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Outlaw's Lady

Page 19

by Bobbi Smith

  Slade was pacing the jail like a caged lion. "I've got to get out of here for a while."

  "See if you can find us a deck of cards. I'll play you a little poker," Ken offered, trying to distract him.

  "I can't just sit here. The Kid could be out there watching Alyssa right now!"

  "And that's why Rob is going to stay close by her all night."

  "How close?" he growled, his expression as dark as his tone.

  Ken would have been enjoying his torment if things hadn't been so complicated and so serious. "There's no way you can move around town freely. You're a dead man-in case you've forgotten."

  "I haven't forgotten a damn thing!"

  Slade raked a hand through his hair as he stopped pacing for a moment. He remembered far too much for his own peace of mind. He remembered Alyssa's kiss, her touch, her scent.... He remembered how she'd saved him in the river, and most of all, he remembered her tears when he had been about to be hanged. She had cried for him.

  "So what's bothering you then?"

  Ken leaned back in his chair and gave his friend a questioning look as he waited for him to answer. In all the years they'd worked together, he'd never before known Slade to let anything affect him personally. Slade had always been the perfect operativealoof, distant, unemotional, a man in charge who was taking care of business. That was why Ken liked working with him. This was a complete change for Slade, and that troubled Ken.

  When Slade didn't respond, Ken reminded him, "It doesn't pay to get involved with anyone while you're working on a case."

  "It's too late for lectures."

  Ken was surprised by his statement. "Did you know Rob plans to marry Alyssa the first chance he gets?"

  Slade slanted him an irritated look. He recalled the way Rob and Alyssa had embraced when they'd been reunited after the storm on the trip to Green River. And she had said earlier that she'd had dinner with Rob that very night.

  "If you don't believe me, just ask him."

  "That's all right."

  "Just thought you'd want to know."

  "That doesn't change anything. I still need to get out of here and get some fresh air. I'll stay in the alleys and make sure no one recognizes me." He didn't wait for approval; he started out the back of the jail, pulling his hat low over his eyes.

  "Be careful." Ken realized there was no point in trying to stop him.

  Slade barely heard him. He was already out the door. Behind him in the jail, Ken and Jones exchanged looks.

  "I hope he doesn't run into anyone with a weak heart," Jones remarked.

  "I hope he doesn't run into anyone-period," Ken growled, less than pleased, but knowing he couldn't have stopped Slade even if he'd tried.

  Slade was a man of his word. He moved soundlessly through the back streets and alleys of town. He passed only one person, an old drunk on his way home, and he was careful to keep his face averted from him.

  The alley behind Alyssa's hotel was deserted, and Slade was glad, but he wondered where Rob was. He'd said he was going to keep watch over her. Using his talent for picking locks, Slade let himself in the hotel's rear entrance and quietly made his way up the rear staircase, still with no sign of the lawman. Rob had said Alyssa's door was the last one down the hall, so he moved quietly, taking great care not to make any noise or disturb anyone else.

  It was late, and the soft knock at the door startled Alyssa.

  "Who is it?"

  "Alyssa.. .It's Slade," he said in a low voice.

  Her breath caught in her throat at the sound of his voice and her heartbeat quickened, but she held on to her control. "Go away. I'm tired."

  "I want to talk to you for a moment."

  "We've already talked," she replied sharply.

  "In private," he added.

  "There's really nothing more to say. I heard enough explanations tonight to last me a lifetime."

  "Alyssa, I saw you today at the hanging-"

  She heard the gruff emotion in his voice, and bit back a sob. She had to fight against the desire to open the door, and her arms, to him. She reminded herself that they'd all played her for a fool, and she hadn't liked it one bit.

  But then the truth came to her.

  Slade was an innocent man. He had not killed her father. He was everything she'd hoped he was that first night when they'd danced in the moonlight. And in spite of all the deception and lies that had kept them apart, she had fallen hopelessly in love with him.

