Book Read Free

And The Children Shall Lead

Page 9

by Michael J. Bowler

  “You know what?” Lance began with a heavy sigh. “My opinion on that is the same as it is for every couple, no matter their orientation. I wish people who can’t have kids without some kind of Frankenstein-laboratory stuff would just adopt someone like me.” His voice became wistful and quiet, almost introspective. “There are so many kids out there like me whose parents don’t want them, but if they’re in the system, or the birth mom was a drug addict, or they’re not babies or cute-ass little toddlers, nobody else wants ’em, either.” He looked out at the silent girl with as much sincerity as he could muster, while struggling to douse the old pain rising to the surface. “I would’ve killed to have been adopted by two ladies or two guys who loved me and wanted me. But all I got was the system, and it sucked.”

  He paused and exchanged a quick look with Ricky. “Someday we’re gonna adopt kids like me, older ones nobody else wants. Cuz we don’t care if the kid looks like us or has our blood in him. That’s not important. Love and family are. When I was little and praying every day that someone would adopt me, I used to think people wanted kids so they could do right by their kids, but now I know that’s not true. Sometimes they just want somebody who looks like them. Over these past two years we learned from Arthur and Jenny what being good parents means, so yeah, we’ll adopt kids someday. No Frankenstein stuff for us. Does that answer your question?”

  The girl nodded solemnly, looking like she was about to cry. Her girlfriend grabbed her hand and pulled her down, throwing an arm across her shoulders.

  Ellen pointed to yet another boy way in the back. He stood and Lance could just make out glasses and a polo shirt of some kind.

  “Are you proud to be gay, or whatever you want to call yourselves?” the boy challenged, sounding haughty despite his mousy appearance.

  Again, Ricky deferred to Lance, who shoved the boy playfully. “Fool, I’m gonna get you for making me do all the talking.”

  Ricky grinned. “Gotta catch me first.”

  That drew a laugh from Ellen and the crowd.

  Lance squinted out at the boy in back, attempting to make eye contact, but the stage lights and shadows made that impossible. “I’m proud of what I accomplished here in California with our proposition and how we convinced the adults to give us our childhood back. Ricky is, too, though this fool is too dumbass to talk good on TV.”

  Another laugh followed and Ricky shoved Lance yet again. Ellen looked positively charmed by their antics.

  “I’m proud of my skating,” Lance went on, “cuz I worked hard and I kick butt on a board. I’m proud of my archery skills and ability with a sword. These are things I worked for, so yeah, they make me feel proud. Am I proud to be in love with this fool?” He shoved Ricky and flashed him a sly grin. “No, cuz there’s nothing to be proud of. I’m blessed that he loves me and that I found this most amazing boy in the world. All joking aside, he’s amazing.”

  He glanced at Ricky and saw the boy look down in embarrassment.

  “But am I proud that inside me I’m meant to love another boy? No, cuz I didn’t do that. Everybody tells me I have such cool eyes and amazing hair. That’s nice, but I’m not proud of those things, either. They’re just part of how I was born, same as my being able to fall in love with Ricky. I learned in juvenile hall that I’m exactly what God had in mind when he made me. But I also learned that I’m God’s gift to the world, and what I make of myself down here is my gift to God. It’s also my gift to other people. I’m a warrior of right and a warrior of light. And I’m proud of myself that I made those choices.”

  “Me too,” Ricky said with a grin toward Lance. “So don’t go looking for us in any parades or whatever because our goal is to help all kids and not to discriminate or put ourselves in any more ice cube trays. We’re done with that. We’re the Round Table and the Round Table is for everyone.”

  Lance turned to Ellen. “See, once in a while this fool says something useful.”

  Ricky shoved Lance. “Fool.”

  The boys laughed and Ellen grinned broadly.

  The remainder of the hour flew by with more questions and answers. Once the cameras ceased rolling, Lance and Ricky chatted some more with the audience and signed autographs. Some of the kids expressed interest in joining the Round Table and Lance passed out Arthur’s business card. Ellen hugged both boys and invited them back any time they wanted. She also thanked them for giving her and all of America something to think about, and vowed to support their Children’s Bill of Rights. Lance promised to keep in touch on their progress.

