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Twice the Dirty (Dirty F**kers MC Book 4)

Page 13

by Sam Crescent


  Paul moved toward the center of the bed, taking Skylar with him as Leo went to grab some lubrication from his backpack. They had brought some just in case they were able to enjoy being together as a threesome. Vegas was proving to be the best idea that Leo had ever had.

  He was married to the woman that he loved, and within a matter of days, they would all be together in a ceremony with James. This was something he had been looking forward to for as long as he could remember.

  “Are you nervous?” he asked.

  Skylar still straddled his lap, and she shook her head. “No, not at all. I’m excited.”

  Paul gripped her ass, spreading her wide. “Leo’s going to take you here. He’s going to push his cock deep inside you, and you’re going to feel me in here as well.”

  “It’s what I want. Don’t you want it, too?” she asked.

  “So much.” Releasing her ass, he moved a hand between her thighs, stroking her soaking wet pussy. She wanted this, and he hoped she would be able to take both of them. “You’re very wet, baby.”

  “For both of you. I want you both.”

  He filled her pussy with two fingers, and she moaned, arching up. Her tits were on full display, begging for his mouth. He just couldn’t resist. Tonguing one nipple, he stroked her clit with his thumb, and even as he heard Leo enter the bedroom, he didn’t stop. He kept on licking her body, sucking her, and playing with her.

  Paul’s cock pressed against her, and he wanted inside her so damn badly. Pre-cum leaked out of the tip, and with his free hand, he smeared it all over his cock.

  “I want you, Paul. Please, fuck me,” she said.

  Releasing her pussy, he sucked his fingers into his mouth, and then guided her over his length. She reached down, and held him against her, and slowly, he lowered her onto his dick. She was tight, and she moaned as he began to fill her.

  Finally, he couldn’t resist, and he pulled her down, slamming inside her that last couple of inches.

  Paul cried out, and she sank her nails into the flesh of his shoulders, holding onto him.

  “Now that is a pretty fucking sight. Seeing your pussy filled with his cock,” Leo said, moving up behind her.

  Paul watched as Leo kissed her neck, and then cupped her tits, offering them up to him like a reward. “You want a taste?” Leo asked.

  “Yes, I do.” Paul took one nipple into his mouth, sucking hard. Leo continued to kiss her neck.

  “How does he feel inside you?” Leo asked.

  “So big. So good. I don’t want to him to stop.”

  “He won’t, not unless you tell him to. Do you want me in this nice virgin ass?”

  “Yes. Yes, I do.”

  Leo released her, and Paul wrapped his arms around her, drawing her down. Kissing her lips, he slid his hands down her body, cupping her ass, and spreading her wide. Leo groaned, and when his friend touched her ass, Paul felt her jump in his arms.

  Breaking from the kiss, he stared into her eyes. “Tell me what he’s doing.”

  “He’s just put something cold and wet on my ass. It feels really weird.”

  “Do you want him to stop?” he asked.

  She shook her head. “It won’t be the first time that he has put something weird on my ass.”

  He and Leo chuckled.

  “Leo’s an ass man.”

  “I’m getting that. He can’t seem to leave mine alone.”

  “Do you want him to?”

  “No. I love it.” She pushed some hair off her face, and her eyes closed. She looked in pain and in a bit of pleasure as well. “He’s just pushed his finger inside.” She sounded breathless as she talked him through exactly what Leo was doing. “He’s fucking me with his fingers.” A pause. “Um, he’s added a second, and he’s stretching me.”

  With each second that passed, she looked more and more aroused.

  “Do you want him to stop?” Paul asked again, making sure she knew that at any time she could tell them both to stop.


  “Are you ready for my cock?” Leo asked.

  “Yes. Yes, I want your cock.”

  “Good, because I’m going to give it to you.”

  Holding her close, Paul slid a hand between them. It was a tight fit, but he stroked her clit, wanting her completely aroused so this didn’t spoil any second of fun for her.


