Book Read Free

Let Love Be

Page 22

by Melissa Collins

  I cover my face, sheepishly trying to hide my blush. “Sorry,” I mutter from behind the arm I’ve just thrown over my face.

  He pulls it away, laughing at me. I roll my eyes as he kisses my cheek. “You’re just so sexy while you cook. It seemed like a good enough way to get you to go out with me without having to ask you and risk being turned down,” I admit.

  “Oh, love. I never would have turned you down. But that is pretty damn cute of you, playing me like that.”

  “It worked though, didn’t it?”

  “Yeah, it worked. You got me, all right.” He reaches down and squeezes me ass. “Now, go cook for me, woman. I’m starving.”

  We eat dinner in his bed, sitting Indian-style across from each other. Concentrating on the conversation is a hugely difficult task since he’s just wearing his boxer briefs. But I would imagine his long t-shirt − and only his long t-shirt − I’m wearing is also making it really difficult for him to concentrate as well.

  After we eat, he pulls me to his side and we lay in bed. Yawning, I move to get up. “Stay the night. I know my room is a mess, but I don’t want you to leave.”

  “I’d love to. But I have to drive Melanie back to Ithaca tomorrow morning.”

  I stand and pull my now wrinkled skirt back on. I don’t even bother with the underwear; I just bunch them up and toss them in my purse. After snapping my bra, I slide my shirt back into place.

  “Can I join you for the ride?” he asks timidly as I’m buttoning my shirt.

  I sink back down onto the bed and he pulls my hand into his. “If you’d like to, I’d love the company. Dropping her off and coming home all alone is usually pretty depressing.”

  “Perfect.” He pulls me back to his side and undoes the buttons I’ve just fastened. “So you’ll stay the night and I’ll take care of you.” He slips his fingers into the lace of my bra, strumming his calloused thumb over my nipple. “And then I’ll take care of you again tomorrow morning,” he pinches lightly, “before I make sure both of my girls arrive where they need to be safe and sound.”

  And, just because he asked so nicely, I stay the night as he takes care of me again and again − feeling his love in every single touch, kiss and move of passion.

  “Yes, we’re home, Melanie.” I keep my voice hushed as I duck into the bathroom.

  “So?” She drags out the word, excitement lacing through her tone. I can almost imagine her rolling her eyes at my non-response. “Did you ask her yet? Did ya?

  I sit on the edge of the tub that Lucy and I have put to very good use these last few months; I get all hot and bothered just thinking about it. And then I remember that I’m on the phone with her daughter. “No,” I huff through the line.

  “Chicken,” she blurts sarcastically.

  “I am not a chicken. We just got home and I plan on taking her on vacation tomorrow to…”

  “You’re going on vacation and you weren’t going to tell me?” she gasps, playing it up just to lay the guilt on as thick as she can.

  “You know you can’t keep a secret worth anything, Melanie!” Having recently blown the surprise on Linda’s birthday party that her mother had planned, she knows I’m right.

  “Fine, fine. You win. But where are you taking her?” She’s digging − just like her mother would and it makes me laugh.

  “A beach.” That’s all I’m giving her.

  “Whatever. Just make sure you text me the numbers. I want to make sure I can get in touch with you guys. Make sure you got there safe and sound.” I can hear the genuine concern and love in her voice − again, just like her mother, and I thank my lucky stars that when I fell in love with Lucy, Melanie came as part of the package. She’s kind and sweet, quirky and funny. I never thought I’d be lucky enough to have a family of my own, and even though it might sound more than a little crazy, I already know that Lucy and Melanie will be my family from here on out.

  I promise to text her the numbers. Before hanging up, there’s one more thing I need to say. “Melanie, I just wanted to say thank you, again. It means a lot to me to have your blessing.”

  “Evan, you make my mom happy − happier than she’s ever been. Of course I want you two living together. It doesn’t make sense not to. I gotta go. The girls and I are going out, but I owe you a huge thank you too. I really look forward to hearing from your friend about Camp Hope. I have a really good feeling about it.” I recently set Melanie up with a counselor position at a camp for children with special needs. It makes me feel good – accomplished, proud, even – that I can help her do something.

