Twice the Dirty (Dirty F**kers MC Book 4)

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Twice the Dirty (Dirty F**kers MC Book 4) Page 10

by Sam Crescent

  Wrapping his fingers around his length, he stared into her blue eyes, hoping that he could show her how much her kneeling before them was doing to him.

  “Do you want to touch us?” Leo asked.


  “Then touch us, baby,” Paul said, holding his hand out to her. She placed one hand in his, and the other in Leo’s. Both of them held her, and Paul felt within a strange sense of calm. He finally had her where he wanted her, and there was no chance of him letting go.

  Putting her hand around his length, he covered hers with his own, and started to show her how he liked to be touched. “I’m not fragile. I won’t break,” he said.

  “Me, neither.”

  Skylar had both of their cocks in her hands, and her gaze was running between their bodies, staring at their ink. On their backs, they had matching tattoos of their love of the club. Dirty Fuckers MC. They had put Greater Falls on their back as well. The MC was their life, and this town was where they had found happiness when they didn’t think it was possible. They had gotten ink done throughout their life, from their first fight, and Paul had a unicorn on the base of his back.

  One too many drinks, and he’d gotten a unicorn inked on his back. Yeah, it was fucking weird.

  Still, he saw how much she loved their ink. Her skin was pale, flawless. He could just see their brand on her body, and would relish it as well.

  “Do you like what you see?” he asked.

  “Yes.” She licked her lips, and her gaze went to his cock.

  “Put me in your mouth, baby. Taste me because I’m going to taste you.” And he would. The moment he got her on the bed with her legs spread open, he was going to taste her. Leo had already had a taste, and now it was his time.

  She shuffled closer and put her lips to the tip of his cock. Flicking the tip with her tongue, she looked at him for guidance.

  “Use your tongue, slide it all over the tip, and down the sides. Get it nice and wet.” She followed his instructions until his cock was glistening with her saliva. “Good girl, now take the tip into your mouth, take more of it inside, and suck it deep.” He groaned. “Yeah, that’s it.” She took him to the back of her throat, and pulled off. He winced as she used some teeth, but he didn’t mind some pain. “Fuck, baby, go a bit faster, yeah, that’s it.” She bobbed her head on his length, and then wrapped her fingers around his cock, heightening his arousal even more.

  “Do you want to suck my cock?” Leo asked.

  Paul laughed as he saw the intense look that Leo was giving her. “You want her to have a taste?”

  “Fuck yeah. Did you see her lips? It looked fucking perfect.”

  Chuckling, Paul stroked her hair, and saw the smile in her eyes. She pulled off his cock, and licked her lips. “There’s plenty to go around,” she said, shyly.

  “I want to taste her pussy. Can we move this to the bed? I want to lick her cunt.”

  Her cheeks went a deeper shade of red.

  Leo rushed to the bed and sat down. “I’m ready.”

  She giggled, and Paul offered her a hand, which she took.

  Pulling her to her feet, he banded his arm around her waist, tugging her close. He placed a hand on her ass as he took possession of her mouth. She moaned at the same time her body melted against his.

  “You’re ours now, Skylar.”

  She hummed. “I like that.”

  “Good, because we’re never going to let you go. Not ever.”

  Walking her to the bed, he kissed her again, and waited as she moved toward Leo’s side. She took Leo into her mouth, following his guidance. Kneeling on the bed, Paul ran his hands up her thighs, spreading those legs, and seeing her pretty pussy. She was already wet, and the lips of her sex were nicely swollen with the bud of her clit peeking out. Spreading her pussy apart, he covered her nub with his mouth, tonguing her, and then sucking it into his mouth. Teasing her clit, he couldn’t get enough of her taste. Sliding his tongue down to her entrance, he began to fuck her, feeling how tight she was.

  He would need to get her to come before she could take them. Glancing up her body, he watched as Leo thrust into her mouth. One of his hands was wrapped in her hair, as he fed her his cock. Skylar kept moaning, and judging by the feel of her pussy on his tongue, she was enjoying sucking Leo’s cock.

