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Queen Takes King

Page 13

by Joely Sue Burkhart

  “No one,” Guillaume said with a grim slant to his lips. “Which makes this doubly risky.”

  “Then how is he still alive, if no one’s fed him since before Xin was born?”

  “There’s a theory the old ones believe,” Xin said, drawing her attention to him.

  “Old ones even older than you?”

  His eyes flashed a moment as if lightning crackled across a midnight sky. “I’m young for Aima, thank you very much. Our alpha is a mere babe and you… barely a twinkle in your mother’s eye. The first and second generation Aima carried so much of the goddesses’ blood that they were the same as immortal. The theory is that they fed on each other, and further fueled their longevity. They were slow to mix with humans, too. So their blood was pure magic.”

  “The first time Rik fed, I died.”

  Just remembering made both him and I shudder. I’d tried to revive her, but she was definitely dead. Her skin chilled. No heart beat. I could only imagine how horrible it’d been for Rik because he’d been making love to her.

  “I went to Isis’s pyramid and she gave me her blood. I lost track of time, but it seemed like She gave me a lot. A lot.”

  “Good,” Xin replied. “Then you’ll live a very long time, perhaps as long as the old queens. According to legend, the original queens never really died. They just went to sleep and never woke up again. They were weary of the world, or heartbroken from losing their loves, or all the humans they’d known were dead and gone and it took too much effort to continually set up a new life somewhere else. It’s very possible that Leviathan is old enough that he’s basically immortal. That he’s been sleeping for thousands of years. And now, something has woken him.”

  “And he’s pissed.”

  I caught Rik’s gaze and we didn’t have to use the bond to know we were thinking the same thing. We knew exactly what had awoken him.

  Our queen. Shara. Her very presence in the world would be enough to awaken a long-dead monster.

  I’d fucking wake up after half a million years of sleep to have her touch me. Feed me. Love me.

  Not sleeping with her tonight was going to feel like a half a million years.

  Which was exactly why Rik had chosen to punish me this way. I’d rather he take me outside and beat me within an inch of my life than refuse me access to our queen and him, because I hadn’t been apart from him in thirty or forty years. He would certainly not leave her side.

  The help cleared off the table and Gina spread out blue prints and pictures with notes and sketches. Shara’s eyes were as big as a kid enjoying her first Christmas. A state-of-the-art kitchen that still managed to embrace the old world charm of a hundred-year-old stone fireplace that dominated one wall. A series of brand new decks from the master bedroom tower down to the other levels, ending at the pool. It was in good shape according to the contractor, other than needing a new pump. The hot tub was big enough for at least ten people and only needed a new heater. Then she could use it all year around. They’d sketched out some additions to the backyard, including a large fire pit and outdoor kitchen in the pool area.

  The biggest project, though, was the master suite that dominated the large tower overlooking the river. The bottom level was a massive library and office with a private elevator to the next floor. The next two levels were open to each other with exposed century-old rafters and stone walls. It was plenty big enough for two king-sized beds placed together in the center of the circular room, with a massive skylight shining down from above. The bathroom was going to be redone in marble tile, with a massive circular tub that made the one we’d shared upstairs look like a kiddie wading pool.

  Shara blushed at the double king sized beds pushed together, but that was exactly what she wanted. Gina and her staff didn’t bat an eye, and evidently the contractor was more than happy to do whatever she wanted because I’m sure his bill was astronomical. If he did a good job, the Isador legacy would give him a blank check as long as the queen was happy.

  “Anything else you’d like to modify?” Gina asked. “Of course we can do projects at any time, but if there’s something pressing, we ought to do it now while we have the crew in place to get it done as quickly as possible.”

  “No, I don’t think so. This is… incredible. Tell Marissa and Winston thank you, please. I can’t believe they’ve accomplished so much. And you too, Gina. I don’t know how I ever survived without you.” She looked at each of us, a tremulous smile on her lips. “Without any of you.”

  That fucking smile wrecked me. I wanted to die because I’d fucked up. It was my fault. I deserved to be banished forever. But fucking hell I wanted to bury my face against her and breathe her scent and make her smile like that every minute of every day.

