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Grey: A Life Unraveled (Tapestry of Life Book 1)

Page 6

by Lee Miller

  He made it to the 41st floor in pretty good time. He looked at his watch, “11:50, plenty of time to get things ready.” He thought to himself. He walked out of the stairwell into the hallway. The floor was lengthwise with two massive apartments on either side. Tommy knew from looking at the diagrams of the building that it was comprised of 43 floors that were actually two floors in one, making this building the tallest apartment building in the Upper East Side with a total of 86 floors and 176 very posh apartments. The tenant waiting list was at least a year long. The apartment he needed was the one on the left, apartment 4101. He also knew that each apartment was sound proof, for the comfort of the tenants. You couldn’t hear the sounds come out of an apartment if you were standing in the hallway, no matter how loud it was. Using the key given to him, he let himself into the apartment and for a moment he froze. Nobody was supposed to be here yet there was music coming from the living room area. He decided to creep in and see if anyone was about. There wasn’t, the tenants had left the radio on when they left. He gave a deep sigh of relief and went through the door, closing it and locking it behind him. Still, he stood there in the shadows and focused on hearing. After a few minutes he breathed easier, nobody was home.

  Looking around, he saw that it was as nice as he assumed it would be. The floors were all hardwood and had a freshly polished finish on them. Walking down the short hallway from the entryway he looked left to a massive expanse of an open living room. On the far side, from ceiling to floor was a glass wall. He knew from seeing this same building during the day and night that it was mirror finish on the outside. Only if you had an intense light on at night could anyone see through it from the outside. The apartment was outfitted with a soft light blue ambient lighting system that served as a night-light in the main living areas. The living room was sunken in about 3 steps but other than that, it was wide open. The tenants had a thing for rich brown leather and dark wood colors. He let himself roam around the place for a bit just to get a feel of it. To the right of the entryway was a separate kitchen and dining room, both fairly good size and appointed with top of the line appliances. The large and expensive dining room table had a mid-size chandelier hanging right over the center of it. He couldn’t be sure, but he imagined all the glass fixtures were made of crystal. He walked into the large living room; to his left was a flight of stairs that went to the second floor. As he ascended the steps, he took stock of everything. To the right was a massive master bedroom suite. Complete with walk-in closet and giant master bathroom. The king size, four-poster bed was the centerpiece for the room. It sat a 45 degree angle to the rest of the room flanked on both sides by expensive looking nightstands, each with its own lamp. On the same wall as the living room, the bedroom also sported a wall of glass. He wondered what the city lights below did to this room with their multicolored hues and intensity. Affixed to the celling was a privacy shade that could be drawn together to black out the room. There was no expense spared by the designers and architects of this building. To the left of the stairs sat two doors, behind each was another bedroom with a bathroom that they shared in-between them. You could look over the railing to the living room below. Tommy let out a soft whistle “Man! I thought I had a descent cash flow.” he muttered to himself. He was sure there was a substantial petty cash box around somewhere but that wasn’t his thing. He crept back downstairs and stood in the hallway that led to the entrance. To his left there was a dark recessed area and the end of the hall. He opened the door and looked into a well-appointed laundry room. There were still clothes in the dryer and folded clothes sitting on a shelf waiting to be put away. This room had no outside light source. He went and checked, sure enough, from the front door you couldn’t see if the door was open or closed. That was where he would wait. He looked in the laundry room again and found a folding chair he could sit on. “Might as well be as comfortable as possible.” he thought. He set the chair up so he could look around the door jamb to see the front entrance but still tried to stay mostly out of sight in case they turned on a light when they came in. He turned off the light and waited. For a moment he listened to the music coming softly out of the living room. He recognized the artist as Within Temptation, one of his own personal favorites. Beth got him listening to them last year and he fell in love with their brand of music. He sat there alone with his thoughts. He envisioned his wedding, his honeymoon, his love, Beth. He was beginning to get restless. He had no way of really knowing how long he had sat there. He was about to get up and stretch his legs when he heard a key slide into the locked door from the outside. “Time to go to work” he thought to himself while reaching in his pocket for the gift he had to deliver. The front door opened slightly and he heard laughing from the hallway. He waited, as still as a desert night, as quiet as the wind through the pine forest. He waited. The young couple stepped inside the door still giggling about something. The door began to slowly close as the couple embraced each other. It wasn’t hard to tell what was on their minds; if he waited much longer it could get very awkward for them. He decided to save them from the embarrassing moment and stepped out of the shadows. “Hello, I have a present for you” he said with a sense of calm and ease.

