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Marshal's Law

Page 6

by Maddie Taylor

  “This is not going to happen, Marshal. I’m a grown woman and far too old for a spanking.”

  “Let’s break this down one matter at a time, shall we? First, you left the house tonight without telling anyone where you were going.

  She gaped at him, not believing that he had just ignored her as if she hadn’t said a word. He’d paused, but then went right on lecturing.

  “Not only was that rude, but it was dangerous. It’s dark, and you are unfamiliar with the ranch. You could have been hurt or lost. So, rule number one is you stay where I put you.”

  “I suppose,” she returned, “that if someone had told me I was a prisoner and restricted to the house, I would have known I was breaking the rules when I left. Like now.” She turned and started for the door. Infuriating man, she fumed, one moment charming and kind, the next domineering and insufferable. She’d barely taken three steps when a hard muscled arm reeled her back in. Lifting her, he continued to talk over her protests.

  “Second, there is the matter of your foul language. Even though I warned you repeatedly not to, you continue to swear. Therefore, it shouldn’t be a surprise that you have this coming. I was considerate of your injuries and was waiting for your headaches to ease and for your forehead to heal up a bit before taking you to task. I may have let it slide altogether if not for your little outburst tonight.”

  “Who put you in charge of monitoring my language?”

  “I did. You are still in my custody. So as marshal, I decide how to keep my prisoners in line.”

  Janelle’s jaw dropped open again. Now she understood what was going on. He was guarding his prisoner with his family’s help while she recovered. Well, so much for him being a kind man who might have some kind of romantic feelings for her. He was just doing his job.

  “I guess I should be thankful that you allowed me to stay in this comfortable prison and eat real food. Oh, and I am ever so thankful for not having to stay in that disgusting jail and pee in that revolting slop jar. I didn’t realize the depths of your generosity. I guess because I had no idea I was a prisoner.” Her voice dripping with emotion—anger, scorn, and hurt.

  “Third, you were out here talking to Frank Larson—alone—which is also dangerous.”

  Janelle kicked, wiggled, and squirmed until she suddenly felt her perspective change as she was flipped over onto her stomach to dangle upside down over his knee.

  “Fourth, just now you were rude, sarcastic, and disrespectful. None of which I will tolerate.”

  “No! Aaron, you can’t do this!” Her heart was racing and skipped a beat as his hand slid over her butt. Grasping her hip, he pulled her in closer and secured her with a strong arm at her waist.

  “I think you know that I can,” was his crisp response. He proved his claim by pulling up her skirts and flipping them onto her back. She was left with only the thin layer of her drawers as protection.

  “You can’t manhandle me like this, you big brute.” Her pleas went unanswered, and she squealed as she felt the first slap of his huge hand on her bottom. It was followed by another and another. Stunned, Janelle was breathless. Her thin drawers seemed non-existent as he spanked her again and again. When he moved from her bottom cheeks to her upper thighs, she shrieked and flung a hand back in self-preservation. “Stop, please Aaron!”

  He firmly grasped her wrist and held it high on her back. “No blocking, Janelle. I don’t want to injure a finger.” He continued without pause, delivering firm, unrelenting swats to her already burning bottom.

  “Ouch, Aaron! I’m sorry. Please stop, and I promise I’ll do what you tell me to!”

  “Now we’re getting somewhere, darlin’. But you’re getting the hiding you deserve and will still do what I tell you.”

  He paused for a moment, and she felt him tugging at the ties to her drawers. “What are you doing? Please, don’t take down my underpants. Aaron!”

  “Settle down, Janelle. Spankings are always given on the bare. Now lie still and accept your punishment like a good girl.” Aaron finished untying her drawers, then separated the linen material baring her full, soft cheeks.

  Janelle gasped as the first blow on her bare skin robbed her of breath. Kicking her feet, she tried to loosen his grip, but he simply adjusted his position so that his heavy leg anchored her from behind as he proceeded, unfazed.

  “Please, sir. I promise to behave.” Mortified beyond belief, the tears poured down her face as he kept up a seemingly endless torrent of spanks.

