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Among Ash and Ember: A New Adult Romance

Page 10

by René, Dani

  “I’m sorry, Kat. I’m so fucking sorry.” I tell the empty space of the elevator once I’m shut in alone. Guilt sits in my gut like a poison, and I wonder if she’ll ever forgive us for this once she learns the truth.


  My bed is lumpy when I roll onto my back.

  The sun is peeking through the window, but I keep my eyes closed, not wanting to face reality just yet. After Ash brought me home last night, he dropped me off and waited until I was inside before driving away. Once he was gone, I could breathe again.

  Even though I was in bed by midnight, my mind ran in circles well into the early hours of this morning. Every negative thought and every positive outcome have flitted through my imagination. I should feel happy, but even with their promise, I feel like something is wrong. As if there’s a storm approaching and I’ll be among the debris left behind, swished this way and that.

  If I sign the contract, I really have no idea what I’m getting myself into. All I do know is I’ll be able to go to school. I’m desperate. In times of need, we tend to do stupid things and make rash decisions. And that’s why I have to take time today to read through each page and make sure I’m comfortable.

  Agreeing to allow them to pay is one thing, but moving into a house with two men who I have only seen on occasion? That’s something else entirely.

  “Mama, what do I do?”

  I’ve been thinking about how to tell Maria I no longer want to work for her. I gave myself twelve months, and now, after a short time, I have an option to walk away. As much as I want to say yes, I’m also aware that I need to be careful. I grew up too quickly, and even though I’m still a teenager, I’m more aware of the world around me. More so than if I had my parents watching out for me all the time.

  I know what Ash and Ember are giving me will secure my future. One that will allow my dreams to come true. For the first time in a long while, there’s light at the end of the tunnel. And having a chance at a better life gives me a flicker of hope.

  I take a long look around the room. The space and everything in it is merely for convenience. I have no emotional attachment to anything in this bedroom, aside from the box of photos under my bed. They’re the only part of my family I have left.

  Two years feels like a lifetime without my parents. I try once more to recall my father’s laugh, my mother’s melodic giggle, but both have faded as if they’d burned to ash along with the store my father put his heart and soul into.

  The night two police officers told me the news, I became detached from everything around me. Nothing had prepared me for actually walking up to the site and seeing the destruction the fire left in its path.

  The police had ruled it an accident. A gas leak is what they’d said after the investigation. Something that could’ve been missed. The police confirmed the pipe had needed repair.

  Even though my father was meticulous in his work and had far too much pride in his store to miss a problem when it cropped up, I later learned he wasn’t the man I thought he was.

  Tired of rehashing the past, I push off the bed. I slowly pad over to the closet and pull open the doors. I grab my toothbrush, along with my small toiletry bag, and head into the shared bathroom.

  After freshening up, I’m in my room pulling on a jumper when Isobel saunters in as she’s done so many times before.

  “Where are you off to?” Her question stills me, and I meet her curious gaze. When I was lonely, with nowhere to go, she offered me a chance at trying to make it on my own. And now, I’m considering leaving and moving in with Ash and Ember.

  Am I? Perhaps, yes. Would I be able to walk into their house and feel at home? I don’t know.

  “I . . .” Unsure of what to tell her, I gift her a smile, a fake one, and tell her a story. “I’m heading out with a friend. I may have a chance of going to school, and he’s going to show me around.” With every word I utter, the lies burn my tongue, reminding me the more I voice them, the deeper I’m digging into a hole I may not be able to come back from. And the guilt that weighs on me is cumbersome.

  “Oh?” Her dark brows furrow. “Just like that?”

  Meeting her gaze, I sigh, realizing I have to give her something. Anything. “I am not moving out. I’m still deciding how it’s going to work, but he’s offering to pay for my studies. I can’t deny I’m struggling with everything right now and it seems like a good opportunity. A scholarship. Something I’ve been praying for since I was a kid.” I sit on the bed before reaching for her hand. “It’s the first time I feel as if I have a chance at a normal life.”

