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Rock Rhapsody

Page 21

by Rachel Cross

“Dave,” she hissed, “didn’t they tell you what to look for? Confusion, vomiting, dizziness, memory problems — ”

  “I think maybe you’d better come here and take care of him. Sounds like he may need a private nurse.”

  “Not funny.” Her shoulders slumped as the tension left her body. “Don’t tease me. Is he okay?”

  “Physically? Yes. He’s fine, other than some headaches. But Kate — ”

  “Listen, I gotta run. I wanted to check on him. Don’t tell him I called.”

  Dave grunted.

  “Take care of him for me.” Her voice broke, and she disconnected the call. She put the phone down on the counter carefully and turned on the shower, barely able to see through the veil of tears, fighting sobs that were sure to wake Emma. Stripping out of her clothes, she entered the shower. Within minutes, she was sitting on the tile, the water poured over her, mingling with her tears. She stayed there until the water ran cold. She was pruned and shivering but mostly back in control by the time she climbed out. Catching a glance of her reflection in the mirror, she flinched. The black eye was violet and swollen, both eyes bloodshot. Her fair skin was blotchy. She looked like hell and it had only been two days. It would get better. It had to.

  Meanwhile, she would stay busy. Kate had a long overdue heart-to-heart last night with a tearful, remorseful Emma. They were slated to have brunch with Ava, then see a movie and avoid the post-Thanksgiving shopping hoards.

  Emma had plans with high school friends for dinner that night. Kate would finally get to be alone with her grief.

  She would get through this. Tomorrow she would take Emma to LA for her flight back to Washington, D.C.

  • • •

  Alec sat on his couch in Los Angeles, flipping through channels, bored silly, when Dave came back into his living room.

  He raised an eyebrow and got a nod from Dave.

  “Checking up on me?”

  Another nod.

  Alec grinned. “Should’ve told her I had a relapse.”

  Dave put his hands on his hips. “Is that how you want to play it?”

  Alec scowled and touched his forehead. “Goddamn headache is still here.”

  “I overheard you talking to the police yesterday.”


  “Did she really go after her dad after he knocked you out?”

  Alec’s fists clenched involuntarily. “Apparently.”

  “Tackled him?”


  “And then approached him while the bloodthirsty son-of-a-bitch still had the knife?”

  “That’s what the police told me.”

  Emma and Kate relayed exactly the same story.

  “He really was going to kill you.”

  Alec’s reply was terse. “Stupid bastard. Kill the goose with the golden egg? He’s smarter than that, but he was pretty enraged and drunk. From what the police tell me, they were closing in on him in Vegas. He was getting desperate. Desperate people — ”

  Dave waved. “Yeah, yeah, so essentially Kate saved your life.”

  Alec met his gaze. “No ‘essentially’ about it, she did.”

  “And you are going to let her go?” Dave asked, incredulous.

  Alec resumed his channel surfing, expressionless.

  Dave’s cell rang again. Alec grinned watching as Dave recognized the number, and the expression of puzzlement and surprise it generated.

  Everything was falling into place.

  A few hours later, one of the partners at the firm returned his call.

  “Alec Sawyer.”

  “Alec, Bill Emery. Listen, I’m sure you know the firm is not thrilled with your recent publicity — ”

  “Thanks for calling me back. I quit.” As soon as he said the words, he felt liberated, truly free for the first time in years.

  There was a long period of silence on the other end of the line.

  “Sawyer, it’s not as bad as it seems. The positive publicity you got from the rescue counteracts this little drunken brawl — ”

  Alec interrupted. “I’m not quitting because of that. I’m getting back into music. Appreciate the opportunity to work with you all, but it isn’t for me. I’ll wrap up what I can in the next few weeks and pass off the rest to an associate.”

  The man on the other end of the phone sighed. “You know, in one way I’m sad to lose you, Sawyer. You worked hard for the firm and were quite the rainmaker … on the other hand, I was a huge fan of Reeking Bliss and am happy to hear you’re getting back into the business. If there’s ever anything you need — ”

  “Thanks. There are a couple of issues I’m dealing with, like the attempt on my life you probably read about. If I need help, I’ll throw the work your way. There’s another issue I want to talk about, and I know you’re the best the firm has for this type of work.”

  Chapter 27

  “You okay?” Emma looked over, frowning.

  “Totally fine, lost in thought,” Kate lied, watching the road carefully. In a few hours she would drop off her sister, and then Emma would be gone until Christmas. Maybe she could pull herself together by then. Right. Like she would ever recover from him. At least Kate wouldn’t have to keep pretending everything was fine. Putting on a good front required every ounce of energy she had these days and it still wasn’t fooling anyone.

  “You did a pretty good job hiding your black eye with makeup.” Emma said, looking her over critically.

  It had been four days and the swelling had diminished, but the delicate skin around and under the eye was an exotic combination of green and yellow. A few more days and she wouldn’t have to look in the mirror and relive that awful scene — the terror as she realized her father was going to kill her unconscious boyfriend, the fight in the kitchen.