  Sara & Chris

  Sara watched as Chris’s eyes bugged out of his head when she first walked through the door to the party. They had agreed on arriving separately, which gave her the idea of attempting to surprise him with her outfit for the night. From the look on his face when their eyes met, then his fell to her feet and drew up the full length of her body; his mouth falling slightly open, she’d say he was a bit more than surprised. She knew it had to be something classy, and something that would accentuate her frame. She had Beth go with her dress shopping, she needed her advice on which was just the right one. Sara laughed to herself at the memory of the look on Beth’s face when she walked out of the dressing room.

  “Daaaaaaamn girl. That’s hot!” Beth exclaimed then let out a soft whistle. “If I was prone to bat for the other team, I’d jump you myself Sara. I don’t know how you expect Chris to keep his hands off of you the night of the party.” The dress was just above ankle length and snowflake white. It had no sleeves or back to it. The night would be cold so she planned on wearing white tights and heels with it. Accessorized with her diamond earrings and tennis bracelet set that Chris got for her last Christmas. “I dunno Beth, you think maybe it’ll be too much?” Sara asked, a little self-conscious. “”Well, it is a formal affair right? That is an evening gown. I think it looks amazing on you.” Replied Beth who was looking through the dress rack for other options. “Hmm, you really think Chris will like it? She said, her mind mostly made up. “I think he’ll like it on you and later on the bedroom floor sweetie.” Sara had to laugh at her friend’s level of candor. She learned early on to never ask Beth a question that you may not be ready for the answer to. “Beth, are you sure you’re a virgin?” Sara knew full well her friend loved to talk the talk, but had never walked the walk when it came to guys. “Yup. Positive. I just like to see you blush. Which you do very easily.” Beth was looking at a tie-dye hippie dress. “Beth. No.” Her friend looked back like she got her hand caught in the cookie jar. “What? I like pretty bright colors.” She said, going back to her ogling. “I do too Beth, just not when they are all run together. Alright, I found the right one, and after only two hours of looking!” Sara remarked dryly. “You know Sara, you’re distaste for shopping is almost on par with men’s dislike for it. Watch it or I’ll pull your ‘Chick Card’.” Beth warned. “What? I like to go in and get what it is I’m looking for and not waste a lot of time doing it. I’m a very streamlined shopper.” Sara shot back. “’Streamlined shopper huh? Something wrong with you. Part of the fun of buying things is shopping for things you don’t need to begin with!” Beth was getting exasperated with her best friend’s lack for the love of shopping she held most dear. “Oh boy does this Tom guy have a lot to look forward to. You’re the reason that Brad Paisley did that song ‘Waiting on a woman’.
” Sara said through stifling laughter.” She grabbed Beth’s arm and guided her to the checkout center, at times half dragging her when something caught her eye. It was like trying to take care of a kid in a toy store. As Sara paid for the dress she asked Beth about wedding plans, or more like the lack there-of. “So, when is the big day Beth?” Sara asked. “Big day. Define what constitutes a ‘Big’ day?” a half distracted Beth responded. “Um. You know, the kind where you get married? Have a kid? Celebrate your 75th wedding anniversary. Those are considered ‘Big’ Days.” Sara was digging in her wallet and trying to keep an eye on a preoccupied Beth. “Um. Next June. Tom wants a spring wedding.” Sara was surprised. “Have you started making plans yet?” hoping the tone of her voice wasn’t letting on to her frustration with her friend’s inability to not take serious things serious enough. “Nah. That’s what the Maid of Honor is for.” She said half giggling. “Poor woman. Have you even picked her out yet?” Sara gazed down at the one woman she would die for. “Well, duh. Of course I have.” Beth replied pulling out her phone. “Have you told her yet?” Sara asked as her phone buzzed in her purse. She pulled it out and saw she had just gotten a text from Beth. “Would you be my maid of honor?” Sara looked at Beth “Yep. Just asked her.” Beth replied. “What am I going to do with you Beth?” Sara was exasperated and honored at the same time. “I dunno, help me plan a wedding?” Beth offered as they walked out of the store. “Yeah, I can do that.” Sara said nudging her friend in the ribs with her elbow.

