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Aftercare: General's Daughter, Book 4

Page 18

by Breanna Hayse

  He slowly pulled out of her, scooping her into his arms and placing her into the hot water to bathe her off. She groaned painfully as the hot water touched her tender skin, but relaxed as his hand gently washed the evidence of their lovemaking away. He dressed her, fixed her hair and stood her before him.

  “I love you. No more insubordination?”

  “I’ll try Rich. I promise. A-are you still going to give me another session for keeping you up last night?” she asked fearfully.

  Rich kissed her gently, holding her chin. “What do you think that last little bit was? It’s not always about discipline. Can you walk or do you want me to carry you?”

  “It’s awfully far…”

  “Up you go. You weigh nothing more than a feather. I could carry you all day long. I like doing this,” Rich said, kissing her again. “You do know that I was not very hard on you, right?”

  “Then why did it feel that way?”

  “Because I am teaching you a new skill, how to enter into the sub zone. When you are there, your focus forces you to be more aware of things, and you are more sensitive.”

  “Will I ever get used to it?”

  “In due time, darling. In due time.”


  Jen woke, stretching and smiling at Michael who still had his arm curled around her waist. He was a cuddler, something she loved. She needed to thank his sister for that, for Sam had taught him well. Jen slid out of his embrace and crawled outside the tent to clean herself up and pour some coffee. The camp was quiet with Rich and Sam already gone. She and Michael were very much alone. Hesitating to wake him, she gently rubbed his arm.

  “Michael? It’s getting late. Can I make you something to eat?”

  “What time is it?” He yawned, rolling to his back.


  “You call that late? I guess I should get up, I need to take care of you this morning.”

  “No, you don’t. I’m an adult. I know what I did was wrong and I won’t do it again. I promise.”

  “An adult who can’t follow basic instructions? Really, Jen? I’ll be back in a few minutes. It will give you some more time to think of different ways to convince me to let you off the hook.”

  Jen watched him pick up his toilet bag and walk away. She nibbled on some fruit and sipped her coffee, thinking about how to dissuade him. Did she really want to, though? This was to be the first time he would spank her. She’d been dreaming of it since that night she and Sam had talked.

  He returned looking refreshed and renewed.

  “Did you go swimming?” she asked shyly.

  “I took a quick plunge. Brrrr. Toss me an apple, will you please?” He took a bite, sitting next to her. “Okay, let’s get some things straight. You screwed up. You pay the consequences. It’s over and we move on. You need to understand something, Jen. I’m like my folks and Rich. Maybe not as intense as they are, but we believe that our girls are to be protected and taken care of, like a priceless piece of art. When you disobey, you threaten your safety and it hurts me. You need to want my praise as much as you fear my anger. I will never harm you, but I will discipline you. It’s who I am. I don’t believe in fighting, name calling or any of that silly useless stuff other couples do. I don’t care about winning; I care about us. Do you want to make me happy?”

  “Of course I do.”

  “Then you will submit to me. I will never have you do anything that doesn’t benefit you or us, okay? But you need to pay the penalty for bad behavior. This is how you pay, with an upturned bottom across my knee. Questions?”

  “No, Mike. I am really sorry.”

  “We all make mistakes. Be glad it’s me and not Scott or Dad. Let’s do this. My only rule is no biting or pinching. If you yell too loudly, the folks might hear you, so you might want to consider muffling your voice,” he said, pulling her easily over his lap as he sat on the hunting stool in front of the fire.

  “Can I kick and squirm?”

  “You can try, it will only wear you out. Scott doesn’t allow that.”

  “Neither does Rich.”

  “My poor sister. Oh well. No, I have a solution for that,” he said, draping his long leg over the back of her knees and locking her in place. She couldn’t move. He slowly peeled her panties away from her chubby bottom, surprised about the paleness. He was used to the absence of tan lines on his sister. This was so much better, he thought.

  “Because this is the first offense, I will be lenient with you. You will receive fifteen minutes of uninterrupted time with me then ten strokes of my belt. Am I understood?”

