The Mistletoe Phenomenon

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The Mistletoe Phenomenon Page 5

by Serena Yates

  Maybe because the other parts had fallen into place so easily he’d been blind to the need to work for what he wanted. He was the only person who could make it happen. Magnus had wanted to make love, not have sex, so what had gone wrong? He should have been looking for the reason behind the misunderstanding, not running away to lick his wounds.

  Energized and armed with a whole new level of determination, he jumped up from his bed and tore open the door. He stormed downstairs ready to get into his coat and drive back to Magnus’s house, where he belonged. He was going to go and fight for his man.

  The shocked faces of his family as he stormed past the open door to the family room on his way to the front door made him stop for a moment. The phone rang and interrupted his attempt to say a quick goodbye. His father picked up the receiver and looked surprised.

  “Yes, he’s here. Hold on.” His father motioned for him to come over. “It’s for you.”

  “Who is it?” Lance didn’t have time for this; he was on a mission.

  “Just take the call.” His father handed him the receiver and sat back down on the couch, right next to Lance’s mother, where he always sat.

  “Hello?” Lance couldn’t think of a single person who’d phone him here.

  “Lance. Thank God you’re there.” Magnus’s deep voice made Lance weak in the knees, even filtered through the phone line. “I’m really sorry about whatever I did last night to piss you off. Can you please set that aside for a moment, though? I desperately need your help.”

  “Sure.” Lance didn’t hesitate. Magnus’s voice sounded heartbroken. “What’s wrong?”

  “They took Jakob.” Magnus’s voice broke and there was a soft sob. “Brian and Nancy took Jakob in the middle of last night. Got in through the side door of the garage we’d never used, which apparently had a broken lock. They grabbed him from his bed and vanished.”

  “What? God. Please, no!” Lance almost dropped the receiver from the shock. He slowly slid down to the floor, the wall against his back the only thing holding him up.

  Chapter Ten

  Magnus was shaking with fear for Jakob and anger at his own inability to do anything to help find him. He was pacing up and down the length of the living room, feeling like a caged polar bear. If Lance didn’t get here soon to calm him down, he’d lose his mind.

  When the lock finally turned and a very pale and shaky Lance walked in, he ran into the foyer. He slid his arms around Lance’s waist under the coat to be as close to him as possible. Lance’s arms moved up to twine around his neck. When he’d buried his nose between Lance’s neck and shoulder and breathed in the man’s musky scent for a few moments, he started to relax a little. At least he had half his family back. Jakob missing felt as if there was a hole in his heart.

  “God, Magnus.” Lance sighed and squeezed back. “Please tell me that there’s some news. I can’t take much more of this uncertainty.”

  “Come on; take off your coat and we’ll sit down.” He stowed Lance’s coat and walked them to the couch. “The sheriff’s been a great help so far. When I realized something was wrong because Jakob still wasn’t awake around ten, I called him, and he was here twenty minutes later. He had a look around the house and found the broken lock. He called his team, and they turned up to take fingerprints, just in case. When they were reasonably certain it was a kidnapping, and because they suspected Brian and Nancy would take him back to Florida, they got the FBI involved.”

  “How could Brian and Nancy do that?” Lance’s eyes were red-rimmed as he leaned into him. Magnus tightened his embrace and held on. “Take a little boy like that, and probably scare him half to death? After everything he’s been through?”

  “I don’t know.” Magnus took a deep breath, trying desperately to stay calm. “I have no idea what they think to accomplish with a stunt like this. I’m not even sure they thought it through. It may just have been an impulse.”

  “Some impulse.” Lance snorted. “Has the FBI found anything?”

  “Yeah, they used the rental car’s tracker. It was returned to the rental company’s Salt Lake City airport office around nine this morning.” Magnus sighed. “They’re still trying to find out where they went from there.”

  “Salt Lake City?” Lance frowned. “That’s not exactly on the normal route between here and Florida, is it?”

