To the Secretary
Page 40
San Jose Accords, 97
Sarkozy, Nicolas, 302
SARS, 204, 212
Saudi Arabia
anti-Americanism in, 40–41
artistic license in, 177
flooding in, 72
and Hajj, 140–41
Hejazis in, 133–34
Karen Hughes in, 36, 59, 293
pets in, 213–14
public affairs efforts in, 262
public diplomacy in, 50–51, 65, 66
Save the Children, 88
Save the Valley Conservancy (SVC), 194
Scandinavian countries, 220
Schmidt, Helmut, 168
Schröder, Gerhard, 168
Schwarzenberg, Karel, 304, 305
Scientology, 54, 137
SCIF (Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility), 10
search-and-rescue operations, 80
secrecy, 13, 24–27
security threat, corruption as, 249–50
security upgrades, 21
Senate confirmation hearings, 22
Senate Foreign Relations Committee, 19
Senegal, 138
Senior Coordinator for International Women’s Issues, 294
Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility (SCIF), 10
separation of church and state, 55
September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, 38, 40, 49
Serbia, 40
Seventh-Day Adventists, 139
sex abuse scandals, Catholic Church, 136
sexual trafficking, 166
SFA (Strategic Framework Agreement), 263–64
Shanghai, China, 137–38, 301
Shannon, Thomas, 99
sheikhs, 275–76
Shia Islam, 40, 127, 128
Shinawatra, Thaksin, 207, 208
Shultz, George, 25, 284, 318
Siberian cranes, 183
Sichuan, China, 73
Sicily, 234, 237
Siddiqui, Aziza, 160
Sigonella, Italy, 234
Sigurdsson, Gretar Mar, 110
Sikorski, Radoslaw, 303
Singapore, 86, 175–76, 207
Sino-Indian War, 124
Sister Cities International, 271
situation reports (sitreps), 23, 76, 329
Skarphédinsson, Össur, 106
Slate, 17
Slaughter, Anne-Marie, 298–99
slavery, 167
Slovak Atlantic Council, 307
Slovakia, 178, 226, 229, 235, 247–48, 307, 309
Slovak National Party (SNS), 229
Small Business Development Center, 271
smart power, 277, 287, 317
Smith-Mundt Act of 1948, 48
Smithsonian National Zoo, 192
Snowden, Edward, 34
SNS (Slovak National Party), 229
Sobaihi, Maisah, 177
soccer, 218
Sochi Winter Olympics, 220
Social Democratic Party (Germany), 154, 168
Social Democratic Party (Kyrgyzstan), 165
social media, 272–73, 310–11
Sofia, Bulgaria, 217–18, 217–19
soft power, 37–38, 277
Soir, Le (Belgium), 146
Somalia, 202, 220
Somoza, Anastasio, 155
Sonenshine, Tara, 57
Soros, George, 288
“Sources of Soviet Conduct, The” (Kennan), 16
South Africa, 150–51, 192, 278
South Ossetia, 121, 155
Spain, 105
Special 301 Report, 22
Spiegel, Der, 5
Sri Lanka, 160, 163
Stalin, Joseph, 243
Standard & Poor’s, 104
START treaty, 308–10
State Department, See U.S. Department of State
State Department inspector general, 23
State Department travel warnings, 72
STE (Supreme Electoral Tribunal) (Honduras), 100
Steinmeier, Frank-Walter, 154
Stengel, Richard, 57–58
Stephens, Kathleen, 57–58, 165
Stevens, J. Christopher, 21
Steyr, 230, 231
Stinnett, Caskie, 17
Stoelmanseiland, Suriname, 118
storks, 203
Strasbourg, France, 67
Strategic Framework Agreement (SFA), 263–64
stray animals, 211
subgroups, 37
Submission (film), 174
Sucre, Bolivia, 119
Suharto, 130
Sullivan, Jake, 288
Sumatra, 208
Sunday Times (Johannesburg), 150, 151
Supreme Electoral Tribunal (STE) (Honduras), 100
Suriname, 66, 117–19
Suthep-Pui National Park (Thailand), 208
Sutton, Willie, 230
SVC (Save the Valley Conservancy), 194
Svoboda, Jan, 178
Sweden, 106, 172
swine flu virus, 140
Switzerland, 47
Syria, 72, 166–67, 285, 314
Tadjibayeva, Mutabar, 164–65, 180
Tahrir Square, 314
Taiwan, 159
