Kornblum, John, 288
Kosovo, 40
Krasniy Yar, Russia, 117
krysha system, 243–45
Kubais, Jensila, 163
Kuno-Palpul sanctuary (India), 200
Kurdistan and Kurds, 172, 261, 267–68
Kuwait, 70
Kwalik, Kelly, 131
Kwan, Michelle, 66, 263
Kyiv, Ukraine, 222, 223
Kyrgyzstan, 47, 165
Labutta, Burma, 84
La Croix, 53
Lagos, Nigeria, 113
Lamido, Hamisu (Iyan-Tama), 176
land reform, 190
language proficiency, 51
Laos, 23, 138–39, 201
L’Aquila, Italy, 73
Latin America
and drug legalization in United States, 55
anti-Americanism in, 40, 42, 51
left-wing leaders in, 92, 93
legacy of coups in, 89, 90
U.S. corporate presence in, 132
Latvia, 152–53
Lavrov, Sergei, 305, 310
Lean In (Sandberg), 298
Leavitt, Michael, 158
Lebanon, 71
Lehman Brothers, 101
leopards, 185, 186, 201
LGBT rights, 316
Liberal Party (Canada), 46
Libeskind, Daniel, 263
Libya, 21, 155
Lieberman, Evelyn, 57
Lieberman, Joe, 28
lions, 198–200, 206
literacy, 269–70
Llorens, Hugo, 94–96
Lobo Sosa, Porfirio, 91, 94, 100
locally employed staff, 17–18
logging, illegal, 202
Loka Loka, Suriname, 118
Lokomotiv Plovdiv (team), 218
Lombardo, Antonio, 238
London, United Kingdom, 65
Long Telegram (Kennan), 15–16
Loomis, Burdett, 262
looting, 77
Louis, Michele, 77
Louisiana Purchase, 13
Lugar, Richard, 94
Lula da Silva, Luis Inácio, 92
Luzhkov, Yuri, 243–46
Lynch, Marc, 61
Ma, Yo-Yo, 263
Mack, Connie, 94
Madhya Pradesh state (India), 200
Mae Hong Son province (Thailand), 125
Mafia, 236, 238
Main State (Harry S Truman Building), 3
Makkah, Saudi Arabia, 213
Malaysia, 201, 208, 301
Mali, 138, 186, 196–97
Maliki, Nouri al-, 275, 276
Malta, 301
Managua, Nicaragua, 155–59
Manama, Bahrain, 40
Mandarin Chinese, 254
mandatory reporting, 20
Mandela, Nelson, 58, 149, 302
Mani, Hadizatou, 167
Manlobi, Suriname, 118
Manning, Chelsea, 6, 28, 33
Maoists, 194–95
Maputo, Mozambique, 318
Marie Claire, 298
Marie-Claude, Sister (Clauda Isaiah Naddaf), 166
Marinov, Krasimir “Big Margin,” 218–19
Marinov, Nikolay “Small Margin,” 218–19
Marowijne River, 119
Marsalis, Wynton, 263
Marshall Islands, 303
Mauritania, 44, 65
Mayawati, Kumari, 153
Mbeki, Thabo, 151
McConnell, Mitch, 28
McCormack, Sean, 60
McCourt, Frank, 263
McCurry, Michael, 46
McDonough, Denis, 285
McHale, Judith, 57, 61
Mead, Walter Russell, 262
Mecca, Saudi Arabia, 140–41
Medvedev, Dimitri, 148, 226, 245–46, 303–10, 304
Mercer, Rick, 43
Merkel, Angela, 148, 168, 288, 302
Merrill Lynch, 101
Metzner, Helmut, 170, 171
Mexico, 14–15, 19, 72, 91, 318
Meyerowitz, Joel, 263
Micheletti, Roberto, 90, 92, 94, 95, 97–100
Milan, Italy, 233
military procurements, 229–33
Mills, Cheryl, 287–88, 290–91
Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) (France), 53
Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) (Russia), 52
“misrah” marriages, 177
missile defense, 301–10
Mitchell, George, 314, 315
Mohammed, Prophet, 174
Monde, Le, 5
Mons, Belgium, 146
Moody’s, 104
Morales, Evo, 92, 159
Morgan Stanley, 101
Mormons, 137–38
Morocco, 57
Moscow, Russia, 52, 121, 211, 243–46, 306
Mothers of Invention (band), 177–78
Mozambique, 193, 318
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 178
Mud House (Iraqi sitcom), 259–60
Mugabe, Robert, 22, 41, 149, 190, 194, 227