  “It’s our pleasure, Shara. Truly. And that leads to the next question. Which of your staff would you like to employ in Eureka Springs?”

  “You mean ask them to move with us?” Gina nodded. “Anyone who wants to go.”

  “Well everyone will want to go. It’s an honor to live and work closely with the queen. I don’t think you quite realize how many people are on your staff.”

  “I’ve heard you mention Marissa and Angela. Winston. Frank and his staff. Who else?”

  “Marissa and Angela are my personal assistants. Talbott Agency is an international firm with offices in London, Sydney, Tokyo, Rome, Paris, Hong Kong, Mexico City, New York, and Kansas City of all places. Plus smaller satellite offices and staff throughout the world. Basically we have someone in every city where there’s a queen. Some are known to that consiliarius and some…” She shrugged with a smug curve on her lips. “Let’s just say Talbott Agency is very very good at hiding when we want to be in plain sight. All together, we employ well over five hundred staff worldwide.”

  “You have five hundred people working for you?”

  “No. They work for you. They report to me, some directly, some indirectly. Goddess, we probably have over two hundred CPAs and another hundred lawyers keeping the property and investments straight. That number doesn’t include the people who worked for the last Isador queen most of their lives and retired. If you add them in…” She thought a moment, tapping the table. “You’ve probably got close to fifteen hundred people, then.”

  Shara thumped back against her chair. “Wow. I had no idea. I thought you ran a small office here in Kansas City.”

  “I do. That’s the beauty of hiding in plain sight. When I call another consiliarius, like Bianca Zaniyah, I don’t tell them Gina Talbott.”

  “You tell them Gina Isador.”

  “Of course. Talbott is merely a name we created when…” A blank look flickered over her face and she blinked. “I’m sorry, I forgot what I was saying. Where was I?”

  I felt Shara’s sadness in the bond. She hated that no one could talk about her mother. Even us. I know she’d told me her mother’s name… But I couldn’t remember it. “We were talking about who was going to move to Eureka Springs with me.”

  “Oh. Yes.” Gina paused, twiddling with her napkin. “I would love to move with you and serve as closely as possible, but if you’d rather have some distance, that’s perfectly acceptable. There’s nothing I can’t handle for you with a phone call, and if I need to fly to you, it’ll only take a few hours.”

  Shara reached over and squeezed Gina’s hand. “I’d love you to come, unless you have family here.”

  “No,” she replied softly. “I have no children. I’ll be the last Talbott who serves as your consiliarius.”

  “You’re young yet. Maybe you’ll fall in love with someone in Eureka Springs.”

  Gina snorted and started gathering up the blueprints. “I’m flattered, Shara, honestly. But I’m much older than you think.”

  Shara stood to help. “You can’t be that old. You look at most thirty, thirty five.”

  “Oh honey. That ship sailed nearly twenty years ago.”

  We Blood stood too. Rik’s forehead had a deep slash and I knew what he was thinking. My quee
n doesn’t clean or tidy up something as insignificant as papers.

  But the women were talking and laughing, certainly not working.

  “Marissa has already fallen in love with the town, so she’s a definite. Winston, of course. And he’ll need to hire a few staff to care for the grounds, prepare the meals, and clean inside. Probably five people. We’ll hire from within, offer a few select associates that he’s worked with before the chance to move. What do you think of Frank? Has his security team done a good job for you?”

  Shara shrugged. “So far. I mean we haven’t really gone anywhere lately. But I guess the poor guy has had to dispose of two bodies.” She cringed. “Ugh. I can’t believe I said that out loud. He’s definitely proven his loyalty. If he’d like to provide a security detail in Eureka Springs, I think that will be fine. Rik, any objections?”

  He inclined his head. “Not at all, my queen. I agree that he’s been loyal and quick thinking when we’ve needed him. He’s not Blood, but he’ll do well enough as a human.”

  “Very good. I’ll let everyone know. I’ll call Bianca tomorrow morning. Scratch that. Tomorrow’s Christmas Eve. I’ll call them the day after Christmas. That works better for your schedule anyway.”

