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The Crisis of Rome

Page 32

by Gareth Sampson

  The Northern Wars

  Alföldy, G, ‘Des Territories Occupés par les Scordisques’, Acta Antiqua Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 12, 1964, 107–127

  Beckers, W, ‘Die Völkerschaften der Teutonen und Kimbern in der Neueren Forshung’, Rheinisches Museum für Philologie 88, 1939, 52–122

  Cagniart, P, ‘L. Cornelius Sulla’s Quarrel with C. Marius at the time of the Germanic Invasions (104–101 B.C.), Athenaeum 67, 1989, 139–149

  Carney, T, ‘Marius Choice of Battle-field in the Campaign of 101’, Athenaeum 36, 1958, 229–237

  Demougeot, E, ‘L’invasion des Cimbres-Teutones-Ambrones et le Romains’, Latomus 37, 1978, 910–938

  Donnadieu, A, ‘Campagne de Marius dans la Gaule Narbonnaise (104–102 av.

  J.-C.)’, Revue des Études Anciennes 56, 1954, 281–296

  Ellis, P, Celt and Roman, The Celts in Italy (London, 1998)

  Elston, S, The Earliest Relations between Celts and Germans (London, 1934)

  Evans, R, ‘Rome’s Cimbric Wars (114–101 BC) and their Impact in the Iberia Peninsula’, Acta Classica 48, 2005, 37–56

  _______, ‘Gaius and Marus in Iberia and Gaul: Family Affairs and Provincial Clients’, Acta Classica 50, 2008, 77–90

  Hansen, G, ‘Das Datum des Schlact bei Vercellae’, Klio 67, 1985, 588

  Keaveney, A, ‘Sulla, the Marsi, and the Hirpini’, Classical Philology 76, 1981, 292–296

  Lewis, R, ‘Catulus and the Cimbri, 102 B.C.’, Hermes 102, 1974, 90–109

  Morgan, M, ‘Lucius Cotta and Metellus. Roman Campaigns in Illyria during the Late Second Century’, Athenaeum 49, 1971, 271–301

  ______, ‘“Cornelius and the Pannonians”: Appian, Illyrica 14, 41 and Roman History, 143–138 B.C.’, Historia 23, 1974, 183–216

  Miltner, F, ‘Der Germanenangriff auf Italien in den Jahren 102/101 v. Chr.’, Klio 33, 1940, 289–307

  Papazoglu, F, The Central Balkan Tribes in Pre-Roman Times (Amsterdam, 1979)

  Rawlinson, C, ‘On the Ethnography of the Cimbri’, Journal of the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, 1877, 150–158

  Sadée, E, ‘Sulla im Kimbernkrieg’, Rheinisches Museum für Philologie 88, 1939, 43–52

  Zennari, J, ‘La battaglia dei Vercelli o dei Campi Raudi (101 aC)’, Athenaeum 11, 1958, 3–32


  There have been a number of biographies of C. Marius, none of which are inprint:

  Carney, T. A Biography of C. Marius (Chicago, 1961)

  Evans, R, Gaius Marius, A Political Biography (Pretoria, 1994)

  Kildahl, P, Caius Marius (New York, 1968)

  Van Ooteghem, J, Caius Marius (Brussels, 1964)

  Below is a list of articles on Marius that cover the period in question.

  Avery, H, ‘Marius Felix’, Hermes 95, 1967, 324–330

  Badian, E, ‘Caepio and Norbanus. Notes on the Decade 100–90 B.C.’, Historia 6, 1957, 318–346

  ______, ‘Marius and the Nobles’, Durham University Journal 25, 1963/64, 141–154

  Bicknell, P, ‘Marius, the Metelli and the Lex Maria Tabellaria’, Latomus 28, 1969, 327–348

  Broughton, T, ‘Notes on Roman Magistrates’, Historia 2, 1953, 209–213

  Carney, T, ‘Notes on Plutarch’s Life of Marius’, Classical Quarterly 5, 1955, 201–205

  ______, ‘Once again Marius’ speech after election in 108 B.C.’, Symbolae Osloenses 35, 1959, 63–70

  ______, ‘Plutarch’s Style in the Marius’, Journal of Hellenic Studies 80, 1960a, 24–31

  ______, ‘Cicero’s Picture of Marius’, Wiener Studien 73, 1969b, 83–122

  ______, ‘The Picture of Marius in Valerius Maximus’, Rheinisches Museum für Philologie 105, 1962, 308–337

  Evans, R, ‘Missing consuls 104–100 B.C.: a study in prosopography’, Liverpool Classical Monthly 10, 1985, 76–77

  ______, ‘Metellus Numidicus and the Elections for 100 B.C.’, Acta Classica 30, 1987, 65–68

  ______, ‘The military reputation of Gaius Marius’, Questioning Reputations (Pretoria), 2004, 11–35

  Farney, G, ‘The Fall of the Priest C. Sulpicius Galba and the First consulship of Marius’, Memoirs of the American Academy of Rome 42, 1997, 23–37

  Frank, E, ‘Marius and the Roman Nobility’, Classical Journal 50, 1955, 149–152

  Gilbert, C, ‘Marius and Fortuna’, Classical Quarterly 23, 1973, 104–107

  Hine, H, ‘Livy’s judgement on Marius’, Liverpool Classical Monthly 3, 1978, 83–87

  Passerini, A, ‘Caio Mario come uomo politico’, Athenaeum 12, 1934, 10–44, 109–143, 257–297 & 348–380

  Santangelo, F, ‘Cicero and Marius’, Athenaeum, 2008, 597–607.

