Twice the Dirty (Dirty F**kers MC Book 4)

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Twice the Dirty (Dirty F**kers MC Book 4) Page 7

by Sam Crescent

  Leo wrapped his arm around her shoulders and pulled her back. “You need to ignore those assholes. They do not know what they are missing out on.” He pressed a kiss to her head and she was smiling.

  “It’s all fine now. I’m not hurt or anything.” She patted Leo’s arm, and turned to smile at him. Leo, being Leo, kissed her lips.

  The sight had Paul’s already hard cock thickening even more.

  “So, no more assholes for you,” he said, drawing her attention back to him.

  “No asshole.” She giggled. “It’s kind of funny to think like that, don’t you think?”


  Tonight wasn’t supposed to be about pressuring her. Leo shouldn’t have kissed her, and he had seen that he’d caught her by surprise. Just hearing what some asshole had done to her had really angered him. He wanted to hurt every single bastard that was in her past, and make sure they never did it again.

  She had been so unlucky, and he couldn’t stand to think of her hurting at all. Some men really didn’t know what their words were doing.

  He loved the way she ate. How her eyes closed when she took a bite, and her tongue came out to lick the side of her lip. For him, he was hoping one day she would suck his cock with as much relish.

  “Let’s play truth or dare,” Paul said.

  Turning to his friend, Leo frowned. “Truth or dare? Seriously, how old are you?”

  Skylar started laughing.

  “We’re supposed to be having some fun, right? Recreating the whole slumber party feel. Who doesn’t play truth or dare at a slumber party?”

  “Wait,” Skylar said. “Shall we get into our pajamas? That’s what a slumber party is all about.”

  “Let’s get changed,” Paul said.

  She jumped up, and promised to be back within minutes.

  “Do you own pajamas?” Leo asked.

  “No, not a chance. I’ve got some sweatpants. They will have to do, like they did last night.”

  Paul left the room, and Leo rushed toward his bathroom, removing his clothes, and staring at his naked chest. He pulled up a pair of old sweatpants, and wondered if he should bother with a shirt. If he went without one, would he make her nervous? It was quite warm, and he wanted her to look at him. Damn it, he was overthinking everything right now, and it was driving him crazy.

  Leaving the bedroom, he sat down on the floor as Paul and Skylar arrived. Paul wasn’t wearing a shirt either, and Skylar was in pajamas, this time a plain pastel pink color that really brought out the depth of color in her hair and the blue in her eyes.

  “So truth or dare,” she said, taking a seat.

  “No, we’ve played this before. You will go first. Truth or dare, Skykar?”

  She pressed a finger to her lip, tilted her head and smiled. “Truth.”

  “Have you ever been in love?” Paul asked.

  “No. I’ve never been in love. That’s easy.”

  “How about we all have to answer?” Leo asked. “It stops us being a bit boring. Truths all have to be answered, dares are singular.”

  “I’m okay with that,” Skylar said. “Your turn.”

  “I’ve never been in love,” Leo said.

  “Me neither. Lust I have. I’ve been in a lot of lust,” Paul said.

  “I don’t think I’ve ever been in lust either. Yeah, I’m a bit of a bore,” Skylar said.

  “You never know what the future holds, babe. You could be in lust before you know it.” Leo winked at her.

  She smiled, her cheeks going bright red. “You never know.” She didn’t back down nor stop. At least she wasn’t running away.

  He was happy about that.

  “Okay, my turn,” Leo said. “Paul, truth or dare?”


  “I dare you to go and steal James’s phone.”

  “Are you for real?”

  “Totally real. We’ll give it back to him.”

  Paul rolled his eyes. “You’re deadly, I’ll be right back.”

  Leo was laughing as Paul left. Skylar was doing the same as well. “He’s not going to get hurt, is he?”

  “I don’t know. We’ll see. If he comes back with a black eye, he got hurt, and my bad.”

  “You are bad and so mean.” Skylar gave him a playful shove.

  “You’ll see it’s part of my charm.”