  Finally, he stopped. His warm hand rubbing her abused flesh, soothing and comforting her. “That’s it, darlin’. I expect that this lesson won’t need to be repeated. If so, it will be worse for you.”

  Janelle nodded, unable to speak. She was sure the lesson wouldn’t need repeating since she wasn’t going to be hanging around to earn another. As soon as he released her, she was leaving. She felt him retie her drawers and lower her skirt, before assisting her to her feet. Janelle instantly put her hands back to rub her ill-treated behind. She took several steps away and turned on him with accusing eyes.

  “Remember the rules, Janelle, and we won’t have to do this again.”

  “I can’t believe you did that.” Her voice was weak and quivered with outrage. She turned and headed toward the barn door, as fast as she could in her long cumbersome skirts. A large hand gripping her upper arm firmly stopped her on the threshold.

  “Honey, you’re not acting like a girl who has learned her lesson. One of the reasons you were over my knee is that you were out after dark alone. Let’s not repeat that mistake. I’ll walk you back to the house.”

  Chapter Six

  Aaron was painfully aroused and had been ever since the instant he’d pulled her over his lap. Janelle walked stiffly alongside him, trying her best to ignore him on the short trip back to the house. He’d tried to ignore the uncomfortable erection that wedged tightly against his zipper, but his brain wouldn’t focus on anything other than the memory of her bare bottom as she’d lain across his thighs. Like the rest of her delectable body, her bottom was luscious and made his mouth water. When he’d rubbed her tender cheeks, her soft, supple skin had been warm and oh so tempting.

  Although the barn had been dark, a streak of moonlight trickling in from the window had provided enough light to see her, and land-sakes-alive did he see her. Her useless struggles to get free had afforded him tantalizing glimpses of her intimate womanly flesh, leaving him stiffer and more aching than ever before.

  The two dozen light swats had been a mild punishment, but she’d carried on as if he’d taken a stiff leather strap to her behind. She’d squirmed and sniffled, as the slap of skin upon skin echoed throughout the large, high-ceilinged barn. By the end, she had stopped screaming and had become appropriately contrite and respectful. But that had lasted only as long as she’d remained over his lap.

  As they walked in silence, both were lost in their own thoughts. Aaron could tell by her rigid posture and tense expression that she was easily consigning him to perdition. Once inside, she shook off his hand and stalked toward the stairs, ignoring his parents who looked on with concern from the open parlor door. He couldn’t let her rudeness to his parents go unchecked. What was the matter with her? Ma and Pa had welcomed her into their home, taken care of her, fed her, and provided a warm bed. For cripe’s sake, his mother had generously given her some of her own clothes. Although he knew she was under a good deal of strain from her situation, she was acting like a willful brat, and he meant to put a stop to it—here and now. He addressed her in his best authoritative voice, and although he spoke at a normal volume, his voice boomed throughout the empty hallway, stopping her a single short step from her goal.

  “Janelle Prescott, we just discussed your lack of respect and common courtesy not five minutes ago. I suggest you start behaving like the grown woman you claim to be and apologize to my parents for worrying them. Or do we need to have another discussion in the barn?”

  She paused, frozen in place for a m
oment. Sucking in a steadying breath, she turned back to address Mr. and Mrs. Jackson. Without meeting their eyes, she spoke softly, “I’m sorry for worrying you. I didn’t know I wasn’t supposed to go outside. Rest assured I won’t be making that mistake again.” Once said, she turned her angry gaze to Aaron, and if looks could kill, he’d have been a dead man where he stood. “May I be excused to go to my room now, sir?”

  “You may, Janelle.”

  The three Jacksons watched in concern as the young woman turned without another word and rushed up the stairs.

  Letty looked at Aaron. “What in the world happened?”

  “I think our lovely young houseguest just got spanked, my dear,” her husband offered.

  Letty looked at her husband before shifting her concerned gaze to her son. “Did you punish her, Aaron?”

