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Highland Deliverance (Blades of Honor Book 3)

Page 19

by B. J. Scott

  “So far, he’s been a wee angel. But so was Quinn.” Sheena lowered her gaze and shifted her weight from one foot to the other. “Speaking of our oldest son, Lazarus and I never got a chance to thank you properly for all you did for him. He told us how you stood up to Roderick on his behalf. It took a lot of courage, and we are most grateful. I wish I could offer you condolences on the loss of your brother, but—” She nibbled on her bottom lip.

  Roslyn stepped forward and patted Sheena’s forearm. “There is no need for you to explain. I dinna blame you for hating Roderick. He was always a cruel, heartless scoundrel. What he did to you and the other women he violated was inexcusable. And I’m so sorry he put you through that horrible ordeal and ruined your life.” Roslyn took Sheena’s hand. “Then for him to steal Quinn away from you made things even worse. I’m surprised you dinna despise me a well.”

  “You have naught to apologize for. It was na you who attacked me or took Quinn.” Sheena placed her hand over Roslyn’s. “One’s happiness is based on many things, not just one. I canna say my life was easy.” She touched the scar on her cheek. “But one wonderful thing came out of the ordeal and that was Quinn. He has brought me nothing but joy.”

  “He is a delightful lad and you have every reason to be proud of him,” Roslyn said. “He may look like Roderick, but he certainly has your heart and gentle spirit. For that I am grateful. And with Lazarus for a father and mentor, he can only grow up to be a good man, filled with love and compassion.” She hesitated for a moment, then asked a question that had haunted her since she found out she had a nephew. “How did Quinn take the news when you told him Roderick was his father? It must have been difficult to explain.”

  “After believing I was his sister for all these years, it wasna easy, but he had the right to know the truth. And after all that happened with Roderick, there was no way he’d let it rest until we told him everything.” Sheena blew out a sigh, then continued. “I had hoped to wait until he was older, but my son is wise beyond his years and had to grow up fast.”

  “How did you broach the subject?” Roslyn asked. “I’m na sure I’d know where to start or how much to disclose.”

  “We sat him down and explained what happened and why I chose to call him brother and not son. We told him everything. He was angry about the deception at first, but when Lazarus explained it was done out of love and nothing more, Quinn accepted what we had to say.”

  “I’m glad.” Roslyn threw her arms around Sheena’s shoulders and hugged her. “I hope someday you’ll permit me to tell Quinn about the Morgan Clan. I know it may be hard to believe, but they are na all like Roderick. In fact, there are many I can truly say I am proud to be related to. My mother for one.”

  “I think in time, he’d like that very much.” Sheena returned Roslyn’s embrace.

  “Can anyone join in the festivities?” Cailin asked. Connor’s wife stood in the doorway with Bryce’s wife, Fallon, and Alasdair’s wife, Edina.

  Roslyn released Sheena from her embrace and wiped a stray tear from her cheek with the back of her hand. “By all means come in.”

  “We know you left Morgan Castle with just the clothes on your back, so Fallon and I altered her wedding gown for you to wear. As long as you dinna mind it was already worn.” Cailin held up a purple satin dress trimmed with gold lace and trim. “I’d have loaned you mine, but on the day Connor and I were wed, I was about ready to give birth to Andrew and was as large as a croft.”

  “I’ve gained a wee bit of weight since I wore the gown, but at one time I was a slender as you. Hopefully it will fit,” Fallon said. “Arya and Fiona will be here soon. They’re gathering flowers to make a headpiece and a bouquet for you to carry.”

  “I’ve brought you a pair of satin slippers that will match nicely. You are welcome to wear those as well if you’d like,” Edina added.

  “You have all been too kind and have gone to so much trouble on my behalf.” Touched by the gestures, Roslyn choked back tears. She’d never had sisters and now she had five cousins, which was just as good. Not being alone all the time and having women to talk to and confide in would take some getting accustomed to, but something she looked forward to. She lifted the gown and gasped. “It’s lovely. I dinna know how I will ever repay your kindness.”