  She chuckled, and took a sip of her soda. “This is a lot of fun.”

  “I’m so pleased you’re enjoying it.”

  Skylar started to say something else, but Paul entered the room, tossing him the cell phone.

  “Totally easy to get.”

  Leo looked at the cell phone, and saw Paul’s smug grin. “How did you get it?”

  “Does it matter?”

  “Come on, Paul. Tell us how you got James’s phone?” Skylar asked. “Did you steal it? Give him money?”

  Paul rolled his eyes. “I promised to do laundry for the next two weeks, and he told me to grow up. The only parties we should be having are the kinds that involve condoms.” Paul pointed at each of them. “I totally just ruined my rep right now.”

  “Okay, my turn,” Skylar said, looking toward Leo. “Truth or Dare.”


  “Truth?” Skylar bit her lip, and the grin on her face was totally wicked. “Have you ever kissed Paul?”

  “What, ew, gross!” Leo looked at his friend, and shook his head. “Not going to happen, mate. I’m awesome and I’m not sharing.”

  “Dude, I love sharing with you, but believe me, I have no interest in kissing you, not at all.” Paul turned toward her. “Have you kissed Leo?”

  “Have you kissed Paul?”

  She shook her head, covering her face. “Nope to neither, however, you kissed me, Leo, on the lips.”

  “And it was a very nice kiss, too,” he said, reaching out to stroke his thumb across her bottom lip.

  “Okay, it’s back to me,” Paul said.

  Leo pulled his hand away. “Wait, let’s take a picture, and then you can give this back to James.” They all bunched together, posing for the selfie as Leo pressed the button, and then he saved it as James’s screen saver. “Here you go. Get it back to him.”

  “You better be thinking what you’d like, Skylar. I’m up next.”

  “Can’t wait,” she said, laughing.

  Leo couldn’t help it, he reached over toward her, and pulled her toward him, wrapping his arms around her body. “Are you having a good time?”

  “Hell, yeah, I can’t remember ever being this happy. It’s a lot of fun.” She tilted her head back. “Thank you so much for doing this for me. I appreciate it.”

  “It is my pleasure. I love seeing you happy.” Locking their fingers together, Leo had hope that one day soon, they would have something more. He had never met a woman that he was so natural with.


  Skylar waited for the dare that Paul was about to give her. She was nervous, excited, and thrilled to be with these two men. They were so sweet, so kind, so loving. The woman that finally caught them would be so lucky. She was a little envious actually.

  Skylar would have loved to have been given the chance to be with them.

  What the heck are you thinking?

  They are not for you.

  You couldn’t even manage one man.

  They like sex, and you find it boring.

  You are no match for them.

  Get your head out of the clouds.

  “I want you to kiss me,” Paul said, surprising her.


  “I dare you to kiss me, and then I dare you to kiss Leo. Not just lips either. I want a little tongue.”

  She looked at Paul and then at Leo.

  “Wait, you can’t do that,” Skylar said.

  “This is giving you a taste of what it was like growing up, right? Well kids always took things too far. Don’t worry, babe. We’re all adults here, and if you don’t want to, I can dare something else,” Paul said.

  “It’s up
to you, Skylar. This is fun, and he’s not wrong. Is it so bad kissing us?” Leo asked.

  Kiss them.

  What’s the harm?

  They are both sexy handsome men.

  You love it when they touch you.

  “I’ll do it.” She went to her knees, and moved toward Paul first. “So you want it on the lips, and with a little tongue?”

  “You got it right.” He leaned forward and placed his hands on her knees, looking into her eyes.

  Paul was a lovely person. There was something dark and dangerous, yet charming about him. He was the opposite of Leo, Paul being the more serious of the two. Leo was a little more playful than Paul.

  Leaning forward, she bit her lip, and stared into his eyes. “Erm, I’m not very good at kissing.”

  “I find that impossible to believe.”

  “It’s the truth. I was always told that I was awful at it.”