  The media frenzy had finally abated. The first day or two, paparazzi loitered in front of the hospital, at Alec’s beach house, all over Cielito. She could only image how upset he was. God, what a mess. Roy had let her know this morning that Alec was pressing charges against her father. Adding his charges to the ones she already filed would increase the likelihood that Matt Gibson would not make bail. He would go to prison for a long while — or he could be paroled in a few years.

  Keeping Alec in her life wasn’t worth the risk. Insomnia, grief, and endless bouts of weeping had left her numb. Drained. She’d caught the sympathetic looks from Emma, Roy, Diana, and Ava over the last few days. Ava had made it very clear she didn’t accept Kate’s reasons for breaking up with Alec, but once she realized the fragile state Kate was in, she had become silent on the matter.

  “Kate,” Emma’s tone was buoyant. Kate turned to her, recalled from her daze.

  “My friend’s brother texted me. He’s a waiter at this awesome West Hollywood restaurant. I thought it would be cool to go in for lunch before you drop me for my flight. He says he can get us a table. Please?”

  “Uh … how come you didn’t mention it this morning?” Her hands tensed on the wheel and she shot her sister a glance.

  Emma flushed and her eyes darted away.


  “I just got the text.” Emma sounded defensive.

  “Em, I dunno — ”

  “We were planning to eat in LA anyway. Please Kate?” she begged. “He is so fine.”

  Oy. She was not in the mood. But after all they’d been through the past few days she wasn’t going to chance a fight with Emma right before she had to fly back to school. She could tolerate a meal out, couldn’t she?

  “I guess.” Her reply was begrudging.

  Emma bounced in her seat.

  “I don’t want you to miss your flight. You know how L.A. traffic can be.” She made a final attempt to change Emma’s mind.

  “It’s not far from the airport,�
� Emma assured her sister breezily. “My phone says we’re only thirty minutes away.”

  Kate found parking easily, locked the car and followed her sister up the street to the restaurant.

  “This place?” Kate said in disbelief, standing in front of the entrance. “Even I’ve heard of this place, Em. It’ll be a fortune.”

  Emma was already craning her neck toward the patio, looking for a hot guy or celebrities or both.

  “God help me,” Kate whispered, trying to rub away the tension that kinked her neck as she followed her sister into the establishment.

  “Hi!” Emma greeted the bombshell hostess. “I’m Emma? For the patio?”

  The girl beamed at them. “Follow me,” she instructed, leading them through the restaurant. Emma walked as slowly as possible, looking this way and that. She nudged Kate and hissed, “Look.”

  Kate caught sight of the actor who played the caped crusader on the big screen, sitting at a table with another man, even better looking in real life, if that was possible. She looked away. She didn’t want to be caught gawking. Emma seemed to have no trouble with it. She sent a huge smile in his direction. Kate bit back a laugh, the first in days. Emma was her usual irrepressible self. Granted, Kate still had work to do to repair the damage from her half-truths and lies, but the bond was solid; all the truth Emma needed to know about their dad and their finances were out there and for that she was grateful.

  At the patio, the hostess led them to an area under big white umbrellas. An area that had been decorated for a party. There were arrangements of white and red flowers, silver streamers and silver and white balloons next to a “Congratulations” sign.

  A huge cake with a blue fondant border around each of the four tiers sat in the center of the long table.

  “I think there’s been some mistake … ” her voice trailed off as she caught sight of Ava talking with Dave and his wife under an umbrella.

  Kate’s heart ceased beating for a moment.

  Alec was here, his back to her. He was talking with an older couple.

  Kate noticed the older woman’s resemblance to Dave. Were they the Thatchers? Her heart picked up its pace at triple speed. She glanced about her in bewilderment and spotted Roy and Diana talking to Asher. He was hard to miss in a tank which revealed his spectacular ink, jeans, and combat boots.

  Emma shouted “Hello” to those gathered and continued to pull Kate’s resisting body forward.

  Everyone on the patio was staring at Kate. She put her hand to her throat as Alec turned and met her gaze. He strode over and she put her arms up. To ward him off? To draw him to her? She didn’t know anymore. She’d never been so confused or so vulnerable.

  He ignored her arms and gathered up her stiff body. An unnatural hush fell over the patio. Pulling back, Kate looked up at him, memorizing every one of his beloved features. She read intent in the set of his jaw, but there was something desperate in his sky-blue eyes.

  “Alec,” she said softly.

  “Yes, my love?”

  She flinched at the endearment.

  “What’s going on?” Her voice came out a reedy whisper.

  There was a flurry of activity outside the fenced patio. She glanced past him to see men with cameras, shouting and lining up at the gated edge of the restaurant patio. Kate turned back to Alec, stunned. The paparazzi? Here?

  Alec grinned.

  “Did you really think I was going to let you go?” he asked. “Haven’t you figured out that you can’t protect the ones you love? Or are you trying to protect your own heart? You don’t need to protect it from me; I care for it more than my own.”

  She barely even registered that she was crying. “I love you, Alec, but my father nearly killed you.”

  “So he did. Nearly being the operative word. Kate, when I told you I love you, I’m not a guy who says that lightly. I’m not sure I believed in love the way I feel it for you. I’m in love with you, Kate. Did you save my life only to leave me miserable without you? Because I won’t let you do it.”