  “You’re right. The agents think Brian and Nancy may have wanted to throw off any pursuers by not taking the direct route back to their home. Or they may have wanted to get out of all the ice and snow as quickly as possible, since that’s an unfamiliar situation for them.” Magnus shook his head. “I have no clue since the whole situation makes no sense. I mean, they must know they’ll get caught, right?

  “Maybe they figure they can convince Jakob to say that he wanted to go with them? That he doesn’t like staying with you after all?” Lance’s frown got deeper.

  “No way. Jakob would never want to stay with them.” Magnus was certain. “Not after being so happy here, especially since you moved in.”

  “I know, but they probably don’t see it that way.” Lance heaved a sigh. “Okay, so what do we do?”

  “We wait.” Magus hated it, but they could hardly get in the car and start driving around to try and find those bastards themselves. “All we can do is sit here and wait until the sheriff calls with some news.”

  * * *

  Magnus rubbed his aching eyes with one hand, too tired to sleep. They’d been up half the night waiting for news. Lance had made them a meal some time during the early evening. Not that they’d been hungry, but they had to keep their strength up to be there for Jakob once he was found.

  Now the grey light of a long winter morning filtered through the living room windows. It wasn’t going to get much brighter than this, not on the shortest day of the year. Not that it would feel short; more interminable waiting was sure to follow.

  They’d never made it upstairs. Somehow staying on the couch, dressed and ready to go had felt right. Magnus grimaced; it hadn’t made any sense, and his aching back was telling him so loud and clear. He was going to get them a more comfortable couch very soon.

  He looked down at Lance, who’d been sleeping fitfully in his arms, snuggled against his chest most of the night. His hair was tousled and morning stubble darkened his jaw. God, but his älskling was sexy in the morning. They’d never gotten around to talking about what had happened on Saturday night to drive Lance away. The worry about Jakob had kept both of them too anxious to start an important discussion like that, but Magnus was going to get to it as soon as Jakob was safely back with them.

  When the phone rang, Magnus almost jumped out of his skin. He needed both arms to keep Lance from falling off the couch as he startled awake.

  “Magnus Carstens.” He held his breath as he checked his watch. Eight a.m. was about time for the bihourly updates the sheriff had given them, just to let them know they hadn’t been forgotten. Illogical, but definitely reassuring.

  “Douglas Scofield.” The sheriff sounded as tired as Magnus felt. “We’ve got good news for you, Mr. Carstens. They found Brian and Nancy about an hour ago as they were having breakfast in a diner next to their motel near Las Vegas. They’d left Jakob in their room, but we’ve retrieved him and he’s all right now.”

  Tears of relief started running down his cheeks before he could stop them. Lance’s eyes widened in shock, so he quickly reassured him.

  “They found Jakob. He’s okay.” Magnus slumped back onto the couch, dragging a smiling, if teary-eyed, Lance with him. Now they could both hear what the sheriff was saying.

  “They’re going to put Jakob and an agent on the ten thirty flight via Salt Lake City.” The sheriff rustled with some papers. “You can pick him up at Jackson airport at two thirty-six, off Delta flight 4480.”

  “We’ll be there, sir.” Magnus wiped his eyes with his free hand. “We’ll most definitely be there.”

  * * *

  By the time Jakob finally made it out of
the secure area and into the baggage claim part of the small airport, Magnus was ready to strangle someone. Why did everything take so long when you were impatient for it to happen?

  Jakob was pale and subdued as the female agent holding him by the hand walked up to them. He wore an unfamiliar pair of jeans and a warm red sweater that looked large on him. He didn’t even look up from the floor. Shit, the little guy looked much worse than Magnus had thought. Lance gasped next to him and took his hand for support. He wanted to pick Jakob up and hold him in his arms, but Sheriff Scofield stopped him.

  “He needs to take this all in at his own speed.” The sheriff completed the handover paperwork with the unsmiling agent and then nodded at her.

  “Jakob, remember how I promised you that you’d see your uncle Magnus at the end of our trip?” The agent spoke softly but remained standing so she wouldn’t invade Jakob’s personal space.