Mukoko, Jestina, 162–63
Mulroney, Brian, 46
Mumbai, India, 199
Munich Security Conference, 304
Murphy Report, 136
Murrow, Edward R., 68
Muslim countries, See Islamic countries
Muthanna, Iraq, 275
mutri culture, 217–18
MVD (Russia), 243–46
Myanmar, See Burma
My Year in Iraq (Bremer), 270
Naddaf, Clauda Isaiah (Sister Marie-Claude), 166
Nairobi, Kenya, 20–21
Najaf, Iraq, 271–72
Najat Shakir Munshid al-Hameedawi, 162
Nakaoka, Nozumu, 312
Namibia, 192, 193
Namibian Game Product Trust Fund, 193
Namugala, Catherine, 187
Naples, Italy, 233–35, 239
Narcotics Affairs Sections, 79
Nation, The, 60
National Democratic Institute for International Affairs, 221
National Institutes of Health, 201
nationalism, 172–73
National League for Democracy, 81
National Security Council, 58
nation-building, 254, 257, 276
NATO, See North Atlantic Treaty Organization
natural disasters, 71–72
Cyclone Nargis, 82–89
Haiti earthquake, 71, 74–81
Nature Conservancy, 186
Nay Pyi Taw, Burma, 83
Nazif, Ahmed, 36
Nazi Germany, 48, 178
‘Ndrangheta, 237–39
Nepal, 117, 124, 185, 194–95, 201
Netherlands, 107, 174–75
Neumann, Ronald, 29
New Delhi, India, 300–301
New Economic School (Moscow), 45, 306
New Republic, 57, 94
Newseum, 33
New York Stock Exchange, 61
New York Times
Julian Assange in, 69
on Richard Hines, 249
on Honduras coup, 94
and Karen Hughes, 36
on NATO, 306–7
on Tadjibayeva case, 164
Wikileaks cables reporting in, 1–2, 4–5, 17, 26, 28, 33, 148
New York University, 177
NGOs, See nongovernmental organizations
Nicaragua, 42, 70, 90, 91, 92, 155–59, 227
Niger, 167, 186
Nigeria, 113–14, 176, 197–98, 203, 219, 318
Nightline, 57
Night Safari (Chiang Mai, Thailand), 206–9
Ninewa province (Iraq), 260
Nixon, Richard, 15
Njuka Maroons, 118
Nobel Committee, 154
nongovernmental organizations (NGOs)
and elections, 221
FSOs and, 18
and Palestine, 311
proliferation of, 316–17
reporting by, 55
Vital Voices Global Partnership and, 294
ocused, 185–86, 189, 192, 196–97, 199, 205, 207–9, 214–16
nonhardship posts, 252
No One Knows About Persian Cats (film), 135
Nordic Council of Ministers, 292
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
Azerbaijan and, 176
Czech Republic and, 230, 309
Robert Gates’ speech to, 304
Germany and, 169
Iceland and, 103
New York Times on, 306–7
and post-Communist countries, 229
and Russia, 303
U.S. ambassador to, 146
U.S. Mission to, 63
Geert Wilders and, 175
Northern Distribution Network, 154
North Korea, 72, 165–66, 220, 309
North Rhine–Westphalia state (Germany), 154
Norway, 35–36, 106, 154
Nouakchott, Maruitania, 44
Nova Iguaçu state (Brazil), 203
NPR, 29
nursing mothers, 297–98
Nye, Joseph, 277
OAS (Organization of American States), 91, 92
Obama, Barack, and administration; See also Clinton, Hillary Rodham
and Albania, 206
and anti-Americanism, 49
and Arab Spring, 314
and Burma, 81
Cairo speech of, 129
Camp Lejeune speech of, 258
and donkey bloggers, 177
and European Council, 145
and Honduran coup, 93, 94, 97
and interfaith day of volunteer service, 65
and Kurdistan, 262
and missile defense, 305, 308–10
outsiders in, 286
and Russia, 45, 304, 306–9
and under secretaries, 57
George Soros and, 288
at state funerals, 302
Strasbourg town hall meeting of, 67–68
