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Preacher: Sons of Sangue

Page 2

by Patricia A. Rasey

  Jesus, Mary, and Joseph and all that he held holy.

  He was going to hell.

  Chapter 2

  “If the front of your jeans is any indication—”

  Bobby gripped her beneath her armpits, stopping her in mid-sentence, and easily lifted her from his lap. Tena was no lightweight, so she was a bit surprised with the ease in which he had handled her.

  “Let’s get something straight, Tena,”—Bobby set her on her feet, stood, and backed away—“one night and you’re back on the road. This attraction, this thing, it isn’t going to happen.”

  “Why?” She wet her lips, drawing his deep blue gaze. Funny, they looked a shade or two darker than a moment ago. “We’re two consenting adults. No one will judge us.”

  “It’s not their judgment I’m worried about.”

  “Seriously?” Tena knew about his past as a minister, but he had left that behind and joined an outlaw motorcycle club. Surely, he had committed far worse sins. “Are you telling me you practice abstinence?”

  Which would be a damn shame. His sculpted arms would make a Greek statute weep from the injustice, for crying out loud. Not to mention the pecs and abs he tried unsuccessfully to hide beneath his white tank. The man had a drool-worthy body, one meant to be touched. And oh, she wanted to in the worst way. He had twin crosses on his deltoids, making her want to explore the rest of his naked flesh for more, preferably with her tongue.

  Bobby ran a hand through his overlong, black bangs and pushed them from his face, bringing back her attention. Focus. The sides of his hair had been styled with a severe undercut, giving him that intense look. He had never looked sexier or more bothered. Something disturbed him and she’d lay odds it had little to do with his spirituality, or what they might or might not do between the sheets.

  “Spill it, big guy.”

  His gaze snapped to hers. “There’s nothing to tell, Tena. You weren’t there. You didn’t see the carnage when your friend Kimber had been kidnapped, for which I am guilty. I damn near got her killed. Hell, I should’ve died.”

  “Kimber told me all about your old MC president going off the deep end. You were following his orders, Preacher. You had no idea what he had planned.”

  Placing his hands on his hips, Bobby looked to the wooden floor and his bare feet. His black bangs fell over his forehead and hid his expression. At least now she had some insight into why he had left Oregon. He obviously carried a lot of guilt over taking Kimber to the Devils MC President. But that’s not how it all went down. Kimber James, her coworker, and good friend, hadn’t been exactly forthcoming with all the details. Apparently, her sexy-as-sin boyfriend had come in to save the day, single-handedly taking out the four Devils.

  Kimber, Anton “Rogue” Balan, and Bobby had walked away from the carnage that day. The place had been torched, destroying most of the evidence. There was nothing left linking any of the members of the Sons of Sangue to the scene. The cops arrived and wrote it off as a turf war, which probably wasn’t a stretch from the truth. Following the incident, Bobby left his MC, the Devils, behind and had become an honorary Sons of Sangue member. According to Kimber, he hadn’t had to go through the process of being a prospect first, which left Tena confused as to why he’d leave behind his new MC when they had taken him in and embraced him.

  She was finally starting to get the picture.

  “You can’t keep blaming yourself.” She dug her toes into her foam flip-flops to keep from going to him. She didn’t suppose, at the moment, he’d welcome her comfort. “Sure, you kidnapped Kimber. But had you not done what you were told, someone else would have. Someone who wouldn’t have had her best interest at heart. Kimber said you got shot protecting her. You could’ve been killed.”

  He looked back at her, his jaw hardening. “I’m nobody’s hero, Tena, and if you wouldn’t mind, I’d rather not talk about it.”

  “Fine. We can drop it … for now. But you know as well as I do, you don’t belong here.”

  “Just where the hell do you think I belong? With you?”

  Tena smirked. Bobby was throwing everything he had at her, attempting to push her away. It wasn’t going to work. He may think he didn’t need anyone. She knew better.

  “You belong with your MC brothers, Preacher. If anyone knows what you’re going through, it’s them. If you won’t let me help you through this, then allow them to.”

