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by Paul Butler

defendants’ rights

  defense attorneys. See also public defenders

  “dehumanization thesis”

  Delgado, Richard

  Department of Justice. See U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ)

  desegregation. See integration

  detain-and-frisk policing. See stop-and-frisk policing

  Detroit riot of 1967

  developmentally disabled blacks

  Diddy. See Combs, Sean (P Diddy)

  Discipline and Punish (Foucault)

  disenfranchisement; of felons

  District of Columbia. See Washington, D.C.

  DNA analysis

  Dr. Dre

  Dog Whistle Racism (Haney López)

  DOJ. See U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ)

  Douglas, William O.

  Douglass, Frederick

  Drake (rapper)

  Dre, Dr. See Dr. Dre

  dress; for court appearances; profiling

  drinking in public

  driver stops. See traffic stops

  dropouts, high school. See high school dropouts

  drug offenses; sentencing. See also war on drugs

  drugs. See cocaine; heroin; marijuana

  Dubois, Joshua

  Dudziak, Mary

  Dukakis, Michael

  Dyson, Michael Eric

  Eberhardt, Jennifer

  Ebony: “Crisis of the Black Male” issue

  education; of police. See also schools

  Education Amendments Act of 1972: Title IX

  Elkins, Alex

  Emanuel, Rahm


  employment. See also unemployment

  England and Wales

  “environment”/“culture” distinction. See “culture”/“environment” distinction

  Erlichman, John

  Estritch, Susan: Real Rape

  exceptionalism, black male. See black male exceptionalism

  “factual guilt” and “legal guilt”

  Fanon, Frantz

  fatal automobile accidents. See automobile fatalities

  fatal shootings by police; Ferguson; international comparisons

  Fat Joe


  fear of black men; in black men; Jesse Jackson on; physiological aspects

  fear of LGBT people. See homophobia

  fear of police

  fear of slave uprisings

  Federal Bureau of Investigation. See FBI

  Federal Housing Administration (FHA)

  federal oversight of police departments. See U.S. Department of Justice: police department interventions

  federal prisoners: by offense

  felon disenfranchisement. See disenfranchisement: of felons

  felony statistics

  Ferguson, Missouri; Dept. of Justice intervention; Obama on; protests

  Fiasco, Lupe

  Fifteenth Amendment

  Fifth Amendment

  50 Cent

  fines; failure to pay

  firearms. See guns

  Fisher v. Texas

  flight attendants, discrimination by

  Flint, Michigan


  Floyd v. City of New York

  Forman, James

  Fortner, Michael Jason

  Foucault, Michel: Discipline and Punish

  Fourth Amendment

  frames and framing

  Fraternal Order of Police

  “Fuck tha Police” (NWA)

  gangsta rap

  Garner, Eric

  Gates, Daryl

  Gates, Henry Louis

  gay men, lesbians, bisexuals, and transgender people. See LGBT people; black gay men

  gender; defense attorney choice and; of police; stereotypes. See also patriarchy; schools: single-sex




  Giuliani, Rudy

  Goff, Phillip Atiba

  Goldberg, Jonah

  Goldstein, Richard

  “Good Samaritan” laws

  Gottschalk, Marie

  Gould, Jon

  government subsidies. See subsidies, government

  Gray, Freddie

  Great Britain. See United Kingdom

  guilt, factual versus legal. See “factual guilt” and “legal guilt”

  guns; access to; and masculinity; ownership statistics; police drawing of; police pointing of; in popular culture; stop and frisk and; toy. See also armed robbery; shootings

  Gupta, Vanita

  Haldeman, H. R.


  Haney López, Ian; Dog Whistle Racism

  Harcourt, Bernard

  Harris, Victor

  Harrison, Charles

  Harvard Business School

  health care


  high school dropouts

  Hip Hop: Beyond Beat & Rhymes

  hip-hop music. See rappers and rap music

  Hispanics. See Latinos

  Holder, Eric

  Holmes, Anthony

  homelessness, criminalization of

  homicide: black-on-black; by police; rates; risk factors; victims; by whites. See also murder


  homosexual sexual harassment by police

  Hoover, J. Edgar

  Horton, William

  housing; subprime loans

  Hughley, D. L.

  humor and comedy

  Hurt, Byron: Hip Hop

  Hutch, Willie: “Brothers Gonna Work It Out”


  identification cards

  Illinois v. Wardlow

  immigrants: European; undocumented

  incarceration; black men’s chance of; mass; statistics. See also jail and jailing; prison abolition

  income-based fines

  income inequality. See inequality in income

  Indians, American. See Native Americans

  inequality in income

  inequality in job interview callbacks and job offers

  inequality in wealth. See wealth inequality

  infant mortality claims

  informers and informing. See snitches and snitching

  injuries during police encounters. See citizen injuries during police encounters

  insurance, police. See police misconduct insurance


  intelligence tests. See IQ tests


  “interest convergence” (Bell)

  international comparisons. See cross-cultural comparisons

  interracial couples

  interracial marriage

  interrogation by police. See police questioning


  “iPod held by a black hand” (study)

  IQ tests

  Irish and Irish Americans

  Italian Americans

  Jackson, Jesse

  jail and jailing

  James, LeBron

  Jarrett, Valerie



  Jefferson, Thomas

  Jewish Americans

  “Jigga My Nigga” (Jay-Z)

  jobs. See employment

  Johnson, John H.