  Schur, W, ‘Das sechste consulat des Marius’, Klio 31, 1938, 313–322

  Shatzman, I, ‘Scaurus, Marius and the Metelli: A Prosopographical-Factional Case’, Ancient Society 5, 1974, 197–222

  Skard, E, ‘Marius’ speech in Sallust, Jug. chap.85’, Symbolae Osloenses 21, 1941, 98–102

  Yakobson, A, ‘The Election of Marius to his first consulship’, Elections and Electioneering in Rome; a study of the political system of the late Republic (Stuttgart, 1999), 13–19

  Manpower and the Military Reforms

  Bell, M, ‘Tactical Reform in the Roman Republican Army’, Historia 14, 1965, 404–422

  Brunt, P, ‘The Army and the Land in the Roman Revolution’, Journal of Roman Studies 52, 1962, 69–86

  ______, Italian Manpower 225 BC-AD 14 (Oxford, 1971)

  Cagniart, P, ‘The Late Republican Army (146–30 BC)’ in P. Erdkamp (ed.) A Companion to the Roman Army (Oxford, 2007), 80–95

  Carney, T, ‘Roman Manpower Resources and the Proletarianization of the Roman Army in the Second Century B.C.’, The Impact of the Roman Army (200 BC – AD 476) (Leiden, 2007), 3–20

  ______, ‘Some Thoughts on the Nature of the Demographic “Crisis” of the Second Century B.C.’, in O. Hekster, G de Kleijn & D. Slootjes (eds). Crises and the Roman Empire (Leiden, 2007), 167–181

  de Ligt, L, ‘Poverty and demography. The case of the Gracchan land reforms’, Mnemosyne 57, 2004, 725–757

  ______, ‘Roman Manpower Resources and the Proletarianization of the Roman Army in the Second Century B.C.’, The Impact of the Roman Army (200 BC – AD 476) (Leiden, 2007), 3–20

  ______, ‘Some Thoughts on the Nature of the Demographic ‘Crisis’ of the Second Century B.C.’, in O. Hekster, G de Kleijn & D. Slootjes (eds). Crises and the Roman Empire (Leiden, 2007a), 167–181

  ______, ‘Roman Manpower and Recruitment during the Middle Republic’, in P. Erdkamp (ed.) A Companion to the Roman Army (Oxford, 2007b), 114–131

  Erdkamp, P, ‘The transformation of the Roman army in the Second century BC’, in T. Naco del Hoyo (ed.) War and Territory in the Roman World (Oxford, 2006), 41–57

  Evans, R, ‘Resistance at Home: The Evasion of Military Service in Italy during the Second Century B.C.’, in D.Yuge & M. Doi (eds.) Forms of Control and Subordination in Antiquity (Leiden, 1988), 121–140

  Frederiksen, M, ‘The contribution of archaeology to the agrarian problem in the Gracchan period’, Dialoghi di archeologia 4–5, 1970/71, 330–357

  Gabba, E, ‘Le origini dell’esercito professionale in Roma: i proletari e la riforma di mario’, Athenaeum 27, 1949, 173–209

  ______, Republican Rome; The Army and the Allies (Oxford, 1976)

  Harmand, J, ‘La Réforme Marienne du Recrutmement’, in L’Armee et le soldat à Rome, de 107 à 50 avant notre ère (Paris, 1967), 11–20

  Jongman, W, ‘Slavery and the Growth of Rome., The transformation of Italy in the first and second centuries BC’, in C. Edwards & G. Woolf (eds.) Rome the Cosmopolis (Cambridge, 2003), 100–122

  Keaveney, A, The Army in the Roman Revolution (London, 2007)

  Keppie, L, The Making of the Roman Army; From Republic to Empire (London, 1984)

  Lo Cascio, E, ‘Recruitment and the size of the Roman population from the third to the first c
entury BC’, in W. Schiedel (ed.) Debating Roman Demography (Leiden, 2001), 111–137

  ______, ‘Roman Census Figures in the Second Century BC and the Property Qualification of the Fifth Class’, in L. de Ligt & S. Northwood (eds.) People, Land and Politics, Demographic Developments and the Transformation of Roman Italy 300 BC-AD 14 (Leiden, 2008), 239–256

  Morley, N, ‘The Transformation of Italy, 225–28 B.C.’, Journal of Roman Studies 91, 2001, 50–62

  Parker, H, The Roman Legions (Cambridge, 1928)

  Rathbone, D, ‘The census qualifications of the assidui and the prima classis’, in H. Sancisci-Weerdenburg (ed.) De Agricultura: In Memoriam Pieter Willem de Neeve (Amsterdam, 1993), 121–152

  Rawson, E, ‘The Literary Sources for the Pre-Marian Army’, Papers of the British School of Rome 39, 1971, 13–31

  Rich, J, ‘The Supposed manpower shortage of the later second century BC ‘, Historia 32, 1983, 287–331

  ______, ‘Tiberius Gracchus, Land and Manpower’, in O. Hekster, G de Kleijn & D. Slootjes (eds). Crises and the Roman Empire (Leiden, 2007), 155–166

  Rosenstein, N, Rome at War (Chapel Hill, 2004)

  Smith, R, Service in the Post-Marian Army (Manchester, 1958)

  Votsch, W, C. Marius als Reformator des röm (Heerwesens, 1886)

  Zhmodikov, A, ‘Roman Republican Heavy Infantrymen in Battle (IV-II Centuries BC)’, Historia 49, 2000, 67–78




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