  “Wait, tomorrow’s Christmas Eve? Really? We don’t have any presents or a tree or lights…”

  Rik met my gaze and he didn’t need to make the order. “We’ll decorate for Christmas first thing tomorrow, my queen.”

  “And take you shopping again,” I added. “You’ll want some things for the new house.”

  “And presents for each of you.”

  I dropped my gaze to the table cloth, unable to meet the shining glow in her eyes. Not when I’d failed her so miserably.

  Rik said what I could not. “You are our present, my queen. We need nothing else but you.”


  Tomorrow was Christmas Eve. I’d totally lost track of time. Gee, I wonder why? I’d only been fucking and feeding and fucking so more the last few days. My cheeks heated at the thought. And yeah, my fangs started to ache and images of naked skin and hot muscle and hard dick started flickering through my mind. Gina left with her crew, and I hoped I wasn’t rude to her. I was too distracted. Mutely, I looked at Rik. I wanted to go to bed. I wanted to feed. But I didn’t know who or how many or—

  “Daire and Xin, you’re on the first patrol duty.” His voice rumbled the floor beneath my feet as he strode to me. “Guillaume, with me. Xin, trade after six hours. Daire, you’re on your own.”

  He swept me up in his arms and as soon as I smelled his skin, I was lost. Hunger roared through me and I sank my fangs into his throat. He clutched me hard, pausing to lean against the door. His body shook and he groaned, deep and low in his throat. Guillaume caught us, pressing him against the door frame. Like he couldn’t even stay on his feet.

  Alarmed, I lifted my head, blood dribbling down my lips. “Rik? Are you all right? I’m sorry. I forgot I fed on you already today.”

  He half laughed, half groaned, leaning heavily against the wall. “Your bite comes with a new gift, my queen.”


  Guillaume pulled me into his arms and started for the stairs. Confused, I looked back at Rik. Why weren’t they more concerned for him? He started up after us and wavered like he was drunk. Like I’d taken too much blood again. My alpha. His bond felt fine in my head though. Better than fine. He radiated pleasure through me, making my hunger worse. I couldn’t hurt him…

  “Your bite is orgasmic.” Guillaume said in that grave, solemn way of his. But when I looked into his face, his eyes danced with mirth. “At least for our alpha. Though you can try out this new power on me as soon as you’d like.”

  Orgasmic. Oh geez. I’d bitten Rik and he came? Just like that? Maybe that was why he’d come so quickly earlier with Xin. Not that I was complaining in the slightest.

  “Just like that.” Guillaume huffed out a laugh. “Keep that in mind, my queen, if you’re wanting more than blood. I’m sure Rik will recover quickly but it’d be a shame if you made us all come before we’re able to sate your need.”

  “I’ll be ready quick enough.” Rik caught up to us.

  I took one look at the blood spilling from his throat and reached for him. He pulled me close, tucking his face close to my head as I locked my mouth over the punctures. “Take all you want. I’m nowhere near weakened yet from blood loss.”

  :Even after this morning?:

  When I’d killed him…

  I shuddered at the memory and burrowed deeper into his arms.

  :Your cobra bite made me stronger. I think you could feed from me a dozen times a day and not endanger me.:

  My mind protested that I surely wouldn’t need to feed on him a dozen times a day. But the more of his blood I drank, the more I wanted. He’d always had that extra punch of alpha, but now… It was addictive. I craved his blood. I burned for it. And once I had his taste on my tongue, I wanted my belly full of his blood. I wanted him spilling down my breasts and dripping down my body.

  :Your wish is my command.:

  I felt hands tugging and removing my shoes but I didn’t let go of Rik’s throat. I couldn’t. My brain insisted if I let go of his blood I’d die. I needed all I could hold and I had a feeling that wouldn’t be enough either. The thought made me tremble, my stomach quivering with dread despite the power spreading through me with every swallow of his blood. I didn’t want to incapacitate him again. Let alone all of them. But this rising need felt like that night in the tub. When we’d barely had the energy to walk when I was finally done feeding off them.

  He laid back in the bed with me on top of him and I rubbed against him. I wanted every inch of his skin against me. But I didn’t want to lift my mouth from his skin.

  “I can easily cut your clothes away, my queen.” Guillaume said. “But I didn’t want to upset you.”

