Twice the Dirty (Dirty F**kers MC Book 4)

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Twice the Dirty (Dirty F**kers MC Book 4) Page 8

by Sam Crescent

  The last thing she wanted was to lose her big sister after they had been apart for some time.

  Finally, on a Wednesday, Teri had decided to close the diner early. She was in the kitchen as Skylar came home from a morning shift at the library. No one was around as Leo and Paul had to go off on some kind of errand that they couldn’t tell her about. Club business, and she didn’t ask what that was.

  “Hey, you,” she said, entering the kitchen.

  “Hi. I thought it would be nice to do some experimenting. You know. I’ve been working on a few things at the diner, but I don’t feel like being there right now.”

  Teri seemed skittish, not herself.

  Moving toward her, Skylar took her sister’s hands and forced her to look at her.

  “What’s going on?”

  “Why should something be wrong?”

  “Do you remember when you were twenty-one? You made me dinner. Mom was out of the house. You had that fake smile on your face, and you’d made me chicken parm. We sat, and you got me to talk about school, and you’d tell me how amazing it would be for me when I got older.” As she spoke, she watched as Teri started to crumble. Her big sister, her rock, finally broke down.

  “I’m a horrible person, Skylar. The worst person imaginable.”

  “I find that really hard to believe.” She pushed Teri’s hair off her face.

  “I am. You’ll hate me if you know the truth.”

  Taking her sister’s hand, Skylar made their way out toward the garden, where she had found herself sitting and thinking a lot over the past few days. She took some tissues from her pocket, and handed them to Teri. “How can you think for a second that you’re a horrible person?”

  “Because I am. I’m the worst kind of woman, Skylar. You’re going to hate me when I tell you.”

  Skylar’s heart was aching for her sister. She saw the distress on Teri’s face. “Tell me.”

  “I slept with a married man.” Teri broke down sobbing.

  She was a little shocked. Her sister hated women who helped men cheat. Teri covered her face with her hands and sobbed.

  There had to have been a reason, and she moved closer, rubbing her sister’s back, trying to give her as much support as she could.

  “I’m a horrible person. You should just kill me now. I hate people like me.”

  “I really don’t know what happened. But I don’t think it’s as simple as you sleeping with a married man. Did you know he was married?”

  “No, I didn’t. Not the first time,” Teri said, and that started her crying again.

  Skylar was surprised. “First time? There was more than once?”


  Biting her lip, she continued to rub her sister’s back, waiting. She watched the garden around her, waiting for Teri.

  “I’m sorry,” Teri said.

  “I think you should explain your … predicament.”

  Teri laughed. “Only you would think I’m in a predicament.”

  “What would you call it?” she asked.

  “A complete act of stupidity.”

  “You better tell me the whole story,” Skylar said.

  “You can’t tell anyone.”

  “I won’t.” She sat on the bench, crossing her legs and waiting.

  “It’s Dane.”

  “Wait, asshole Dane? You called him an asshole.”

  “He is one. He’s a selfish prick, and everything I feel for him is irrelevant. I’m telling you the truth. I met him when I was twenty-one. That first ever party I was invited to. We had sex then, after we had both gotten very drunk. I didn’t know he was married then. He was just this sweet, charming guy, you know? Dangerous because he was a fighter and a biker, and I wanted him. I didn’t know he was married.”

  Teri explained everything. How she made sure she had nothing to do with him when she found out he was married with kids. Dirty Fuckers moved around a lot in the early days, so she would go days, if not weeks or months, before she would see him. On one of the final times she saw him, before they trashed her old workplace, and asked her to move to Greater Falls, there was another big party. She got drunk, and they’d ended up in bed together. “I think I loved him, Skylar.”

  “Oh, honey.”

  “I know. Sucks, right? The one man I fall for is taken by another woman. Lucy’s a kind woman, and every time I looked at her, I know I failed her. I shouldn’t be here, Skylar. I shouldn’t be having a good time when she’s suffering.”

  “Have you thought about telling her?” Skylar asked.

