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Shelter For My Mate: Sassy Ever After (Sanctuary for My Mate Book 3)

Page 6

by Terri A. Wilson

  Kitty lived two hours away. It shocked him to think they were that close and a lifetime apart at the same time. His family had always been close. They did everything together. The Air Force was the first time he was away from his family for an extended period. His mother begged both the twins to join the same branch. He needed a break from Cameron’s shadow and wouldn’t budge. Cameron believed the Marines were the only branch that mattered and wouldn’t budge either.

  With no traffic, Caleb pulled up to her apartment earlier than expected. He studied the building where she lived. It was a plain building with a blah color and no landscaping. Two fixer-up cars rested in the far end of the parking lot. Despite the lonely appearance, it was clean.

  Caleb debated going home. He wanted to shelter Wednesday if this didn’t go well, but how would she feel once she found out what he did. What if it was so bad she wouldn’t forgive him? Harmony for her life was his only goal. He inhaled, held his breath, and got out of the car.

  Kitty opened the door before he could knock, a cigarette hanging from the corner of her mouth and a coffee cup in her hand. “Well, you’re prompt. I’ll give you that.”

  “Kitty? Kitty Jackson?”

  “That’s what it says on my driver’s license. You’re a fine hunk of man. Come on in and sit down.” She pushed open the screen door, inviting him inside. “Coffee?”

  “Yes, please. Thank you.”

  A wide screen TV sat in the corner. A brown sectional hugged the corner. Two cats sat on one end licking themselves. A third cat sat on the kitchen table and a fourth jumped off the top of the refrigerator.

  “You aren’t allergic to cats, are you?” She picked up a fifth cat, kissed it, and put it on the floor.

  “No. Cats don’t like me that much, but I’m not allergic.” To prove his point the one that jumped from the refrigerator hissed when it came close to his leg.

  “Hmm. Oscar is the friendliest one. Don’t know what’s gotten into him.” Kitty used her foot to nudge him away.

  Caleb sat down at the kitchen table reminiscent of his grandmother’s table. “How many cats do you have?”

  “Seven. One died last week, and one went to live with a friend.” She took out two cans of soda, opened them, handed one to him, and sat at the opposite end of the table.

  “Have you always been a cat person? Wednesday never mentioned liking cats.”

  “I hope you’re a soda person. The water around here isn’t that tasty. It’s no surprise you don’t know about the cats. My daughter doesn’t share much about me and her past.”

  “She’s shared enough.”

  Kitty harrumphed. “What did she tell you?”

  “She told me you two weren’t close. You came into a hard time and left her for her grandmother to raise.”

  “That’s the abbreviated version.” A golden cat jumped on the table, hissed at Caleb, and walked to his owner. “They don’t like you.” She cuddled the cat to her face. “Ray-Ray be nice.”

  Caleb shrugged.

  Kitty sighed. “It’s hard to know where to start. I was fifteen when I had Wednesday. When I went into labor, I was high on pot and sleeping in the back of my boyfriend’s van. He wasn’t her father and though he swore to stay with me, the second my water broke all over the mattress, he raced to the hospital and left me on the curb. My mom, Wednesday’s grandmother, told me I could come back, but only if I lived by her rules. It was a desperate situation, so I agreed. We lasted six months before having the first of many huge confrontations.” She paused and pulled out a cigarette but didn’t light it. “I’m trying to stop.” She held up the cigarette. “It helps if I can taste it and pretend to smoke it.”

  Caleb nodded and finished his drink. “Whatever works.”

  “Anyway, I took Wednesday and ran away. It was easier to get a job because I was sixteen. I found a job at a truck stop diner and a hotel room a block away. The manager told me Wednesday could stay in his office if I agreed to an occasional favor. His favors weren’t just for him, but for his friends too.” Kitty paused and glanced at the window, lost in thought. “I stayed clean until she was two. By then I worked full time at the diner and did the occasional side job, so I had enough to pay for daycare. No matter how many forms of birth control you use, abstinence is the only foolproof method. I lived paycheck to paycheck. I couldn’t afford a second child. Iris took us in again. That’s where I met Kenny and he showed me the joys of crystal meth. I lost my baby, freaked the hell out and ran away with Kenny. Only this time, I left Wednesday with my mom.”