  :Fuck these clothes. I’ve already bled on everything anyway.:

  I tore at Rik’s T-shirt. The sound of tearing cotton made chills race down my spine, but I liked it. I liked it a lot. I especially liked the tug of Guillaume’s knife at my nape. The soft sound of my sweater cutting apart, falling away to bare my back. There was something about the sound of fibers giving way beneath his steel. The gentle kiss of the blade on my skin. I knew he wouldn’t hurt me, but it still made my heartbeat quicken. So naturally he stroked me more with that blade.

  I remembered the way he’d cut himself for me that first time. And my two other Blood. How quickly and easily he’d made them bleed for me. Before I could even ask, I felt the hot drip of his blood against my skin. It made me writhe against Rik, desperate for more. Every muscle tightened, need hammering with my pulse.

  :Get that big dick in me before I die.:

  Guillaume groaned roughly. The cold tip of his blade pressed against my lower back and then he tugged through my jeans so hard and quick it lifted me up. He jerked the denim out of his way, yanking me up, baring my ass. And then sweet bliss as he started to push inside me. So big. So wide. I groaned against Rik’s throat, tightening my grip on him with my mouth. I wanted to bite him again and again, but I didn’t know what that would do to him. If he’d just dry come? That didn’t sound good.

  “Bite me again if you want,” he ground out. “Though I’d rather be inside you when you do.”

  Guillaume slid to the hilt inside of me, his weight heavy on my back. Pressing me against Rik. Two solid walls of muscle. Goddess. It was fantastic. I wanted to sleep like this—if I didn’t need to breathe. Then G started to move inside me. The long, slow drag of his full length gliding through me. It made me claw at Rik’s chest. He lifted me on my knees to give G better access.

  Living several hundred years certainly gave a man plenty of time to perfect his technique. He’d been on the bottom of us last time and hadn’t moved much at all, but this time… He made sure I fully appreciated his size, and gradually, his power. He thrust a bit harder, making my breath oomph out against Rik’s throa
t, but I still had the impression that he was only playing. He was holding back.

  :Fuck me. Hard. I can take it.:

  His big, scarred hands clenched harder on my hips. Rik had both hands in my hair, one palm clamped to my nape. And suddenly, I realized I was pinned. Locked in place. They paused a moment, waiting to be sure that I really was okay with it.


  Guillaume let out a guttural sound and slammed deep. He rocked me so hard against Rik that I would have lost my grip on his throat without his hand locking me in place. G waited a second and I felt his bond slice through me, a quick, hard kiss of steel as if he needed to be sure I was all right. He hadn’t hurt me. Then he hauled himself out of me, inch by inch, making me twist and buck between them. He plunged deep again and stars exploded in my head. Thunder rolled in the distance, coming nearer with each heavy thrust. Not thunder, hoof beats. The Dullahan galloped closer in the night, dripping blood down my back.

  Rik’s blood filled me with power. His volcano rumbled toward eruption, pumping me full of molten rock. My bones were melting, shifting, nerves firing up that had never been exposed before. My scalp prickled, my spine itched, and for a moment, I was terrified I’d shift into the cobra again. I didn’t want to hurt anyone. Pressure built inside me. Power. Pleasure. Blood. I strained to hold it all.

  G shoved deep and ground against me, stroking deep inside, and I couldn’t hold back any longer. I convulsed, power streaming through our bonds. Enough power to light up Kansas City. The whole fucking state. Rik let go of my head and I reared back against Guillaume. I didn’t have to ask. He wrapped his forearm around my face and I buried my fangs in his wrist. He let out a thundering roar and came hard inside me, spurt after spurt that sent my pleasure surging higher. Rik held on to my thighs or I probably would have soared right off the bed. It felt like I could fly. Power lifting me up. My hair floating. My body weightless. I’d just float away into the night sky and join the stars.

  “No floating away, my queen.” Rik pulled me down on top of his chest, and Guillaume crashed down beside him to sprawl on the mattress, though I didn’t let his wrist go. Not yet. His blood tasted too good. Clashing steel, thundering hooves, the ancient blood of a warrior.


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