  Bobby chuckled, the humor falling short. “You think you have it all figured out? You don’t know shit, Tena. While I appreciate your concern, it’s not what I want. Coming here wasn’t a way for me to somehow come to terms with what I’ve done. I can’t begin to atone for all my sins. I came here to forget what I’ve become. And that isn’t something you’re ready for. So please do us both a favor and stop trying to figure out what drove me clear across the continent. When I’m ready to go home, I will. Rest assured, I still believe the west coast is my home.”

  He ran both hands through his hair, letting out a slow breath. His gaze bore the pain of whatever lay beneath his icy blue irises. She doubted more prodding on her part would gain her anything, other than a quick trip back across the continent.

  “Look, I said you could spend the night. Why don’t we try to get through this without drama? You and Chad can have my bed. I’ll sleep on the anti-gravity chair out on the deck. Come morning, you and Chad can get a well-rested early start.”

  Tena wasn’t about to start an argument, but she had no intention of leaving come the first rays of dawn. She’d concede tonight and allow him to believe he had won the battle. But tomorrow was a new day, and a whole new set of arguments. Bobby found her attractive, of that she was positive. If she had to, she’d play dirty. He wasn’t about to kick them to the curb, and she wasn’t going home without him. Time to tame the beast—two-hundred-and-fifty some pounds of solid muscle.

  Running a hand down his long beard, he eyed her curiously. “You haven’t said anything yet. Do we have a deal, Tena?”

  She grumbled. “Fine. You have a deal.”

  Tena bit the inside of her lip to keep from smiling and crossed her fingers behind her back. Childish? Absolutely. But it did make her feel better about lying to him. She had no intention of heading back to Oregon without him. They had shared a special bond on the west coast. That was before he acted on his then MC’s order to kidnap Kimber. Following everything that had gone down at the diner, Bobby had all but disappeared, closed himself off from her and became unavailable … until his phone call. If he truly hadn’t wanted her, why disclose his whereabouts? Sure, she had coaxed the information from him, but Tena hadn’t needed any more of an invitation.

  “Good.” His whiskers rose with his grin. “How about we put all the bullshit behind us and enjoy this sunny day? I’m sure Chad will return any moment with your iced lattes. I don’t know how you can drink that shit.”

  “You could probably use some of that sweetener.”

  “I doubt sugar would do me a lick of good, doll face.” His humor took the edge off his cold gaze. That was the Bobby she remembered and had fallen for. Not the anger filled man who had greeted her at the door.

  “You know I could offer you another kind of sugar—”


  “Fine.” She raised her hands. “I’ll keep the sexual references to a minimum.”

  “Empty promises, I’m sure.” Bobby winked at her. “Head on out to the deck and make yourself comfortable. I’m going to get me a cup of black coffee.”

  Tena turned and drew up short, just shy of the door. A petite blonde ambled up the path from the beach and stepped onto the deck. A blonde Tena recognized from being a regular at the Blood ‘n’ Rave back in Oregon.

  What the hell was she doing in Maine?

  Tena glanced back to the tiny kitchen area, where Bobby poured himself a cup of steaming hot coffee. “Preacher?”

  He set the mug on the counter and glanced up.

  Using her thumb, she pointed over her shoulder toward the outdoor
space. “You want to explain her?”

  Chapter 3

  Setting the carafe back on the hot plate, Bobby cursed beneath his breath. Things were about to take a turn for the ugly—the real ugly. It wasn’t as if he hadn’t expected Ivy to make her way back at any given moment. He had just hoped to broach the topic first with Tena. Her expression spoke of her recognition. Considering there was only his motorcycle sitting out front, he had a little explaining to do.

  Her chocolate gaze moistened. She drew her lower lip between her teeth.

  Okay, a whole hell of a lot of explaining.

  Not his fault.

  He hadn’t asked for Tena’s presence. Yet, here she stood. Under different circumstances, he’d be damn glad to have her company. There was so much he liked about her, the way she tucked her hair behind her ear and looked away when he made her nervous, the way her smile shown in her eyes, the way her laugh turned infectious, and yes, the way her presence alone tugged at his groin.

  But none of that mattered.