  "Alyssa, please. Open the door. I just want to ask you one question. Then if you want me to leave, I'll go.

  He had expected no response, and his spirits soared as the door slowly opened to reveal Alyssa, standing before him clad only in her nightgown and wrapper. Her hair was down, brushed out around her shoulders in a tumble of pale curls, and she looked absolutely, positively beautiful.

  "You'd better come inside before someone sees you," she said quietly, holding the door wide for him to enter.

  Slade wanted to take her in his arms, to kiss her and hold her close. It took all of his considerable willpower to deny himself. He moved past her, taking his hat off, and waited, hat in hand, as she closed the door.

  "Alyssa, I had to come and see you tonight. I had to thank you."

  "Thank me? For what?"

  "For sending the wire to Denver. It couldn't have been an easy decision for you-not with Anderson's damning testimony against me. But you did it anyway. For some reason, you believed in me."

  She knew she should tell him to go. This wasn't proper at all. She was in her nightclothes and they were alone, unchaperoned... But somehow, right now, none of that mattered. This was the moment she had waited for, hoped for, dreamed of for so longshe was with her mystery man again.

  "I knew you weren't a cold-blooded killer," she said softly, gazing up at him.

  "How did you know?"

  "You saved my life that day on the trail when the others wanted to kill me, and you almost died yourself trying to rescue me from the river during the storm."

  Slade was unable to help himself. He lifted one hand and gently caressed her cheek. "You're wonderful, Alyssa."

  His one simple, gentle touch was almost her undoing.

  "You said you only had to ask me one question-" Her voice was barely above a whisper as she stared up at his lean, darkly handsome features.

  Slade's expression grew even more serious as he met her gaze. "I had to know, Alyssa.... I had to know.. .why were you crying?"

  "I didn't want you to die-"

  "Why?" His voice was hoarse with emotion.

  "Because I love you, Slade Braxton. I think I've loved you since the first time I saw you that night of the dance."

  Slade gave a growl of pure male satisfaction as he reached for her. He had hoped she cared, but he hadn't been sure until now. When she offered no resistance as he drew her into the circle of his arms, his heart soared.

  "I love you, too."

  He kissed her then, a sweet-soft exploration that revealed the true depth of his devotion. She sighed and melted against him. Alyssa's gentle surrender excited him, but there was still one thing troubling him. He remembered all too clearly Ken's words about Rob's intentions toward her.

  "Alyssa-" He ended the kiss and held her slightly away from him.

  "What?" She looked up at him, a little disoriented, wondering why he'd ended their kiss.

  "There's just one other thing.... Rob... If you're promised to him, I'll go right now before we do something we might regret."

  The look in her eyes grew warm as she stood on tiptoe to press another kiss to his mouth. "Rob and I are friends. I know he cares about me, but I've never returned his deeper feelings."

  "You're not engaged to him?"

  "No. He's not the man I want to spend my life with." Alyssa stared up at him, all the love she felt for him shining in her eyes. She had been given a gift. Slade was alive and well, and he had come to her tonight. "You are."

  Slade smiled tenderly and held her close again. There
was no longer any need for him to fight his desire for her. She was in his arms and she loved him.

  Their first embrace the night of the dance had been forbidden and hurried; their second, when they'd been alone on the trail, had been startling and powerful. But tonight-now-he wanted more for them. He wanted the sweetness and the passion he knew could be theirs. He lowered his head and claimed her lips in a breathtaking kiss that set the world spinning wildly out of control around them.

  Alyssa's senses reeled as Slade's lips plundered hers. She had never been held so intimately by a man before, and she found it most exciting to be crushed against the hard width of his chest. The feel of his hard-muscled body against her was arousing, and she found she wanted to get even closer to him.

  When she'd kissed Rob earlier that evening, she'd experienced none of the wild emotions that were surging through her in Slade's arms. With Rob, she'd felt only safe and comfortable. But Slade's touch was ecstasy. His kiss and embrace awakened feelings in her that she'd never known existed-and they weren't feelings that made her feel safe and comfortable. They were feelings that made her want to forget everything-who she was and where she was-and just stay in his arms forever. Instinctively, Alyssa knew that this was where she belonged.