  She smiles, squeezing my fingers, and then pulls me into a hug. Her arms wrap around me, and I allow her to hold me. Her affection causes my eyes to burn with emotion forcing me to blink back the tears.

  “Okay, as long as you don’t make a rash decision. You can stay here as long as you need.” She grins. Pulling away and meeting my gaze, Isobel winks. “Tell me, is this friend of yours hot?”

  I can’t help but laugh at her question. How do I even explain Ember and Ash? They’re both perfect, both beautiful, and I realize I don’t want to share them with anyone.

  “He’s . . . I don’t know, different.” My cheeks heat with embarrassment.

  Her gaze narrows with a glare before she responds, “Different? Oh my god, he’s not some weirdo who lives in a dungeon or something?”

  The giggle that bubbles in my chest tumbles from my lips. I can’t deny I’m curious as to what their home looks like. I’m sure it’s big—bigger than I’m used to. Excitement slowly trickles through me, knowing that I’m going to be seeing it today.

  “Well, I’ll let you know,” I tell her, “If I do decide to leave, I’ll always keep in contact with you. You’ve been the best friend I’ve had.”

  It’s not a line to get her off my back; I mean it. I would like to have someone to confide in. Maybe Bel can be my voice of reason. I have a feeling I’ll need someone to talk to. I’m out of my depth. I’m caught among Ash and Ember—their charismatic ways, attractive smiles, and intoxicating personalities.

  “I’d like that. I haven’t really connected with anyone since I’ve been living here,” Isobel confesses in a tone that’s filled with so much sadness, it matches my own.

  “Listen to me.” I lean in, offering her a smile, one that I really feel. It’s easy to paste on a fake grin or offer a laugh that’s forced, but right now, in this moment, I feel it down to my very soul. “We’ll both be okay. I’m always here if you need me.”

  “Thanks, Kat. I appreciate it.” She smiles, leaning back on my bed. “Tell me about your friend. Is he single? Does he have any friends who are looking to meet up?” She laughs.

  I’m about to respond when a knock at the door sounds, startling me. I head toward it and pull it open, thinking it’s one of the girls, but it’s not. The pair of eyes that meet mine is the brightest, most beautiful startling green.

  “Ms. Nielsen.” He smiles. Ember Addington. “I trust you’re well this morning. I’m a little earlier than expected.”

  “Ember, I . . . I . . . yeah.” Cringing at the way I’m bumbling my words, I step back, allowing him to enter the room. It’s a mess, and I can’t help burning with embarrassment when he steps into the room and leans down to pick up a fluorescent pink bra. I snatch it from his fingers before shoving it into a drawer.

  “Hi,” Isobel greets and smiles at Ember. He’s intoxicating to the point of distraction. “I’m Bel.”

  “It’s lovely to meet you, Bel.” Ember grins. Taking her hand, he places a small kiss on her knuckles, as if we’ve just stepped into the nineteenth century. “I didn’t realize Katerina had a friend here.”

  “Oh, we’ve known each other for a short time, but she’s my girl.” Isobel smiles. “And if anything happens to her . . .” The threat she doesn’t voice tapers into silence, causing me to cringe inwardly.

  “She’ll be well taken care of. I give you my word.” He offers her one of his signature smirks, that shows
off his dimples in each cheek. The same one he gave me the night of our date. He’s dangerous, seductive, and charming in one attractive package.

  “I’m almost ready,” I blurt out.

  Ember turns to regard me with a smile. “I can wait. Ash is at the office, so there’s no rush. Did you need some . . .” He picks up another bra which is lying on the bed, a black lace one, and smirks at me when my cheeks warm with a blush. “. . . help?”

  “No, just grabbing my purse and then we can leave.”

  “Kat, I’ll see you soon.” Isobel smiles, pressing a kiss to my cheek. “I’m only a phone call away,” she whispers. She doesn’t need to finish her promise because it’s there. A friendship that I never thought I would have.