and U.S. world standing, 285
and Wikileaks release, 28, 31
Obama, Michele, 163
Obando y Bravo, Miguel, 158–59
Oddsson, Davið, 109
OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development), 228–29
OES (Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs), 185
Office of Foreign Assets Control, 81
Office of Global Women’s Issues, 294–95
Office of Management and Budget (OMB), 51
Office of Provincial Affairs (OPA), 257–58
official visits, 36
Ogilvy & Mather, 57
O’Grady, Mary Anastasia, 93–94
Okomu National Park (Nigeria), 114
OMB (Office of Management and Budget), 51
One Nation Under Lee (film), 175–76
OPA (Office of Provincial Affairs), 257–58
Open Secrets (Keller), 4
Operation Octopus, 219
opium, 42
orangutans, 208–10
O’Reilly, Bill, 30
O’Reilly, Patrick, 307
organizational chart, State Department, 58
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), 228–29
Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), 62, 221, 224
Organization of American States (OAS), 91, 92
Organization of American States to the African Union, 221
Organization of the Islamic Conference, 141
organized crime, 189, 201–2, 218–19, 220, 233–40
organ transplant tourism, 48
Ortega, Daniel, 90, 92, 93, 155–59
OSCE, See Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
Oslo, Norway, 35–36
Ottawa, Canada, 43
Otunbayeva, Roza, 165
Oudomxay province (Laos), 138
Ozomatli, 66
PA (Bureau of Public Affairs), 56–57
Pact (relief organization), 88
Padaung people, 125–26
Pais, El, 5
Pakistan, 15, 39, 49, 62, 71, 297, 298, 314
Palermo, Italy, 239
Palestine, 41, 285, 311, 316
Pamuk, Orhan, 172–74
panchayat, 124
pandas, 205
PAOs (Public Affairs Officers), 63
Papua New Guinea, 130–32
Paraguay, 63, 91
Paramaribo, Suriname, 66, 118–19
Parkanová, Vlasta, 231
parrots, 203
Paul, Ron, 28
PBS NewHour, 29, 193
Peace Corps, 18, 41
People’s Action Party (Singapore), 176
People’s Party (Latvia), 152
PEPFAR (President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief), 22
Perot, Ross, 27
Perry, Rick, 30
Perry, William, 302
personalities, 148
Peru, 70, 119
Petraeus, David, 254
Petrov, Aleksi “the Tractor,” 219
pets, 210–14
Pew Research Center Global Attitudes Project, 38–39, 331n8
Philippines, 72, 318
Picathartes oreas, 113
Pickering, Thomas, 16–17, 58
Pinckney, Charles, 13
pink form, 11
Pius XII, Pope, 137
PKK, 44
Plastic People of the Universe (band), 178
PLP (Progressive Liberal Party) (Bahamas), 228
Plze, Czech Republic, 241
poaching, 186–91, 193, 195, 196, 198, 199, 203–5
Poland, 44, 232, 301–5, 307–9
Port-au-Prince, Haiti, 23
post-Communist countries, 229, 233, 293
posttraumatic stress, 255
Potemkin villages, 242–43
Powell, Colin, 253, 284, 318
Pozzuoli, Italy, 236
Praga (company), 232
Prague, Czech Republic, 9–10, 178, 230, 231, 304
Prague Castle, 178
President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), 22
President’s Interagency Council of Women, 295
press corps, 255
Préval, René, 78
procurement scandals, 228–33
Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) (Bahamas), 228
Progressive Party (Iceland), 106
propaganda, 48
“protected” wildlife, 186–88
Provincial Reconstruction Teams (PRTs), 253, 257–61, 269–71, 275, 276
proxy voting, 225