  Teri paled, and whimpered. “So many times. I wanted to tell her, but what good would that do? I mean, I’ve always felt that if you tell someone else, it’s because you’re not big enough to keep that inside. I don’t want to hurt her. Nothing has happened for years, Skylar.”

  She hugged her sister close, feeling Teri sobbing. “Do you love him?”

  “I don’t know. You’ve seen what he’s like. How can I love a man like that?”

  “You can’t help who you love.”

  Teri pulled away, wiping her eyes. “There you go: you know I’m not perfect.”

  Skylar chuckled. “I knew you weren’t perfect a long time ago.” She cupped Teri’s face. She was worried for her. “Will you be okay?”

  “Of course I will. This is why me and men will never mix well. There’s just too much heartache to come with it.” Teri waved her hand in front of her face. “Ignore me. Honestly, I don’t know what came over me.”

  “You’re not going to tell Lucy?”

  Teri shook her head. “It was my mistake. I won’t cause her anymore pain, you know. She’s moving in with Lewis and I’m going to be helping with that. Enough about me. What about you? How are things going with Leo and Paul?”

  She knew her sister wanted to change the subject. “It’s going amazing. They are so wonderful. We, erm, we kissed.”

  Her sister squealed. “Kissed?”

  “It was a dare.” At Teri’s strange look, she explained. “We played truth or dare. I was dared to kiss Paul and then to kiss Leo, and … I enjoyed it.” She covered her cheeks at Teri’s chuckle.

  “Do you want them?” Teri asked.

  “I’ve thought about it, but you know that’s just never going to happen.”

  “What makes you think it’s not going to happen?”

  Skylar pointed at herself. “I’m not their type. I saw Stacey, and I’m nothing like her.”

  “Thank God. They do not like Stacey, believe me. I think you need to give them the benefit of the doubt.” Teri tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “Have you told them about what happened with Mom?”

  “No. They don’t need to know.”

  “You do realize that is the reason you can rarely relax. Even now, you’ve changed position, and started tapping your foot on the ground. Our mother fucked your childhood. Don’t allow her to ruin your chance at happiness. Leo and Paul, they are good guys, unlike some people. Give them a chance.” Teri got to her feet. “I’ve got to go inside and finish the food. A bunch of us are going to help Lucy move. Are you in?”

  “Yeah, I’ll help.”


  Teri left and started heading inside the kitchen. Out of the corner of her eye, Skylar turned to see Dane approaching. Getting to her feet, Skylar stood in front of him, and shook her head. “You need to back off from my sister.”

  “I don’t know who the hell you are, but move out of my way.”

  “Teri’s my sister, and I mean it, I will hurt you. You think you’ve got a hold on my sister because you used her to cheat on your wife.”

  Dane pulled back as if she had slapped him. “She told you.”

  “You hurt my sister. I protect my sister. You hurt her, and I’m telling you to back the fuck off.”


  Cora looked at James. “Did you know that?”

  The window to the Dirty Fucker’s office was wide open, and everything that Skylar had said to Dane had been heard within
the office. Pixie, Suzy, James, and Cora had heard all of that.

  “Well, I never thought that was even possible,” Cora said. “Teri being the other woman.”

  “Holy shit,” Pixie said. “That happened before we came here.”

  “It was a long time ago. No wonder Teri’s been nervous around him. Holy shit,” James said. He adored Teri, and knew that she hated people who cheated on their partners, yet she had done it with Dane while he’d been with Lucy. This didn’t sit well with James, not at all. What had happened between Teri and Dane was their own business, but Lucy was also part of the club.

  “Do you think Lucy knows?” Suzy asked. “I like Teri, and is it wrong to feel bad for the two of them? Lucy and Teri. I mean, Teri slept with a married man. That’s not right. I’ve been friends with her for a long time, and…”

  “What’s happening?” Cora asked. “Teri screwed a married man, and we all know now. What do we do? I don’t know if I can keep my mouth shut about this.”

  “Dane told me he was sticking around for Ryan and the kids’ sake. What we just heard, it doesn’t leave this room, not yet,” he said.