  Once I’m alone with Ember, he looks over at me. “Don’t be scared.” Ember winks playfully. “You’re safe with us. And today, it’s merely a tour of the house. I’ll show you where you would be able to set up your own space.” There’s that affectionate grin again. The one lingering glance that makes my stomach tumble wildly.

  “I’m not scared; not right now at least. I think I’m nervous.”

  “Something tells me you’re stronger than both of us put together. If we can assure you of one thing—being in our home would be the same as living here with the girls. With the exception that we’re just a little more on the rugged side.” He teases, eliciting a laugh from me. The ease with which he consumes my attention lightens the rigidity in my shoulders.

  Ember stalks toward me where I’m standing between the boxes and suitcases which I still haven’t unpacked. He places his index finger under my chin, tipping my head backward. Green eyes pierce me, holding me hostage, and my breath catches in my throat. My heartbeat is wild and erratic, slamming against my ribs. “How about you trust me?”

  I can’t help a smile tilting my lips before responding easily, “Trust is something that’s earned.”

  He tips his head to the side as if considering my response with a grin on his face and I know if I’d said that to Ash, the reaction would be so different. He finally nods. “True. But we’re giving you a dream. How about the benefit of the doubt?” he counters with a smirk.

  “You have that for now. I’ve agreed to go to your house today. Haven’t I?”

  “Good girl.” He smiles, and I can’t move. Not right now while he's pinning me with a gaze so intense, so arresting, that I'm unable to formulate a proper comeback.

  That makes me wonder if I’ll ever be able to say no to Ash, Ember, or their offer.


  The car pulls up a long drive, and I’m in awe of the house before us. Two floors of open brick reach toward the sky. There’s a wraparound balcony on the second floor which is made of white metal. At least, that’s what it looks like from here. “This is amazing,” I tell Ember, who’s smiling beside me.

  “Let’s go inside. I promise it only gets better.” He offers me a hand, and we exit the vehicle. The driver disappears toward the garage, and soon, Ember is escorting me to the house, which is even more breathtaking inside.

  The entrance foyer is vast with white marble tiles. Paintings hang along the walls, which I pause to take in with awe. I’m sure they’re more expensive than anything my parents ever had, probably even more than the entire house I grew up in.

  “Let me show you the living spaces,” Ember offers with a grin, tugging me along behind him. My gaze can’t flit fast enough to take everything in. The white tiles follow us through to the kitchen where everything is ceramic, steel, and marble.

  “I’ve never been in such an opulent place before.”

  “There’s more.” He winks, and I follow him through to the living room which has floor-to-ceiling windows that overlook the back garden. The furniture is older here, more for comfort than luxury. Dark leather, with hundreds of cushions in either corner. There are three sofas, one wingback chair, and a fireplace which holds photos on the mantle, along with a painting of what looks like the garden just on the other side of the windows hanging on the wall.

  There’s a dark carpet under a glass coffee table, and it momentarily takes me back to my old living room and the table my mother was so proud of. Instantly, my heart aches, and I’m blinking back tears.

  “Hey.” Ember rushes to me, and his hands grip my shoulders, his green eyes peeking into my gray ones. “I didn’t mean to upset you.”

  “It’s okay, just . . . sometimes my memories are more painful than I care to admit.” My honesty has him nodding.

  “Yes, I know that far too well,” Ember tells me forlornly, and I wonder if he’s talking about losing his parents. “Let’s go upstairs. I can show you what would be your bedroom if you decided to move in.”

  He looks so excited, and I don’t want to deny him. The sun streams through the windows on the south side of the house, and I can imagine basking in the warmth here on a sunny afternoon while getting lost in a book.

  When we climb the staircase, I can’t help but gasp at the amount of art on the walls. Every panel is filled with an exquisite piece. The carpet is soft underfoot, and our steps are silent as we make our way down the hall.

  “This is the west wing; Ash is on the east along with me. You’ll have this section to yourself, so you’ll have more space than in your current house,” he explains as he pushes open a door and allows me to step inside. “This will be yours.”

  My bedroom.

