Own It

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Own It Page 15

by M Dauphin

  “I’m sorry Lo,” he finally whispers and I raise an eyebrow at him in question. The man has a lot to be sorry for lately, but I’m curious what specifically he means. “I wasn’t ever there for you. Even growing up, I was the entitled one and you were just struggling to buy your own school supplies. I should have been there for his birth… I should have been there for his life… and his death.”

  I nod.

  “Yea. You should have been.” I take a breath and stand, wiping my jeans off. “He was a great kid, Chris.”

  “You gave him my middle name… I would have hoped he was the best.” I help him to stand and he sighs, looking down at his grave. The marker is remarkable. Black granite with his name and dates etched elegantly. My brother paid for it after the funeral when he found out I couldn’t afford anything. It took the death of my son to bring my brother’s heart around to acting correctly.

  “When he was a baby he used to play with my hair… it reminded me of when you would only be able to fall asleep with my doll’s hair in your fist.”

  “I was a kid,” he grunts.

  “At nine years old?” I laugh and he shakes his head.

  “That stays between the two of us.” He laughs and clears his throat. “Can you ever forgive me for how much of an ass I was?” he looks so sad… so worn down. This isn’t the business first brother I know. This is a man hurting from making too many mistakes in his life and missing out on a beautiful life because he was too busy caring about himself.

  “I think I can,” I grin, nudging him. “Just get your head out of your ass and stop working so damn much.”

  He laughs and we link arms, walking back to the car.

  “He treating you ok?” He slows his pace, nodding at Jett.

  “He is,” I smile. “More than okay. He’s good for me.”

  “Have you told him about the job yet?” he asks, kicking a rock as we go.

  “No… I will. Soon.”

  I was offered a position at the county animal clinic part time with full time options if it works out. Chris got me the interview somehow and it’s only been a day since the offer. I don’t know if I’m going to take it and they’ve given me enough time to think about it… but I really want it.

  “You’re not going to say anything to him, are you?”

  “That’s your business, little sis. I’m just here for support.” He grins as we get to the car.

  “Finally,” I mutter, grinning when he huffs. “Thank you.”

  Jett opens the door and steps out, quietly closing it and nodding at us.

  “Hey man,” he says to Chris before smiling over at me.

  “That Emma back there?” Chris asks, bending down to see the sleeping kid in the back seat.

  “Yea, she conked out after the shelter and lunch.”

  “She’s a good kid. You’re a good uncle, Jett.”

  I watch Jett narrow his eyes at my brother and I do the same but neither of us ask questions.

  Interesting. If my brother’s fucking Paisley, Jett’s going to fucking flip.

  “I’m trying.” Jett sighs, his eyes going straight to mine.

  “Ready to head home, kid?”

  “Yea,” I smile. “You have a ride, Chris?”

  “My driver’s down the road. I just shot him a text, he’ll be here soon.”

  “Oh back to the driver now are we?”

  “The company makes me use him.” He rolls his eyes and I laugh at him.

  “Pinky’s up!” I tease and he brings me in for a hug.

  “Make fun all you want. I still miss ya, sis.”

  “Yea? I knew you would.” I shrug. “I’m pretty damn awesome.”

  “You take care of her, Jett.”

  “Wouldn’t have it any other way.” Jett grins at me and nods at Chris before slipping into the car.

  “Thanks for being here today, Chris.” I say again.

  “Anything for my little sis, Lo.” He squeezes me once more and starts walking towards an approaching car.

  I’ll never understand his life… nor do I want to. I’m perfectly happy the way things are right now. I just have to grow the balls to tell Jett about this potential career change. I guess I’m scared he’s going to have to close the shop if I leave… but I can’t run a motorcycle shop the rest of my life. As good as the shirts make my boobs look, that job is a perfect filler job for someone that doesn’t have a college education and a love for a career she needs to get back to.

  “Hey Paisley,” Jett whispers, carrying Emma into the house. I follow with her bag and her car seat and as he walks Emma to her room to lay her down Paisley comes walking into the room with the baby on her hip.

  “Hey,” she huffs, wiping hair out of her face. ‘Sorry, I was cleaning up throw up.” She rolls her eyes and smiles as Jett walks back into the room.

  “Hey baby!” He pulls Addison from Paisley’s hands and spins with her, making her stare at him in pure confusion.

  “Oh no, Jett she’s-” Paisley tries to stop him but it’s too late.

  One second Jett’s all smiles and the next he’s taking a mouthful of baby vomit and I can’t control my laughter.

  “Sick,” Paisley gasps as Jett who’s now trying to shove the baby back at her before running to the bathroom.

  “I can’t!” I laugh, heading outside to get the laughter out so I don’t wake Emma.

  “I’m gonna be fucking sick,” he grumbles, walking outside with a towel pressed to his shirt.

  “Took one for the team, champ,” I laugh and drive us home while he bitches the entire time about eating vomit for snack.

  While he’s in the shower I pull up the website for the animal clinic and start browsing. When I hear the shower turn off I walk to the bathroom door and push it open with full intentions on telling him about the job. He’s standing there, towel wrapped around his waist, brushing his teeth harshly. He turns and smiles wide at me, toothpaste starting to drip out of his mouth. His chest is still wet from the shower, his biceps begging for my grasp… and let’s not start on the ‘V’ that did me in the first time I saw it.

  “You vant fum?”

  “No!” I shriek, grossed out but not enough to walk away. His body is begging me for attention right now… the job news can wait.

