Sarah's Heart

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Sarah's Heart Page 13

by Ginger Simpson

“All it takes is one of the locals from the saloon to show how big and brave he is, and then everything snowballs from there. Didn’t you hear the laughter?”

  Sarah brushed her hat off her head and raked nervous fingers through her hair. “I couldn’t hear anything over my heart trying to bang its way out of my chest. If we weren’t in danger, then why did you bolt?”

  “I didn’t say we weren’t. Drunks aren’t exactly the most accurate shots. I didn’t want to hang around and take a chance that one of us might get hit.”

  Sarah dismounted on wobbly legs. She released a pent-up breath and glared at Wolf. “Now I’m really mad. That just plain takes the cake of stupid stunts.”

  He slid from Scout’s back. “I wish your welcome to town had been a tad warmer, but this is what happens when you hang out with half-breeds.” His full lips pulled into a frown.

  Slapping her hat back in place, she kicked at the dirt. “It shouldn’t happen to anyone without reason. Good lord, they could’ve actually killed us.” She cast a nervous glance at the corner.

  “Don’t worry, you’re safe now. No one is coming after us. The drunks had their fun.” Wolf took the reins from her. “We aren’t far from Maggie’s boarding house. It’s just a few doors from the livery. I’ll make sure the horses are tended to and then I’ll introduce you. I’m sure you and Maggie will get on fine.”

  “What about you?” She held her breath, fearing his answer.

  “I’ll spend the night, but ride out early tomorrow morning. I need to find work. Right now I’m a partial land owner, but if I don’t come up with the rest of the money soon….”

  He planned to leave and she wasn’t ready. “I can help! I know how much that land means to you. It’s the least I can do after you’ve saved my life. I’ll find a job….” She wanted to tell him there wasn’t anything she wouldn’t do for him. But she didn’t dare.

  Wolf brushed against her as he led the horses forward. “I didn’t do anything that anyone else wouldn’t have done. I just happened to be the one passing by at the right time.”

  His touch warmed her, sending a flushing sensation creeping up her arm and blossoming onto her chest. “But you saved me!”She bit her bottom lip, wishing he would rescue her again. She was drowning in emotions she couldn’t show—and guilt over leaving him to die.

  He shook his head. “You’ve given me your thanks and that’s enough. Now, let’s get these horses taken care of so you can meet Maggie.”

  Sarah waited outside the livery stable and gazed across at the buildings along the alleyway. Unlike the neatly tucked storefronts on Main Street that beckoned with bold lettering and window advertising to possible patrons, the businesses hidden away on the side thoroughfare had little decoration but looked to be run by merchants with a steady flow of traffic. In front of the hauling company, employees loaded a buckboard, and inside the large open doors of a wagon company, despite it being almost dinnertime, a man sawed tediously at a long piece of wood. Passing horses and carriages tossed up dust that tickled Sarah’s nose. She sneezed, sending her hat sailing off her head and hanging down her shirtfront, held only by her rawhide tie. Her stomach rumbled with hunger.

  “Are you ready?” Wolf’s voice took her by surprise.

  She quickly patted her weathered head covering back into place and nodded. “I can’t wait to meet your friend.”

  “Maggie’s place is so close I can smell her cookin’.” He took Sarah’s arm and escorted her across the rutted road, between riders passing in opposite directions. She’d never get used to the piercing glares she received simply for being in Wolf’s company.

  Wolf led her around the corner, across another alley, and up onto the porch of a large white two-story. The house fronted the street, with no yard, merely a wood plank way beneath a carved sign that identified the establishment as ‘Maggie’s Place.’ A smaller one beneath indicated there were ‘rooms to let’.

  Wolf opened the front door, tinkling a bell that announced them, and showed Sarah inside. The room smelled of lemons and spice and something delicious. Hardwood floors sparkled along the edges of a large braided rug upon which a settee, two chairs, and two side tables with lamps sat. Wide windows allowed the streaming sunlight through tied back curtains, and everything blended together in colors of beige, yellow and blue. Immediately, Sarah felt comfortable and encouraged that she and Maggie shared the same housekeeping traits. Mother had always said that cleanliness meant godliness.