  Reyna hugged them both and Esteban grinned, shaking his head at their performance. Ryan and Gibson were just relieved to have the whole thing over without incident, and quickly led the group out to their cars.


  Jenny and Arthur gushed over the boys’ performance upon their return home, and after dinner that night Jenny insisted they watch the show on the DVR. She assured them they would be on TV many more times during the course of this political campaign, so they needed to see themselves as others saw them.

  The boys joked around and laughed at themselves on the big Throne Room flat-screen, but Jenny didn’t need to point out the moment Lance nearly lost his temper. He spotted that right away and realized how close he’d come to making himself and Ricky look bad, promising both parents that he would not allow anyone to rattle him in the future.

  The next few days were devoted to wedding preparations. Reyna recruited the boys to move this planter or that flower arrangement. The back gardens were already picture-perfect, but Reyna had wanted the stage area looking more festive so she ordered a moveable arch made of roses under which Arthur and Jenny would exchange their vows.

  Of course, Reyna had also picked out the wedding dress with Jenny, and when it arrived that Friday she refused to even allow Lance and Ricky to see it, saying it was bad luck for men to see the gown ahead of time, even men who weren’t the groom. Since this was a Round Table wedding, no formal tuxes were ordered – Esteban and the grooms would wear their finest tunics and pants, and Arthur his kingly accoutrements.

  The wedding was scheduled for noon the following day. Of the media, only Helen and two cameramen were given clearance to attend and film the proceedings. However, there was such anticipation from the public that Channel 7 agreed to allow other networks and stations to tap into their live feed, which meant every station would be covering the wedding to some extent. The event was likened to the royal weddings of Charles and Diana and William and Kate and was expected to draw even larger ratings.

  Due to scheduling conflicts, the One Direction boys would not land at LAX until early Saturday morning whereby they would meet up with Sergeant Gibson who would accompany them in the limo to New Camelot. Thus far, their presence had been kept secret and it was Lance’s idea to have them enter New Camelot through the back garden gate that he and Ricky had used to sneak out earlier in the year.

  Saturday morning dawned early for everyone. Gibson sauntered in through the back with One Direction at eight a.m. At long last, Lance stood face to face with his Internet friend who’d stuck by him through all the drama of the past year.

  Harry beamed upon seeing Lance. “It’s my favorite Twitter pal,” he gushed, his heavy accent making ‘Twitter’ sound like ‘Twii-er’ without the middle ‘t’s’.

  Lance extended his hand. “Hey, man, good to finally meet you.” They shook and Lance introduced Ricky.

  “My other Twii-er buddy,” Harry proclaimed and Ricky laughed. “Cool to meet you.”

  Harry introduced the other four band mates, and Lance took particular notice of Louis with his loopy grin and close-cropped hair since he was the supposed other half of ‘Larry Stylinson’. It was their mutual abuse by the media and paparazzi that had drawn Lance and Harry together in the first place.

  “Thanks so much for coming, guys,” Lance said. “My parents don’t know you’re here – it’s a surprise.”

  “Actually, everything to our Dad is a surprise,”
Ricky put in with a laugh. “But Mom’ll know who you are.”

  “C’mon,” Lance said, as Gibson left to find Ryan and check on security. “I’ll show you guys to your rooms so you can get ready.”

  He and Ricky led them upstairs to the second floor and a series of empty, but prepared, rooms near the end of the hall. Lance told the boys they’d find various sizes of Round Table attire laid out for them and to choose whatever color tunics they liked.

  The knights began trickling in around nine, with other invited guests arriving a bit later. Everyone milled about the expansive gardens waiting for the event to begin. The weather was crisp and clear for November with the sun shining and the temperature hovering at 68º. Lance spotted Jenny’s teacher friend, Karla, from Mark Twain, all decked out in a long black gown, high-heeled shoes and a hairstyle like something out of a music video.

  Of course, Reyna was nowhere to be found because she’d gone up to get Jenny ready. Esteban looked dashing in his striking blue tunic, leather pants and boots, sword strapped to his waist. His hair had even been styled and when Lance laughingly commented on its road kill look, the young man grimaced and assured him it had been “Reyna’s idea.”