Tajikistan, 41–42, 116, 122–23, 153–54, 240–41
Taliban, 54
“Talking to Americans” (feature), 43
Tanden, Neera, 288
Tanzania, 187
Tanzania Wildlife Research Institute, 188
Tapanahoni River, 119
Tarimo, Erasmus, 188
Tatra, 231–33
Tauscher, Ellen, 307
technology, 14
Tel Aviv, Israel, 318
telegrams, 12–16
Terex, 231
terrorism, 44, 55, 162, 220–21
Thailand, 71, 86, 116, 125, 139–40, 185, 201, 206–9, 311
Thanksgiving, 63
Than Shwe, 84, 85, 87, 139
Thatcher, Margaret, 302
Thein Sein, 81, 85
Thessaloniki, Greece, 64–65
This Hour Has 22 Minutes (television show), 43
Thomas, Harry K., Jr., 251, 252
tigers, 200–201, 204
tiger wine, 183, 184
Time magazine, 17, 58
Timeout Moscow (magazine), 173
Tinguá Natural Reserve, 203
Tirana, Albania, 206
Topolánek, Mirek, 53
Toronto, Canada, 46
torture, 54, 162, 163
Toto, 66
Trafficking in Persons Report, 22, 55
transformational diplomacy, 21, 277–80, 287
Transparency International, 153, 219–20, 244
travel warnings, State Department, 72
Triple Canopy, 131
truck stops (Turkmenistan), 128–29
Truman, Harry S, 316
Tshabalala-Msimang, Manto, 150
Tsintsiya (film), 176
anti-Americanism in, 38, 44, 332n8
Hillary Clinton in, 312
Karen Hughes in, 36–37, 59, 293
nationalism and free speech in, 172–74
public affairs efforts in, 262
Turkmenistan, 122, 128–29, 210, 242
Tutweiler, Margaret, 57, 61
TV Martí, 49
Tymoshenko, Yulia, 222
UK Independence Party, 147
Ukraine, 222–24, 247–48, 309
under secretaries, 57–59, 58
for Political Affairs, 58–59
for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs, 56, 59–61
UN Development Programme (UNDP), 76, 335n2
unemployment, 72, 235
UNESCO, 63, 194
UNHCR, 126
United Fruit, 132
United Kingdom (UK), 12, 45–46, 55, 64, 65, 107, 147
United Nations (UN); See also World Food Programme (WFP)
and Beijing Platform for Action, 295
and global financial crisis, 109
and Haiti, 76, 156
and Honduras
coup, 91
and Iraq War, 253, 263
Colin Powell at, 253
spying on, 32
U.S. representation at, 62, 63
and Vital Voices Democracy Initiative, 292
and wildlife conservation, 185, 207
United Nations Climate Change Conference (Copenhagen), 146
United States; See also anti-Americanism
Madeleine Albright on, 310
Julian Assange on, 69
James Baker on doing business with, 178
on Corruption Perceptions Index, 220
motivation for other countries to deal with, 31
values vs. interests of, 179–81
and World War I, 15
University of Kurdistan–Hawker, 261
University of Massachusetts (Amherst), 261
University of Virginia, 32
Uribe, Álvaro, 158
U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)
and Burma, 85
Hillary Clinton’s policy goals and, 316
and ecotourism, 120
and Expo Najaf, 271
Food for Peace program, 79
and Haiti earthquake, 336n14
and Iraq, 276
State Department and, 17, 58
and wildlife conservation, 197
U.S. Congress, 22, 28, 38, 61, 228, 248, 249, 317, 318
U.S. Department of Agriculture, 17, 59
U.S. Department of Commerce, 17, 59
U.S. Department of Defense, 59, 197
U.S. Department of Energy, 59
U.S. Department of Homeland Security, 237
U.S. Department of Justice, 33, 247
U.S. Department of State
changes in security procedures, 11
directed assignments by, 251–52
dissent channel of, 15
foreign service officers of, 17–19
organizational chart published by, 58
public criticism of, 30
USIA and, 48–49
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 192, 193, 195, 197
U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO), 62
U.S. Great Apes Conservation Fund, 197