  Jakob nodded but still didn’t look up.

  “Well, this is the end of our trip.” The agent started pulling her hand back from Jakob’s and the little boy didn’t resist. “Your uncle Magnus is right here and would like it very much if you said hello.”

  Finally Jakob looked up, his blue eyes troubled and red from crying. He stared at Magnus for a few seconds, still not moving. Then he looked over at Lance and took a deep breath as his gaze traveled back to Magnus.

  “Are you real?” Jakob’s voice shook.

  “Yes, Jakob, we’re real.” Magnus held onto Lance’s hand so he wouldn’t shake apart with relief.

  Very slowly, as if it was too much effort, Jakob took one step toward him, then another. The little boy’s eyes never left his as he lifted his arms and came even closer. Magnus went down onto his knees and opened his arms in response, embracing Jakob tightly when he’d slid his little arms around his neck with a heartbreaking sob.

  His own tears flowed unhindered as he held half his life in his arms. Lance’s warm hand squeezed his shoulder and his world was whole again.

  Chapter Eleven

  Lance closed Jakob’s bedroom door, Magnus right behind him. It had taken a while to get the little boy to fall asleep, tired though he’d been.

  He’d clung to one or the other of them for most of the afternoon, ever since they’d left the airport. He’d had trouble letting go. They’d spent the afternoon reassuring Jakob and getting him to talk about his ordeal. He hadn’t said much, but they’d started the healing process. The rest would take a little time.

  Then they’d tested the alarm system the sheriff’s deputy had put in for them in the morning. Even though Jakob knew that Brian and Nancy were in prison and he was safe, he made Magnus and him try to enter the house several times. Jakob hadn’t been satisfied until the alarm had proven to be reliable. Lance smiled.

  “What’s so funny?” Magnus took his hand and pulled him close.

  “I was just thinking what a scientist Jakob already is.” He looked up into those silver-blue eyes he’d never get enough of.

  “Oh?” Magnus slid his arms around him.

  “He wasn’t happy until he’d seen enough evidence that the alarm was going to keep him safe.” Lance laughed. “He even made us use the same doors a few times to make sure the experiment led to the same results every time.”

  “You’re right.” Magnus chuckled. “Behavior like that is so much second nature for me that I hadn’t even noticed.”

  “I’m sure it’ll help him follow in your footsteps and become the glaciologist he wants to be.” Lance could well imagine the expeditions those two would go on together.

  “I don’t know that I want him to be a scientist.” Magnus frowned. “It’s been a pretty lonely life for me so far, and I’d like to think we can spare him that burden.”

  We. Magnus had said “we” so he wanted Lance around for the long haul. But in what capacity? Now was the time to find out why Magnus had put him into his own room the other night, making him feel so rejected. The man had probably had a perfectly good reason. Lance just wanted Magnus to understand what effect that logic had on him, and see if he was willing to change his behavior so Lance would feel loved and accepted.

  “Which reminds me….” Magnus hesitated. “I’d like to talk about what happened the other night. I obviously did something that made you think you weren’t part of the family.”

  “Why do you say that?” It would be a lot easier if Magnus had figured it out already.

  “Because….” Magnus shook his head. “Can we sit in the study for this rather than stand in the hallway?”

  “Why don’t you go activate the alarm while I get us something to drink? I’m kind of thirsty.” Lance did as he’d suggested and Magnus went to secure the house.

  They cuddled into the wide loveseat with him sitting between Magnus’s legs, his back leaning on the man’s strong chest and surrounded by his warm arms. Lance twisted so he could lean his head onto Magnus’s shoulder and look at him as they talked.

  “I’m hoping this will be a really short conversation.” Magnus grinned. “This position you’ve wiggled your tight little ass into is really making me consider other activities. More importantly, I’m hoping that you’ll accept my apology for what I’ve done.”

  “It’s not like I didn’t make mistakes as well.” Lance ducked his head.

