fitna (film), 174–75
Fleck, Béla, 66
Florence, Italy, 233
Flournoy, Michèle, 299, 307
FLTA (Fulbright Language Teaching Assistantship), 266
FMLN (Faribundo Martí National Liberation Front), 158
FOIA (Freedom of Information Act), 290
food, wildlife as, 204–5
Food for Peace, 79
food security, 316, 335n3
Forbes magazine, 131
Fore, Henrietta, 85
Foreign Affairs, 16
Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, 228
foreign language deficit, 51
Foreign Relations of the United States (FRUS), 2
Foreign Service Journal, 60, 253
foreign service officers (FSOs), 17–19, 329
forest mafia, 201–2
Forman, Milo, 178
Fortuyn, Pim, 174
Fourteen Points (Wilson), 30
Fourth of July reception (Cuba), 64
Fourth World Conference on Women, 292
France, 12, 44, 45–46, 53, 54
Francis Seow: The Interview (film), 176
Frankfurter Allgemeine, 147
Franklin, Benjamin, 13
Frattini, Franco, 4
Free Democratic Party (FDP) (Germany), 168–70
freedom of expression, 171–79
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), 290
Freedom Party (Netherlands), 174–75
Freeport-McMoRan, 130–31
FRUS (Foreign Relations of the United States), 2
FSB (Russia), 243–45
FSLN (Sandinista National Liberation Front), 155–57, 159
FSOs (foreign service officers), 17–19, 329
Fulbright, William J., 264
Fulbright Language Teaching Assistantship (FLTA), 266
Fulbright program, 37, 59, 177, 264–66, 268
Future of Babylon Project, 266
Gaddafi, Muammar, 21, 32, 149, 155
Gali, Georgia, 121
Gallup polls, 38
Gambia, The, 151–52, 248–49
GAO (U.S. Government Accountability Office), 62
Garm, Tajikistan, 116, 122
Gates, Robert, 31–32, 232, 286, 304
Gaza ceasefire (2012), 316
Geithner, Timothy, 101–2
General Dynamics, 230–31
Genscher, Hans-Dietrich, 168, 169
Genscherism, 168–69
Georgetown University, 278, 318
George Washington University, 61
Georgia, 71, 121–22, 224, 309
America’s approval rating in, 38
and global financial crisis, 105
and International Narcotics Control Strategy Report, 55
and International Religious Freedom Report, 54
and Romania, 154
and Scientologists, 137
State Department personnel in, 251, 278
U.S. relationship with, 167–71, 180–81
and Herman Van Rompuy, 147
in World Cup, 218
in World War I, 14–15
Gibbs, Robert, 31, 288
Gioia Tauro, Italy, 237–38
giraffes, 191
Giraldi, Philip, 60
Gir National Park (India), 198–99
Gísladóttir, Ingibjörg, 110
Glassman, James, 35, 57, 61, 67
global financial crisis (2008), 246
globalization, 24, 279
Global Tiger Initiative (GTI), 200
Globovision, 313
gold mining, 119, 131
Gordon, Philip, 44
gorillas, 197–98
Gourma region (Mali), 196–97
Government Accountability Office (GAO), 50–51
government corruption, 240–49
Graham, Lindsey, 28
Gratteri, Nicola, 238–39
great apes, 197–98
greater hardship posts, 252
Greece, 38, 64, 72, 105
Green Zone (Baghdad), 206
Grossman, Marc, 58
GTI (Global Tiger Initiative), 200
Guangzhou, China, 183, 212–13, 246
Guantanamo, 41, 68
Guardian, 5, 17, 26, 148
Guatemala, 274
Guayaramerín, Bolivia, 120
Guilin, China, 183–84
Guinea, 71
Gujarat state (India), 198–200
Gunnlaugsson, Sigmundur Davið, 105
Gutman, Howard, 145–46, 149–50
Haarde, Geir, 110
Hadley, Stephen, 29
Hagel, Chuck, 299
Haiti, 72, 111, 156, 316
Haiti earthquake, 23, 74–81, 336n14
Hajj, 116, 140–41
Hamas, 316
Hana Women’s Group, 166
Hannahan, Mike, 261–62
Hanoi, Vietnam, 204
Harare, Zimbabwe, 41
Hard Choices (H. Clinton), 295–96
hardship posts, 62, 252
Harper, Stephen, 46
Harry S Truman Building (Main State), 3
Havel, Václav, 145, 177–79, 302, 310
Head Over Heels (play), 177
health policy, 288, 316
Hejazis, 133–34
Helms, Jesse, 48
Hendrickson, Hank, 176
Heydrich, Reinhard, 178
Hezbollah, 71
Hidalgo, Juan Carlos, 96
higher education, 241–42, 268–69
Hill, Christopher, 29, 254–57, 265
Hines, Richard T., 248, 249
Hitz, Frederick, 32–33
HIV/AIDS, 150–52
Ho Chin Minh City, Vietnam, 205
Holbrooke, Richard, 314, 315
Holy See, 136–37
Homeland (television show), 289
homophobia, 151–52
Honduras, 71, 74, 89–101, 111, 313
H1N1 (swine flu) virus, 140
Hormats, Robert, 344n2
Horsey, Outerbridge, 10
Huckabee, Mike, 28
Hughes, Karen, 36–37, 57, 59–61, 293
Human Rights Report, 22, 53
human trafficking, 161, 166
“hunger banquets,” 63–64, 67
Hunt, Swanee, 292
Hurriyet, 37
Hussein, Saddam, 206, 251, 267, 269
Hussein, Uday, 206
ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization), 62
Iceland, 52, 72, 74, 101–11
iftar dinners, 64–66
Ignatieff, Michael, 46
Ignatius, David, 285–86
IIP (Bureau of International Information Programs), 56, 57
illegal drugs, 55
illegal dumping, 236
illegal logging, 202
illiteracy, 269–70
IMF (International Monetary Fund), 106, 110
imperialism, 156
border dispute with China, 123–25
Donyi Polo in, 113, 124
political corruption in, 153
State Department personnel in, 251, 278
wildlife in, 194–96, 198–200
women’s issues in, 300–301
IndiaIyan-Tama (Hamisu Lamido), 176
indigenous people, 142
Indonesia, 36, 59, 130–32, 201, 209, 278
Indyk, Martin, 286
Inner Line Permits, 124
Inter-American Development Bank, 92, 292
interfaith dialogues, 136–37
International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), 62
International Committee of the Red Cross, 88
International Crisis Group, 57
International Fund for Animal Welfare, 193
International Monetary Fund (IMF), 106, 110
International Narcotics Control Strategy Report, 22
International Religious Freedom Report, 22, 52–54, 135
International Republican Institute, 221
International Tiger Coalition, 200
International Visitor Leadership Program, 160, 266
International Women of Courage Award, 66, 159–67, 180, 299
International Women’s Day, 312
International Women’s Media Foundation, 57
Internet Freedom Initiative, 33
and anti-Americanism, 44
France and, 46
Kashgai people in, 126–28
missile defense and, 303
Nicaragua and, 155
Russia and, 304
travel warning for, 72
and Turkmenistan truck stops, 128–29
Yellow Dogs band from, 134–35
Zimbabwe and, 227
Iran nuclear deal, 286
Iraq, 251–81
anti-Americanism in, 49
approaches to diplomacy in, 277–81
Joe Biden and, 314
consequences of service in, 255
corruption in, 219
costs of serving in, 274–76
dissatisfaction of FSOs in, 252–54
forced assignments to, 251–52
foreign service women in, 297
FSOs volunteering for service in, 256
as hardship post, 62
Saddam Hussein’s exotic animals in, 206
and International Women of Courage award, 162
International Women of Courage award recipients from, 160
nation-building in, 254, 257
NATO and, 230
need for staffing in, 50
press co
verage of FSOs in, 255
public diplomacy in, 258–67
U.S. mission in, 254–55
U.S. policy in, 37
war of ideas in, 267–74
Iraq War
and anti-Americanism, 38, 44
Canada and, 46
Czech Republic and, 249
France and, 46
Poland and, 308
and United States as “indispensable nation,” 310
Ireland, 136
Irrawaddy River, 82, 83, 203
irrigation wells, 199
and Hajj, 140–41
in Nigeria, 176
perceptions of United States “at war” with, 35–36
in Senegal, 138
Shia, 40, 127–28
in Southeast Asia, 116
Wahhabi, 133–34
Geert Wilders’ attack on, 174–75
Islamabad, Pakistan, 23
Islamic countries
anti-Americanism in, 40–41, 49–51
iftar dinners in, 64–66
pets in, 213–14
plight of women in, 180
Islamic fundamentalism, 135
Islamic State, 261, 276, 285
Israel, 55, 71, 72, 136–37, 318
Israeli-Palestinian conflict, 285, 316
Istanbul, Turkey, 44
Italy, 4, 7, 63–64, 72, 105, 233–40
Ivanov, Nikola “the Beaver,” 219
Ivanov, Zlatomir “the Beret,” 219
ivory, 188, 189, 195
J. Walter Thompson (firm), 57
Jagland, Thorbjørn, 154
Jakarta, Indonesia, 209–10
Jamaica, 220
Jammeh, Yahya, 151–52
Japan, 74, 301
Japanese language, 254
Jaysh al-Mahdsi (JAM), 162
Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, 40, 50, 65, 72, 177
Jefferson, Thomas, 13, 35
Jehovah’s Witnesses, 137
Johnson, Joe, 51
Jones, James, 302
Jordan, 262
Ka’aba, 140–41
Kabul, Afghanistan, 160, 300
Kachin State (Burma), 203
Kaczynski, Lech, 302
Kaliningrad, Russia, 303–10
Kalousek, Miroslav, 231
Kamen, Al, 61
Karampour, Siavash, 135
Karenni people, 125
“Karen’s Rules,” 60
Kashgai people, 126–27
Kathmandu, Nepal, 117
Keating, Timothy, 85
Kédougou region (Senegal), 138
Keflavik Naval Air Station, 103
Keller, Bill, 4–5, 17
Kelly, Craig, 99
Kennan, George, 15–16
Kennard, William, 146
Kennedy, Edward, 15
Kennedy, Patrick, 58, 323
Kenya, 20–21, 207
Kerry, John, 59, 88–89
Khobar, Saudi Arabia, 40–41
Khomeini, Ayatollah, 127
Kirkuk, Iraq, 258
Kissinger, Henry, 15, 147, 310, 316, 318
“Kissinger question,” 147
knowledge gap, 297
Kohl, Helmut, 168
Kohut, Andrew, 39
Kolshorn, Peter, 74–75
Korean language, 254
To the Secretary Page 38