U.S. Humane Society, 193
U.S. Information Agency (USIA), 47–49, 58, 61, 68
U.S. Institute of Peace, 57, 315
U.S. Navy, 79
U.S. News and World Report, 57
U.S. Supreme Court, 262
U.S. Treasury Department, 107
USAID, See U.S. Agency for International Development
USEU Mission, 300
USIA, See U.S. Information Agency
U.S.–Middle East Partnership Initiative, 266
USS Carl Vinson, 79–80
USS Comfort, 79–80
Uttar Pradesh state (India), 153
Uzbekistan, 122, 128, 164, 224–26
Van Daele, Frans, 145, 146
Van Gogh, Theo, 174, 175
Van Rompuy, Herman, 145–48, 150
Vatican City, 63, 136–37, 233
Velvet Revolution, 177
Venezuela, 40, 90, 91, 92, 94, 98, 227, 313; See also Chávez, Hugo
Verhofstadt, Guy, 148
Veron, Marita, 161
Veron, Susana Trimarco de, 161
Vershbow, Alexander, 307
Verveer, Melanne, 295
Vienna, Austria, 292
Vietnam, 201, 204–5, 208–9
visas, 266–67
visionaries, 149
Vital Voices Democracy Initiative, 292
Vital Voices Global Partnership, 292–95
Vladivostok, Russia, 117, 201
Voice of America, 49
Vondra, Alexandr, 309
vote buying, 228
Wahhabi Islam, 133–34
Walesa, Lech, 310
Wall Street Journal, 93
Warsaw, Poland, 301–5
Washington, D.C., 115
Washington Post, 5, 36, 60, 61, 285
Wasit province (Iraq), 259
waste disposal, illegal, 236
Webb, Jim, 88–89
Weisbrot, Mark, 94
WEN (ASEAN Wildlife Enforcement Network), 208
Western Europe, 19
Westerwelle, Guido, 168–71, 180–81
West Side Story (film), 176
WFP (World Food Programme), 79, 85
White Oak Conservation Center, 192
white storks, 203
WHO (World Health Organization), 236, 335n3
“Why Women Still Can’t Have It All” (Slaughter), 298–99
WikiLeaks, 4, 6
WikiLeaks cables, 1–7
precursors to release of, 14
titles of, 329
Wilbert, Jacque, 77
Wilders, Geert, 174–75
wildlife, 183–215
big cats, 198–202
birds, 202–4
elephants, 195–97
as food, 204–5
great apes, 197–98
hunting of, 188–204
and NGOs, 214–16
and pets, 210–14
“protected,” 186–88
rhinos, 193–95
Zimbabwe, 189–91
in zoos, 205–10
wildlife smuggling, 203–5; See also poaching
Williamson, Richard, 137
Wilson, Woodrow, 30
Wisin and Yandel, 66
Wolfe, Tom, 66, 263
Women of Courage Award, See International Women of Courage Award
Women’s Federation (China), 301
World Air Leasing, 248
World Bank, 88, 92, 197, 200, 220, 292
World Cup, 218
World Food Programme (WFP), 79, 85
World Food Summit, 335n3
World Health Organization (WHO), 236, 335n3
World War I, 14–15
World War II, 308
World Wildlife Fund (WWF), 195, 201, 202
Wotton, Henry, 16
W.R. Grace, 132
writers, diplomats as, 17, 18
WWF, See World Wildlife Fund
Xiamen, China, 247
Xilin, China, 116–18
Ya’an Panda Breeding Center, 205
Yad Vashem, 136–37
Yanukovych, Viktor, 222–23
Yellow Dogs (band), 134–35
Yezidis, 261
Young Leaders Exchange program, 266
YouTube, 136, 148, 176, 246, 272–73
Zagreb, Croatia, 202
Zahari, Said, 175–76
Zahari’s 17 Years (film), 175
Zakaria, Fareed, 17, 26
Zaman (Turkish daily), 312
Zambia, 187–88
Zappa, Frank, 145, 177–78
Zatlers, Valdis, 153
zebras, 191
Zelaya, Manuel, 90–100
Zeller, Shawn, 60
Zhirinovskiy, Vladimir, 245
Zimbabwe, 22, 40, 41, 68, 149, 160, 162–63, 189–91, 193–94, 227
Zimbabwe Peace Project, 162–63
Zimmermann, Arthur, 14
Zimmermann Telegram, 14
Zing, Tajikistan, 123
Zogby polls, 38
zoos, 205–10
The opinions and characterizations in this book are those of the
author and do not necessarily represent official positions of the
United States government.
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