  “I’m not going to say fuck all. I’m not exactly on team Dane at the moment. Seriously disappointed in Teri right now. If she was drunk or not, I don’t care,” Pixie said.

  “I’m pregnant. I don’t need the drama,” Suzy said, touching her stomach. “It’s getting bigger by the second.”

  “I’ve told you that you’re adorable. You’ve got nothing to worry about.” Pixie kissed her stomach, and then kissed her lips.

  James was happy to see his brother so happy, and so in love. Locking his fingers with Cora, he smiled up at her. He loved her so damn much.

  Pixie and Suzy left the office, and he pulled Cora into his lap.

  “How are you?” Cora asked.

  “You mean because I just heard a potential drama exploding outside? I’m good.” He rested his hands on Cora’s stomach. They had some good news to give, and right now, he didn’t know what to do. “I’m just going to go and talk with Teri.” He kissed his wife on her neck.

  “Hey, keep your dick in your pants. I mean it, I will bitch slap her if she touches you,” Cora said.

  “I only belong to one woman.” Blowing a kiss to his wife, he left the office.

  Neither of them had wanted to get married, but he wanted Cora to be entitled to everything that belonged to him when and if he ever died. He couldn’t stand the stress of her being without. He loved her more than anything.

  Entering the kitchen, he found Teri standing at the stove, stirring a sauce. She was a sweet girl, or at least he always had thought so. Yes, she was a firecracker, and far from innocent, but her heart was always in the right place.

  “I heard,” James said, drawing her attention to him. He walked toward her, leaning on the counter beside the stove. She smiled at him.

  “What did you hear?”

  How had he not seen it before? Teri’s nervousness around Lucy. The way she always tried to help the other woman. “You and Dane.”

  The smile on her face slipped until he finally saw the pain. She was a woman nearing thirty-five, and yet, she looked so young and vulnerable—but at the same time, she’d screwed Dane.

  “Do you want me to leave?” she asked.

  “Why would I want you to leave?”

  “I’m just a club whore compared to Lucy. She’s an old lady.” Tears flooded Teri’s eyes. “I didn’t mean for it to happen. God, I sound so stupid, don’t I? I’m so fucking stupid, and a hypocrite. I was someone that I hated.”

  “You don’t have to leave. I just wanted to see how you were doing as a friend. Dane’s back. Problems are happening for him and for Lucy. I think it was fucking wrong what happened. Dane was married.”

  “I know, and I know I fucked up. You and this club have given me so much, and I wish that I could take it back.”

  “Do you love him?” James hated this. He didn’t want to deal with this shit, not now, not ever. Some of the club fucked around, but that shit stayed away from the club. This felt personal. Teri was his friend, and Dane was a club brother. Fuck, even Lucy was a friend, and this was hard, so damn hard.

  “No, I did. I don’t anymore. I was an idiot for doing what I did. It happened a couple of times. The first time I didn’t know he was married. The second time, I was drunk, but that doesn’t excuse my behavior. If you need to take a vote and get rid of me, I understand. I’m a big girl, I promise.”

  James nodded. “This is not really a club matter. Men can sleep with whoever the fuck they want, but there could be some consequences and you won’t like it.”

  “I know. I’m sorry, James.”

  He left the kitchen, and stared out at the clubhouse that he’d help create. They were all vital and important to being the Dirty Fuckers MC. Dane was causing a few problems, and James didn’t like it.

  Chapter Nine

  “Do I rock, or do I rock?” Leo asked, taking a seat at the diner Friday evening. Skylar was working, going between the tables and serving. They had spent most of the day moving all of Lucy’s things into the ranch house that Lewis owned.

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Paul asked, squirting tomato sauce onto his plate, and dipping his fries into it.

  Leo rolled his eyes. “What do you think of a weekend away to visit Vegas?”

  Paul stopped, and turned toward his friend. “What the fuck are you talking about?”