  Lance and Ricky both laughed, feeling grateful that Reyna had been so caught up with Jenny and Esteban that she’d never gotten around to “Making them look presentable,” as she’d promised. Of course, they’d hidden themselves every time they’d heard her voice, so that also contributed to their ‘natural’ look for the event.

  The boys had seen to dressing up Chris for the occasion and giving him a small circlet of his own to restrain his flowing blond hair. Reyna had hinted earlier in the week about getting it cut, but Chris had hidden away with Lance and Ricky every time he’d heard her calling. Chris loved his hair and had no intention of cutting it until it dragged on the floor.

  As Lance adjusted the circlet around the boy’s head, he suddenly realized that Chris had gotten taller, and momentarily felt guilty that he hadn’t noticed. “Man, you’ve grown a lot this year, Chris,” he gushed, and Ricky heartily agreed.

  Chris beamed, like he’d known all along this would happen. “I promised Jack I’d be a big, buff football player like him one day, and I will.”

  As always, the mention of Jack’s name caused a lump to form in Lance’s throat, and he couldn’t reply for a second. But Ricky was there, rock solid and steady with a hand on his arm to soothe him. And it worked. Flicking Ricky a grateful grin, Lance eyed the smiling Chris appraisingly. “I have no doubt, little man.”

  Ricky handed Chris the coveted ring-bearer’s pillow upon which he would carry up their mother and father’s rings. The little boy clutched it to his chest as though daring anyone to take it away. Then the three of them descended the grand staircase to the lobby.

  Lance was thrilled to find Father Mike chatting with Pastor Tom and hurried over to them. Lance shook Pastor Tom’s hand, but fixed his gaze on the taller, white-haired Catholic priest with genuine affection.

  “Reverend,” Father Mike said, offering that impish grin Lance so loved. Lance hugged him warmly and then the juvenile hall chaplain greeted Ricky and Chris with the same appellation.

  “I’m not a reverend,” Chris insisted politely. “I’m the ring-bearer.”

  Father Mike laughed and the others joined in. Harry, Louis, Niall, Liam and Zayn trooped down the stairs dressed in the flashiest tunics Lance had left out for them, and with their leather pants and knee-high boots looked every bit Knights of the Table.

  “Wow,” Lance exclaimed honestly, “you guys look great.”

  Harry grinned devilishly. “And you look good enough to eat.”

  Lance laughed as Ricky quickly stepped to his side. “He’s not on the menu.”

  Harry winked at Ricky playfully. “We’re supposed to cause a scandal, remember, Ricky?”

  Lance just smirked. “Don’t mind him. Ricky’s the jealous type.”

  “Am not, fool.” But he turned red around the ears anyway.

  Lance led them all out to the back gardens and showed them the outdoor stage, brightly decorated with flower stands and the rose-covered archway for the ceremony. Harry told Lance they’d check out the sound set up and then just fade into the background until introduced. Lance thanked the group and led Ricky back into the lobby.

  He stopped suddenly and Ricky plowed right into him. “Hey, fool watch where you’re going,” Ricky admonished with a playful shove. Then he caught the direction of Lance’s gaze and looked over. He gasped.

  Standing with Darnell and Tai, the towering Samoan knight, were Bridget and Ariel, dressed to kill in long, frilly dresses, their hair styled as though for prom, chatting animatedly with Justin and Techie.

  Lance’s mouth dropped open in shock and he looked at Ricky. The other boy’s face revealed an equal amount of surprise. Bridget looked over at that moment, met Lance’s eyes and smiled.

  Feeling awkward and weak in the knees, Lance gulped, glanced quickly at Ricky, and then crossed the crowded lobby to the small group. Everyone fell into an uncertain silence.

  “Uh, hi,” Lance said, and Ricky nodded his hello.

  The girls shyly exchanged a look, but seemed unsure of what to say.

  Justin cleared his throat self-consciously. “I invited Bridget, Lance.”

  Techie, looking sharp in his fancy tunic, hair combed and moussed, grinned sheepishly. “And I invited Ariel.”

  Tall and imposing Justin, who’d not so long ago thought himself a bad ass gangster and drug dealer, suddenly looked small and timid, despite his height advantage over Lance. “We, uh, we didn’t think you’d mind.”