  His hands moved from her knees and rested on her face. “How about I show you what I want?”

  “Yes, I’d like that.” Why are you being so damn polite?

  “Relax, Skylar. We’re here because we want to be.”

  I want to be here.

  His lips grazed hers, and she couldn’t help the little whimper that released. That one touch felt so good. Her eyes closed even as she tried to keep them open. Paul’s tongue licked across her lips, and she opened, meeting his tongue with hers. She held her hands on his shoulders, gripping the thick muscles beneath her own hands.

  They both suddenly went up on their knees, and she wrapped her arms around his neck, deepening the kiss.

  Leo cleared his throat, making her jerk back.

  “I really don’t want to stop you, but what about me?” Leo asked, taking her arm. She turned a little, and Leo cupped her face. His lips landed on hers, and she gasped as he plunged inside, deepening the kiss.

  Paul still had his hands on her, holding her close.

  She loved it.

  She loved having Leo’s hands on her, and Paul’s at the same time.

  Both of them were a force to be reckoned with, and they were so close, and they had their hands on her.

  Arousal rushed through her, shocking her with the force. Her pussy went slick, and her nipples hardened at the feel of them around her. She wondered what it would be like to have them making love, or better yet, fucking her, claiming her, possessing every single inch of her body like she had read in the library books.

  A noise outside broke them apart. She stared at Leo aware of Paul close, breathing against her throat.

  “That was some dare,” she said, clearing her throat.

  “The best one yet,” Paul said.

  She pulled away, shoving her hair back and out of her face. “So, truth or dare, who is next?”

  No one spoke of the kiss, and the party continued to be filled with fun. Skylar struggled with the feelings that had been awakened within her body. She wasn’t used to feeling this overwhelmed by a man, let alone two.

  The hours rolled on, and it wasn’t long before they were all lying in the fort, and she was staring up at the ceiling of their little tent, feeling their presence on either side of her.

  Her lips still tingled, and she couldn’t help but touch them. Their kiss had been everything she had ever imagined.

  They don’t want you.

  “Who do you think will want a fat cow like you? You disgust me, your own mother. You should be thankful to any guy that pays attention to you.”

  In the dark, tears flooded her eyes at the memory of some of her mother’s spiteful words. They were words that she had grown up with. Her mother had told her so many times how fat, how ugly, and disgusting she was that she finally stopped flinching at the words. She swallowed past the lump in her throat, and closed her eyes.

  Was it even possible to believe that Paul and Leo could want her?

  Doubts assailed her, and she hated it. She hated how much control her mother had over her right now.

  “Truth or dare?” Leo asked.

  “Truth,” she said.

  “Is there anyone you hate and you wish to never see again?”

  Tears spilled out of her eyes. “Yes. My mother.”

  She fisted her hands at her sides and forced the tears back. Tears didn’t do anything, and crying was a waste of time and emotion. Letting out a breath, she finally got her emotions in check.

  Leo and Paul both took her hands and locked their fingers with hers. It was so special to her, at least in that moment. Then they kissed her on the cheek.

  Maybe it would be good to hope and dream.

  Chapter Eight

  Teri locked up the diner, and then looked toward the large clubhouse. The party was still in full swing even though it was a little after one. She didn’t mind. Partying was what she had been loving for so long. The diner had closed a couple of hours ago, and she had stayed behind because she didn’t want to go up to the clubhouse, not just yet.

  She wondered if her sister was having a good time with Leo and Paul. Those two men would worship Skylar if only her sister would let them. Of course her sister was one stubborn woman, but then it was a Davies trait.

  Movement to her right had her jumping and reaching for her pepper spray. She had never had to use it in Greater Falls, but there was always a first time for everything.

  Dane came out of the shadows. He didn’t look drunk.

  “It’s just me.”

  She lowered the can of pepper spray. “It’s not good to be lurking, Dane. What the hell are you doing here?” she asked.

  “I wanted to come and see you. I’m not exactly anyone’s favorite person anymore.”