  Her response was more than he could have ever hoped for. She was perfection, and from the first moment he saw her at the diner on that first day, he just knew she would be the one for the two of them.

  Leo had told him how much he wanted this to work, and Paul wanted it to work as well. He wanted the two of them to wipe the pain from her eyes and give her nothing but pleasure and a future to look forward to. A future with the two of them.

  Using his fingers, Paul filled her with one, and then the other. She began to thrust against them. At the same time, he teased her clit and stared up her body, trying to watch as Leo fucked her mouth. He wanted his cock inside her so badly, but first she had to come.

  With the way her cunt was tightening around him, he knew it was only a matter of seconds before she exploded.


  Leo gritted his teeth as Skylar’s orgasm rushed through her. She didn’t stop sucking his dick. In fact, she took him deeper into her mouth, and her body melted against him.

  “Pass me a condom,” Paul said.

  Reaching into the drawer, Leo tossed a foil packet to Paul.

  “That was amazing,” Skylar said, pulling off his cock long enough to speak. “I’ve never felt like that or had that before.”

  “No one else has taken the time to make you come?” Paul asked, tearing into the foil packet, removing the latex, and then rolling it on his cock.


  “They were assholes. Every single guy who has treated you like shit, I demand that you forget about them. They are not worth your time, your effort, or your love. They are nothing,” Leo said, cupping her face. “We will show you everything that you’ve been missing out on.”

  “Damn straight.” Paul moved between her thighs. “Do you want this, Skylar?”

  “Yes, yes, I want this. I want it so much.”

  Leo watched as Paul placed his cock between the slit of her pussy. He couldn’t look away as Paul eased his cock between her pussy, moving back and forth.

  “Tell me to fuck you,” Paul said.

  “Fuck me, Paul. Please.”

  Leo smiled as there was no hesitation. She wanted this as much as they did. He watched as Paul grabbed his cock, and then began to press inside her.

  “Suck my cock, baby,” Leo said, cupping her face.

  “She’s tight, Leo. So tight.” The look of rapture on Paul’s face let him know that when he took her pussy, he was going to be in for a treat.

  Skylar wrapped her lips around his length, and he closed his eyes as she arched up, bobbing her head, taking him deep.

  Opening his eyes, he saw Paul grab Skylar’s hips, and thrust into the hilt. She moaned, the vibrations running up his length, and the pleasure intensified.

  “Oh, fuck yeah, this is not going to take long, Skylar. So tight.” Paul ran his hands up her body, cupping her tits, and then gripping her hips as he drove into her over and over again. “Leo, she’s perfect. You’re going to love the feel of her.”

  He wasn’t going to last long enough to be between her thighs.

  In fact, he pulled out of her mouth, and began to beat his cock, groaning as strands of his cum landed on her breasts, coating her with his cream.

  He shook a little as he eased every single drop out of his cock.

  Paul wasn’t finished, and he pounded inside her, the strength of his thrusts making the bed hit the wall, slamming against it. Within minutes, Paul was grunting, thrusting inside her one final time.

  Leo lay behind her, seeing the flush building inside her.

  “I can’t believe we just did that.”

  “Is that a bad thing?” he asked.

  She shook her head. “It was amazing.”

  Paul collapsed down beside her. “I’m so sorry.”

  “Why are you apologizing?” Skylar asked.

  “I didn’t mean to go off so quickly.” Paul wrapped his arm around her waist. “I promise next time I will take my time with you, and make sure you come at least once. It’s my bad.”

  Leo laughed. “He can usually last the night.”

  “I really have got bad experiences. That lasted a lot longer than any other time I’ve been with someone. I thought it was amazing.” She touched both of their faces, and the smile that danced across her lips would stay with him forever. Skylar looked happy.

  “Have you ever brought yourself to orgasm?” Leo asked, curious.

  “I have, but it has never felt like that. Not at all.”

  “We’ll make up for it, babe,” Paul said. “First, though, I think we need to put you in the shower.” He looked at Leo’s cum dotted on her chest.

  “What? I was being a gentleman. I didn’t want her to feel forced to swallow.”