  When Slade deepened their kiss, Alyssa met him in that passionate exchange and was caught up in a whirlwind of desire. She lifted her arms and linked them around his neck, drawing him even closer.

  Slade...His name echoed through her mind as she met him in kiss after kiss. He was there...He was alive...He had come to her....She moved against him, aching to be nearer.

  Slade gave a low groan at her unspoken invitation. He held her even more tightly to him as his mouth slanted across hers in a devouring kiss. He could feel the soft fullness of her breasts crushed against him, and he marveled at how perfectly she fit in his arms. It was as if she'd been made especially for him.

  Unable to resist the wondrous temptation, his hands began a restless foray over her slender curves. His knowing caress traced an arousing path and ignited fires wherever he touched her.

  Alyssa whimpered as her passions ran wild. She clung to him, moving restlessly, wanting more from him. In her innocence, she didn't know what "more" was, and she didn't realize that her instinctive erotic movements were more enticing to him than the most learned caress by a practiced courtesan. She only knew that Slade was here holding her and kissing her, and she never wanted it to end.

  Slade sought the soft weight of her breast in an intimate caress. She moaned against his mouth as a new and wildly wondrous sensation pulsed through her. His sensual exploration evoked an ache deep within the womanly heart of her that cried out for a fulfillment only he could give.


  Her whisper jarred him, forcing him to remember where he was and what he was doing. The woman in his arms was no saloon girl earning her keep. This was Alyssa. She was an innocent, untouched. He sighed and stilled his sensual assault.

  He couldn't, he wouldn't take advantage of her. No matter how enthralling her kiss and her touch, he had to leave her and he had to leave her now. There was too much at stake.

  "Alyssa-" His voice was hoarse with desire as he held her to his heart.


  She was caught up in the sensual web he'd been weaving around her. She looked up at him in confusion. It was blissful being in his arms, and she never wanted it to end.

  Slade gazed down at her passion-flushed features and thought she'd never looked more lovely. Her color was high, her eyes bright with the knowledge of newly discovered desire. Her lips were red and swollen from the hunger of his kisses. He wanted her more than he'd ever wanted any other woman, but he would not hurt her.

  "I have to go," he told her, pressing a gentle kiss to her slightly parted lips.

  "But why?"

  He silenced her with another kiss, tempted to lift her up into his arms and lay her upon the welcoming softness of her bed. His body was aching for oneness with her. He wanted to bury himself deep within her innocence and make her his for all time.

  "I shouldn't stay-" he murmured against her lips.


  She drew him down to her and kissed him fervently, arching up against him in an age-old invitation.

  "Alyssa-" A muscle worked in his jaw as he fought to control his raging need for her. She was too tempting-too wonderful. "I should leave you now. I love you, and I won't be able to stop if I stay. I want you too badly."

  "I want you, too." She smiled softly up at him, all the love she felt for him shining in her eyes.

  "You don't know what you're saying."

  "Yes, I do."

  Her smile turned decidedly wicked, and Slade felt heat shaft through him.

  "Are you sure?"

  "Stay with me, Slade. Don't leave me tonight." She was innocent, but not so innocent that she didn't realize that she wanted to make love to him more than she'd ever wanted anything in her life.

  Slade had meant to be a gentleman, to do the right thing, but at her invitation all was lost. Her request thrilled him, and he knew he would not leave her. Having her in his arms was his heaven, and he could no longer deny himself the joy of loving her.

  His gaze never left hers as he lifted her up into his arms. He carried her to the bed and knelt upon it, laying her gently down on the soft expanse. He followed her down, stretching out beside her as his mouth claimed hers.

  And heaven was theirs as they explored the wonder of their need.