  Grabbing his cock, Leo slicked it up with plenty of lubrication. With Paul being inside her, it was already going to be incredibly tight. Glancing at his friend, he knew without a doubt that he was making sure that she was aroused.

  Once he was inside her, they would be able to bring her to orgasm many times. This first thrust was going to be the hardest, and he didn’t want to hurt her. In fact, that was the last thing he wanted to do.

  Pressing the tip of his cock to her anus, he started to feed it into her ass. Her tight ring of muscles made it hard for him to push inside her, and once he told her to push out, he was able to slide right inside. He held himself there with only a few inches of his cock within her, waiting.

  When she didn’t tell him to stop and she was begging for more of him, he gave it to her, thrusting every single inch inside her until he was buried balls deep in her ass.

  “That’s it, baby. You have both of us. Both of us are inside you.”

  She whimpered. “It feels amazing.”

  “Yeah, her pussy is tighter,” Paul said. “I didn’t think that was possible. Fuck, that feels amazing. She’s ours, Leo.”

  “Yes, all ours, and we’re going to treasure every single moment that you belong to us,” Leo said.

  Leo helped ease her up, and he ran his hand over her body. It was like she was made for them. Every inch was curvy perfection.

  “Please,” she said. “Fuck me.”

  Nibbling her shoulder, he looked at Paul.

  “First, we want you to come on our cocks,” Paul said.

  Leo and Paul together played with her clit, their fingers stroking her at the same time. He didn’t mind touching Paul as he brought their woman off. Stroke for stroke, he felt her arousal as her ass tightened around his cock. He could only imagine what Paul was feeling, with her tight, wet pussy pulsing as he filled her with his cock. Her release soaked down the sides, covering him with her cream.

  Finally, after looking for so long, they had found a woman who loved them both, who looked toward them equally and wasn’t intent on breaking up their friendship. She wanted them for who they were, and they were going to hold onto her and make her the happiest woman alive. He was more determined than ever to make sure that happened.

  His feelings for Skylar had been almost instant. The moment he saw her, he’d known she was special. He’d wanted her, but at the same time, he didn’t want to scare her away. She had been like a kitten, easily frightened.

  Now, she was their woman. Their old lady. When they got home, Leo already had his eye on a house, a future for all three of them. He had planned for their future, and didn’t want them to stay living at the clubhouse. The clubhouse was fun for the parties, but right now, all he wanted was a chance at the happiness he’d been dreaming about since the first moment he met Paul, and they had both agreed to what they wanted. A life together with one woman.

  Skylar screamed as she soaked their cocks with her arousal. It was the sexiest thing he had ever seen, and felt. He didn’t want her to stop, but he also knew this could be very overwhelming. He waited for Paul to go first, easing out of her pussy, and when he started to thrust inside her, Leo pulled out. They set up a pace so that they were fucking her equally, one in, and the other out.

  Cupping her tits, Leo bit her neck, sucking on her flesh, marking her.

  “That feels so good. So good,” she said.

  “We’re all yours, Skylar. Your men, your lovers, forever and for always.” They fucked her as one, and she screamed their names, begging for them not to stop. They brought her to a second orgasm, and when neither of them could h
andle another second, they both thrust inside her, filling her with their cum.

  Still inside her, they collapsed to the bed, Leo at her back, stroking her body, and Paul at her front. He felt the aftershocks as her ass twitched around his cock.

  “I love you,” she said. “So much that it kind of scares me. I didn’t think I’d ever be able to love someone or to even be loved.”

  Leo understood. The pain that her mother had caused her had given Skylar her insecurities. Between him and Paul, he knew they would fight them.

  “I seriously thought the apartment rental was going to cause an issue,” Paul said out of the blue.

  Leo frowned, looking over her shoulder.

  “I can’t be pissed off,” Skylar said. “Well, I guess I could, but why would I want to be? You didn’t want me to leave. I actually find that to be utterly romantic.”

  “You are a strange woman,” Paul said.

  “Hey, try not to piss her off. I, for one, love being balls deep inside her and I do not want that to stop because you’re being an asshole. Speaking of assholes, how does yours feel?” he asked.

