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Fever Rich: A Mercy Mares Cozy Mystery

Page 13

by Ava Mallory

I turned to Zoey. “You won't arrest us, will you?”

  She put her head in her hands. “I can't believe I agreed to this.”

  “That didn't answer my question.” I said.

  “This violates so many rules and regulations. If anything happens to either one of you two, it's my keister that will be on the line.” She didn't sound too convinced that my plan would work. I wasn't even convinced I was right, but I thought my idea had merit.

  “Okay, so does that mean we'll go to jail or not?” I asked again just to be sure.

  “Jail should be the least of your worries.” She warned me.

  “Good. I've already written up some questions for you to ask, Tanner. If you just stick to the script, we should get all the evidence we need. I hate to say this, but I kind of hope I'm wrong, because if I'm right, someone who doesn't deserve it, is going to end up with a very broken heart and I'm going to have to live with that.” I was putting a lot on the line for this one.

  I walked out of the room and made the phone call that would seal the deal for me.

  “Mom, where are you?” Diana asked.

  “Honey, could you take your dad out for a bit? Take him to dinner or something, okay?” My voice shook as I asked.

  “What? Why? What are you up to?” Diana asked.

  I took a deep breath to calm my nerves. “Could you please just do it? Now.”

  She hesitated for a couple of minutes. I felt horrible for putting her in this position, but things would go much smoother if James was out of the house when I arrived.

  “I'll do it, but promise me that whatever you're doing won't get us all into trouble.” She said.


  My phone rang as soon as I put it back into my bag.

  “Hello?” I answered.

  “Durango, did you get it figured out yet? Did you lock the wife up?” Nubbin asked.

  I smiled. “No, not yet. How are you doing, Nubbin?”

  “Apparently, I'm doing life in this dump they like to call a nursing home. Where's the young one and her even younger one?” He asked.

  “She's at home. Can I call you back later? I am out running errands.” I didn't want to tell him anything more. There was no reason for him to be involved too.

  “What are you so uptight about, Focus? That video footage get you thinking too?” He asked.

  “What video footage?” I hoped he wasn't about to go into a long story about something that happened years earlier. Normally, I'd be inclined to listen because Nubbin's perspective always made me chuckle, but I didn't have the time for it now. I had a murderer to catch before it was too late.

  “The one on the news. Don't you have a television there in Hollywood, Volvo? It's been all over the news all day.” Nubbin snapped, but he meant no harm.

  “I've been a little busy. I haven't seen the news. Hey, I think I'll go check it out right now.” I said, hoping he'd understand that I had to hang up.

  “Like I told you, no one looks at anyone that way unless its for love or hate or both. Follow the money on this one and every murder for that matter. Now, bye. I have to eat.” Nubbin hung up.

  “What was that?” Zoey asked.

  “Oh, one of my old patients. He said he saw something on the news about the murder.” I explained.

  Zoey looked the footage up online and, sure enough, there was an interview with Nathaniel's estranged wife making the media circuits.

  “You have to see this,” Zoey said, handing me her phone after she watched it.

  I watched it twice. “Did you see what I saw?” I asked Zoey.

  She nodded. “I think I did.” With new resolve, she looked at Tanner. “Are you ready now?”

  He swallowed hard and said, “Let's do this. Let's catch a killer.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  “Have you lost your mind? Why would he want me at the manor ever again? After everything that's happened, he'll never speak to me again. I don't blame you, but I sure as peanuts don't not blame you. None of this would have happened, if Nathaniel hadn't let that wretched woman convince him to hire you.” Lucilla moved to close her front door in my face, but Zoey had strategically placed her foot in the way, just in case that would be her reaction to my presence.

  “Me? How can you possibly blame me? I didn't ask for this job.” I started.

  Zoey intervened before things got out of control. “That's enough. Can you help us, Lucilla?”

  She quickly closed the door and secured the lock.

  “Guess not,” Zoey said.

  “Now, what do we do,” Tanner asked.

  I had an idea. I was on a roll. Too many more ideas and I'd be a bonafide genius.

  Zoey said, “We'll do it without her, I guess.” She walked back to the car, leaving me and Tanner standing on the porch.

  “Well, this is your idea. What's next, detective?” Tanner asked.

  “I'm not a detective and I don't know yet. We'll find out when we get there. First, we have to make a quick stop.” I said.

  “Another one?” Tanner whined.

  We walked to the car. Behind us, Lucilla's door opened.

  “Wait for me. I don't why I let you people talk me into this, but I can't let you go alone. Who knows what kind of mess you'll make of this?” Lucilla hadn't bothered to change out of her pajamas.

  I noticed the robe. “Isn't that Nathaniel's robe?” I asked.