  “I called and booked us a hotel room. I thought we could take Skylar to see our old fighting grounds.” Leo was really excited about it. “I spoke to Ned Walker as well. That fucker is still going. I thought he would be dead by now.”

  “He will outlive us all,” James said.

  Leo realized that the whole of the table had gone quiet to listen.

  “You think taking a woman to see your old fighting grounds is a good thing?” Kitty Cat asked. She was sitting opposite Caleb, and it was her night off.

  “Yeah. It’s hot.”

  Kitty Cat rolled her eyes. “You’re going to regret that.”

  “Ned Walker’s still alive?” James asked, laughing. “Did you really think he’d be anything but?”

  Leo shrugged. “He’s doing okay. Settling down a lot. He doesn’t do … anything else.” Leo looked around the table. It wasn’t a secret that many of the deals involving The Skulls came through Ned.

  James shook his head. “Give Ned my best. Dirty Fuckers are not about to take on his business dealings. Not going to happen.”

  He glared at them. “Think about it. Us, Vegas, dancing, fun. She hasn’t had fun. We had fun in Vegas and you’ve got to trust me. The fort worked, right?” He wanted to kiss Skylar again, and he didn’t want it to be because of a damn dare. He had a plan, and when he got Paul alone, he was going to make sure his friend held up his end of the deal.

  “Fine, fine. I don’t see a problem. When do you want to go? It can’t be this week. We’re helping Lucy and for once, Dane is on his best behavior.”

  Dane was sitting at the end of the table and gave him the finger.

  In the past couple of days, Leo had noticed that Dane had been quiet. He was moving into the house that Lucy was moving out of.

  It had been a rather tense experience, but Leo didn’t mind that.

  “Sounds like a good idea to me,” Damon said, speaking up. “Could be fun. Why don’t you and Caleb go, Kitty Cat? Maybe you could resolve your problems with a week away. Either that or I could lock you in a dungeon for a week until you come out BFFs.”

  “Screw you, Damon,” she said.

  Damon laughed. “Come on, neither of you have played for a while. I don’t know about the others, but I for one am sick and tired of Caleb’s bad attitude, and you got one.”

  “Bite me,” Caleb said.

  “I would if it would guarantee you would stop being an asshole.”

  “Damn it, enough,” James said. “Why does everything have to turn into an argument with
you guys? You’re making me feel like a damn parent to you all.”

  “And we’re going to be,” Cora said, speaking up.

  The table went quiet and turned toward the club Prez and his old lady. Leo was in shock.

  “What?” Paul asked.

  “Yeah, I was going to tell you in a big kind of event. Flowers, streamers, and stuff. Getting you guys to behave for one day is next to impossible. So ta-da. James and I are going to have a baby. I’m pregnant. Oh, and Daniel, you’re going to be voted in as patched in member. We’re working on the leather cut, but with the way this club is, you’ll probably get it when you’re fifty.”

  James burst out laughing and pulled Cora toward him.

  Leo watched.

  “We’re having a baby and my wife needs a good spanking. Daniel, your leather cut is in the trunk of my car. We were supposed to celebrate it a couple days ago. Life has gotten in the way.”

  “This is fucking awesome,” Daniel said.

  Cora slipped out of James’s arms, and got the leather jacket, coming back to show him. “Congratulations.”

  “Put it on!” the table said, banging on the counter. Teri came out of the kitchen to watch as Daniel removed his Prospect jacket, and put on the Dirty Fuckers MC patch. It was a proud moment for them all. They had gotten a new member, and watching it reminded Leo of his own patch, which he’d gotten at exactly the same time as Paul.

  “I want to go to Vegas. I think getting away will be good,” Paul said.

  “We need to turn up the seduction on Skylar. I want more than the kiss.”

  “Divide and conquer. We both make it clear that we want her between us.” Paul agreed. “Already way ahead of you, brother.”

  The table got into the celebrations of Daniel’s newly patched in member, and of course the fact that Cora was pregnant.

  Leo was so happy for his club Prez. James was a good man and had found himself a good woman. She was a little crazy at times, but together they were the perfect couple and he just adored the two of them.


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