  “We’re a family and we dinna expect anything in return but your happiness. Ian means a lot to the clan. Our husbands think of him as yet another brother and na a cousin.” Cailin motioned with a flick of her hand for Roslyn to join her by the bed. “Come, and I’ll help you dress. And once we’ve fitted your gown, Sheena is amazing when it comes to styling hair.”

  “I thought I might like to wear it down if you dinna mind. Ian prefers it that way.”

  “I agree and can think of nothing lovelier,” Sheena said, smiling.

  “We gathered some heather and assorted wildflowers. Leslie and Lindsay helped,” Arya said as she entered the room, then stopped and brought a hand to her throat. “Roslyn, you look beautiful. Ian is a very lucky man.”

  “Thank you.” Roslyn turned full circle, smiling. “When Ian insisted we marry right away and na even wait for the bans to be read, I never dreamed I would have such a stunning gown.”

  “It fits as if it were made for you, Lady Roslyn.” Fiona entered the chamber behind Arya, then raced forward and threw her arms around her friend’s neck. “I’m so happy for you. You and Lord Ian were meant to be together.”

  Roslyn hugged Fiona. “I’m truly blessed. And I am so glad you’re here to share my wedding day with me.”

  “Well it looks like you are all getting acquainted nicely.” Connor entered the chamber. “I would have knocked but dinna think you’d hear me over all the laughing and chatter.”

  Roslyn bobbed a curtsy. “Please come in, Lord Fraser.”

  “One day you’ll relax enough to call me Connor.” He laughed. “I’m actually looking for Ian. He wasna in his chamber and my brothers and I want to see him before the wedding ceremony takes place. I thought he might be here, or perhaps you’ve seen him.”

  “How would she know where he is?” Cailin asked. “It’s bad luck for a groom to see the bride right before they wed.”

  “Is there something wrong?” Roslyn wondered if for some reason they might try to talk Ian out of the wedding.

  “Everything is as it should be. I’m pleased you and Ian are getting married. We have something we wanted to give him is all.”

  “Na advice on the wedding night, I hope.” Cailin covered her mouth to hide a grin.

  Roslyn felt the heat of a blush rise in her cheeks. She had to admit she could use a bit of advice on the subject. She’d never been with a man in an intimate way and so wanted to please her new husband.

  “Try the parapets at the north end of the castle,” Edina suggested. “I once heard him tell Alasdair he likes to go there to think. The scenery is lovely.”

  “I’ll look there. Best I leave you ladies to your wedding preparations.” He paused when he reached the door and smiled at Roslyn. “I must say you are a beautiful bride. Ian will be most pleased.” He offered a curt nod and left.

  “I hope I dinna embarrass you, Roslyn, when I jested with Connor about giving Ian advise on the wedding night. Men think they are the experts on what a woman likes and needs.” Cailin wiggled a brow. “But given we have six bairns, it is plain to see Connor is very good at it.”

  “Judging by the number of bairns running around the castle, I think it safe to say the Fraser men are na only prolific, but quite accomplished when it comes to making love,” Roslyn said. “I’m afraid it’s I who needs tips on how to please Ian and na the other way around. I know I’m na the first woman he has bedded, but it will be the first time for me.” The words slipped out before she could stop them. Roslyn could not believe she shared her innermost thoughts, and with women she hardly knew.

  “Most women are apprehensive the first time they are bedded. But you have naught to fash about,” Cailin said. “Let nature ta
ke its course and you’ll be fine.”

  “I dinna want him to be disappointed or to regret his decision to marry me.” Roslyn wrung her hands in worry. “What if he is not pleased or I canna satisfy his needs?”

  Sheena took Roslyn’s hand, ushered her to the bed, and sat. She patted the mattress beside her and waited for Roslyn to take a seat before she continued. “Making love is a very sweet and natural thing. Dinna fash, I’m confident when the time comes, Ian will be most taken by you and nothing you do will be wrong in his eyes. Just try to relax and let things happen as the Lord intended. Enjoy pleasuring each other and your joining will be a most pleasant experience for both of you.”

  “Sheena is right,” Fallon said. “Whether you consummate your love before you wed or after, it doesna matter when two people truly love each other. Ian is a tender and very patient man. He will guide you and teach you the ways of making love.”

