Twice the Dirty (Dirty F**kers MC Book 4)

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Twice the Dirty (Dirty F**kers MC Book 4) Page 11

by Sam Crescent

  Face your fear.

  Turning to look at Dane, she couldn’t believe that there was a time she was convinced she had loved him. He was not the man she had ever imagined. He was a cold bastard, selfish, who only saw the means to his own ends.

  She shook her head. “You’re pathetic, you know that.” Teri laughed. “With what we did, it made me feel like a fucking homewrecker, and that wasn’t me. It never was, and yet I became that when I slept with you a second time.” She shook her head. “You’re right. This was a big mistake, thank you so much for putting me out of my misery.” She grabbed a box and glared at him. The chains of the past finally broke away and she felt euphoric. “I’m stronger than you and I no longer have to deal with that shame. I am done. I’m a fucking bitch, a whore, and you know what? I’m going to make sure that I don’t have to deal with that kind of shame again.” Pushing past him, she headed out into the sunshine and handed the large box over to Lewis, who loaded it on his truck.

  Finally, after ten years of guilt, she may be able to finally live again, to try to find her own happiness.


  Skylar giggled as Leo turned the hose pipe on her. She wore a pair of shorts, and was running away when Paul caught her around the waist.

  The Dirty Fuckers MC was having a party and it was Sunday. There was loud music, and food on the grill. Several of the townsfolk had turned up, including the town principal and her man. Skylar had also gotten a chance to meet Richard, Chloe’s lawyer boyfriend. He was a little scary, and he had made her nervous. Chloe didn’t seem nervous with him though.

  “Hey, let her go,” Kitty Cat said, rushing toward them. She grabbed Skylar’s arm, and then threw a water bomb at Leo, and it smashed, wetting him.

  Letting out a little scream, Kitty Cat ran with Skylar around the side of the building.

  “What is going on?” Skylar asked.

  Teri came out with several water bombs, handing one to her.

  “Summer is coming to an end, and we’re all sad about that,” Teri said. “What better way to see the end of it with a water fight?”

  Next week she would be in Vegas with her two men, and Skylar couldn’t wait for them to be alone in a nice big hotel room. Leo and Paul had each told her all the dark, delicious things they wanted to do to her. She couldn’t wait either. The way they’d touched her body the night before and last night, she had nothing but sex on the brain. Just thinking of the way Leo had fucked her last night, forcing her to her knees as she took him. Paul had also fucked her mouth, and when she begged him to let her taste him, he had come in her mouth. She had tasted his cum and wanted more.

  “They’re coming,” Kitty Cat said.

  Rushing out from their safety zone, they all started throwing water bombs. Lucy was on their side, along with Chloe, Teri, Grace, and a heavily pregnant Suzy. That didn’t stop them.

  Suzy threw a water bomb at Pixie, who charged toward her. Suzy screamed, but didn’t even try to run. In fact, she giggled as his arms went around her, lifting her up.

  “I’ve got you,” Pixie said.

  “That’s only because I want you to get me.” Suzy winked at him and envy struck Skylar.

  “You little minx,” Paul said, wrapping his arms around her, and lifting her up.

  That envy went right out of the window as Leo stood in front of her. He put a hand at her waist, stroking her hip. “We got you.”

  She was laughing, wrapping her arms around each man. “Come on, you deserved it. You got the hose pipe.”

  Each man touched her back and her stomach. She loved their touch so much. Waking up to both men on either side of her was still a little strange to her.

  “No man will ever love you or your fat ass.”

  Glancing toward her sister, who was talking to Lucy, she couldn’t help but think about their mother’s words.

  Her stomach started to growl, and Leo and Paul led her toward the grill. Within seconds they were loaded up with chicken, burgers, and sausages. She grabbed a couple of buns, and they found a seat that offered them a little privacy.

  “Tell me what’s wrong?” Paul asked.

  “It’s nothing. You know, just memories.”

  “They don’t look like memories, babe. You can talk to us. We won’t hurt you,” Leo said, reaching over to take her hand.