  “You think beating off on her chest is gentlemanly?” Paul asked. “Where the hell have you been living? Under a rock?”

  “I didn’t exactly think about where I was going to come. Her mouth was so amazing, and I was thinking on my feet. I think it looks really pretty.”

  “Guys, no offense, but please stop. This is so embarrassing,” she said, covering her face.

  Leo chuckled and leaned down, pressing a kiss to her lips. “You do not need to be embarrassed about anything. I wasn’t thinking.”

  “It is sweet that you didn’t make me, you know, swallow it.”

  He pressed a kiss to her lips. “See, gentlemanly.”

  “Let me get rid of this condom, and start running the shower. I doubt you will appreciate a cold one,” Paul said, leaving them alone.

  “You’re not embarrassed, are you?” he asked.

  “It’s fine. I’ve never … you know, swallowed.” She covered her face again. “I’m sorry. I must seem really immature to you.”

  “Not at all. I find it rather sweet and endearing.” He pressed another kiss to her lips.

  Paul came in seconds later. “A nice warm shower awaits us.”

  Getting to his feet, Leo held out his hand to Skylar, which she took. Moving her in front of them, they entered the shower together.

  Between himself and Paul, they took care of her, soaping her body, washing her hair, kissing her, talking to her. For Leo this was a dream come true, better than any other moment in his life.

  Later that night as she lay between them, completely naked, Leo kissed her shoulder. “She’s the one, you know that, right?”

  Paul nodded. “She’s the one. I don’t want to lose her. She wasn’t teasing one of us, while goading the other. She wanted both of us, Leo.”

  Wrapping his arm around her waist, he kissed her cheek. Skylar, for some strange reason, slept on her back. He’d never known a woman to do it. He slept on his front, as did Paul. Still, it meant she didn’t face either one of them. Snuggling against her, he breathed in her scent, feeling calm and relaxed. It was the first time he ever had in his life.

  Chapter Eleven

  “You don’t think it’s weird, you know, being with a couple of men?” Skylar asked.

  Teri giggled, putting the tape on the final box in Lucy’s kitchen. It was the last day of moving, and so far she had avoided bumping into Dane, who had decided to help. She had seen him trying to talk with Ryan. His oldest son wouldn’t spend the time though, and Teri couldn’t blame him either. Every chance that Dane had to show he was a semi-decent guy, he had screwed it up.

  Did she love Dane?

  She really didn’t think she did. They had been two different people and she had been so young and stupid at the time. Still, she was a little uncomfortable being around Lucy while Dane was there.

  “I think you, Leo, and Paul, are going to be so magical together. Do you want the truth?” Teri asked.

  “What truth?”

  “When I invited you to stay, I was hoping that you would fall for the two of them. You’re a sweet woman, a kind woman, and both of those guys deserve someone like you.” Teri walked toward her sister, cupped her face. “I’m pleased that you’re giving them a chance. I walked past Paul’s bedroom last night, and can I say, wow, it sounded to me like you were having a lot of fun.”

  “Oh please, stop. I don’t need to think of my sister being there while I was having sex. Please.”

  “It was a good sound,” Teri said, laughing. “I don’t mean the sex either. You were laughing and having fun. I’m happy for you, and of course I’m happy that you’re finally here with me.” She lifted another box onto the table. “Have you told them yet?”

  Skylar shook her head. “I don’t know if I can. It’s in the past though. Why should I tell them something that sucks ass?”

  “Because it’s still part of who you are. You can say that it’s not a problem, but we both know that’s not the case. It affected you in a lot of ways, and it still does.”

  Her sister sighed.

  “You can’t watch a movie. You’re always moving around. You barely stop, and I saw the guilt about eating two cookies instead of one. Mom’s not here to hurt you, Skylar. She’s not here to judge you. I think it’s time you gave them a chance, and you know, talked to them about it.”

  “I better get this box out to them,” Skylar said, picking the one up off the table.

  “Okey-doke.” Teri pushed some hair off her face and put tape over the next box. She watched as Lucy entered the room.