  He wasn’t the same person she had met back in Oregon. He had changed and not in a small insignificant way. He drank blood, tapped arteries, for heaven’s sake. Maybe the best opportunity to get rid of her had simply presented itself. Tena could think the worst of him. She and Chad could get on the road, no arguments.

  Ivy had given him an out.

  Damn, he already hated himself.

  Hurting Tena wasn’t something he wanted to do.

  A lone tear slipped from her lashes and made its way down her cheek, cutting him straight to the heart. Without even trying, he had managed to become the biggest ass to have ever walked into her life. She’d not likely forgive him when all was said and done. Not that he could blame her. Bobby couldn’t begin to wrap his head about it being the best for all involved, but it sure in the hell was for Tena.

  Ivy opened the door, and waltzed in, glancing curiously at Tena. Bobby hoped like hell Ivy kept her lips zipped and followed his lead. Tena may not like him much in the end, but at least she’d be spared of the whole bloodsucker thing. Her disdain he could live with, revulsion was another matter.

  Before he could change his mind, Bobby skirted the breakfast nook and strode over to Ivy, draping his arm over her shoulders. Ivy glanced at him, her brows knitting above the bridge of her nose. Not giving her time to ask him what the hell he was up to, he lowered his head and slanted his lips over hers. Thankfully, she complied and didn’t pull away.

  He broke the kiss but kept her tucked to his side. “What took you so long, babe?”

  Tena stiffened her spine and squared her shoulders, swiping at the watery trail left by her tears. One more thing to add to the list of things he liked about her, her bravado.

  “I was…” Ivy glanced quickly at Tena, seemingly trying to catch up mentally. “I was taking my time, strolling along the beach. Maybe, you should’ve … uh, come with me?”

  Bobby had to hand it to Ivy. She was playing her part well for someone not given a script. “Tena and her friend Chad stopped by. Chad went to the little coffee shop around the corner to get them a couple iced coffees. I offered them a place to stay for the night. I hope you don’t mind.”

  “Tena from Oregon? Your—”

  “Yes,” he quickly cut her off from saying something like your Tena.

  “A place to stay won’t be necessary.” Tena wiped the wetness from her cheek again. “I’m sorry I made this awkward. It wasn’t my intention. I had no idea … Ivy, is it?”

  “Do we know each other? You do look familiar to me.”

  “I’ve been to the Rave a few times.”

  “So you know the owner then? Draven?”

  Bobby elbowed Ivy’s side, earning him a grunt and a dirty look.

  “I don’t know Draven personally.”

  Bobby leaned down and whispered into Ivy’s ear that maybe she should excuse herself to the restroom and allow him to handle the rest. Apparently, Ivy was hinting at the donor society she belonged to, the private society which fed the vampires. He supposed she was trying to do Bobby a favor. After all, if Tena became a donor, then there would be no need for secrecy. Bobby would be free to be with Tena as his donor and artery provider.

  There was one problem with her plan.

  Tena had no fucking clue vampires existed.

  Without Bobby having mastered hypnotism, if they told Tena and she freaked out, there would be no fixing it, no way to erase her memory of it. Damn his newbie hide.

  “Look, Tena…” Bobby began as Ivy took her leave.

  She shook her head. “Don’t do this, Preacher. I don’t want to hear your it’s been nice speech. I had no idea that you and Ivy… Never mind. As soon as Chad gets back, we’ll be on the road.”

  “And where will you go?” His voice wavered in his rising anger. He had caused this. “You said yourself, there probably isn’t a hotel to be had in this town without notice. Stay here for the night, then you and Chad can head out in the morning as planned.”

  She tipped her head to the floor and took a few deep breaths. When she looked back at him, the moisture was gone in them. “This was my hatched plan to come out here and see for myself that you were okay. I didn’t tell you I was coming. My fault. You and Ivy… Wow, what can I say? I just didn’t see it coming.”

  Bobby wanted to wrap his arms around her, tell her he thought of no one else. Instead, he placed his hand on her shoulder. “I’m sorry, Tena.”

  “Don’t be. I’m the one who was living a fantasy.”

  Chad opened the screen door, his gaze landing on Tena. “Did I miss something?”