  “Yes. She’s been asking for a sound spanking since the moment I met her. And I’m thinking by her reaction, it was the first one she’s ever had.”

  “Goodness gracious, son, surely that wasn’t proper.”

  “Proper or not, Ma, I can’t have her traipsing around alone after dark. She was out there with Frank Larson, of all people. If you think me giving her a paddling isn’t proper, what would people say about her being alone with the biggest womanizer in all of Wyoming?” He moved toward the stairs, pausing and staring up after her.

  “I hope you weren’t too rough on her, son,” Henry commented. “She’s delicate, just like a city girl.”

  Aaron looked back at his father in surprise. He had never gone easy on him or his brothers, and from the sounds coming from the master bedroom over the years, hadn’t held back with his Ma either. “She got the flat of my hand on her naughty backside, Pa. Nothing more and certainly nothing that should have raised such a fuss, unless you’ve never been spanked before. Besides, she’s not a city gal any longer. She needs to realize this is still the untamed west, and the rules are in place for her safety.”

  Hesitantly, he stepped on the first stair, listening. Not hearing any sound from upstairs, he started up, saying over his shoulder, “I’d better go check on her.”

  Janelle wasn’t in her room when he got there. Her meager belongings were gone, including the clothes she’d arrived in and her big leather purse. Taking the only other escape route available, Aaron hurried down the backstairs after her. Stepping out on the back porch, he cursed. She was nowhere in sight. Heading back in the house, he called to his father as he stormed past the parlor. “Find Heath and Luke, Pa. She’s bolted.”

  * * *

  Janelle sat by the creek in the moonlight, tears trailing unchecked down her flushed cheeks. She’d grabbed her things and gotten out of there lickety-split. There was only one problem; she had no place to go. No money, no horse, no friends to go stay with, and no family. She was utterly trapped and all alone in this barbaric time. Shifting on the hard ground, she noticed that her bottom was tender, but the discomfort was fading, and she probably wouldn’t feel much at all by morning. What hurt the most was her pride, but not because he had taken her over his knee and paddled her bare butt like a child. No, if she was honest with herself, she’d admit that hearing that she was merely his prisoner and meant nothing to him aside from his job had hurt more than anything.

  A snapping twig startled her, and she turned to see Aaron standing at the edge of the trees behind her. Turning back, she whispered, “I don’t want to go back with you. I want to go home.”

  Footsteps approached from behind, and from the corner of her eye, she saw him move up alongside her. He squatted down and placed a broad hand against her back, soothing and stroking. “I know this is hard, Janelle, but you can’t go running around by yourself at night or anytime, for that matter. It’s just not safe. I don’t know what you were used to in 2013, but here women don’t go around unescorted, period. There are outlaws, drifters, and thieves around that would love to come upon a helpless woman such as you. It’s not safe for you to run off like this. Do you understand that?”

  Nodding her head, Janelle sniffled. “I want to go home, Aaron.”

  “I know, honey, but I don’t know how to make that happen, and until we figure something out, you have to do what I say. For your own good, understand?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Good girl.” He sat down next to her, and his next statement shocked her. “I want you to come across my lap again. You’ve earned another dozen for this little stunt.”

  Her tears started again. How could he possibly spank her again? Her bottom was already tender from the walloping he’d given her in the barn not thirty minutes earlier. He patted his thighs, patiently waiting. Did he seriously expect her to put herself over his knees this time?

  “Do you plan to do this every time I don’t follow one of your rules?”

  “I think I’ve been quite patient, Janelle. How many warnings did you get about foul language? From me and my father? Why, tonight alone you cursed at me three times. In addition, all because I took you to task about common sense rules. Do you mean to tell me this kind of behavior is acceptable in your time?”

  He was right. She wouldn’t have acted this way at home. Except for going around unescorted, the rest of his rules were basic courtesy and had been taught to her as a child. She wouldn’t have approached a stranger to chat, especially in a dark secluded area. She would have been more aware of her surroundings. In fact, when she worked late shifts at the hospital, she had always made sure she left with someone else or had one of the security guards escort her out to her car, just to avoid running into a strange man while alone in the dark.