  It’s decked in white and soft cream, deep burnt orange, and dark red. There are dark roses on the curtains, almost as if the petals had been burned. Along with the white furniture, the contrast of colors makes the space breathtaking. With a window seat which overlooks the forest behind the mansion and a large swimming pool, I can’t help but wonder what I did to deserve this.

  It’s beautiful and different, and it fits me more than they both know.

  “This is incredible, Ember,” I tell him.

  “But?” Mischief dances in his expression.

  I settle on the window seat, my mind still racing in a few hundred different directions. I meet his inquisitive gaze. “I can’t move into your home when I barely know you both,” I tell him. “Like I said, I’ve been taught to trust only when it’s earned, and right now, I’m more wary about why I’m your pet project.”

  “Fair enough.” He grins. “For a long time, I’ve stayed alone in this house. Ash would be out at the hotel, and I’d be here, with my paintings.” Ember sits on the mattress, not too far from me, but he offers enough space to make me feel less nervous. There’s a sadness in his tone, and I wonder what’s brought it on.

  Tipping my head to the side, I regard him. “You don’t have a girlfriend?”

  He shakes his head. “Never wanted one. If I wanted a release, I’d pay for it, and move on. I’m not made to love someone, Kat.”

  Shock lances my chest, “What? Why? Anyone can love, and you’ve certainly showed you care for people.” I don’t know why I feel utter devastation, for someone to not have any inkling for love or a relationship causes me to wonder what happened to him.

  He sighs, scrubbing his hand over his jaw while keeping his eyes on the carpet he answers. “My focus is always my brother. He’s so broken, at times I wonder if he’ll turn into my father.” Ember glances at me and says, “I want him to have a forever. I don’t have that option. Not right now.”

  My brows furrow. It sounds like he’s speaking in riddles. It doesn’t make sense to me that he wouldn’t be able to find someone who loves him. “I don’t understand.”

  “I can’t explain it, Kat. Just allow me this, please,” he pleads with fervor.

  “Okay.” I offer him a sad smile before asking, “Tell me about Ash?”

  His eyes narrow on me, and I realize I’ve given away my interest. Perhaps it wasn’t very subtle, but I do want to get to know Ash better. He’s intriguing. Mystery cloaks him, and I can’t deny I’d like to uncover it.

  “My brother is . . . hard work.”

  “I don’t doubt that.” I
smile, and for the first time since I walked into the house, I feel at ease. Like I belong here.

  “Why don’t we make lunch, and I’ll tell you whatever you’d like to know?” He rises, gesturing with his head for me to follow, and I do.

  In the kitchen, Ember places ingredients on the island in the center of the room and tells me to sit on the stool. “Would you like to make cookies while I make us some sandwiches?”

  Nodding, I tell him, “I used to love baking with my mother.” While I open the containers and packets of ingredients, I question, “So, tell me about you, before we get to Ash.”

  “Well, I grew up with a twin brother, as you know. We loved pranking each other as kids. But as we got older, Ash was always irresponsible in his choices, and there were so many times I wondered if he’d ever want to take over the company.”

  “Why did he?”

  Ember glances my way. “Because he was the better choice.” The mischievous smile that adorns his handsome face makes him seem younger than I know he is. With a wink, he adds, “he will always be a better choice.” His comment tells me he’s no longer just talking about the company.

  “What about you?” I change direction.

  He smiles, wistfully. Something is hiding behind those green eyes, and I find myself curious as to what it could possibly be. Ember is like a flame, and I’m a moth, wanting to get closer, to learn who he is. But as much as I want to fly toward the light, Ash makes me burn from the inside. Vastly different emotions, from two very different men.

  “I’m not a leader. I prefer to be behind the scenes.”

  “Any past relationships? Ever wanted to be more like your brother?” My questions tumble freely, I shouldn't be so forward, but I can’t stop myself.

  He laughs out loud at my question. “You’re really going in for the kill there. I’ve never wanted a relationship. My father taught us business comes first, but deep down, I don’t want to leave my brother. I think if I weren’t around, he’d fall into the darkness same as my father after my mother died.” He shakes his head, his expression turning sad.


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