  “Trust us,” he said.

  She looked between the two men and nodded. “It’s about my mom. I don’t want pity, or for you to feel sorry for me. This is Teri’s idea. I blame her completely for even suggesting I do this.” She played with the potato salad on her plate, not entirely sure what to say. “My mom didn’t like fat people, or any people that had weight on them.” Just saying those words hurt like hell. Even now after all the years of torment, she had never spoken those words out loud. Taking a deep breath, she knew she was only going to do this once. “My mom was very thin, and she was under the belief that fat people were going to ruin this country and ruin her life.” She smiled. “I remember being in line at the grocery store and she wouldn’t even allow a chubby person to serve her. Anyway, much to her mortification, she had a fat girl for a daughter. That was me. Teri, she was very slim, so Mom didn’t really mind. Me, I always had trouble with my weight, even as a little girl. She would put me on diets, stop me eating certain meats and vegetables. I wasn’t even allowed candy bars. Of course no one knew how much she hated me. She would tell me daily exactly how disgusted she was that her own daughter was a gross person. Anyway, I would sneak food and then she would starve me, and even went so far as to lock the cupboards. She did. She installed locks on the cupboards, bolts on the fridge, and she would make me run around our garden for hours. I would lift weights, and I would be exhausted by the end of it. That’s why I can’t sit down for long periods of time. I never watched a movie growing up. If she caught me, I would get punished. She would slap me and I would go without food.” Tears filled her eyes, recalling the years she spent hurting because her mother couldn’t love her.

  Leo and Paul put their hands on her back, comforting her.

  “Is this bitch still alive?” Leo asked.

  “She’s alive and well. I’ve not spoken to her since I left home and I never will. I won’t go back there and I won’t accept anything from her. When I left at eighteen that was the vow I made to myself, and I will never change it. I would rather be homeless than go back to her.” She sucked her lips in. “That is a rounded-up tale of my child, teenage, and early adulthood. That’s what I wasn’t telling you.”

  She looked up, and saw them staring at her.

  Neither of them had pity on their face. She smiled. “What is it?”

  “I want to take you upstairs to my room, and fuck you so hard that you forget every single memory that is locked up in that brain of yours,” Paul said.

  “Your mother is stupid. Don’t ever listen to her. You’re fine, and you’re beautiful exactly the way you are. You never have to worry about her again,” Leo said, pushing some hair off her back. The clothes that had been wet had dried in the heat.

  These two men, they didn’t have a clue what their words meant to her. Tears filled her eyes, and she wiped them away. “Thank you.”

  “I feel for you, Skylar. I feel for the pain that you must have felt, and the hurt. You got through it, and you’re a strong woman.” Paul turned her head toward him, and pressed a kiss to her lips. “No one can take that away from you.”

  Leo then turned her toward him and kissed her lips. “You belong to us now, and we’ll never allow you to feel anything like that again.

  No, they were making her feel a lot of other things. Things that she hadn’t thought were possible for her. “I just need to use the bathroom.” Before they could stop her, she was on her feet, heading toward the bathroom inside the clubhouse. On her way into the bathroom, she bumped into Suzy. “I’m so sorry.”

  “It’s okay. A pregnancy hazard nowadays. It seems that you need to go and pee every ten seconds.” Suzy stroked her stomach, and then
frowned when she looked at her. “Are you okay?”

  Skylar nodded even as she was freaking out.

  “You don’t look okay.”

  “Because I’m not. I’m kind of scared,” she said, admitting the truth.

  Suzy closed the door, and turned toward her. “What’s wrong?”

  “I think I’m in love with Paul and Leo, and I’m freaking out about it because … I can’t be.” She ran fingers through her hair. “I’ve never been in love before, and I don’t know what love is.” Her heart was pounding. “What if they don’t feel the same? Of course they don’t feel the same, right? It’s me, and I’m just a crazy person who can’t sit down because for years I wasn’t allowed to, and now I’m telling you, a total stranger who I don’t know, and yeah, I think I’m having a panic attack, and struggling to breathe.” She pressed a hand to her chest, trying to inhale and exhale.