  “Yes, Michael, I’m so, so, so sorry,” Jen whimpered, feeling his hand caressing her bare bottom, cupping the cheeks and wiggling her flesh.

  “Here’s my watch. The time is set. Let’s begin.”

  She was not prepared for the onslaught of smacks that followed his statement. He was right; struggling exhausted her. He didn’t even seem the least bit tired by the time those fifteen minutes ended and her bottom was a burning mass of pain. She sobbed limply over his lap and didn’t move as he pulled his belt from its loops.

  “Ten now. I want you to count them for me and promise to obey our instructions because they are to keep you safe from harm.”

  “Yes, Michael,” she cried. The first belt stroke landed squarely across her sit spots. She yelped, counted and repeated the statement. Michael proceeded slowly, making every stroke count, and watching the bright red bottom turn to a dark crimson. He wasn’t as harsh as he could have been, not this time. He hoped she appreciated it.

  When he finished, he allowed her to stay in position to cry for a while, tracing the curve of her bottom with his fingers and rubbing it gently with his large hand. He loved how it jiggled and moved under his touch, so different than his sister’s who, though perfectly formed, had very little fat and therefore, no significant jiggle. He liked that jiggle. A lot.

  He sat Jen up to wipe her face. “Ordinarily, you would be standing in the corner, but seeing that we have none, we will dismiss it this time. Did you learn your lesson?”

  “Yes. I’m sorry I disappointed you, Mike. I’ll be good.”

  “Avoid my sister and you have a chance.” He chuckled sadly. He realized he was more like his father than Scott in this area, understanding even more about the gentle man’s disposition and why he was so respected. He was proud to be like his father. He hugged Jen tightly.

  “What was that for?” She sniffed.

  “You just made me realize something that made me happy. I’m truly my father’s son, and I’m proud of it. He’s firm, but gentle and I really respect everything about him.”

  “I love your father. He’s a wonderful man. Everything I would have wanted in a daddy. You’re going to be a good daddy one day, too. Your kids will love and respect you just like you do him.”

  “And instead of an Uncle Scott, they will have an Uncle Rich. Rich and Scott are cut from the same cloth. My poor sister.”

  “She needs that, though. She and Scott are so alike.”

  “They are. It’s funny how things can parallel each other. Speaking of which, here they come. Rich? Are you a pack mule for a reason?”

  “Nah, just felt like carrying her. How’s it going?”

  “We just finished up here.”

  “Jennifer? Did you learn your lesson?”

  Jen shrunk as his voice seemed to boom without raising it. She nodded her head. “Yes, Rich. I’ll do better, I promise.”

  “Samantha? And you?” Michael asked, touching her face. He saw the pain in her eyes as she nodded.

  “I’m not going to be disobeying anyone for a long time. I promise.”

  “Good. Why don’t you put on some shorts and soak in the river for a while,” Michael urged his sister.

  She shook her head. “I really just want to take a nap. Would that be okay?” she asked both boys. They nodded and watched as she slipped into her tent.

  Jen bit her lip. “How bad did you get her, Rich?”

>   “She got what she deserved. You seem to be comfortable though. Mike? Were you thorough enough or do I need to reinforce?”

  “I think I got the point across this time. If it happens again, I’m calling in reinforcements.”

  “It won’t happen again, I promise,” Jen said quickly. She excused herself to join her friend for a nap. Michael smiled, sharing his thoughts with Rich regarding the comparison between him and his friend.

  Rich laughed, “Scott and I have a little sadistic streak in us, that’s all. You and your dad are more DD than D&S. Let me explain.” Rich launched into an explanation of domestic discipline verses domination/submission. While both could cross over, the methodology for the latter tended to be more severe than the former.

  Michael looked stunned. “My sister? A submissive? Good luck with that.”

  “No, she’s already there. It struck a natural chord with her and she fell immediately into it. That’s why she’s such a brat; she needs well-laid boundaries. And I doubt she will be disobeying anyone for a while.”