  Johnson, Lyndon

  Jordan, Robert

  journalistic research. See research, journalistic

  judiciary. See courts

  “jump out” squads. See police “jump out” squads

  Justice Department. See U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ)

  juvenile offenders

  Kaepernick, Colin

  Katznelson, Ira: When Affirmative Action Was White

  Kelly, Ray

  Kennedy, Randall; Race, Crime, and the Law

  Key and Peele (comedy duo)

  killings by police; statistics

  King, Martin Luther, Jr.

  Klarman, Michael

  Kohler-Hausmann, Issa

  Kozinski, Alex

  Ku Klux Klan (KKK)

  Kweli, Talib

  labor unions. See

  Lago Vista, Texas

  Lamar, Kendrick

  Latinos; incarceration; life expectancy; Los Angeles; murder by; My Brother’s Keeper; “order maintenance” policing; poverty and; profiling; stop and frisk; traffic stops; use of force against; Young Men’s Initiative

  Lawrence, Charles

  lawsuits; excessive force; police job applicants; sexual assault; stop and frisk

  lawyers. See defense attorneys; prosecuting attorneys

  lead poisoning

  legal construction of race

  “legal guilt” and “factual guilt.” See “factual guilt” and “legal guilt”

  Lemon, Don

  less-lethal weapons: police use

  lethal force policies. See also killings by police

  Let’s Get Free: A Hip-Hop Theory of Justice (Butler)

  Lewis, David Levering

  LGBT people. See also homophobia; transgender people; black gay men

  life expectancy by race and gender

  life sentence

  lightness and darkness of skin. See skin color

  Lil Wayne

  Lincoln, Abraham

  Litchfield, Minnesota

  Little Richard


  Loch v. City of Litchfield

  Loehmann, Timothy


  Los Angeles

  Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD); DOJ intervention

  Lotke, Eric

  Louima, Abner

  Luban, David

  Lubinski, Joseph

  lying; appearance of; by police; by witnesses


  Lyons, Adolph

  The Mack

  Mackinnon, Catherine

  Malcolm X

  male privilege

  March of a Million Men. See Million Man March, 1995

  March on Washington, 1963


  marriage, interracial. See interracial marriage

  Marrie v. Nickels

  Marshall, Thurgood

  Martin, Trayvon

  masculinity; performance of; in police stops; public policy and; violent

  Massachusetts. See also Boston

  Mastrofski, Stephen

  McCleskey v. Kemp

  McDonald, Laquan

  Mckesson, DeRay

  McLeod, Allegra

  Meares, Tracey

  media; entertainment; mass/corporate. See also news media; research, journalistic

  Mfume, Kweisi

  middle-class black children

  middle-class white people

  militarization of police

  Miller, Lisa

  Million Man March, 1995

  Mimms v. Pennsylvania. See Pennsylvania v. Mimms

  minstrelsy and coon shows

  Miranda v. Arizona

  misconduct insurance. See police misconduct insurance

  misdemeanors; arrests; decriminalization; Ferguson; Garner arrest. See also traffic stops


  “Moment of Clarity” (Jay-Z)

  Moore, Darnell


  Mos Def

  motor vehicle stops. See traffic stops

  movement for black lives

  Moving to Opportunity

  Moynihan Report; echoed by Ebony; echoed by FBI director; echoed by O’Reilly

  Muhammad, Kahlil Gibran; Condemnation of Blackness

  murder; statistics

  Murphy, Eddie


  My Brother’s Keeper

  Myers v. James

  NAACP. See National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)

  names: effect on punishment

  Nas (performer)

  National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders

  national anthem protests

  National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)

  National Council of La Raza

  National Crime Victimization Survey

  National Initiative for Building Community Trust and Justice

  Native Americans

  Nat Turner insurrection

  The Negro Family: The Case for National Action (Moynihan). See Moynihan Report

  net worth

  Newark, New Jersey

  New Hampshire

  New Jersey

  The New Jim Crow (Alexander)

  news media

  Newsweek: “Fight for Black Men” issue

  Newtown, Connecticut, school shooting, 2012. See Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting, 2012