  Lance and Ricky exchanged a quick look, and grinned broadly.

  “We don’t mind at all,” Lance said. “You look great, Bridg.”

  She eyed him shyly. “You too.”

  “And you look good, too, Ariel,” Ricky added as the girl bashfully watched him for his reaction.

  “Thanks,” she said quietly, glancing at Techie beside her. The computer whiz grinned more broadly than either Lance or Ricky had ever seen.

  There was a moment of uncomfortable silence until Tai piped up with, “Where’s the food, anyway?” Everyone busted up and the awkwardness ended.

  “Have a great time guys,” Lance said with a warm smile, and then he and Ricky wandered the lobby greeting other attendees. They spotted Reyna’s parents and greeted them in passing. Lance noted her father’s wary eye squinting at the two of them, looking like he expected them to do something gay, but the man said nothing and the boys moved on.

  The time was nearly noon, and Arthur had not put in an appearance.

  “Think maybe he’s nervous?” Ricky asked, eyeing the empty staircase.

  “Dad?” Lance scoffed. “Hell, no!”

  Just then Esteban appeared at the top of the stairs and quickly descended to join them.

  “Where’s Dad?” Lance asked.

  Esteban shrugged, touching his own moussed and wavy hair absently. “Probably still playing with his hair and crown. Man, Lance, I never seen him so nervous.”

  Lance and Ricky cracked up.

  Everyone milling in the lobby suddenly ceased their chatter and all heads turned toward the top of the grand staircase. There Arthur stood, looking more kingly and majestic than Lance had ever seen him. He wore a soft purple tunic with ruffles around the collar and sleeves, his finest light brown brushed leather pants, leather boots with a jeweled fringe around the top, thick brocaded scarlet cloak draping his shoulders, and atop his smooth, wavy brown hair sat his formal crown, glittery and adorned with jewels and gold. Excalibur, as always, dangled in its sheath from his sword belt.

  Lance, Ricky, Chris, and Esteban stood mesmerized as the man slowly descended the staircase looking like something out of a movie. The expression ‘awe-inspiring’ took on a whole new meaning for Lance. Everyone watched as Arthur approached his sons and best man. He stopped, and grinned nervously.

  “How do I look?” His voice, nor
mally strong and confident, sounded almost small and timid.

  Lance grinned. “You look amazing, Dad!”

  Ricky, Chris and Esteban heartily agreed. Father Mike approached with a smile.

  “You look impressive, reverend,” he offered, which drew a smile to Arthur’s bearded lips. They shook hands and lanky, Ichabod Crane-like Pastor Tom joined them.

  “Shall we begin?” the pastor asked, and Arthur agreed.

  Once everyone had gathered in the gardens, Father Mike and Pastor Tom stepped through the rose-garlanded arch and stood to one side. Next, Ricky passed through and took up a position to the other side. He was followed by Lance, and then Esteban, who stood closest to the arch. After a moment, Arthur stepped through and bowed to the crowd before stepping to one side next to Esteban. The best man shook the king’s hand, and then nodded to the DJ seated off to one side.

  The wedding march began playing, and all heads turned toward the huge beveled-glass double doors leading into the hotel, awaiting Jenny’s entrance.

  Lance scanned the massive throng of formally attired knights spread out amongst the ornate topiary and flora of the garden, suddenly realizing that, other than sneaking through here to go out and meet Michael, he’d never spent any time at all in this garden. And it was beautiful.

  He watched as Sylvia appeared, dressed in her soft pink tunic, standard pants and boots, bow and quiver of arrows attached to her back. Her hair had been styled, by Reyna, no doubt. Long and dark black, it had been pulled up into an almost tiered look in back with a light dusting of bangs across her forehead. She carried a large basket of roses and tossed them one by one onto the ground along either side of the red carpet that had been laid across the expanse of garden.

  Chris appeared in the doorway and stepped out onto the carpet, looking princely and proper and cute. Or so Lance thought, nudging Ricky and nodding toward their little brother. Chris’s posture was perfect as he held out the fancy lace pillow upon which sat two glittery gold bands, and proceeded up to the stage. Sylvia stepped up and moved to the left. Chris climbed the three small steps and stood beside Esteban.


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