  “Enough of this talk,” Cailin announced. “We have a bride to ready for her wedding.”

  Chapter 24

  Ian trotted down the stairs leading from the parapets, then headed toward his chamber. He was about to get married and start a new life with Roslyn, and he couldn’t be happier. He loved her with all his heart and could not wait to see what the future had in store for them as man and wife.

  “There you are, cousin,” Connor said. “I have been scouring the castle looking for you.”

  “Is something amiss? Is Roslyn unwell?” Ian found it hard to hide the panic in his voice. Why else would Connor be searching for him?

  “Everything is fine, and so is Roslyn. In fact, I have never seen a lovelier bride.” He leaned close to Ian and lowered his voice to whisper. “Dinna tell Cailin I said that, or I’ll be sleeping on the floor with the deer hounds for the next fortnight.”

  “Your secret is safe, Connor,” Ian said, smiling. “If all is well, why you were looking for me.”

  “Come with me. Bryce, Alasdair, and Lazarus are waiting in the great hall. We have something of importance to discuss and wanted to do so before you take your vows.”

  Ian frowned, then scratched his head. “I thought you said all was well?”

  “It is.” Connor looped his arm around his Ian’s shoulder and ushered him toward the stairs. “Come along and you’ll see what it’s all about. But we must make haste. The priest arrived a short time ago and is anxious to get the ceremony under way.”

  Ian followed Connor, curious what was so important that it could not wait until after the wedding. They entered the great hall and were greeted by a large number of the clan’s warriors, his three other cousins, his two brothers, and Garret, Arya’s husband. “What’s going on?”

  John approached with his hand outstretched, then clasped Ian’s wrist and yanked him against his chest. “It’s na everyday my older brother gets married. To be honest, I never thought I’d live to see the day.” He laughed, then after a quick hug and a pat on the back, he relinquished his hold and took a step back. “Fortune has smiled upon you, brother. Roslyn is a fine lass and the two of you are blessed to have found each other.”

  “Thank you, John. But I hear tell you and Fiona have been seen spending time together. Perhaps you have some news to share as well?” Ian wiggled a brow.

  “He’s too pigheaded and blind to know a good thing if it came up and bit him in the arse,” Collin taunted, then thumped John on the back. If he’s na careful, I might snatch Fiona up for myself.” He shook Ian’s hand. “Slainte maith, brother.”

  “I must say, I’m overwhelmed by all this palaver.” Ian glanced around the room at everyone assembled in his honor.

  “Since you were so anxious to have the nuptials completed right away and dinna give us much time to prepare, we wanted to give you a proper send off,” Bryce said.

  “You make it sound like I’m leaving on a voyage, not getting married,” Ian remarked.

  “Marriage is sort of a voyage,” Connor said. “One we hope will be smooth sailing and filled with joy and prosperity.” He handed Ian a tankard of ale, then raised his own mug in the air. “To my cousin, Ian. Lang may yer lum reek! Gun cuireadh do chupa thairis le slainte agus sonas. Slainte!”

  “I second my brother’s toast,” Alasdair shouted. Long may your chimney smoke. And may your cup overflow with health and happiness. Cheers!”

  “This is for you,” Lazarus said and handed Ian something that fit in the palm of his hand and was wrapped in linen. “It’s from Alasdair, Connor, and Bryce as well.”

  Ian turned he gift over, then glanced up at his cousins. “What is it?”

  “Open it and see,” Bryce said.

  Ian unwrapped the fabric, shocked to find a dirk with a jewel-studded handle. Identical to the ones crafted by his uncle and carried with pride by his five cousins. He looked up a Connor. “This is the finest gift I have ever received. But how did you—”

  “We had it made especially for you. The same fellow who made the one for Arya crafted this one as well.” Connor placed his hand on Ian’s shoulder. “You may be our cousin, but you are, and have always been more like a brother. You helped bring Lazarus home to us when he had no idea who he was or where he belonged. Then you sacrificed yourself to save Quinn.”