  “Okay, I think we need to calm down,” Suzy said, moving toward her. “We need to take this easy and just breathe. In and out, and calm, and in and out, and calm. Relax. You’re in a safe place, in a safe zone.”

  She copied Suzy’s methods, breathing in and out and staying calm. After a couple of minutes, she stared at Suzy’s smiling face.

  “Feel better?”

  “Yes, much better.”

  “I had a freak out when I realized that I loved Pixie and all the time he was trying to knock me up so I wouldn’t leave him because I knew what a total douchebag he is. I don’t know Leo and Paul all that well, but I’m not blind. I see the way they look at you, and they adore you.” Suzy ran her hands up and down her arms.

  “I’m so sorry,” Skylar said.

  “Don’t need to be sorry. Realizing you love someone is really hard to grasp. You’ve got two men falling for you. It will take some time getting used to. Don’t you just love this club though?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “They’re always so together. I mean, they fight a lot, and are always picking on some of their faults and stuff, but at the core, they’re a bunch of brothers just trying to make it work.” Suzy smiled. “I’m proud to be an old lady to one of the Dirty Fuckers.”

  Skylar knew if she ever got the chance to be one, she would as well.

  Chapter Twelve

  Finally, it was a Friday night, the sun was going down, and they had arrived in Vegas fit and well. Leo looked around at the luxury hotel room that overlooked the strip, which he had paid a small fortune to be in.

  “This is crazy,” Skylar said, standing at the window. He moved up behind her as Paul paid for the service for their bags to be brought up.

  “It’s beautiful, huh?”

  “Beautiful and really busy. I think I can almost feel people losing money left, right, and center,” she said.

  “It’s always a party down there, that is for sure. The high life never seems to stop, not even for a moment. There are a lot of people who think they will miss something if they don’t stop,” Leo said.

  “Is that why you left? You got tired of it all. Sucked down?”

  “What Leo is not telling you is that for a long time we were both drawn to this world, a lot more than we thought we would be. Everywhere we went, there was a new adventure or a new challenge. We were fighters to our core and everyone was trying to end that legacy we had started to build.”

  “That sucks.”

  “It does. There’s someone who wants to be known for taking you down. Then, of course, there are the women who just want to be known for screwing you,” Leo said. “For a couple of years, we were both pulled into this world. Fighting, fucking, gambling, drinking, and for a short time we thought we were happy.”

  “What happened?” Skylar asked.

  “James happened,” Paul said. “He opened our eyes, made us see what we were doing wrong, how easily we were fucking up. The thing about fighting is, for everyone that leaves, there’s always ten more to take his place. We were getting older and the thirst to prove went.”

  “It became more about survival after that. James offered us something else. He offered us both a future. We’d talked about it a lot but never thought it would happen,” Paul said.

  “So you owe a great deal to James?” Skylar asked. She gasped as Leo shoved his hand down the front of her jeans to cup her pussy. All this week, he had been fucking, sucking, and making love to her cunt. The two of them were hoping to get her as addicted to them as they were to her.

  “I guess you could say that we owe him everything seeing as he brought Teri to Greater Falls and she brought you.” Leo moved her away from the window and turned her so that Paul could see. “She’s very wet. I think our little angel is having a few dirty thoughts.”

  “Let’s see how dirty,” Paul said, going to his knees before her.

  Paul opened the zipper of her jeans and began to work them down her thighs. She stepped out of them, Leo still working inside her panties, teasing her pretty clit.

  “You’re so wet for us, Skylar. Do you want us to fuck you? Take turns?”

  “Yes,” she said, moaning. “I want you both.”

  They had done that once. First Leo had made love to her, and then Paul had taken his place. It had been hot watching her come apart over and over again. He had been tempted to screw her in the very library where she now worked. Of course, she had begged him not to, and when he took her to the bathroom, she had sucked his cock nice and long to make up for denying him.

  She had loved every second of it, and when he’d gotten her home that night, he had spent a couple of hours loving her pussy, letting her know exactly how much he wanted her. After she had come screaming his name, he’d fucked her long and hard, making every thrust count.