  “Okay.” Magnus laughed. “Maybe we’ve both got some explaining to do before we get to the good stuff.”

  “All right.” Lance leaned back.

  “Here goes.” Magnus cleared his throat. “I think my biggest mistake was that I didn’t tell you that I love you. And I’m truly sorry for that.”

  “You love me?” Lance’s heart started beating faster.

  “Yes, very much.” Magnus kissed the tip of his nose. “I want you to be part of our little family as my partner. You’re not here to do a job and get paid. From now on, I want us to share everything. Whether that’s the responsibility for raising Jakob or the money needed to run this household, I want it all to be ‘ours’.”

  “Oh, Magnus, I want that too.” Lance sat up. “I was even ready to fight for it. For the first time in my life I don’t care what others expect of me; all I want to be is your partner and take care of you and Jakob.”

  “Why would that be a problem?” Magnus frowned. “If that’s what you want to do?”

  “It sounds easy, I know.” Lance shrugged. “But I’ve always done what my parents and friends expected me to do. I didn’t want to hurt or disappoint anyone. So I went to college and got a job to earn money while all along what I really wanted was to be a house-dad. Not very manly, huh?”

  “It’s plenty manly for me.” Magnus cupped Lance’s crotch with a large hand, almost making him squeal with the sudden arousal. “This right here tells me all I want to know. No woman can offer a package as sexy as yours. None could possibly look as good wearing an apron as you do. None could care for Jakob as well as you do.”

  “You really mean that don’t you?” Lance let all the worry of the last few days go with a long exhale. “So when you put me into my own bed the other night, making me feel so alone and rejected….”

  “God, is that what you thought?” Magnus’s eyebrows went up to his hairline. “Shit. I just wanted to make sure you got a good night’s sleep. And I thought the best way was to let you sleep in your own bed.”

  “That’s silly.” Lance giggled. “The best place for me to sleep is in your arms.”

  “I know that now.” Magnus looked crestfallen. “I’m so sorry I put you through that älskling. I promise not to do it again.”

  “You called me that before.” Lance wanted to know. “What does it mean?”

  “Älskling?” Magnus’s gaze softened. “It’s Swedish for darling, beloved, sweetheart.”

  “Oh.” It was all Lance got to say before Magnus bent his head and sealed his mouth with his hot lips.

  Magnus’s agile tongue caressed his own in long strokes which matched the soft movements of his large hand over the growing tent in Lan
ce’s pants. The hard cock Lance felt pressing against his lower back got even harder until Magnus let go of his mouth.

  “Time to take this to the bedroom, okay?” Magnus’s pupils were dilated with desire.

  Lance nodded, and before he knew what hit him, Magnus moved off the couch, lifted him in his arms as though he weighed nothing and deposited him on a king-size bed in his bedroom across the hall. He switched on a bedside lamp before closing and locking the door.

  The next long minutes were spent with Magnus slowly undressing him, kissing and licking every bit of naked skin he encountered. Lance returned the favor, and they were soon both naked and panting with need.

  “I want you.” Magnus sat up next to him and pulled a condom and a small tube of lube out from under a pillow.

  “I need you.” Lance had never been so ready in his life.

  “I’ll go slow.” Magnus sheathed himself, then opened the lube and squeezed until his fingers were covered.

  “You can go slow once you’re inside me.” Lance grabbed his legs, lifted them up and spread them as wide as possible, just to make sure his lover knew what he meant.

  “Fuck, you’re sexy.” Magnus scooted between his legs and slid his slick fingers along Lance’s skin, balls to hole and back a few times, making him moan.

  When Magnus’s first finger pushed into him, he almost came. It was thick and hit his gland on the first try, making him squirm with the need to come.

  “Magnus!” Lance fought for control, wanting his lover inside him when he came.

  Magnus grinned and pulled his finger out almost all the way. When he pushed back in it was with two, and the burn was so good it made Lance scream for more. Magnus scissored his fingers as he moved in and out, soon adding more lube and a third finger.


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