Public Affairs Officers (PAOs), 63
public diplomacy, 322–23
and anti-Americanism, 35–37, 47–51, 66–70
and disconnects between Washington and the field, 56–62
domestic support for, 38
funding for, 66
in Iraq, 258–67
programs/events related to, 63–66
role of Public Affairs Officer in, 63
and “soft power” programs, 37–38
public tenders, 229
public works projects, 220
Putin, Vladimir, 30, 45, 106, 148, 220, 222, 226, 302–10
Qahtani, Sheikh al-, 41
Quadrennial Diplomacy and Development Review (QDDR), 286, 317–19
Quainton, Anthony, 69–70
Quayle, Dan, 169
Quraishi, Shafiqa, 161
Qur’an, 141, 151, 174, 213
racism, 154
Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, 49, 176
Radio Marti, 49
Rahmon, Emomali, 153–54, 240–41
Ramadan, 64, 65
Ramallah, 311
Rangoon, Burma, 84, 86, 139–40, 183
Rasht Valley, 122
rating agencies, 104
Reagan, Ronald, and administration, 155
recycling, of expired products, 235–36
redacted information, 5
refugee camps, 78
Reines, Phillippe, 287
Reinke, David K., 193
ion, 135–36; See also specific religions
religious minorities, 137–40
in Burma, 139–40
in China, 137–38
in Germany, 137
in Laos, 138–39
in Russia, 137
in Senegal, 138
in Thailand, 139
religious police (Saudi Arabia), 213
remote locales, 113–32
Azerbaijan-Iran border, 126–28
in former Soviet republics, 121–23
Hejaz province (Saudi Arabia), 133–34
in Latin America, 119–20
Mae Hong Son province (Thailand), 125–26
Papua New Guinea, 130–32
Sino-India border, 123–25
in Suriname, 118–19
traveling to, 116–17
Turkmenistan truck stops, 128–29
Xilin, China, 117–18
reporting, 20–24, 36
congressionally mandated reports, 52–56
on Vital Voices programs, 294
Restrepo, Daniel, 99
Revolutionary Guard, 127
Reykjavik, Iceland, 52, 103
rhinoceros, 186, 191–95, 193–95
Rice, Condoleezza
academic background, 284
and International Women of Courage Award, 159, 299
and “Karen’s Rules,” 60
as manager, 287
and missile defense, 303, 304
on State Department personnel in Germany vs. India, 251
and transformational diplomacy, 21
transformational diplomacy of, 277–80
unpopularity of, among FSOs, 253
Rice, Susan, 21
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 36, 50, 66, 213
Rodriguez, Oscar Andrew, 92
Rogers, William, 15
Roghun (hydroelectric dam), 240–41
Rohingya people, 285
Rolling Stone, 135
Roma people, 53, 236
Rome, Italy, 63, 233
Rugh, William, 50
Rusbridger, Alan, 5
and anti-Americanism, 44–45
Joe Biden on, 288
corruption in, 220, 226–27, 243–46
and Georgia, 121
and Greece, 38
and Iceland, 103, 106, 108–9
and International Religious Freedom Report, 52–53
Krasniy Yar site in, 117
and missile defense, 303–10
pets in, 211
religious repression in, 137
and Tajikistan, 42
and Ukraine, 34, 222, 223
wildlife in, 185, 201
Russia-Georgia war, 71
Russian “reset,” 44, 239–40, 285, 286, 303–7, 309, 310
Rüttgers, Jürgen, 154
Ryan Report, 136
Ryazan, Russia, 226–27
Saakashvili, Mikheil, 224
Safari World (Bangkok, Thailand), 208–10
Safire, William, 352n20
Saint Petersburg, Russia, 121
Salerno–Reggio Calabria highway, 237
Salih, Barham, 265
Sandberg, Sheryl, 298
Sanders, Bernie, 290
Sandinista National Liberation Front (FSLN), 155–57, 159
Sandino, Augusto, 159
Sanger, David, 17
To the Secretary Page 39