  Caleb swallowed. “I’m sorry that happened. Wednesday never told me any of that.”

  “She knows what my mom told her, and I can only imagine that was nothing good.”

  “She speaks highly of Iris.”

  Kitty scoffed. “Iris was a good person. The best thing that happened to Wednesday was when I decided to leave her behind. I won’t tell you about the wild ride after I left. I’m lucky to be alive.”

  “You’re clean, now.”

  She smelled the cigarette in her hand. “I’ve been clean for twelve years, I’m a physical therapist, and I like cats.”

  “A physical therapist, huh? Wednesday teaches yoga. Maybe you’re more alike than you think.”

  Kitty put the golden cat on the floor. “Did she tell you I tried to connect with her about five years ago? She wanted nothing to do with me.”

  “She told me. I’m hoping to change that now. You’re going to be a grandma. We’re having twins.”

  Kitty saluted him with her soda can. “Congratulations. My baby is having babies. Makes me feel old.”

  “I’m hoping to bring you back with me to visit. I can bring you back tomorrow. In the letter I wrote you, I mentioned we live at my resort, the Libre Volare.”

  “Yeah, I found you on the internet. Looks like a fancy place. I saw a picture of Wednesday. She looks beautiful.” She sat forward. “I would love nothing more than to see her again. My mom and I never reconciled because she died too early.” She sat back. “What did Wednesday say when you told her about coming here?”

  Caleb looked away and twitched his mouth.

  “You didn’t tell her.”

  “It never came up. We’ve been busy.”

  Kitty walked to the sink and rinsed out her can. “If she’s like every other woman in this family, you will be in the doghouse when she finds out about this.”

  “Probably. See, I come from a close family. I have two other brothers and a lot of cousins. No matter how much we fight with each other, I’d walk through hell for my family. That’s the family I want for my daughters.”

  “Daughters? You’re having two daughters?”

  He nodded.

  Kitty crossed her arms and leaned against the sink. “If I go with you, can I get a family discount on a massage?”

  Caleb grinned. “Our spa is closed at the moment. We are looking for new management.

  I’ll set you up with Sky. She can get you a massage.”

  “Who’s Sky?”

  “My brother’s mate.”

  “Mate? Like a girlfriend?”

  Caleb panicked. He didn’t know if Kitty knew they were shifters. “Yeah, that’s what I meant. Sky is Cameron’s girlfriend.”

  Kitty gave him an odd look. “I need to pack an overnight bag and feed the cats. If this doesn’t go well, you’re bringing me back or paying someone else to do it.”


  Caleb turned onto the road leading to the resort. The closer he got, the more knotted his stomach felt. His bird stood at attention pacing inside his mind. Something was wrong. Kitty talked ad nauseam about her cats, but he blocked her out.

  He smelled the smoke before he saw it. Then he heard a horrible noise. Cracking. Wood cracking. Racing toward the resort he slammed on the brakes when he saw the fire truck. Without bothering to park the car, he got out and raced to find his brothers.

  People walked around in a daze blocking his path to the building Some stood froz
en comforting others or sobbing. A fireman held out his hand to stop him, but Caleb pushed through. A crash startled him. The west corner of the resort collapsed. Sparks and black smoke clouded his vision.

  Cameron ran up to him. “Caleb. Where the fuck have you been? We did everything we could think of to find you.”

  “Wednesday, where’s Wednesday?” He pushed against his brother.

  “She’s with Tatum, they’re okay.”

  “Did everyone get out?”

  Cameron looked away.

  “Did everyone get out? Where’s Wednesday? Where’s Tatum?”

  Connor walked up to them. “Caleb, man, I don’t know what to say.”

  “Did everyone get out?” He puffed out his chest and shifted his eyes. His anger made it hard to control the falcon. Talons grew from his fist.

  Cameron’s eyes widened when he saw it. “Dude, that won’t help.”

  “Either get the fuck out of my way or answer my questions. Where’s Wednesday and did everyone make it out okay?”