  A woman rounded the corner, wiping her hands on her apron, a wide grin blossoming on her cherub-like face. “This lady’s far too pretty to be in the company of a scoundrel like you.”

  Sarah’s cheeks warmed at the compliment.

  Wolf stepped forward and planted a kiss on Maggie’s cheek. “Maggie Smith, meet Sarah Collins. Sarah, this is the wonderful woman I told you about.”

  Just as Wolf described, her hostess appeared middle-aged, plump and had an infectious smile. Sarah extended her hand, but to her surprise, the older woman gathered her in a bear hug, then held her at arm’s length and backed away. “Any friend of Wolf’s is a friend of mine.” Maggie winked one of her sparkling brown eyes then turned her attention to Wolf.

  “So, where’d you find such a pretty little filly?”

  “It’s a long story, and one we can share over dinner.” Wolf inhaled, crinkling his nose. “Do I smell pot roast?”

  “That you do. I’ve got rooms made up for the two of you where you can stow your goods and wash up.” Maggie paused for a moment, her brow arched. “I’m assumin’ you do want separate ones?”

  “Uh…yes… yes of course.” Sarah’s hand massaged her flushing neck to keep the color from flaming her cheeks. “We’re just friends.”

  Desire to be more stabbed at her heart, but she and Wolf were temporary traveling companions and nothing more. He’d made it clear he wanted nothing other than friendship by intimating that romance was foolish and something for which he had no time. No matter she’d love to share his room—his bed—and body.

  She stiffened at her bold thoughts then admitted to herself she’d finally found someone she could spend forever with, but he wasn’t inclined to keep her from becoming an old maid. A sigh of disappointment curdled inside her.

  “The rooms are the last two on the right hand side. Wolf, you take your regular one and show Sarah to the other. I need to check and see that dinner isn’t burnin’.” Maggie waddled off, glancing over her shoulder. “I only have one boarder at the moment, so there’ll be plenty to eat. You know I always cook for an army.”

  Her final word left a bitter taste in Sarah’s mouth. Maggie surely wouldn’t cook for the uniformed men who’d arrested wolf if she’d seen what they did to him.

  * * *

  The three sat around the yellow gingham covered table, empty plates in front of them. Wolf leaned back and patted his stomach. “That tasted delicious as usual, Maggie.”

  “Thank you. But I must say I enjoyed the conversation more than the food.” She looked at Sarah. “I can’t believe what you went through, you poor thing. It must have been absolutely awful feelin’ like you were going to die, not once, but twice.”

  Sarah laid her matching yellow napkin aside. “I hope I never face anything like it again. I owe my life to Wolf.” She reached over and patted his hand.

  He rolled his eyes and yanked away like she’d burnt him. “Please, Sarah. I’ve already told you that you don’t owe me anything. I only did what was right.”

  Maggie chuckled. “Once you get to know him better you’ll find he doesn’t take to compliments.”

  Sarah drew her hand back into her lap and clasped it with her other one. “I think I’ve already figured that out.”

  The back door slammed and all heads turned. Sarah’s eyes widened at the tall, light-haired stranger, dressed in a beige business suit. Her gaze wandered from the dark brown bowler on his head to shoe tips that shone almost as brightly as Maggie’s kitchen floor. Blue eyes twinkled from beneath his brim

  He removed his hat. “Sorry I’m late, Miss Smith. I do hope I didn’t miss dinner.” His smile revealed dimpled cheeks, giving him a boyish appearance.

  Surprised, Sarah found herself captivated and leaned forward, head tilted.

  Maggie stood and gestured to a chair. “Please sit. We’ve finished, but there’s still plenty of meat, potatoes and carrots. We even left you a couple biscuits.”

  She moved to the cupboard and took out another place setting, glancing back at the table. “Sarah and Wolf, this is Mr. Jonathan Montgomery from New York.”

  He clicked his heels and gave a light bow to Sarah before taking the seat at the end of the table. “Very nice to meet you, Miss Sarah, and you, too, Mr.…Wolf was it?” His nose wrinkled as if he smelled something offensive.

  “That’s right. Like the animal.” Wolf barely cast a glance at the man.