  He slipped a black box from the front pocket of his well-worn jeans and went down on one knee. There was a slight tremor in his hand.

  Her fingers went to her mouth, covering it in shock.

  “Alec.” She found herself caught between laughter and tears. “What are you doing, you lunatic?”

  “Will you marry me, Kate? I’ve invited all our loved ones and some,” he gestured to the paparazzi with a tilt of his head “who don’t love me so well, to witness this. No pressure though. Take your time.”

  She leaned over, she didn’t have far to bend, and put her heart and soul into the kiss she laid on him.

  The kiss got so heated, so fast, Alec dropped the box and crushed her to him, until finally she pulled away, breathless.

  There was a collective laugh from the people gathered on the patio, and cat-calls from the paparazzi. Kate blushed, urging Alec to his feet, and he scooped up the box.

  She stared at the ridiculously large stone he placed on her finger. She turned it this way and that.

  “Like it?” he asked.

  She bit back a smile. “It’s … obnoxious.”

  He grinned. “That’s exactly what I was going for.”

  “Maybe I could get my forehead tattooed with ‘Mrs.’ or ‘taken’ instead?”

  “Babe, you get a forehead tattoo and it won’t matter what it says, people will stay away.”

  She sobered. “Alec … ” She tried not to cry, she really did, but the tears kept flowing. “I want you to know how much I love you … ” Her voice broke on a sob and he hugged her fiercely.

  “I do know, Kate,” His breath hitched. “But not nearly as much as I love you.”

  Hours later they lay in his big bed, the last rays of the afternoon sun giving the room a soft, romantic feel.

  “I quit my job.”

  Kate bolted upright and half turned to stare at him. “What?”

  He pulled her back down.

  “Quit. Yesterday. I’ve got a few things to wrap up, but I’m moving on,” he stated, calmly.

  “To do what?” she interrupted, but he could hear the hope in her voice, she rolled over onto him and peered at him through tangled hair.

  He beamed at her and she gave a shout.

  “Oh, Alec. I’m so happy.”

  “Me too, baby.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “As soon as I did it, I knew it was the right thing.”

  She bounced up and down on him. He laughed. Their laughter turned to kisses and the white hot flare of passion.

  An hour later he lay, watching her doze.

  Her eyes slowly fluttered open, confusion chased away by dawning awareness, then joy.

  “Mmmm.” She stretched. “Did I fall asleep?”

  They stared at each other across the pillow.

  “Tell me everything,” she whispered. “Will you go on the road right away?”

  He chuckled. “You don’t have any idea how it works do you?”

  “No clue.”

  “You ready to hear my plan?”


  “I’m starved. Let’s order in.”

  He ordered their dinner while she dressed. He pulled on jeans and they went to curl up on the couch.

  “I’m tempted to take you to Las Vegas tonight.” He checked her expression.

  Amusement warred with horror on her face.

  He grinned. “But I’ve done that. This has to be special. I’ve had Ava working on the arrangements for a wedding a few days before Christmas.”

  She nodded, looking slightly crestfallen. “I agree. We’ll need a year to plan it if you want a big wedding.”

  He laughed. “Not next year, in three weeks.”

lec,” she sputtered, spilling tea on herself, and brushing at it ineffectually. “There is no way!”

  “Do you want a big wedding?”

  “Of course not.”

  “Me neither. If we have the wedding on the beach, we might have to keep the date a surprise so we don’t get inundated, but I figure a small catered reception at my beach house if you want. If that seems like too much, maybe at the country club?”

  “I want to get married on the beach where we met in Cielito.” she said, dreamily, then sat up. “Alec! I’ll need a dress … work, I — ”

  “You’ll have everything you want. And probably stuff you don’t, knowing Ava.” He laughed. “She’s on it.” He grasped her chin and pulled her head up until her concerned eyes met his. “If you don’t trust me, will you at least trust Ava?”

  She smiled. “Okay, Alec. Yes, I trust you and Ava.”

  “Okay. That’s settled. I can work any number of places but I’ll be collaborating for some of it, so while I’ll be able to do some recording in Cielito, I’ll be in L.A. a lot. Are you good with that?”

  She bit her lip.

  “Talk to me,” he said.

  “I guess I envisioned us being together, not all the time, but not doing what we’ve been doing with these long absences. Especially if we’re married.”

  He waited, but she frowned, twirling her hair.

  “I’ve given that a lot of thought. Do you want to know what I’ve come up with?”

  She nodded, meeting his eyes.

  “Do you want to keep working?”

  She frowned. “Of course, Alec. I’m not going to become your dependent.”

  He sighed. “I knew you’d feel that way. You don’t need to work.”

  “That’s not the point.”

  “I know, but I … I had this idea … ”

  “Okay … ”

  “I’d like us to be together, and at some point that will mean travel.”

  “A hospital nursing schedule is pretty restrictive.”

  She nodded.

  He blew out a breath. “So my firm has set up foundations for some artists. I’ve been thinking about starting my own. My Reeking Bliss royalties can fund it.”


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