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Twice the Dirty (Dirty F**kers MC Book 4)

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by Sam Crescent


  Copyright© 2017 Sam Crescent

  ISBN: 978-1-77339-288-2

  Cover Artist: Jay Aheer

  Editor: Karyn White


  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


  Dirty Fuckers MC, 4

  Sam Crescent

  Copyright © 2017

  Chapter One

  Skylar Davies watched her sister as she worked around her kitchen in the diner. Teri Davies, her best friend and sister, was one of the best cooks in the world as far as Skylar was concerned. They both did okay in the kitchen, but then, that was where they had always gone to try to get away from their mother.

  “I’m bored,” Skylar said.

  Teri burst out laughing. “Why don’t you go and enjoy the Friday night party? You know you want to. It’s fun.”

  Running fingers through her hair, Skylar glanced out at the busy diner. There were several bikers out there, along with a townful of people wanting their food.

  “I think I’ll help you.”

  “You wait tables now?” Teri asked, chuckling. “When did that happen?”

  “I can be very reliable, I’ll have you know.” Skylar winked at her sister, and left to go and join the women who were rushing around. She hated waiting tables. When she was eighteen and in her last year of high school, she had gotten a job like this one, and it had been a nightmare. There was a time that she believed people could be nice. It turned out that people could, providing you didn’t have anything wrong with you.

  The biggest problem people found with her was her weight. No one liked that she was a size twenty. Her fat ass, big tits, and rounded stomach had always been something for people to use to ridicule her. Not to mention the torture her mother put her through, but Skylar refused to go there.

  Her mother was the last person she wanted to think about.

  “Everything is okay here, Sky. You’re going to be fine,” Teri said, coming toward her.

  “I can’t believe you’re running with an MC. I always knew you had a recklessness about you.”

  Teri threw back her head and laughed. “The Dirty Fuckers MC are my family, babe. They take care of me, and I take care of them. They’re more of a family than our own parents. You should give them a shot.”

  Since arriving in Greater Falls, Skylar had spent every single moment with her older sister. Teri was a beautiful woman, a wonderful person inside and out. Over the years, she had spent a great deal of time trying to protect her, to show her love.

  “I don’t think I can keep living in the clubhouse though. It’s … erm … an experience.”

  The chuckle from Teri made her smile even more. “Honey, I think it will take a long time for you to get used to. Even now I struggle with it.”

  “I doubt that.”

  “Hey, I’m trying to be the big sister here, showing you love and stuff. The guys are amazing, and you will love them. Yes, they fuck around and they fight, but you know what? Deep down, they have a lot of heart.”

  Skylar looked into the room and saw three of them throwing food at one another.

  “Okay, so deep down they are also just children. You’ve always been good with kids. Show them a bit of motherly love,” Teri said, patting her back.

  Chloe rushed toward the door. “Teri, we need help out here. I can’t keep up.”

  “It’s Friday, and people don’t want to cook for themselves. Lazy bastards mean I get money.” Teri shoved Skylar forward. “My sister has just offered to help. Isn’t she nice?”

  Before Skylar knew what was going on, she had a notebook, a pen, and a menu in her hand.

  “Just tell them that you’re new, and you’re finding your way around,” Chloe said. “You’re an angel.”

  “I’m not that.” Skylar blew out a breath, stared at the diner, and just got straight into it. If they had something bad to say about her size, then, like all the other times before, she would deal with it, simple as that. Approaching the first table, she smiled, and that was how she spent the first thirty minutes, taking orders, and then shouting them out to Teri. Grabbing drinks, and filling up cups of coffee. Dealing with sugar, and other things as well. Chloe kept steering her left, right, and center.

  She didn’t know what she was doing, but she just kept on regardless, humming to herself as she did.

  “Can you deal with the Dirty Fuckers?” Kitty Cat asked.

  Skylar glanced over at the bikers, and grimaced. “I don’t really know them.”

  “You’re Teri’s sister. Believe me, you’ll do fine, and they won’t hurt you. Teri has promised to gut them all if they make you cry.”

  She laughed. “That is my big sister. Always taking care.”

  “Please, I’m swamped.”

  Kitty Cat left, and Skylar blew out a breath, and made her way over to the large table. The moment she was there, it all went silent.

  Don’t panic.

  Don’t be nervous.

  These are Teri’s friends.

  The ones you’ve seen completely naked.

  “Hi,” she said.

  “Hey, darling. We see that you’re swamped. We’ll just have our regular,” James said. She recognized him. His wife Cora was sitting beside him.

  She nodded, and quickly rushed back to the kitchen.

  “James said all of his table would have the regular.”

  “Okay. That’s great. Shit, will you see if Leo and Paul want their steaks medium, rare, or burnt to a crisp?” Teri asked.

  “I thought they had a regular.”

  “They do, but those two like to change their order to suit their own need. Will you find out for me?”