  She scowled at me.

  “Are you and Nathaniel having an affair?” How could I have not seen it?

  She pulled her robe tighter over her. “No, we are not having an affair! My daughter is married to his son. How would that look? What kind of woman do you think I am?” Lucilla spoke through gritted teeth.

  I sat back in my seat, feeling defeated. “So, I got that one wrong. Oops!”

  “That's all you have to say? You come in and ruin our lives and all you can say is that you're sorry.” She raised her voice.

  Zoey slammed on the breaks. “Stop it!” She looked at me. “Mercy, Lucilla didn't murder the accountant.”

  I looked at the scowl on Lucilla's face. “Are you sure about that?”

  Lucilla face contorted more as she glared at me. Who knew a human face could do that?

  Tanner asked, “Do we know who did?”

  One suspect down. Only two more to go as far as I was concerned, but I didn't want to mention that to him. It would defeat the whole mysterious vibe I had going on or so I thought.

  “Let me get this right – you want me to go to the manor with you and you're not even sure who the murderer is? This is perfect!” Lucilla didn't try to hide her irritation.

  “I know who did it,” I snapped defensively. “First, we have to get Barney to where he's going.”

  “Your priorities amaze me. By all means, let's drop the mutt off at doggy daycare before we arrest a murderer. That makes total sense.” Lucilla groaned.

  Zoey couldn't take it any longer. She raised her voice above ours. “Stop this right now. Do you love Cash?” She asked both of us.

  “That's a ridiculous question.” Lucilla complained. “Of course, I love him. Why do you think I spent so much time and effort trying to protect him?”

  Tanner went into reporter mode. “When did you decide to reunite Cash with his father? How were you able to keep the fact that you and Nathaniel shared a grandchild from him?”

  Even though, I was curious to know the answers to those questions too, we had more important issues to contend with and having Tanner with us wasn't supposed to be about him gaining information to further his career, but to further our proof that a killer stood right in front of each of us and went completely unnoticed.

  Chapter Seventeen

  We pulled up to the house. It wasn't anything like I'd expected, but that was the story of my life. What I expected to happen, never really happened.

  Lucilla had a look of confusion on her face. “What are we doing here?”

  “Dropping Tanner off,” I answered.

  “Wait. What? I'm going
by myself?” Tanner asked. “This isn't what we agreed to.”

  “We didn't agree to anything,” I reminded him.

  Zoey turned to him, her tone serious. “You won't be alone. We just won't be with you. The police are ready to jump in at any time, just say the word.”

  “What word?” Tanner's voice screeched. “We have a word?”

  It was a completely inappropriate to do, but I had to laugh. He acted as if he'd end up being the next victim. I'm sorry but unless he's a closeted billionaire, I didn't think there was any chance of him being a target for our murderer.

  “You're being dramatic. Remain cool. Stick to the script and make your exit. You know how to do this. You're a seasoned professional, aren't you?” Zoey thought she'd play to his strengths. She and I both knew how important it was that he get this right. We had no room for error.

  “Don't worry. We'll be back.” I offered.

  “Oh, thanks, that's quite reassuring. I feel much more confident now.” He rolled his eyes.

  Hey, I tried. It's not like there was a handbook that told you how to behave when faced with a potential murderer. Well, I'm sure there was, but I'd never read it, and if things went well, I might one day be inclined to pen one. Call it my contribution to the greater good. I could be famous.

  Tanner slammed his fists in frustration. “Are you insane? You can't just drop me off and act like it's no big deal. You're sending me inside with a murderer.”

  Zoey clutched the steering wheel. “We don't know that. We're sending you to gather information. Think of all the accolades you'll get for helping us trap a murderer and for helping us uncover an even larger scheme. You'll be infamous.”

  I watched as Tanner's fear disappeared from his face and was replaced with a glowing look, like he was ready to take on the world.

  “How long will you be gone?” He asked.

  “Fifteen minutes tops,” Zoey promised. “You're not alone.”

  He took a deep breath and grabbed his camera and door handle. “Okay, I'm ready.”

  Lucilla started to tear up. “This is really happening, isn't it?”

  “It is.” I said as I watched Tanner walk up to the door and knock.

  “Shall we?” Zoey asked.

  “Yes, he'll be so excited.” I said.


  “Are you serious?” Nate reached for Barney's crate.

  “I am,” I answered. “Is he here?”

  “Yes, he's upstairs with Jasmine and Bentley. They'll be so excited to get to spend some time with Barney. Thank you, but why are you doing this?”

  “I made a promise,” I answered.

  Cash came to the door. “Is that your dog?”

  “It is,” I answered, fighting tears. He looked really good, happy. His color was good. His eyes shined brightly, just like any other little boy. “How are you feeling?”