  “A very unusual name, wouldn’t you say?” Mr. Montgomery flicked his napkin open and placed it across his knees.

  “Not for someone raised by Indians. My name is actually Gray Wolf, but I shortened it.”

  “Hmmm.” Jonathan ladled vegetables onto his plate.

  “Wolf is actually only half Indian,” Sarah chimed in. His father was white, and….”

  “And you, Miss Sarah, where do you hail from?” The New Yorker was obviously not interested in Wolf’s history. His eyes sparkled in her direction.

  “I’m originally from Missouri,” she stopped short of re-telling the unpleasant wagon train story, “but not Independence.”

  He held his knife and fork properly, slicing through a piece of beef. “So, do you live here in town?”

  “No, I’ve only just arrived and am seeking employment.” Sarah tensed, realizing this was an awkward time to discuss money matters. “I’m hoping Miss Smith will allow me to stay here while I look.” Sarah smiled up at her hostess, who gathered dirty dishes from the table.

  “Maggie! Please… being called Miss Smith makes me feel older than I am. And of course you’re more than welcome here.”

  “Let me help you.” Rising, Sarah picked up her plate and utensils, noting that Jonathan’s gaze followed her. She squirmed beneath his bold stare.

  At the table, she claimed the condiments the boarder wasn’t using. “So, Mr. Montgomery, what brings you to town?”

  He leaned back in his chair, dabbing the corners of his mouth with his napkin. “Nothing exciting, I fear. I’m just here to locate adequate acreage for an investor. Mr. Asa Whitney, author of “Project for a Railroad to the Pacific believes in the strong possibility that Independence might become an established stop over. He has appointed me to find a perfect place for a train station.”

  A furrow deepened in Wolf’s brow. “And where exactly are you looking?”

  “The nice people at the local financial establishment have shown me a few parcels for sale, but I have my eye on one piece that may or may not be available. It seems the buyer still has to make the final payment. The banker tends to believe the man is a low-life and doesn’t stand a chance of furnishing the needed funds, so I plan to stick around and hope they’re right.”

  Sarah’s gaze jerked to Wolf. He glared at Jonathan with eyes narrowed and steely, but remained silent. The strong jaw she admired had tightened into a rigid line, and his nostrils flared with each breath. Tension hung in the air like a morning mist. Sarah inhaled and waited for a reaction.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Jonathan Montgomery pushed his empty plate away, wiped his mouth, and tossed the napkin on the table. He turned his attention to Sarah again, knotting Wolf’s insides with anger. “Miss Collins, perhaps you might like to take a ride with me tomorrow so I can show you the area my client is considering. We can pass by the Kenton House construction site on

  Main Street. I was instrumental in securing that piece of land, too. It promises to be a fashionable establishment and will give the current hotel on the square a run for its money.” Wolf held his ire in check. Not only was this high-falutin’ easterner interested in his land, he blatantly flirted with Sarah. Still, Wolf had no right to interfere. She didn’t belong to him, and he had no say over whether or not she went riding with Montgomery. Reaching the boiling point, Wolf pushed back from the table and stood. “If you’ll excuse me, I’m going up to my room. I think I’ll turn in for the night.” His jaw ached from clenching his teeth.

  Sarah picked up Jonathan’s plate, giving him a smile that turned Wolf’s stomach. “Perhaps I will go with you, Mr. Montgomery.” She cast a smug look at Wolf.

  “Oh, please call me Jonathan. Mr. Montgomery is my father. May I call you Sarah?”

  “Of course, please do.”

  The interaction between the two sickened Wolf, and he stomped out of the kitchen, his blood surging like fire through his veins. Sarah might be lost to him but he’d be damned if his land would. He took the stairs two at a time and slammed the bedroom door behind him.

  Plopping on the edge of the bed, he massaged his brow. First thing in the morning, he’d leave and find a job. Even if he had to shovel manure or go back to scouting for the army, he’d keep that damned easterner from stealing his dream to own a cattle ranch.