  Connor nodded to the ambulance. “Wednesday is over there with Tatum. A piece of glass cut her leg—” Caleb stepped away, but Connor grabbed his arm. “Shit, wait before you go over there. Not everyone made it out.” Caleb stared at the ambulance. “Did you hear me, Caleb? Not everyone made it out.”

  Caleb jerked his arm away from his brother. “Who?”

  Cameron and Connor looked at the ground.

  “Who?” Caleb repeated.

  Cameron faced his brother. “Maria went to the back offices trying to find information on the server. It looks like the fire started there and no one’s seen her.”

  “What the fuck did you two shits do?” Caleb postured for a fight.

  Connor stepped between the twins. “Back down, Caleb. The fire marshal thinks it was an electrical fire.”

  The world spun in front of Caleb. He glanced at the ambulance and saw Wednesday. She saw him then focused behind him. Caleb turned. Kitty. He glanced back at Wednesday. The pain and anger in her face scorched his heart with a brand that would never heal. In one afternoon, he’d lost everything. He clenched his hand, hit Connor, and walked away to the canyon.


  Wednesday pushed off the gurney. “Caleb.” Her voice died against the roar of the fire and the chaotic noise surrounding her. The tubing from the IV pulled against her arm.

  “Wait a minute.” Tatum stopped her.

  Wednesday’s eyes focused on the needle in her arm. With one jerk, the needle pulled out and blood ran down her arm. Seconds later, the small hole closed. The gash in her leg closed.

  The ambulance attendant started to ask, but Tatum held out her hand and stopped him. “Adrenaline.”

  The falcon inside her pushed her into action. She needed to get out of the ambulance and find Caleb. All anger disappeared when she lost sight of him walking away.

  The material from the hole Tatum cut in her pants snagged on the gurney. Wednesday reached down and ripped the bottom half of the pant leg off and stormed out of the ambulance.

  “You need to sit down,” Cameron told her.

  “Are you okay?” Connor asked her.

  “Where’s Tatum?” Eliza said.

  Wednesday stopped, her hands on her hips and said, “Why did you let him go?”

  Connor rubbed his jaw. “Did you see what he did? I’m not in a talking mood right now.”

  Hot angry tears slid down her face. “He’s hurt and confused. He’s mad. Is that what this family is all about? Turning away when there’s a crisis.”

  Kitty stepped closer. “Wednesday, how can I help?”

  Wednesday scoffed. Surrounded by firefighters running with equipment, resort guests crying and wandering around confused, and her family, the last thing she wanted was her mother. “You can do what you’re good at. Leave me alone.”

  Kitty stepped back, hurt on her face. “I didn’t think you’d want to see me, but your man convinced me to try.”

  “And you think now is the best time to play happy family?”

  Cameron stepped between them. “Who is this, Wednesday? Do you want me to get rid of her?”

  As angry and confused as she was, her heart softened at the wounded look on her mother’s face. She wrapped her arm around her babies. What she wouldn’t do for them? Was it the same for her mom?

  “I didn’t mean to cause an issue. Just point me to the main road and I’ll do what I can to find a ride home.” Kitty picked up her duffel bag.

  Wednesday blew out a long breath. “I don’t know if I want you here or not but stay until we figure out something.”

  Cameron put his arms around Eliza and Sky. Connor held Tatum. Eli reached for Ginger’s hand. Wednesday stood next to her mother. There was nothing for them to do but watch their lives collapse. The fire burned the entire resort.

  In what felt like days later, the fire department controlled the burning and cleaned up the major debris. Two medical workers carried a black bag across the remains. Sky dropped to her knees sobbing. Eliza buried her face against Cameron’s shoulder. Tatum and Connor stood crying silent tears. Wednesday gasped. Ginger left Eli and hugged Wednesday. The two of them stood together shaking. Wednesday’s arms grew heavy and her legs felt bound.

  Maria was a cornerstone of the resort. She knew everything there was to know about the Libre Volare. When Wednesday first moved into the resort with Caleb, Maria made her feel welcome. The brothers lived like bachelors and had no idea what to do with a girl. New sobs crashed through her when she thought of her first night. Maria made sure there were flowers in their suite and a variety of bath essentials.