  What was wrong with her? Why was she antagonizing him? She knew she had been when she’d cut such a shine outside the barn, cursing like a sailor, knowing it would tick him off. And tonight she’d run away like an overindulged child that didn’t get her way. She probably deserved a spanking. Several minutes went by until with a shuddering resigned sigh, she finally moved, crawling over him until she was lying across his lap.

  He gathered up her skirts and petticoats and once again opened her drawers. His big hand stroked her bare bottom, and she stiffened, preparing for the first blow.

  “If you tense up, it will hurt more, honey. Just relax.”

  Emotions roiled through her, she felt helpless, embarrassed, guilty, and yes, even aroused. Having no recourse but to do as she was told, she took a deep breath and tried to relax, forcing her muscles to unclench beneath his hand. When she was lying quietly over him, he lifted his paddle-like hand and delivered the first of a dozen swats. Once the last one had fallen and her bottom was once again well heated, he turned her over and helped her sit up. Within minutes the dam burst, and she was sobbing into his chest, saturating his linen shirt with her tears.

  “That’s it, honey. Let it out.”

  Janelle didn’t know how long they sat there, but by the time she got control of her tears, she was weak and wrung out. She clung to her nemesis, who held her close in his strong arms, whispering soft reassurances, rubbing her back gently, and smoothing her hair. He rocked her gently in his arms, murmuring in her ear, his voice surprisingly soothing and comforting.

  “What am I going to do, Aaron? I’ve lost everything and everyone I’ve ever known.”

  “I know Janelle, and I’m so sorry. I wish I had an answer for you, but you are going to stay with us, safe and sound, until we figure it all out. Ya hear?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Good girl. How about we head back to the house. Pa and Heath are out looking for you, and Ma is worried sick.”

  “I’m sorry to be so much trouble.”

  “You’re no trouble, Janelle. Trouble is a drunken barroom brawl or a calf stuck in a mud hole. A pretty gal from the future is a bit out of the ordinary, but it’s the most interesting thing that’s happened around here in a long time. It was getting kind of boring.”

  She heard the teasing smile in his voice and couldn’t help but chuckle. “Out of the ordinary… that’s a bit of an understate
ment, Marshal.”

  “It’s Aaron, sweetheart.” He lifted her off him and helped her to her feet. Looking down at her, he pulled out his handkerchief and mopped up her tears. Once done, he dipped his head and capturing her lips in a tender kiss. “I think we’re ready to be on a first name basis, don’t you?”

  “I suppose since you are personally acquainted with my backside, it’s kind of silly for me to call you ‘Marshal’.”

  “You don’t usually, unless you’re mad at me.”

  Looking into his handsome face, her eyes gravitated to his full, sensual mouth. His big body pressing firmly against her caused the tingling to start between her legs once again. It was becoming a familiar sensation, and it seemed to happen every time he was close. Despite the two spankings, she felt safe and secure in his arms. Was she nuts? Frowning, she mentally shook herself.

  She couldn’t actually like being spanked, could she? Some of her friends had talked about it, but they had talked about a sensual, foreplay-like spanking. Their conversations always turned naughty when they got together for their monthly margarita night. Only Julia, one of the nurses she worked with, actually admitted to getting punishment spankings from her husband. She’d called it domestic discipline. Was that what this was? It was the 19th century after all. Didn’t the Victorians commonly spank and even cane their wives? The thought of a cane cutting across her bottom made her shudder. Perish the thought.

  “Janelle? Where did you go just now?”

  Startled, she realized she had just zoned out on Aaron. “Sorry, my mind just wandered. I was thinking about back home.”

  “You don’t have a husband or a beau back in your time, do you?

  “No,” she said, giggling as she found that amusing for some reason. “I suppose you should have asked that a bit sooner, huh?”

  “Yeah, I guess I just assumed.” He took her left hand and stroked her ring finger, relieved there were no ridges or grooves to indicate she normally wore a ring.


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