  “To quote an old Marine Corps expression – wish in one hand and shit in another and see which one gets filled up the fastest.”

  Rich sighed deeply, glancing at the tent. “I have my work cut out for me, don’t I?”

  Michael simply nodded.

  Chapter 15

  “You girls are awfully quiet. Did you have a good time?” Dr. Quimby asked as they drove back to the house.

  “The best. Thank you both so much.” Jen smiled, rubbing Scott’s right shoulder from behind.

  “I’m just tired, Daddy. I need a vacation.” Sam yawned, leaning against Rich’s left arm. He pulled her against his chest, kissing the top of her head.

  “Are you sure that’s all, little girl?” Scott asked, eyeing her in the rear view mirror. She bit her lip. He knew her too well.

  “Yes, sir,” she said quietly.

  Scott grunted. “You wouldn’t lie to me now, would you?” he asked.

  She looked down. “We can talk later if you want, Uncle Scott,” she said quietly.

  He lifted his eyes to look at her again. “That would be a wise move. After we get home and I finish my shower.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “You’re not going to tell him, are you?” Jen whispered to her.

  “I’ll take full responsibility. I don’t hide things from them. They know me too well. Don’t worry, you won’t get in trouble again,” Sam whispered back. She was still aching from her session with Rich. It was agonizing to sit still without the room to shift or relieve the pressure. Scott nodded with a small frown.

  Dr. Quimby glanced back at his daughter with concern. “Is your balance off?”

  “No sir, but I think I should take a quick plunge before I talk with Scott.”

  “Uh oh, what did you do?”

  “I’ll tell you later.”

  “You don’t have to, you know,” Michael whispered behind Jen. Sam looked at him and he sighed, nodding. He understood.

  Rich squeezed her. “I’ll go with you. He needs to know you were adequately handled.”

  “If you want.”

  After a quick dip in the inlet and rinsing off, Sam met Rich downstairs. “Where is everyone?” she asked.

  “Michael and Jen are putting the camping stuff away with your dad. Scott’s in the shower.”

  “How did you get out of helping?”

  “You and I are making dinner,” Rich smiled, pulling her onto his lap and kissing her cheek gently. “How’s my bottom?”

  “Yours is adorable. Mine is killing me.”

  Rich laughed, hugging her. “Yours is mine now, you know. I’ll protect you from the old bear.”

  “Rich, if he really wants to punish me again, you can’t stop him. I did disobey his direct orders.” Sam sighed, curling against his torso.

  “Yes, but you received appropriate discipline for it.”

  “Don’t interfere if he’s insistent. He won’t go for that. He’s still my other dad.”

  “Don’t worry about me, baby.”

  “I’m not. I worry about him. He’s already having withdrawals about letting me go. He’s strict, but fair. We both need to trust him,” Sam advised.

  Rich looked at her, love in his eyes. “If he punishes you again, then I promise to help make you forget it for a little while.”

  “I would hope you would do that even if he didn’t.” Sam smiled, kissing his chin.

  “Samantha! Come in here, please.” She heard Scott call from his room. She slowly stood and painfully walked down the hall, followed by Rich. She tapped on the door and opened it.

  “Come in. Rich? Did you need something?”

  “No sir, but I did want to be here when you two talked. Would that be all right?”

  “I suppose. Sit down. What happened?” Scott asked, tucking his shirt into his shorts. Sam sat on his bed, pulling her feet under her to sit cross-legged as she told him what had occurred, including how Rich and Michael dealt with them. Scott listened carefully, occasionally eyeing Rich. The boy’s eyes never once left the girl’s face. Oh, to be in love…

  “Dad and I were wondering if you had broken your record of trouble. Glad to know you’re consistent still. Let me see.”

  Sighing, the girl unzipped her shorts and turned her back to show the left over damage inflicted upon her bottom. There were several small dark bruises and a hint of striping left.

  Scott nodded in satisfaction. “You do have a bit of a sadistic streak in you, Richard,” he said, touching the remnant of a dark welt.

  Rich shrugged. “No more than you do, Scott.”