  “Yeah, sure.” She had never been good at talking to men. Her face tended to flame up, and she looked like a strawberry.

  “If you ever want a boyfriend, you’re going to have to drop that fat, Skylar. You disgust me.”

  Walking to the table, she smiled.

  “Teri wants to know how you would like your steak?” She looked at Leo and Paul. They were two completely different men, and they were sitting together, chatting. Everyone else was talking, and they hadn’t stopped as she approached these two.

  “I’m in a medium, juicy mood,” Leo said.

  She frowned as he looked down her body. Glancing down, she still didn’t understand what the problem was. The apron was still clean.

  “What’s wrong?”

  Paul slapped Leo around the back of the head. “Ignore him. We’ll take two medium steaks. Thanks, honey.”

  She nodded and left.

  “What is Leo and Paul’s deal?” Skylar asked.

  “How do they want their steaks?”

  “Juicy, and medium. They are weird men.”

  Teri chuckled. “They are an adorable duo. Believe me, the lucky lady that snags them is in for a right treat.”

  Skylar paused at the door. “Them?”

  “Yep, them. They come as a package deal. You can’t have one without the other.” Teri sighed. “They are wonderful though. Good men, and I know they’re going to treat their woman special.”

  Glancing back into the room, Skylar saw that the two men in question were staring at her. Offering a smil
e, she went back to work doing the best that she could to serve and to help her sister out.

  Weaving her way through the tables, she couldn’t help but remember the horrible names she was called growing up.

  Teri was curvy, but it was the kind of curvy that people seemed to gel with. It was an acceptable curviness. Skylar, she was fat, or a cow, or a pig that went oink-oink. So embarrassing passing a table to have that snorted loudly. Yeah, there were many times over the years that she had been so embarrassed by what people had done.

  Fortunately, no one said anything or made a comment, and she was able to do her job without fear of some awful noise being directed at her.

  She needed to find a job, and working with Teri would be an awesome way to finally get back on her feet.

  Greater Falls was a nice place, and she could imagine settling down here.

  Before she committed herself though, she would test the waters of being here.


  “What the fuck did you do that for?” Leo asked, rubbing the back of his head.

  Paul rolled his eyes. He hadn’t hit the bastard that hard. “Didn’t you see how fucking nervous you were making her? She wanted to run.”

  “I wasn’t making her nervous. I was just enjoying the sight before me. She’s fucking beautiful.” Leo looked toward where she was serving a young family.

  Paul knew exactly what Leo saw.

  Skylar was a beautiful woman inside and out. Now, they could be wrong. They had been wrong about so many other things before, including Stacey, Cora’s friend who had used them for a good time, and moved onto the next man. Last they had heard, Stacey was also screwing someone else now.

  They hadn’t given Stacey any real thought for some time now. In the beginning, they had cared for her, but that had never been love.

  Paul had liked her, and he knew that Leo had as well. They had thought they had found the one, or at least hoped they had. That one woman who would be more than happy to have two men in her life.

  He and Leo had been together through thick and thin. They had the same taste in women, and there was nothing more arousing than seeing Leo driving inside a woman. Paul could come just from watching his best friend. That was their deal, they came as a package. Two for the price of one. You didn’t get one without the other.

  Long before they had started looking for a woman to claim as their own, they had both agreed to being with just one. Neither of them wanted to have a woman for themselves. One woman to share, and looking over at Skylar, something inside him just told him that she was the one.

  He couldn’t pinpoint why he felt that way, but there was something about her. She was different from their other women. Not once had she given them any indication that she even liked them that way.

  “You want her, admit it,” Leo said, leaning back in his chair.

  They often did this, had a conversation between themselves rather than share with the other Dirty Fuckers.

  Screwing random women was all fun, but he didn’t want to spend the rest of his life just fucking.

  He wanted the dream that supposedly most women craved. Yeah, it made him a little fucked up, but he wanted the wife, the house, the kids, the life. He was in an MC, and being a club member would be in his blood for always, but he could have it all.

  James had it all.

  Drake had it all.

  Even the fucking loser bastard Pixie had it all.

  He and Leo, they could find something like that. A happiness among them all.

  “I never said I didn’t.”

  “Then why hit me?”

  “Skylar’s not the kind of woman who just jumps into bed with us, Leo. I don’t want that. I don’t want her for a quick fuck, or to show her how good it can be between us. Look at all of the other women. You wanted Stacey, and we did it your way.”

  “How do we know Skylar’s the one?” Leo asked. “She could be in for a quick fuck. She’s Teri’s sister. What’s to say that she’s not just after a good time?”

  Paul burst out laughing as Teri slapped Leo up the back of the head as well. She put his plate in front of him, and leaned down to them.

  “My sister is nothing like me, and I’m being serious now. If you hurt her, I will cut both of your balls off, and I will make sure that James will let me. Skylar’s not some whore you fuck and forget, and don’t even think of treating her like that. I will fucking end the both of you.”