  “Good.” He answered, opening the crate and letting Barney out.

  “You look good.” I said, winking at his dad. “He looks really good.”

  Nate smiled. “When will you be back?”

  “I'll be back in a few hours to pick him up. Barney is really no trouble at all. He barely moves these days, so I hope that's not too much trouble for you.” I said.

  “Not for the dog, but for Cash. He misses you and I don't know how to care for his incision and all the other stuff.” Nate explained.

  “You want me to still care for Cash?” That was a surprise.

  “Yes!” Cash yelled out. “But you have to bring Barney with you every day.”

  I smiled. “I just might. He's a hero, you know?”

  Cash cuddled Barney. “He is?”

  “Sure is. He saved my life just by being in it and he helped me catch a bad guy.” I explained.

  “He did? How?” Cash asked.

  Nate asked, “Is that true?”

  “It is. If it wasn't for Barney, I would never have had the courage to try and find out who took some stuff from my friends.” I said, hoping to encourage Cash to want to go outside and brave the world like a little boy should.

  Zoey ran up behind me in the doorway. “Mercy, she's here.”

  “Who?” I asked.

  “Kitty!” Zoey quickly greeted Nate and told him to get the kids out of the way.

  Lucilla jogged up behind her. “What do we do?”

  Nate asked, “What are you talking about? Who is here?”

  I began to panic. I thought we'd covered all of our bases.

  “What do we do now?” I asked.

  Zoey looked behind her. “Move fast. She parked down the block. I have police following her, but this isn't good.”

  “Where's Tanner?” I asked.

  “He's fine. She wasn't there when we dropped him off. If you guys wouldn't have started squabbling, I would have caught that message and he could have stayed with us.”

  Nate looked out the door. “Isn't that the lady that used to date my father?”

  “You knew Kitty and your father used to date?” I asked. That had never occurred to me.

  “Yes, they started dating right after he hired her. Ask Lucilla. They hated each other.” Nate explained. “When Monica found out, she fired her.”

  I looked at Lucilla. “Why didn't you mention that he dated Kitty?”

  Lucilla rolled her eyes. “I can't keep track of who he dates.”

  “Here she is.” Zoey said. “Quick, everyone go to the other room. I want to hear what she has to say to Nate.”

  “What am I supposed to say to her,” Nate asked.

  “Let her talk. She's here for a reason and I bet its for Cash, both the person and actual cash money.” Zoey suspected the same thing that I did.

  She quickly ushered us out of the room, making sure to secure Cash and Bentley in the process.

  We heard her ring the doorbell. I held my breath. Why would she come here to Nate's home?

  “Well, hi, Nate. How are you?” Kitty voice rang out.

  “Hi, Kitty. What brings you here? I haven't seen you in forever.” Nate was doing a good job of not tipping her off to our presence. I was glad that Zoey didn't drive a squad car because our cover would have been blown.

  My cell phone vibrated in my pocket. I looked at the screen. “It's Charlie.” I whispered.

  Zoey nodded. “Speak quietly.”

  “Hello,” I whispered.

  “Where are you?” Charlie asked. “I thought you wanted me to meet you at the Rich's.”

  “I'm at Nate's and Kitty's here.” I answered.

  “Why are you whispering? I thought you were going to give up this silly little game you have going on with Kitty. Get over it already.” Charlie scolded me.

  “Will you be quiet before someone hears you?” I asked.

  “Mercedes, you're going to have to spell this out for me because all I know is that me, Scooter, and his daughter are standing in Nathaniel's living room and no one understands why.”

  I cringed. So much for wanting to make a dramatic entrance.

  “Scooter is with you?” I asked.

  Zoey motioned for me to be quiet.

  “Don't answer that.” I said.

  The conversation was low between Nate and Kitty. I was glad for that.

  “Scooter wants to talk to you, Mercy.” Charlie handed the phone to Scooter.

  “Mercy, you have to get Cash out of there.” Scooter pleaded with me. “I think she plans on kidnapping him.”

  “Who? Lucilla? Why do you think that?” I asked.

  Karen came on the line. “I found some documents. I think they were forged. We think that Kitty forged them. She's been blackmailing Nathaniel for money.”

  “Blackmailing him with what?” I asked loud enough for Zoey to hear.

  “I don't know the particulars, but my Dad says that she found out that Nathaniel illegally kept Cash from Nate. She used that information to make him pay for her lifestyle, then he caught her sneaking in treats and gifts to Cash that she'd use to get information from him. Mercy, it sound
s like she was trying to blackmail everyone, including Lucilla and Nate.” Karen explained what she knew.

  I couldn't believe it. The thought terrified me. James was just days from marrying her. How could this be true?


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