  New York City: arrest warrants; bystander intervention; crime rates; fear of police; misdemeanor court; public defenders. See also Brownsville, Brooklyn; Young Men’s Initiative (YMI)

  New York Police Department (NYPD); gentrification; Louima case; Wednesday arrests; stop and frisk

  New York State

  New York Times

  “nigga”/“nigger” (word)

  “99 Problems” (Jay-Z)

  Nixon, Richard

  Njaka v. Wright County

  “nonlethal” weapons. See less-lethal weapons


  NWA; “Fuck tha Police”


  Obama, Barack; bank bailout; as celebrity; commutations; criticism of black fathers; death penalty views; DOJ interventions under; on Ferguson; on “Marshall Plan” for blacks; military surplus policy; Morehouse address; My Brother’s Keeper; National Initiative for Building Community Trust and Justice; on personal responsibility; Task Force on 21st Century Policing; on work ethic of “gangbangers”

  officer-involved shootings (OISs). See shootings: by police

  Ohio v. Terry. See Terry v. Ohio

  Oncale v. Sundowner Offshore Services

  100 Black Men of America

  online lodging services. See peer-to-peer lodging services

  online selling. See peer-to-peer selling

  Open Society Foundation

  Orange County, California

  “order maintenance” policing

  O’Reilly, Bill

  Ousey, Graham

  Pager, Devah

  Pantaleo, Daniel

  pardons and commutations. See presidential pardons and commutations

  Pate, James


  pattern or practice investigations, DOJ. See U.S. Department of Justice: police department interventions

  peer-to-peer lodging services

  peer-to-peer selling

  Pennsylvania v. Mimms

  pepper spray

  performance during police stops

  performance of masculinity. See masculinity: performance of

  perjury. See lying: by witnesses

  personal identification cards. See identification cards

  personal loans. See loans

  personal responsibility


  Philadelphia Police Department

  Phillips, Julie A.

  photographs and photography: of African Americans; in “order maintenance” policing; in research; of suspects

  Pickens, Lionel. See Chinx (rapper)


  plea bargaining

  Plessy v. Ferguson

  police, black. See black police officers

  police, complaints against. See citizen complaints

  police, fear of. See fear of police

  police, killings by. See killings by police

  police, killings of. See police killed in line of duty

  police, tackling by (“takedowns”)

  police, women. See women police officers

  police car light-flashing

  police commands

  police-community relations. See also citizen complaints

  police departments, federal interventions in. See U.S. Department of Justice: police department interventions

  police dogs

  police “jump out” squads

  police killed in line of duty

  police militari
zation. See militarization of police

  police misconduct insurance

  police questioning

  police rights

  police searches; cavity searches; consent. See also stop-and-frisk policing; Terry v. Ohio

  police sexual abuse. See sexual abuse and harassment by police

  police sexual assault. See sexual assault: by police

  police shootings. See shootings: by police

  police use of force; continuums; deadly force; DOJ interventions and; Ferguson; lawsuits; women officers. See also chokehold (maneuver); police, tackling by (“takedowns”); shootings: by police; torture by police

  policewomen. See women police officers

  policing alternatives

  political correctness


  poor white people

  population demographics

  poverty; black women; government policy; statistics; violence and. See also poor white people

  Powers, Nicholas


  presidential pardons and commutations

  President’s Commission on Law Enforcement and Administration of Justice (Johnson)

  President’s Task Force on 21st Century Policing

  pretrial discovery

  Prince George’s County, Maryland

  prison. See incarceration

  prison abolition

  prisoners: commutation of sentence; elderly; lawsuits; recidivism; statistics; suicide

  prison guards. See correctional officers and prison guards

  “procedural fairness”

  profiling: of Muslims; racial

  progress, perception of

  “progress” narrative

  property crimes; DOJ interventions and; in response to killings by police. See also theft


  prosecuting attorneys; bluffing by; “Brady” evidence; plea bargaining; trials

  protests; Giuliani view; Trump views

  psychological research. See research, psychological

  psychological testing of police

  public defenders

  public seating

  public surveys. See polls

  public urination. See urination in public

  Puff Daddy. See Combs, Sean (P Diddy)

  punishment: “black names” effect; maximum (proposed). See also death penalty; fines; incarceration

  Question Bridge

  Race, Crime, and the Law (Kennedy)

  racial integration. See integration

  racial profiling. See profiling: racial

  racial progress narrative. See “progress” narrative

  racial segregation. See segregation

  Racine, Karl A.

  “racism” (word)

  Rappaport, John

  rape; accusations; disguised; statistics; Tyson case

  rappers and rap music; on black macho; on black-on-black crime; in celebrity rankings; Don Lemon on; gender-challenging; on police sexual harassment

  reading scores, urban myth about


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