  One of the workers tripped over a fallen beam. Cameron rushed to pick up the bag. Connor and Tatum followed him. Another worker stopped to help the one who fell. Eliza and Sky reached for the black vinyl bag and asked the workers to step back. Wednesday and Ginger joined the procession as they passed by. Together, the Hanson family carried their friend across the rubble, opened the back of a waiting ambulance, and placed her body inside.

  Wednesday scanned the area. Caleb should have been there. This was his life. A life he gave her and improved for their family. Now when they needed him the most, he wasn’t there.

  Cameron shut the doors and slapped the back. The ambulance drove away.

  They stood there unable to talk. No words would make the grief fade. When the ambulance pulled onto the main road, Sky said, “Someone needs to contact her family. Who knows them?”

  Connor sighed. “Cameron and I will go talk to them.” He faced away from the group and rested his hand on his brother’s shoulder. Cameron wiped his face and nodded. He kissed Eliza and Sky then headed to the car. Connor hugged Tatum.

  The heavy weight of loneliness dragged down Wednesday.

  Where the hell are you?

  “You chums need help or want me to drive?” Eli asked.

  Connor nodded, and Cameron shook his head.

  “I’ll drive and stay in the car.” Eli nodded to Ginger then led the way to his car.

  The four Hanson women, Ginger, and Kitty sat around a concrete table out of the way while the workers continued cleaning the area.

  “So, you’re Wednesday’s mom?” Tatum asked.

  “Kitty Jackson, this is Tatum, Sky, Eliza, and Ginger.” Wednesday pointed to each of the women.

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you all. I wish it was under better circumstances.”

  Wednesday snickered. “What would be the best circumstances for a mother and daughter reunion when the mother is a junkie who gave up her daughter to chase the next high.”

  Kitty shrank back. “I’ve been clean for a long time, thank you very much. And I didn’t give you up. Your life was much better with Iris than it would have been with me.”

  “That’s right, you’re clean now. The Twelve Steps and all. So what number tells you to beg forgiveness from those you’ve hurt.”

  Kitty glanced away. “I tried that once before with you. You wanted nothing to do with me
now and it hasn’t changed.”

  All the ladies jumped when a piece of frame fell with a thud.

  Hank and Sybil brought over a man wearing a white fire coat.

  “Um, ladies, this is Dale Mathias. He is the fire marshal. Where are the boys?”

  “Cameron and Connor are on their way to Maria’s house and Caleb is, um, taking care of something,” Wednesday answered him.

  “Then are one of you the responsible party?”

  The marshal held out a clipboard. “I need to get some information.”

  The women exchanged questioning glances.

  “None of us are owners, but our mates, er, husbands are,” Wednesday said.

  “That’ll work for me,” he said.

  “You’ve been here the longest.” Tatum jutted out her chin to Wednesday.

  Wednesday rolled her eyes. “Fine. What do you need from us?”

  Hank and Sybil sat down at the table while Wednesday stepped away to answer the man’s questions.

  “Do you need places to stay?” Sybil asked when she returned.

  Tatum said, “I don’t think the fire spread from the main building. Our cabin and Cam’s should be fine.”

  Another cold realization weaved through Wednesday’s mind. The only home she and Caleb knew. The home they worked to set up for their daughters. Gone. She hid her face behind her hands. Fresh tears spilled down her face. A hand touched her arm. Kitty smiled. Vulnerable and lacking any insight into the future, the years of hate and anger gave way to the need of a little girl who longed for the love of a mother. A mother who would hold her and promise life would get better.

  Wednesday leaned over and laid her head on her mother’s shoulder. Kitty embraced her and held her tight.

  “I’m still mad at you,” Wednesday sobbed.

  Kitty ran her hand down her daughter’s hair. “I know. We’ll work it out later. Just let someone, me, be there for you right now.”

  Everyone sat around the table without talking. Sunrise glimmered on the horizon. Within an hour the true horror of the fire sat before them. The first fire truck pulled away. Hank and Sybil took Kitty into town to find a room and bring back food for the girls.


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