  “That’s what you think. Okay, pull them up. I would say this was sufficient. However, next time you disobey me, you come to me. I’m the one who was disregarded, not the boys.”

  “Yes, sir. Am I in trouble?”

  “You’re always in trouble. Come here.” Scott smiled, his arms held out for her. “I love you. Thank you for being honest with me.”

  “I can’t hide anything from you or Daddy. I don’t want to. I’m sorry I disobeyed you.”

  “You paid the penalty pretty well. Rich, one word to you, young man…” Scott turned to Rich with a firm tone.

  Rich was unbothered by it. “Yes, sir?” He met Scott’s eye.

  “Don’t you EVER let her get away with anything. If you do, you’re in deep shit. You sadistic bastard.”

  “Thank you for the praise. I will certainly keep that in mind.”

  Scott laughed, clapping the younger man on the shoulder. “I knew I liked you for some reason. Not too many understand our, uh, peculiar needs. You, go tell your father, but leave out the details. He won’t go for it. Scoot,” Scott ordered his niece. When she left, he sat across from Rich. “I don’t meet a lot like you. How’s your arsenal?”

  “Full stash, but in storage right now. I didn’t feel it was appropriate to arm the general’s BOQ with implements,” Rich commented.

  “Yeah, and the walls have ears. How is she with this?”

  “She’s a natural. She doesn’t know it yet, though. I sensed it from the beginning,” Rich stated.

  “So was her mom. Joe’s got his side too, trust me. Not as hard as we are, but it’s there. Like Mike. He’s just funny about overdoing things.”

  “I can’t blame him, she’s his kid. But she is a brat. And a little weasel.”

  “She’s been on good behavior for you, too. Just wait,” Scott warned.

  Sam walked outside to the front yard where Dr. Quimby was finishing putting away the camping gear. She hugged him from behind. “Daddy? Can you take a minute? I need to talk with you.”

  “My turn now, huh? What’s up, sweetheart?” He took her hand and walked away from the garage into the wooded yard. Sam slowly explained what happened and that Scott had released her from further discipline.

  “Hmm, did you think we hadn’t already guessed that had occurred when the boys took off so abruptly? Or that I didn’t see the clues when we returned to c
amp? Feet sore, flushed, muscle rubs from Jen… I’m an Intel officer. You two keep forgetting that I can see through this stuff. I’m also guessing that Scott told you not to share with me the details of your discipline. I’m assuming I would disapprove.”

  “Yes, sir,” the girl said quietly.

  Her father hugged her gently. “Do you disapprove?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Do you feel there is any abuse involved? Be honest.”

  “No sir. I deserved it. Rich is like Uncle Scott. I know my place with him.”

  “As long as you are comfortable with it. Your mother and I had this discussion too. She needed Scott’s firmness and my fairness.”

  “Scott’s fair,” Sam defended her uncle.

  “He is, but he also has little room for leniency. I tend to be too gentle.”

  “Sorry, Daddy, but I would never call your spankings gentle. They hurt terribly.” Sam shuddered. “They’ve been up there with Scott’s many times.”

  “I didn’t say I was always lenient. But I do tend to let you have the benefit of the doubt a little easier than Scott does. I also have a longer fuse in most things.”

  “True. I’m sorry I disobeyed you guys.”

  “Did Scott add to the punishment?”

  “No, sir.”

  “Very well, then you’re free. Will Jen come to us with a confession as well?”

  “I doubt it. Mike said she didn’t need to. And after the last time, she’s terrified. Besides, it was my fault.”

  “I see. You know it took a lot of courage to go tell Scott that you disobeyed him.”

  “Don’t think I wasn’t having a heart attack when I did. Rich insisted he come with me, too.” She leaned against her father’s arm.

  He patted her thigh. “I’m glad he didn’t run you down again. Did Rich tell you that you two were cooking dinner?”

  “Yes, sir. And what does Scott do since he got out of putting things away?”

  “He’s Scott. He watches TV. Honey, some battles aren’t worth fighting.”


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