  “No.” Tena stepped back from Bobby and took one of the iced lattes from his hand. “We were just leaving. Turns out there isn’t enough room here to stay the night.”

  Bobby watched as she turned and exited the cottage without a backward glance.

  Chad narrowed his gaze at Bobby. “What the hell, man?”

  “Not in the mood, Chad.” Bobby took a deep breath. “You take care of her. She’s going to need a shoulder.”

  Not giving Chad a chance to respond, he led him to the door and opened it. Tena sat in the passenger seat of their car, head bowed. Chad took one last look at Bobby, shook his head, then took the stairs and headed for the car. Bobby turned, headed for the kitchen nook and grabbed his coffee. He took the mug to his lips and sipped, hating every fiber of his vampire being. Would it do him any good, he’d call Anton and give him a piece of his mind. He should’ve left him to die that day in the cafe. Bobby was no better than his former MC club members.

  He deserved nothing more.

  Chapter 4

  “You just say the word, girlfriend, and I’ll go back and kick his Bear-alicious ass.”

  Tena couldn’t help but chuckle, hearing the moniker they had given Bobby back in Oregon. Big as a bear and delicious as a popsicle on a hot sunny afternoon. The only ass that would be getting kicked, should he go toe-to-toe with Bobby, would be Chad’s and he likely knew it. Which made his offer all the more endearing.

  “Just drive, Chad. There won’t be any need to throw a punch today. Coming here was my idea. It wasn’t as if he had thrown out an invite.” She glanced at the quaint little cottage and swore she saw the curtain move in the kitchen window. “Let’s hope we can find somewhere to rent for the night before heading back to Oregon. We definitely should take a day to relax, and get a good night of sleep before we hit the road again. I’m sorry I wasted your time.”

  “Nonsense.” He reached over and patted her knee. “It’s been a fun adventure. Who doesn’t like a road trip?”

  “Answer me this, Chad,” her voice wobbled.

  “Anything, girlfriend.”

  “Why the hell do you have to be batting for the other team?”

  Chad laughed as he started the car, threw it into reverse, and backed out onto the road. “You don’t have the body parts I’m looking for. If you did, I’d be all over you.”

  Tena glanced back at the beach house and fought
the moisture gathering in her eyes. She would not cry. “Thank you for saying that.”

  Chad smiled, though she did detect a bit of pity in his light brown eyes, then returned his gaze to the road. “Let’s find us a dive motel, preferably within walking distance to the beach. Maybe we’ll take a few days before heading back. I could use a little downtime and some sunshine therapy. By the looks of your forlorn expression, you could as well.”

  “I’ll be fine.”

  “You keep telling yourself that.” He pulled up to a stop sign and looked at her. “You really liked this one. Hell, we just drove across the whole continent, so I know damn well it’s got to hurt. You ask me, though, something’s not right back there. I saw how he treated you in Oregon. That man had it bad for you.

  “And trust me, girlfriend,” he added in his best sing-song voice, “I’m quite good at reading guys. Now all of a sudden, this blonde just steps in and takes over? Nope. I’m not buying it.”

  “You should’ve seen the way he kissed her. I’m not blind or stupid.” Tena toyed with the hem of her white blouse, looking to her lap. Honestly, she didn’t disagree with Chad’s assessment. She was pretty sure Bobby had been into her. So what changed? “How about we stop talking about Preacher and find us a place to stay? We’ll have a few days at the beach, share some drinks and laughs, then head back to Oregon.”

  “Now you’re talking my language. Maybe, if we are really lucky, we can find some hot, muscular men with great asses running on the beach.” Chad hummed. “You think they wear Speedos here?”

  “God, I hope not.” Tena groaned.

  Two hours later, they found themselves a tiny studio rental with a hideaway bed they could share. There wasn’t a whole lot to the place other than the sofa bed, kitchenette, and a bathroom so tiny you could wash your hands while you sat on the commode. Tena didn’t plan on spending much time inside anyway. She was here to worship the sun. A little drugstore sat adjacent to their rental’s parking lot, where she stocked up on sunscreen. Chad may have refused the SPF 50, but she wasn’t about to wind up being mistaken for a Maine lobster.


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