  With infinite care, Slade slipped her wrapper and gown from her, exposing the beauty of her slender body to his touch. At first, Alyssa was a bit shy being so unclad before him, but at the heated look in his eyes she grew more bold. She could see how much he desired her, and she lifted her arms to him.

  Wanting to please her, to give her as much pleasure as he could, Slade went to her. He sought out her most intimate places with arousing caresses until she was writhing beneath him. His lips followed the sensuous trail his touch had forged, and Alyssa clung to him in breathless excitement. She had never known ecstasy so sweet.

  When he moved away to shed his own clothes, she watched him, her gaze hungry upon him. She stared at his chest as he stripped off his shirt. She longed to run her hands over that muscle-sculpted bare flesh. Her gaze dropped lower as he shed the rest of his clothes, and her eyes widened in appreciation of her first look at an unclad male.

  He was an Adonis, she decided immediately. His shoulders were broad, his chest and arms powerfully muscled. His waist was trim and his legs long and well-shaped. Alyssa thought Slade was male beauty personified.

  Eager to touch him and kiss him, she rose up on her knees and smiled at him. "You're beautiful."

  Slade was surprised by her words. "Men aren't beautiful," he denied.

  "You are."

  Alyssa took his hand and drew him back to the bed. He needed no encouragement to join her there. They kissed softly, then with more passion as their desire could no longer be denied.

  Desperate to touch him, Alyssa reached out to caress him as he had touched her. His reaction to her boldness was immediate. He groaned and deepened their kiss.

  Slade moved over her. She linked her arms around his neck as he came to her, seeking the sweet heat of her. Alyssa looked up at Slade as he moved to take her. There was the slightest feeling of pain and then pure rapture as he made her his.

  She wrapped her arms around him, and they began to move together in love's age-old rhythm. They were one, giving and taking, until the perfection they'd sought crested within them, and they reached the peak of ecstasy together.

  Alyssa cried out softly at the rapturous sensations that pulsed through her. Slade held her close, savoring her pleasure even as he achieved his own release.

  She had never experienced such intimacy, such joy. She rested in his arms, holding fast to him, feeling more alive than she ever had in her life.

  Slade had never known loving could be so beautiful, so giving. He cradle
d her to him, treasuring her nearness. He didn't know how he'd been lucky enough to find her, what quirk of fate had sent him to the dance that night, but he knew he would always be glad that he'd gone. The memory of the Kid's threat returned, and he vowed that he would protect her from all harm.

  They drifted off to sleep, wrapped in each other's arms.

  It was in the early morning hours that Slade awoke and forced himself to leave Alyssa's side. He wanted to stay there in bed with her, loving her for all eternity, but he had a job to do-keeping her safe and finding the Kid.

  "I have to go," he told her quietly as he started to dress.

  She smiled at him sleepily. "I wish you could stay.

  "So do I."

  Slade went to the bed and leaned down to kiss her. As he did, she ran a hand up his bare chest.

  "Are you sure you have to go?"

  "It will be dawn soon." He was staring down at her silken curves, wondering what the coming of the new day had to do with anything. He was here with Alyssa and-

  She leaned forward just then and pressed a kiss to his bare chest. She smiled to herself as she felt him stiffen at her ploy, enjoying the newly discovered feminine power she had over him.

  "It's still dark out."

  "Yes, it is," he answered distractedly. He vaguely remembered that he was supposed to be getting dressed, but having Alyssa pressed against him, her lips upon him, was driving away all thoughts of anything but possessing her again.

  "There's still time-" she whispered.

  "Yes, there is."

  They fell back together on the bed. Their coming together this time was fast and hungry. It was as if they couldn't get enough of each other. When at last their passion was spent, they collapsed together, panting from the fury of it.

  It was long moments later that Slade realized he had to leave her. It would be light soon. He pressed one last, loving kiss on her lips and then quickly dressed without looking back at her where she lay looking so lovely on the bed. He feared she might tempt him into losing control again. For her own sake, he could not be weak where she was concerned. Her very life depended on his being strong.


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