  “Lick her, Paul,” he said, holding open her pussy, and he looked down, watching as Paul began to suck on her clit.

  She moaned. Her hands moved to his sides, holding onto him.

  Leo was in a dirty mood, and he wanted this to fucking count. He and Paul had talked about their feelings for Skylar. They didn’t want her to hide from them, and he no longer wanted her to be plagued by memories of her mother. He wanted it all to stop.

  Releasing her pussy where he had been holding her open for Paul, Leo put his fingers to his mouth, and sucked on them, tasting her even as Paul continued to lick her clit. Next, he grabbed the bottom of her shirt, and tore it from her body. Skylar moaned, and her hand moved toward his cock, stroking him.

  In the past week, especially with her letting them know the truth about her growing up, Skylar had come out of her shell. She wasn’t afraid to touch them, and she had even come up behind him while he’d been making coffee, to kiss his neck. Having her touch given to him freely was a turn on.

  Disposing of her bra, Leo had her completely naked. Paul stood up, and moaned. “You look so damn tempting when you’re naked. I don’t know if I should fuck your tits, ass, mouth, or your pussy. You’re all so tempting.” Paul ran his hands over her, gripping her ass and spreading the cheeks.

  Leo ran a finger between her ass cheeks, touching her anus. He’d been doing that a lot lately as he couldn’t wait for them both to be inside her, Paul deep in her pussy as he fucked her ass, claiming her completely for themselves. Leo had so many plans, but first, he wanted to see Paul sliding between those glorious tits of hers. Staring at his friend across her shoulder, he smiled and licked her neck. Her pulse was already racing. “What do you think if we let Paul fuck those tits? Would you like that, Skylar?”


  “What are you going to be doing?” Paul asked.

  “I’m going to be playing with her sweet little pussy.”

  Paul started to get undressed, and Leo caught her face, turning her head so that he could claim her lips. Slipping his tongue inside her mouth, he relished her gasps. Caressing her body, he slid a hand between her thighs, touching her molten core. He pressed two fingers inside her, loving her cries.

  “I think Paul needs you on your knees,” he said.

  Leo went
to his knees beside her, and Paul fisted his cock. The tip was glistening.

  “I want to taste you,” she said.

  Paul smiled, and stepped close. Skylar wrapped her fingers around the length, covering the tip. She bobbed her head on his cock, and Leo added a third finger inside her. Taking his hand from her pussy, he slid his fingers back to her anus, coating that little forbidden hole that was going to belong to him.

  She ran her tongue over Paul’s length getting him nice and slick.

  Stroking his thumb across her anus, Leo moved so that he could use his other hand, and continue to tease her pussy once again.

  A deep guttural moan escaped her lips. She pressed against the finger at her ass, and then forward, obviously wanting both.

  When Paul was nice and wet, Leo watched, still stroking her, as she pressed her breasts together. Paul took over, holding her tits together as he began to slide his dick between the squeezed valley.

  They all moaned.

  Skylar had a hand wrapped around Leo’s dick, and he slid a finger into her ass even as she tensed. She worked his cock, rubbing his pre-cum onto his length.

  He pressed two fingers inside her pussy, and placed his thumb right over her clit, sliding it from side to side.

  She closed her eyes and cried out.

  “I’ve been dreaming of doing this for so fucking long,” Paul said. He fucked her tits, and Skylar drew her head forward, flicking her tongue across the tip of his cock.

  Leo pushed his entire finger into her ass, feeling as she tightened around him. Her pussy squeezed two of his fingers as her ass squeezed another and it was the same with her hand around his length. He couldn’t let her go, nor did he want to.

  She was so close, he felt the ripples around his fingers as her pussy clutched onto his fingers. He so wished it was his naked cock. Before they had left, Skylar let them know she was clean, and also on the pill, so there was no risk if they wanted to forgo the rubbers. He was game and he knew Paul was as well. They didn’t want anything between them as they made love to their woman, and that was exactly what she was: theirs.


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