  “Aye.” Lazarus stepped forward. “We owe you so much, Ian. It is the least we could do to show our appreciation.”

  Ian stared at the dirk. “I dinna know what to say.”

  “Say thank you, tuck it in your sheath, and let’s get you married.” Bryce slapped him on the back. “I have it on good authority that your bride is on her way to the kirk. You dinna want to be late.”

  Following the wedding ceremony and a ceilidh that the clan would remember for a very long time—one that was, in fact, still going on and would likely continue for days—Ian carried his bride up the stairs and into their chamber.

  “I’ve waited for this moment all day,” he murmured in her ear. “If truth be known, I had the same thoughts the day we met.”

  “And what might that be, husband?” she cooed and snuggled her cheek against his chest.

  “That I wanted to have you alone to myself and show you how much I adore you, Roslyn.” He shifted her in his arms, closed the door with his foot, then carried her across the room. He set her down beside the bed. “I have another confession to make, ma gaol.”

  “There’s more? Tell me,” she whispered sweetly, and met his gaze, her emerald eyes sparkling and filled with wonder.

  “It’s about the night we spent in the croft.” He hesitated. “Right after I rescued you from the dungeon.”

  “I could never forget that night, Ian. Go on,” she prompted.

  “I wanted you so badly, I could hardly think straight,” he blurted. “To lay on the bed with you in my arms and na touch you was pure torture. All I could think of was tearing off your clothes and ravaging you all night long. To refrain from acting on those impulses was one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do.” He brushed his knuckle across her cheek. “Do you think me a rogue and a horrible person for having such lustful thoughts?”

  “Nay. To show such restraint proved to me you are a man of honor and a gentleman,” she replied. “It’s what makes you special and so different from ruthless men like my brother.” Roslyn looped her arms around his neck and met his gaze. “And if having such thought and desires is evil, then I’m guilty also. I dreamed about you that night, dreamed we made love. Then wished upon the moon, hoping my dream would someday come true.” She nuzzled his chin, then nipped at his earlobe. “I’m having those same thoughts now.”

  The warmth of her breath on his cheek, the sweet scent of the heather and wildflowers she wore in her hair, and the feel of her slender body molded against him was enough to make a priest forsake his vow of celibacy.

  “You’re wish is my command, m’lady,” he rasped, then lowered his head and captured her mouth. His hands skimmed over her body, and at the same time, he teased the seam of her lips with his tongue, willing her to grant him entry, cr
aving to taste her desire, her surrender.

  He reached behind her and untied the laces on her gown, then eased it off her shoulders, letting it fall at her feet. Her chemise followed and she offered no resistance, raising her arms above her head as he eased her out of it, then tossed it on the floor.

  “You’re stunning,” he said as he gazed at her standing naked before him. “Lovelier than I’d dare to imagine.”

  He’d bedded other women in the past, but there was something different about Roslyn. True, her beauty left him breathless, but there was so much more. It was as if she was made for him and him alone. A precious gift to be cherished and adored. And he intended to do just that.

  His heart pounded and his hands began to sweat at the thought of touching her ivory flesh, exploring every sensual dip and curve, committing them to memory before claiming her as his woman, his wife. “If you’ll grant me permission, I’d like to make your dream of joining come true.”

  Roslyn nodded. “Aye. Make love to me, Ian,” she said on a strangled breath. “Today I was your bride, tonight I want you to make me your wife.”

  Ian’s heart soared. He needed no further prompting. “My thoughts exactly.” He scooped her up and carefully laid her on the center of the bed, quickly removed his clothes, then joined her, prepared for a night of ecstasy he hoped she’d cherish and neither of them would forget.

  Propped on one elbow and with her tucked at his side, he lightly traced her lips with the pad of his thumb. “Tha mo gaol,” he whispered. Then he kissed her. Chaste at first, but then with purpose. He knew he was her first and didn’t want to frighten her, but she released an animal from deep inside him and he was not sure how long he could contain it.

  Roslyn placed her hand upon his chest and peered up at him, her lips swollen from their kisses, her eyes smokey with passion. “More than anything, I want to please you, my husband. But this is all very new to me. Will you teach me what I need to know?”


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