  “You got it. Be safe. You’re not driving, are you?”

  “Not a chance in hell that I’m letting them in my brand new car! Besides, we’re just heading down to the commons for dinner. Thanks again for that too. It’s a bit over the top, but I love it.”

  “I’ll text you those numbers and I’ll be sure to have your mom call you when we land.”

  “Oooh, so you’re flying, then?” There goes the digging, again.

  “Goodnight, Melanie,” I dismiss her but I know she can hear the warmth in my words.

  “Goodnight, Evan.”

  After hanging up with Melanie, I make one last phone call to Linda to make sure that everything is set for tomorrow, and then Lucy and I can enjoy a full week of peace and quiet on the sandy beaches of Turks and Caicos.

  “This is amazing, Evan.” Lucy steps into our beachfront suite ahead of me as I tip the bellhop. “My God. The ocean is right there.” She opens the sliding glass doors and the tropical sea air billows into the room. It’s the perfect crystal blue backdrop to a romantic escape.

  I step behind her, sweep her hair to the side so that it falls over her shoulder and press my lips to her neck. Wrapping my arms around her waist, I pull her to me. “I knew you would love it. I just can’t believe you’ve never been on a real, honest-to-goodness, don’t-have-a-care-in-the-world vacation.”

  “Nope. Being a single mom never really left much time for traveling. That’s why I’m a spa-junkie. It’s a lot easier to get away for the day than it is for the week.”

  “Oh, you’ll have plenty of spa-time.” I kiss the top of her head and she leans back against me, folding her arms on top of mine. “We actually have a couple’s massage in,” I pull my arm out from under her and check my watch, “about an hour.”

  Turning to face me, she looks up at me seductively. “You mean we don’t have to be anywhere for a whole hour?” She steps out of my arms, and pulls the thin strap of her tank top over her shoulder. “Do you know what we could do in an hour?” After pulling down the other one, she grabs the waistband of my cargo shorts.

  “Love, the way you’re talking, we’ll be able to do things twice in the hour.”

  “Now, you’re talking.” She winks and licks her lips. I lift her easily and carry her over to the bed where we spend the next fifty-eight minutes showing each other just how excited we are to be on vacation together before we get our massages.


  A few hours, a few orgasms and an amazing massage later, we’re getting ready for a romantic beachside dinner. When Lucy steps out of the bathroom, wearing only a towel loosely tied across her chest, I want to rip it off her and devour her all over again. But giving us until at least after dinner to recover seems more than doable.

  I walk over to Lucy just as she bends down to get some clothes out of the drawer. God, her ass - I can’t help but pinch it.

  “Ow,” she whelps and jumps a little. Rubbing over the spot I just pinched, she looks up and gives me the side-eye. “What was that for?” She smirks.

  “Because I can.” I wink and pull her close to me, squeezing her ass in both hands. “And because this,” I squeeze once more, just for added emphasis, “is a fantastic ass and it’s all mine.”

  Her eyes soften in the corners as she lifts up on her toes. Bringing her lips to mine, she kisses me softly, but so intensely. As she strokes her fingers through my hair, she presses her soft, luscious bo
dy up against mine. “Have I told you how much I love being yours? Because I’m pretty sure it’s my most favorite thing to be in the world.”

  “Good, get used to it.” I pop a quick kiss to her forehead. “Why don’t I let you finish getting ready? I’ve got to go check on some things, so I’ll be back in a bit to get you, okay?”

  She shoots me a wary look, knowing that something is up my sleeve; however, she concedes. An eye roll of course accompanies her concession. She slaps my ass as I walk past her, claiming it as hers. I just chuckle and walk toward the hotel lobby to make my call.

  “Hey, Pete.”

  “Hey, Evan. How’s vacation?”

  “Great. We just got here. Look, I just wanted to call and check that all of the supplies arrived. You guys are all set to start tomorrow right?” I’m trying to keep my voice hushed as I scan the lobby for Lucy.