  “And you think you’d be that person to me?” she asked, annoyed.

  “There was a time that I was.”

  She froze, and turned toward the man that had been her nightmare, her dream, and everything in between. This was her greatest shame, her greatest pleasure, and her biggest secret.

  “James gave you an ultimatum. Why are you still here? Don’t you just run away?” she asked.

  “I want to. I want to get on that road, drive away, and be done with it.”

  She shrugged. “Why don’t you? It’s not like you’re helping Ryan out. Do you remember him?”


  “No. You don’t get to ‘Teri’ me. You don’t get to tell me what you want, that everything is a mistake, and you’re so fucking sorry. I’m not going to do this again with you, Dane.”

  “So I lose you and I lose Lucy.”

  She closed her eyes and pressed her fingers against them.

  She felt sick to her stomach, and she swallowed down the pain of what her drunken actions had caused many years ago, even before she knew he was a married man, and what she had gone through.

  “I’m not going to do this with you. I told you that. It shouldn’t have happened in the first place, and it’s not going to happen now.”

  Teri started walking, remembering the first day she had met him at a party. It had been one of the first MC parties she had been to where she had met the Dirty Fuckers for the first time. She had been twenty-one years old. It was the first time she had left Skylar alone with their mother, but she had gone.

  While there, she had met a man called Dane, and after one too many drinks she had ended up in his bed, and they had fucked like wild animals. Of course in the morning, she had discovered that he was a married man. Ryan had been so young, and she’d had to deal with the guilt of fucking another woman’s man.

  She had vowed never to let it happen again, and for a short time it hadn’t.

  The problem was, when it came to Dane, she had a weakness and she hated herself for it. Hated that she had hurt another woman, another family, so she did everything she could to make it up to Lucy.

  She had done everything but tell the other woman the truth.

  “Teri, I’m not going anywhere. Lucy has moved on.”

  “You didn’t come back for me,” Teri said, turning toward him w
ith tears in her eyes. “You made me that woman. With you being gone, and now witnessing what you’re really like, I want nothing to do with you. You used me to get your own kicks. I’m not going to do it again.” With that, she ran up to the clubhouse. Randy was coming out of the house as she charged forward, and she collided with him.

  “Hey, baby, are you oaky?”

  “Yeah, yeah, I’m fine. I just really need a drink right now.” Entering the clubhouse, she went to the bar, wiping the tears away so no one would ask questions. She would be fine. All she needed to do was focus on something else, and not the past few years of pain. One day she would talk to someone, but right now, it was like every single wound that she had put a Band-Aid on was being torn open.

  Randy ran his hand down her back, stroking her skin, and she focused on that pleasure, not on the pain inside her heart. She had been a young fool. An idiot believing sex could mean love.

  Dane was just a man who wanted to get his kicks anyway that he could, but she refused to fall for anything else.

  Drinking down the whiskey, she waited for Daniel to refill her cup. She swallowed that one, and then took Randy’s hand. “Let’s go and have a good time.”


  A few days later

  Skylar got the job at the library and was asked to start immediately. Of course, she was so damn happy, and Leo even offered to drive her to and from work. So did Paul. She noticed both men never liked to be outdone by the other, but then it could just be that they enjoyed doing things equally.

  It had been a couple of days since the amazing sleepover, and she couldn’t stop thinking about it, or that kiss. She found herself at odd moments touching her lips, and feeling the two of them on her lips once again.

  It was impossible.

  One amazing kiss couldn’t do that, could it?

  Either way, the Dirty Fuckers MC were tense at the moment. Dane hadn’t left, and he had stuck around the clubhouse.

  Skylar had noticed that her sister, within a few days, had become withdrawn from her. Smiling at the right points, but never really being there. Whenever she tried to get her alone, Teri would always find some reason to be elsewhere. Skylar didn’t like it. The way her sister was behaving reminded her of when Teri left their family home and didn’t return. She had spent hours watching the street, waiting for her sister to turn up. It never happened.


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