  Wolf plopped on the bed, laid back, folded his arms behind his head, and stared at the ceiling. Why did his heart ache? He’d prepared himself for bidding Sarah farewell, but he hadn’t planned on dropping her into the waiting arms of some good-looking, polished Yankee from New York. He took a deep breath, resolving to concentrate on something he could control: making money and meeting his payment deadline at the bank. He considered shedding his buckskins, but his eyelids grew leaden. He inched up to the pillows, curled on his side, and surrendered to exhaustion.

  Sarah wiped off the stove and went back to the stack of wet dishes on the counter. “I’ll finish up, Maggie.”

  After removing her apron, Maggie hung it on the hook near the back door. “I appreciate that. It’s been a long day and this ol’ gal is tired. Goodnight folks.”

  She’d barely exited the room when Jonathan rose from the table and pushed in his chair. He grasped the back of his neck and tilted his head from side-to-side. “Even though I arrived a few days ago, that damnable coach ride has left me with an annoying kink.” He dropped his hand and squared his broad shoulders “So, Sarah, is nine o’clock too early for you? We’ll enjoy the morning and I’ll take you to the hotel for lunch.”

  Her palms dampened beneath his gaze. “Nine is fine.”

  Why not spend the morning with an attractive and attentive man? There was nothing to keep her from it. She’d have the afternoon to begin her search for employment. Besides, Jonathan might help take her mind off Wolf.

  “Wonderful, then I think I’m going to call it a night, too. Despite this blasted kink, I have some papers in my room I need to review.” Jonathan approached and grasped her hand. Holding it to his mouth, he bestowed a light kiss on her fingertips. “Until tomorrow.”

  Sarah held her breath until he left the room, then exhaled and stared at the spot warmed by his lips. No one had ever kissed her hand before; the act was so romantic. Shrouded by the room’s silence, she pulled out a chair and sat. Resting her elbows on the table, she leaned into her hands, dreaming about something much more passionate. The only problem: the face she saw belonged to Wolf.

  Something snapped inside Sarah. She glanced down at her clothing and frowned. How could she possibly be seen with such a dapper man when all she possessed were the ragged clothes on her back and an equally unappealing spare shirt?She’d have to beg off.

  Sarah climbed the stairs and stood outside one of the two doors she presumed to be Jonathan’s. She listened, hoping for a distinctive clue before knocking and, upon hearing a male cough, rapped her knuckles lightly against the door.

  It creaked open; Jonathan leaned around and peered out. “Yes?” His eyes widened when he saw her.

  Her voice muted the moment she realized he’d shed his shirt. Part of his muscled chest and a large bicep c
aptured her gaze and left her mouth gaping.


  “Was there something you wanted, Sarah?”

  With eyes downcast she cleared her throat. “I… I was a little quick in my decision to accompany you tomorrow. It just dawned on me that I don’t have anything to wear other than what you see here.” She gestured to her plaid shirt, oversized denims and scuffed boots.

  His gaze traveled the length of her. “I don’t see a thing wrong with what you’re wearing. You‘re beautiful.”

  She laughed. “Surely you don’t expect me to accompany you to a fancy hotel for lunch dressed like this?”

  “I’d still be the envy of all the men there, but if it bothers you that much, I’ll give you time to buy something new. What say we start our day around ten?” He paused for a moment before his beige brows arched. “Hmm, if you left your clothing behind, you must have traveled light to get here… perhaps departed in a hurry. Are you in some kind of trouble?”He eyed her pensively.

  Sarah squared her shoulders, surprised by his change of tone.” I find your insinuation a little insulting. What you don’t know is that all my possessions were destroyed when my wagon burned during an Indian attack. Wolf brought me here because I had nowhere else to go.” She locked gazes with Jonathan. “Even if I had suitable clothing, I’m still passing on your invitation. I’ve already had my fill of people who jump to conclusions about other folks.” Sarah spun to leave.


  She glanced over her shoulder. He’d fully opened the door and was sliding his long limbs through his shirtsleeves.

  “Please, come in.”

  She turned and folded her arms. “I don’t think it would be proper.”

  “I promise I’ll leave the door wide open. I just want a chance to apologize.” He pressed his palms together and placed them beneath his chin.

  Sarah heaved a sigh, relaxed her defiant stance and slowly sauntered inside. “All right, but I’m not staying long.”

  Jonathan gestured to the settee. “Would you like to sit?”


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