  “Yeah, man, we’re all set. I got the plans from the builders too. Nothing to worry about.” Pete, a good friend of Joe’s and mine from way back, owns a construction company. He handles mostly the business end of things now and he lets his son, Derek, take care of the actual labor. He’s a good guy and his business has never had a single complaint, but it still makes me nervous to leave something so important up to someone else.

  “You’re sure you’re good? Did you see the…”

  “The additions on the posts for solar lights?” He laughs, filling in the end of my sentence. “Yes, we saw those changes. I got this, Evan. And I promise if we have any problems, we’ll call.”

  I ramble on for a few more minutes about specifics that I want to make sure he’s certain about before catching sight of Lucy as she strolls toward me. After ending the call, I stare, unabashedly so, at her. She hasn’t seen me yet, so I hide behind a wall near the phone bank.

  She looks like a goddess. Her hair is swept to the side and tossed casually over her shoulder. The ends fall in curls across the creamy skin of her chest and neck. Her floor-length, teal beach dress makes her pop against the crowd. The confused and slightly lost look that travels across her beautiful face as she searches for me makes her look even more adorably sweet than she already does.

  “Hey, there you are.” She pads over to me through the somewhat quiet lobby. “What were you up to?” Her question is light, but I can hear the accusation there. She’s always digging.

  “Absolutely nothing. Now, let’s go eat.” I drape an arm around her shoulder as we walk toward the restaurant.

  After we’re seated and our drinks have been served, we gaze out to the setting sun. The orange rays of blazing light sink into the crystal blue water. It’s so beautiful and surreal that it almost looks as if the water is swallowing the sun up rather than the other way around. I reach across the small, bistro-style table and cover Lucy’s hand with mine. As she turns to face me, her eyes shimmer just as the sunlight bounces off the ripples of the ocean − unshed tears threaten, but I see her forcing them back.

  I pull her hand up to my lips. “You okay?” I ask quietly.

  A small, sad smile plays at the corners of her mouth as she covers up my hand with her other one. “The last time I saw the sun set like this, on a beach like this,” she clarifies, letting her gaze fall back to the deep, blue ocean in front of us. “It was with Jimmy on our honeymoon. It feels like a lifetime ago.”

  No words are uttered in the next few minutes as the sun disappears, morphing the sky into a purple and red haze. Watching her reflect on whatever it is that she’s reflecting on, has me all sorts of tongue-tied.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t want you to be sad. It’s just that you said you always wanted to go to the beach, somewhere tropical. So I wanted to give that to you. If I would have known…”

  “Shh, no, Evan. I’m not sad.” Her fingertips tickle the top of my hand, calming my nerves. “Right after Jimmy died, I found myself talking to him as I would watch the sun rise and set every day. It became part of my routine − the only way I could still feel connected to him in some small way.”

  I bring her hand up to my lips again, letting her know to keep going, to keep opening up. “Seeing this,” she tips her chin to the darkening sky, “well, it just makes me feel like he’s here, but in a good way. Like he’s giving me a blessing or something like that.”

  “I hope for that, too. I hope he approves of us, hope he thinks I’m taking good care of you and Melanie. I know that he would want you to be happy. You have to believe that.” She nods and smiles at me, the brightness in her eyes conveying how truly happy she is.

  “Did you talk to him just now?”

  She takes a sip of her wine and then puffs out a deep breath. “I did. Is that weird?” Her nose crinkles, awaiting my judgment.

  “Not one bit,” I assure her. Not wanting to ask what she’s said, I take a sip of my drink and lean back as the waiter serves our appetizer of fresh oysters on the half-shell.

  “You don’t want to know what I said?” Her words rattle as do her fingers, tapping out a nervous rhythm on the table.

  “I figured you would tell me if you wanted to.” Lacing our fingers together, I give her hand a gentle squeeze. “He doesn’t have to stop being a part of your life just because I am now. You keep talking to him all you need, love.”

  “I love you,” she chokes out as her emotions get the best of her. Pulling my chair to her side, I tuck her into my arm and rest my cheek on her head.