  “May I take your coat miss?” the voice brought her out of her reflection of dress shopping with Beth.

  “Yes, of course. And thank you” Sara said still smiling to herself and slipping the white waist coat off as the doorman took it. He gave her a claim ticket so she could get it back later. She placed the ticket in her clutch and descended the stairs to a waiting Chris who still seemed a little shocked. “Too much?” she asked with a tint of trepidation to her voice. “What? No! No not at all! You look; stunning” Chris offered. In fact, he couldn’t take his eyes off of her. He couldn’t believe this beautiful woman was his bride. He couldn’t believe that she had ever agreed to spend the rest of her life with him. He placed his hand over her heart and looked deep into her eyes “My love” he whispered. He gazed at his hand as it slid down her flat belly incased In the sating dress down to her waist and around to the small of her back. He guided her over to a table that had some associates sitting there with their drinks. “Jack, Sam, Janice this is my Sara. Sara these are some of the clowns I work with. Sara gazed up at Chris then back to the table. “Nice to meet you all.” She said as she took the seat Chris held out for her. He was looking as handsome as ever in his tux. She realized she hadn’t actually seen it on him till now. He wasn’t the only one surprised tonight she realized. They made small talk with his work associates for a while until Chris asked her to dance with him. How could she refuse? He led her to the center of the makeshift dance floor, spun her around and pulled her close to him. The hand on her bareback felt hot, or she was over heating, she wasn’t sure which. Gazing up at him she said the only thing that seemed to fit the moment. “I love you Chris.” He gazed back down at her, into her eyes and with the ever-present smile on his face told her the words she needed to hear, “I know”. And he kissed her. She thought that maybe the kiss went a little to long for public and it was confirmed when an elderly Gentleman Chris later introduced as Jeff Scott danced near enough to them to tell them to “get a room.” Chris looked over at his boss and laughed. “Thanks boss. You really know how to make an intimate moment feel awkward.” “It’s not awkward unless you make it awkward my boy.” The older man replied and danced away with a woman Sara assumed was his wife to a different part of the floor. Chris chuckled. “Hungry sweetie?” He asked. Sara realized she hadn’t had anything to eat since before noon. “Famished” she said and the statement was punctuated by a growling in her stomach. “Sweet. They are serving a full course meal here in a bit, but they have appetizers to hold you over, let’s grab something. Chris danced them to the edge of the dance floor and right up next to an elaborate table that contained every finger food known to man. “Holy hell Chris. This is only the appetizers?!” she asked while taking in the massive spread of various types of foods laid out before her. Remembering this was a formal function, she had to restrain herself from loading up a massive plate of the food, instead settling on some shrimp and a couple small sandwiches. An elderly guy was at the end of the line and asked if she wanted some caviar, which you politely refused. “Fish eggs? Yuck” she whispered to Chris so as to not offend anyone. “It’s an acquired taste love. One taste I have never acquired myself.” He said as he too passed on the clump of little black balls.