  She covered her face and groaned. “This is going to be weird, isn’t it?”

  “Nope. I have a feeling this is going to be totally awesome.” Leo kissed her shoulder and watched as her face turned a wonderful red color. His favorite.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Back in Greater Falls, Kitty Cat stared at the cake she had made. It was stupid, and this was a passion she hadn’t done in a long time. Baking was something other people did, not her, but she couldn’t resist. She hadn’t seen Caleb in a long time, nor had she played at the club.

  Since moving in with Chloe, she hadn’t spent any time at the clubhouse, other than the parties. It was strange. The apartment had once belonged to Grace and Suzy, and then Chloe had joined the threesome, and now with both of those women moving out, it was just Kitty Cat and Chloe, the two fucked-up club whores who were trying to figure life out.

  That was how she saw herself.

  A club whore.

  Chloe wasn’t anymore. She did use to sleep with the men, but since that hot lawyer had arrived, that had all changed. Everything was changing.

  Including Caleb. The one man who she could rely on.

  No one had stopped her as she made her way up toward his room at the clubhouse. Pixie had told her the other day that he no longer played in the back rooms, the secret backrooms at the clubhouse where some non-members were allowed to play with each other. Doms, submissives, anyone in the kinky lifestyle who liked to play in secret.

  The Dirty Fuckers MC didn’t deal in guns, drugs, or anything illegal.

  No, they dealt in sex, and play, and everything that people didn’t want to admit to. There was nothing illegal here though. Everything was legit, and the women who wanted to be played with, used, they could come here to find someone to do just that.

  Knocking on Caleb’s door, she held her breath and waited. Seconds ticked by, and she felt even more stupid for waiting. Maybe he wasn’t actually home.

  The door opened, and Caleb stood there. He wasn’t wearing a shirt, and he frowned.

  “Kit,” he said.

  It was the one name that he had always called her. She didn’t mind her name, Kitty Cat. It was a weird name, and yes, she had been bullied for it growing up and there were memories, dark memories, but she had long gotten over them. The biggest problem was the fact she never allowed herself to be comforted. Being used by men growing up, she hadn’t wanted anyone to comfort her. That had been her mistake.

  Her past didn’t get to control her future.

  “Hi,” she said. “Erm, I made you a cake.”

  He looked down at the cake that she had made.

  “It’s your favorite. I wanted to say I’m sorry. Like, really sorry. I didn’t mean to be awful to you, and a bitch, and everything else that I can imagine you’ve said.” She pushed the cake into his arms and then kissed his cheek. She had never done that before. “I hope one day you can forgive me.”

  She stepped back, and smiled at him.

  Then he did something that totally surprised her. He smiled right back. She had never seen him smile. “Would you like to come in?”

  Kitty Cat looked into his room and smiled. “No. I’m going to make it up to you and I was wondering how you felt about coming to my place and we could have dinner?”


  Dane couldn’t believe he was helping prepare the clubhouse for Leo, Paul, and Skylar’s return. They wanted to have a wedding that brought all three of them together in front of the club. He was happy for them. Even though not many of the Dirty Fuckers were talking to him, he was still happy to see his friends happy.

  Yes, he had fucked up. Leaving his family without a word, or even without getting in touch with them, had been an asshole move. Brandishing a knife on Lewis had been even worse. Sleeping with Teri had also been a fucked-up thing to do. Pretty much everything he’d done had been bad or worse.

  “Hey,” Ryan said, coming toward him.

  This was the hardest thing of all. Dane had screwed everything up with his kids, and his wife. Lucy had moved on. She was in love with Lewis, and his kids hated him, especially Ryan.

  “Hey,” he said. “Don’t suppose you’d help me with this streamer?”

  Ryan grabbed a stepladder, and walked up it to pin the streamer on the wall. “Thank you.”


  Ryan finished pinning stuff for the upcoming wedding and party before stepping down off the ladder to face him. “James told me he gave you a choice. You’re still here, and I wanted to say thank you for staying.”