  “Teri, you’re crossing the line there,” Leo said. “We’re club—”

  “That is my sister, and you’re judging her without knowing a thing about her. Don’t for a second think I wouldn’t chose her over this club. Don’t get me wrong, I’d hate to do that, but Skylar is worth it. You should give her a chance first, before you condemn her to the mountain of sluts you’ve banged.”

  With that, Teri walked away.

  He always knew that Teri was protective of her sister. Skylar hadn’t been in Greater Falls all that long, two weeks maximum. Every time he had seen the lovely Skylar she had been with her sister. Rarely had the two been apart.

  There was one time he had seen her alone, and that had been at the clubhouse when a couple of the guys hadn’t taken the party upstairs. None of them did. They all loved to fuck, and they enjoyed doing it while others watched. Paul and Leo were no different.

  Skylar had been standing there, wearing a pair of the cutest pajamas that had a rabbit on them, and she hadn’t walked away, nor had she moved. She had been entranced by the woman in the throes of arousal. Who wouldn’t be? When a woman was close to reaching her peak, it was one of the most beautiful sights to behold. One of the reasons he loved sharing women with Leo—besides their unwavering friendship bond—was to see them fall apart in his arms.

  He got off on watching, and of course, being part of it all.

  Leo sighed, drawing his attention back to him, and not on the sexy, curvy piece walking away from him. “We want her.”

  “I know we want her. I know what we’re going to have to do. Look at her, she thought you were looking at something on her uniform. She didn’t realize you were checking her out. Skylar’s different. We both know that, and we’ve got to be careful. I don’t want to scare her off, and neither should you,” Paul said.

  He felt the disappointment coming from Leo in waves. His friend was clearly unhappy with waiting.

  It also didn’t help that Stacey, Cora’s friend, decided to enter the diner at exactly that time.

  Cora hadn’t been openly friends with Stacey. From what Paul had been told by Ryan, Lucy’s son, which was a whole other story, Cora was courteous to Stacey as a colleague. The two had once been friends, but Cora had chosen the club over her friend.

  He didn’t imagine for a second that was easy to do. In fact, he imagined it was damn hard.

  Stacey wasn’t alone. Of course she wasn’t. It wasn’t the gym teacher, it was another guy, someone he hadn’t seen before. She stopped by the table, giving them all a smile.

  Leo simply glared at her.

  Paul didn’t feel anything for the woman before him.

  Yes, he wanted a family.

  Yes, he wanted a future with his best friend and a woman.

  Stacey hadn’t been it.

  In fact, she had been nothing but a couple of holes for them to please themselves. He was a gentleman, and he wasn’t about to tell her that. She could think what she liked.

  Everyone thought he was devastated at her rejections.

  He wasn’t. Not anymore. When he looked at Stacey, he was so damn happy that he had dodged that one. She was vindictive, mean, horrible, and it had taken some time for him to see her true colors.

  He’d put on an act to help Leo, his friend, who had been devastated.

  From the look on his friend’s face, he had seen that they dodged a bullet.

  “You okay?” Paul asked.

  Leo turned to him with a smirk. “Me, I’m all good to be honest. You know, I was just thinking that with her, we dodged a bullet.”
Leo pressed a finger to his head, and pretended to blow his brains like a gun. “It makes me wonder if I need a bullet to the head for me to understand what could have happened. Could you imagine being forced to be with her? I never saw her spitefulness. She’s a bad piece of work.”

  “I couldn’t agree more.” Before he could say anything else, Skylar put the rest of the guys’ food in front of them. She leaned over the table, giving him a good view of that beautiful cleavage he was dying to get his mouth on.

  “Here are your two juicy steaks,” she said, smiling. “Enjoy your meal.” She left, and he watched as she handed out the rest of the table’s food. Cora got her talking for a few minutes. He noticed that when she was standing, listening intently, she tended to cross her arms beneath her breasts which only served to enhance how damn big they were.

  In his mind, he imagined her straddled over him, taking his cock in deep as he rode her hard.

  His dick hardened at the thought. Those luscious tits swaying as he drove into her—it was too much of a temptation even for him.

  “She’s just … stunning,” Leo said.

  Paul turned to his friend, to see that Leo was in fact looking at Skylar.

  Her raven hair was pulled into a ponytail, and her cheeks were slightly red, which he imagined was because of James, not Cora. Skylar was a nervous little thing. What was her story? Teri had always been very hush-hush about her past.

  They hadn’t even known until recently that she had a sister. It was all a little confusing to him.

  In the distance Paul heard Stacey laugh, and she was playing the game she had a few months back. Neither of them were going to fall for it.

  “I want her, Paul. I want Skylar.”

  “Me, too.”

  Chapter Two

  Leo stared across the bar at the Dirty Fuckers MC clubhouse. It was a party, and everything was in full swing. Cora and James were dancing in the middle of the room, along with Drake and Grace. Pixie and Suzy were also dancing. They were the three couples within their club.


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