  “Can you believe how much stuff I’ve got?” she said.

  “You’re sure you’re ready to move in with Lewis?” Teri looked at the woman, and felt an overwhelming guilt rush through her. She had no right to be in this woman’s home.

  Turning away, she looked in the cupboards for something to do.

  Suddenly, Lucy was there, and her arms were wrapped around Teri. “I know that I love Lewis and that he makes me happy. I want to live on his ranch, and cook his food, serve him and his workers. I’ve been dreaming about it for a long time. Ryan’s excited as well. This home, it holds a lot of memories, and not all of them good.”

  Teri closed her eyes, accepting Lucy’s hug. You’re a monster. You’re a bitch. You’re a homewrecker.

  “Teri?” Lucy asked.


  “I know.”

  She tensed up. “What do you know?”

  “I knew about you and Dane.”

  Teri gasped and turned in Lucy’s arms. The other woman was smiling at her and there were tears in her eyes. “Would you like me to leave?”

  “I know it wasn’t an affair and that it was just sex. Dane, erm, he called your name out during sex, and I don’t even think he was aware that he’d said anything. When he got drunk one night, I asked him about you and that was how I found out. He doesn’t remember, but Dane during drink can’t keep any secrets at all. I hated you for a long time. I hated who you were, what you were to the club, and I wanted you gone. I did. You fucked my husband, and he liked it. He wanted to do it again, and I know in my heart it probably did happen again. When I finally met you, I had this big elaborate speech prepared, and now I can’t even remember what it was. The first time you saw me you didn’t have a clue who I was, and you were just so nice. You were sweet, and then when you discovered who I was, I knew that you were ashamed, and I thought to myself, that is punishment enough. Then of course Dane left and everything else happened.” Lucy took a deep breath, and Teri stared down at the floor.

  “You must hate me so much. I know I hated myself.”

  “I always expected you to say something. I don’t know, rub it in my face or something.”

  Teri jerked up. “I’m not cruel. I never wanted to sleep with a married man. I never told you because I didn’t want to hurt you.” She stopped, closing her eyes, trying to contain the tears. “This was my burden to bear, not yours. I had no idea that you knew. Would you li
ke me to leave? I don’t deserve your friendship.”

  Lucy shook her head. “No. I don’t want you to leave. I know you have suffered, and even though I went through a great deal with Dane, I wouldn’t change what happened. I found Lewis. I have three beautiful children, and you are my friend, Teri. You’ve barely looked at me.”

  “I don’t love Dane. I have no right to look at you.”

  Lucy shrugged her shoulders. “I only hope he realizes that he has great kids. I punished you, Teri. I made sure that I ate at the diner, that I was there for you to see me. I even made sure I was there with Dane before he fucked off to whatever he was doing. I got what I wanted, and every time I saw you flinch or look guilty or ashamed, I was happy.”

  Teri said nothing.

  “Don’t feel guilty anymore. I love Lewis. I’m about to live my life with him. Dane, he promised me once that he would never break my heart. I knew he would, but I didn’t listen to my own advice.” Lucy cupped her face. “I forgive you.”

  “Why are you forgiving me?”

  “Because I don’t want to hate you. I tried that, and I don’t. I’m happy with Lewis, happier than I ever was with Dane.” Lucy picked up a box. “You’re a good woman that got caught up in some drama. My advice though, don’t go screwing another woman’s man. Some people may ruin that beautiful face of yours.”

  Teri smiled. “Thank you.”

  Lucy left the kitchen, and Teri turned toward the kitchen sink.

  “She’s right,” Dane said, coming into the kitchen. She didn’t turn around to look at him. Grabbing ahold of the edge of the sink, she cleared her throat.

  “What are you doing in here?”

  “I knew you were here and I wanted to see what Lucy would say.”

  “You heard what she said.”

  “I did. I had no idea that I had done that, or that I was so drunk I told her the truth. Ryan was so young and I made a mistake.”

  Teri closed her eyes and swallowed past the lump in her throat. She had been a big mistake. The irony was, it wasn’t the first time she had been told she was a big mistake.


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