  Dane stared at his son, and it was fucking freaky to think how much he looked like him. There was no mistaking Ryan as his. “I fucked up a lot. I’ve done shit I’m not proud of, but I want to get to know you.” He held his hand up when Ryan went to talk. “I don’t expect you to forgive me, or even for you to make this easy for me. I don’t deserve that. Never have.”

  Ryan ran fingers through his hair, and looked toward Lewis and Lucy. “What you did was really not cool. I don’t want to spend all my time angry with you. I want to get to know you, and if you want to hang out some time, then I’m game.”

  “I’d like that very much.”

  “Sure.” Ryan walked away, but for once, Dane didn’t feel like he was being cursed straight to hell.

  Looking toward Teri, Dane wondered if she had moved on. She was talking with Chloe, Grace, and Suzy, and she looked every inch the confident woman he had been drawn to all those years ago.

  “You’re not having her,” Damon said, coming up from behind him.


  “Teri. She’s worth a hell of a lot more than you’ve ever given her. Don’t even think about it.”

  Before Dane could do anything, he watched as Damon walked toward Teri, and wrapped his arm around her. Dane had lost Lucy, and now it looked like he had lost Teri. Part of him wanted to run, but then he watched Ryan and his two other kids chasing after him.

  He had a reason to stay in Greater Falls.

  It had nothing to do with the women, and everything to do with being a good father. A better one than he had ever had, and one his kids deserved.


  “Do you, Skylar Davies, take Leo and Paul to be your husbands in the eyes of the club, and do you promise to be a faithful, loyal Dirty Fuckers old lady?” James asked.

  There were a few snickers around the room, but Skylar ignored them.

  “I do.”

  “Leo, Paul, do you take Skylar to be your old lady? Do you promise to love, honor, and ride her hard so that no man could ever tempt her?”

  “We do,” Leo and Paul said in unison.

  “You’re just making this up now,” Cora said, laughing.

  Skylar couldn’t even be offended. On the plane journey home, Leo and Paul had both warned her about what was to come.

  “With the power of the Prez of the Dirty Fuckers MC, I
now pronounce you husbands and wife. As the club we are united, and she will be in our protection, and we will honor your love for each other,” James said. “Congratulations, kiss your wife already!”

  Applause erupted around the room, and the sounds didn’t bother Skylar. She kissed first Leo, and then Paul, and then stood in the middle as they both embraced her. She was so happy, and being with the club, she couldn’t think of anything better.

  Their love, their support, it meant everything to her.

  Teri ran up toward her and pulled her in for a hug. “I just knew this would have a happy ending.”

  “I love you, Teri,” she said, holding onto her sister. “You have got to stop feeling guilty. Leaving was the best thing you ever did.”

  “I left you with her.”

  “That’s not your fault. Our mother was her way, and she was a monster. Don’t let her ruin what chance you have of a future.” Skylar kissed her sister’s cheek. “I love you, Teri. Thank you.”

  She hadn’t even realized until she was on the plane back that Teri may have been feeling guilty for leaving her behind. Even though they were sisters, it wasn’t Teri’s fault, and she didn’t blame her sister. In fact, she was grateful that Teri had the strength to leave. In her sister’s leaving, she was able to find the love that she had always wanted.

  “I love you, too, Skylar.”

  Holding her sister close, Skylar felt a great sense of peace settle over her. This was the way it was supposed to be between them.

  “Come on now, I think it’s only fair that we get to dance with our wife,” Leo said, tugging her away.

  Giggling, Skylar went with Leo and Paul onto the dancefloor.

  “You’re a little controlling,” she said.

  “You got that right. We have plans this evening. Dance, mingle, eat, and then take you to our special room and fuck you all night long,” Leo said.

  “Sounds divine.”

  “Can we skip everything and get to the fucking?” Paul asked, tugging her into his arms.

  “You’re impatient.”

  “It has been a couple of hours without seeing you come. Yes, I am impatient,” Paul said.

  And that was how her wedding night went. Between Paul and Leo, both of them lavishing her with love, and telling her exactly how they were going to spend all night fucking her.


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