  After taking a respectable level of hors d’oeuvres and a flute of Champaign, they made their way back to their table. The conversation turned to the presidential candidates and finally to cases each attorney was working on. Sara would have been bored out of her mind if it wasn’t for her date being there. “Look, Charlie Witherton has had one to many drinks already.” Chris whispered to her as he pointed across the room. Sara followed his finger and saw Charlie was a young lady who was sitting on the lap of a guy Sara figured was 10 to 15 years her senior and whooping it up. Apparently the lap guy also lost his tie, which was now dangling off the forehead of a very intoxicated Charlie. Before Sara could ask, Chris filled her in “Charlie is the secretary to the guy sitting across the table from her and Don. See, the one with his hand over his face? Charlie was his date tonight. They’ve been on again off again for a couple of years now. Looks like they are currently in the “off again” category.” Sara could do nothing more than watch Charlie and shake her head. The night reeled by quickly. As the 11:00 o’clock hour got closer, people got more into their cups. Soon, Charlie wasn’t the only one making a spectacle of herself. Sara glanced up at the clock when the people started getting really animated. She looked at Chris “11:50 she said. Make a wish for the new year.” Chris looked back “I already have everything I’ve wished for, one must not be too greedy.” The wait staff came around filling everyone’s flutes and as the last 30 seconds of the old year ticked away, people paired up for the midnight kiss. Sara glanced over; sure enough Charlie wasn’t in line to kiss the guy that brought her. Instead, she favored one of the other female secretaries. She pointed it out to Chris who only shook his head and whispered in her ear “There will be hell to pay tomorrow.” Sara grimaced at him and turned her attention towards the clock as everyone began counting down the last 10 seconds. At the stroke of minute she leaned into Chris for the most passionate kiss she could give him. She wanted to show him in every way just how much she loved him. How vital he was to her. How much she needed him. After one o’clock the party started winding down and people began to depart to the places the morning sun would find them. Chris took her by the hand and began walking towards the door. They retrieved their coats and made their way into the cold night air.

  It was lucky for them that the party and their apartment were only a few blocks apart. The snow storm was in full swing and walking in heels in the snow was not Sara’s idea of a good time but thankfully the sidewalks stayed clear. Chris offered his arm for support just in case they happened upon some ice. She enjoyed the slow pace they were walking. It gave her time to take in the city’s life. She watched as people that were still out and about at this hour hustled from one bar to the next. Seeking shelter from the snow, trying to find a place to warm up and some looking for a warm body to fill the cold side of their bed, if even for a night. She didn’t relish these people’s life style. With or without Chris, she could never live like that. Her father was an alcoholic and she saw how that addiction could destroy not just the drinker, but also the people that cared about them. She has always been thankful that neither she nor Chris was much into drinking. She was no booze prude by any means, but neither of them ever drank to excess or even drank very often. When they did have a drink, it was at formal functions o
r in the privacy of their own home.

  The snow was still coming down in massive flakes. It was collecting on the awnings and building tops. Sara assumed by morning it would have started collecting on the sidewalks and streets. The morning commute would be a real pain in the ass. She felt even luckier to be able to work from home. She stopped when she heard raised voices coming from the other side of the street. Chris pulled up short and looked at her with confusion written all over his face. Sara watched as a bigger guy in nothing but an old dirty t-shirt and jeans was yelling at and berating the woman standing in front of him. She couldn’t really make out the words, nor did she care to. It was a scene too often played out in her childhood. Except her dad wouldn’t just stop at words, he would slap her mom around also. Sara watched, feeling the need to go and help the woman if the guy raised a hand to her. “How could anyone let themselves get so bent on life that they give up and crawl into a syringe or a bottle of booze?” she wondered out loud. “Who knows sweetheart, but it is their life. Their choice to live it however they see fit.” Chris said, not taking his eyes off the scene across the street. “That’s no life Chris. It’s obviously not death, but it’s not life either. It’s somewhere in between.” As Sara finished speaking, there came a loud slapping sound from the scene at the bar entrance. Sara turned in time to see the woman fall to the cold pavement. Before she could tense her leg muscles for the run, Chris bolted across the street and tackled the guy. Two others jumped on the woman beater and the three of them got him pinned down while someone inside presumably called 911. Sara realized that running in this dress would have been impossible and odds are she would have tripped and fallen in the street had she tried. So Chris saved the woman from a beating, and saved Sara’s pride. After Chris knew the other two men had the violent drunk down, he helped the lady up. Sara got a better look at her. She too looked as if life had beaten her down. Her eyes were cold and void. The light caste by the neon signs washed out any color she may have had in her hair and skin. She felt bad for the woman, but in the end, the woman had to want a change or this cycle would continue. Chris came back over to her and they continued the walk home.


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