  “I love you, too. So much, it scares me sometimes.” I can’t voice what’s really scaring me, the prospect that waits for us back at her house. Yet, despite that particular uncertainty, I know that my life will forever be altered just by having Lucy in it.

  “Were the oysters not good, sir?” The waiter chimes in, breaking our emotion-filled silence.

  I look down at the plate he placed in front of us a few minutes ago and realize that we haven’t touched a thing. “No, no,” I assure him, “they’re fine. We were just getting started.”

  Lucy smiles up at me brightly as I reach forward to grab a shell. She kisses my cheek, before whispering, “We sure as hell are just getting started.”

  “I can’t believe we have our own private beach.” Lucy’s words float lazily over to me from her beach recliner. “I don’t ever want to leave this place.” We’re four days into our week-long vacation, but I completely agree with her sentiments. I’ve never been so relaxed, so at ease in all my life. And I know it has more to do with being with Lucy than it does with sunbathing.

  I roll to my side and lower my sunglasses to the tip of my nose. “We could relocate.” I waggle my eyebrows at her and she laughs.

  “I might be the only person on Earth crazy enough to say this, but I couldn’t do that. I don’t think I could ever leave my home.”

  “I know that, love.” And that’s exactly why I have Pete working away while we’re here. Just thinking about how shocked she’ll be when we get back to her house has me all sorts of excited and nervous.

  “Join me for a swim?” I stand next to her, holding out my hand. She looks back and forth between my outstretched hand and her Kindle − back and forth, back and forth. Oh, that’s it.

  In an instant, she’s scooped up in my arms, Kindle dropped to the sand as she squeals in surprise. “Hey! You’re buying me a new one if that one’s broken.”

  I cup her string bikini covered bottom tightly and nuzzle into her neck. “I’ll buy you whatever you want, but you’re going swimming with me first.”

  I ease her down the length of my body until her toes touch the wet sand at the water’s edge. The warm ocean water laps gently against our legs as we walk into the calm, barely rippling sheet of blue water before us. It’s a picture perfect scene, really.

  I look over at Lucy quietly wading in the water. Her sun-kissed shoulders are dotted with droplets of water that catch the light in glimmering sparkles. The pale yellow fabric of her bikini top is deceptively innocent looking. The upper swell of her breasts float above the water as she wades there. Suddenly, swimming is the
last thing on my mind.

  “See something you like, sweetheart?” She shoots me a wry look and swims into my arms, pressing her softness into my body.

  “I see a lot of what I like.” She wraps her legs around my hips and wiggles against me.

  “Yeah, you do.” She nips at my neck, rubbing against the harness straining against my shorts.

  Wrapping my hands around her ribcage, my thumbs graze the underside of her breasts. She pushes into my touch as she rubs her hips up against my erection − one that can’t even be calmed by the coolness of the water. Her back arches, exposing miles of creamy skin to my lips. She’s lost to the gentle rhythm and sway of our hips and I can feel her heat through the thin layers of fabric that separate us. I cup her ass with one hand, pulling her hard against me.

  “Ahh,” she quietly shrieks as she begins to move just a touch more frantically.

  As I hold her in place with one hand, I pull down the cup of her bikini. Her nipples pebble beautifully as a perfectly timed cool breeze mingles in with the sun-warmed air. The scent of her arousal fills my senses as it mixes with the fresh saltiness of the ocean water.

  I roll her nipple in my fingers, pulling it, elongating it, getting more and more turned on by her desire. Dipping my head to her breast, I pull the pink tip of it deep into my mouth.

  “God, Evan,” she calls as her hips roll. I pay the same attention to her other breast and nipple, laving and nipping at it gently.

  Her thighs begin to tremble as she loses the battle with her control. She buries her face in my chest, nuzzling into me with a loving tenderness that turns me on just as much as the heated thrusting that’s going on below the water.

  “Evan. Evan… I’m … oh, God… I’m so close.” Her words fall from her lips in rapid, lust-filled pants. I push into her and her legs tremble again. Still holding her tight ass in one hand, I reach in between her legs. Dipping my fingers into her, I drag my fingertip up the seam of her lips and press oh-so softly against her hardened clit, just like she likes it.


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