  I grin at him and he narrows his eyes at me as he scrubs the baby vomit away. After he rinses he wipes his mouth and quirks an eyebrow at me.

  “Sup, kid?”

  I could tell him, but then I wouldn’t be enjoying his body like I want to…

  The look I’m giving him must be giving him the same signals, because in one swoop me has me in his arms and sitting on the bathroom sink.

  “Fuck me you have too many clothes on,” he murmurs, his lips pressed to mine still. I can feel him grinning as he unbuttons my pants and we wriggle to shove them down. I hop down from the counter and spin, bending over the sink, and his hand caresses my back.

  “Hang on,” he says, standing me up and spinning me around. I pout and reach for his erection, gently stroking it and locking my eyes to his. “I need to do this right. Your body deserves more than a quick bathroom fuck.” He helps me kick off my jeans and carries me to the bedroom where he strips me of all my layers and lays me out on the bed. Crawling up next to me, his hands roam my skin and his lips devour mine. He tastes fresh, his tongue exploring my mouth like it’s his final kiss for ages, his hands not missing an inch of my body as he worships me.

  “I fucking love you, Lo,” he whispers, his eyes locked on mine.

  “I love you, Je-” I gasp mid-sentence when he slides his fingers inside me. Letting out a growl/chuckle, I push up to his hand and slam my lips to his. He plays me perfectly and to the edge of bliss. Then, when I don’t think I can take it any longer he moves on top of me and slides into me. In one movement everything around me blurs and all there is is us. The two of us, moving as one. The air is ours, the light shining down around him is ours… This life is ours. His movements aren’t hard nor are they taking. The
y’re soft and sweet and smooth. Our bodies pressed together, he rocks into me, his mouth clamped to mine with his elbows resting on either side of me. In this moment, he’s claimed me. Ruined me for anyone else.

  “Oh God, I’m close,” I whisper on his lips, wrapping my arms and legs around him, trying to get as close to him as I can.

  “Let go, Lo,” he growls, rocking into me with the perfect rhythm and pressure. I come completely undone at his hands, and he follows suit, leaning down and biting down on my shoulder as his orgasm rips through him.

  “Fuck!” I belt, the pain and pleasure swirling together and sending me over the edge and spiraling down.

  Holy fuck. This man… I’m speechless.

  He’s too perfect.

  She’s ruined me. I knew it would happen. I just didn’t know it’d happen in this way.

  The first time I laid eyes on this girl I knew she was too beautiful, with too many skeletons, and she’d probably ruin me. Well, she did it… but not in the way I thought she would.

  She’s ruined me for every other female out there, but I don’t care. I fucking love it. I plan to keep this one for life.

  I want to fucking buy her flowers every time I see them but she yells at me because ‘I’m wasting money on something that’s just going to die.’ I want to do everything for the woman, but she’s adamant that she’s not helpless. I fucking know this, but she’s mine and I can’t stand to see her struggle! She’s turned me into a lovesick puppy and I fucking love it.

  “Hey babe, can I talk to you?” she asks walking into the living room with one of my t-shirts and no pants. Damn she’s sexy. It’s Saturday, and after the week from hell at work I’m ready to do nothing but enjoy my girl. Her words, ‘can we talk,’ make me leery that something’s going on and of course my mind immediately goes to Antonio at the shop. He ended up signing on to work on a project with Dave and I know he’s been there multiple times this week. I swear to fuck if it’s about him I’m burning this place down.

  “What’s up?” The look on her face tells me she doesn’t want to tell me what she is about to and it has my hackles rising.

  “So I uh-” she pauses and grins at me. “I have news.”

  “News?” She’s smiling. She’s not cheated on me or she wouldn’t be smiling… right? Is she pregnant? Oh fuck is she having my baby?

  “I got a job,” she blurts, covering her hands with her face and I can honestly say I’m let down.

  I was really hoping she was pregnant.

  See, lovesick I tell ya.

  “A job?” She works… for me? She runs my shop…

  “I did, and please don’t be mad. I wasn’t really even looking but it came up and I couldn’t turn it down and the pay is great and it’s benefits meaning I’ll finally have insurance for birth control and-”

  “You’re not on birth control?” I grin and try to remember her last period… then I fail and start getting a fucking chub because I’m thinking of her pussy way too much.

  “Focus, Jett.” She sighs. “I start in a week.”

  I narrow my eyes at her and shift on the couch, facing her.

  “Where is it?” I try to keep the hurt out of my voice that she’s leaving the shop, but I think I fail by the way her face falls.

  “I’m so sorry!” She looks so worried and it’s honestly cute as fuck.

  “I’m not mad, babe. Just where are you starting work in a week? I need to know where my girl’s going to be all day… you know, since she’s leaving the shop I hired her for so I could see her every day.”

  “Please, you haven’t been in but maybe once a week the last few months. It’ll be fine, Jett.” She takes a break and locks her eyes with mine. “I’m in at the clinic on the west side of town.”

  “The animal clinic?” I grin. When she nods her head my heart almost bursts from pride. I swoop her onto my lap and my hands encase her beautiful face. “You got a job at the clinic?”

  “I did,” she smiles back and shrugs. “It’s just the walk-in’s and it’s only part time, but if it all works out they may be looking for another resident vet soon so I could be in for good.” She grins, her face glowing with excitement.

  “That’s fucking brilliant, Lo!” I press my lips to hers and pull her against me. “Fuck I’m so proud of you.” She fucking did it… she found her drive again.

  “It’s your fault,” she mumbles into my neck, making me chuckle.

  “I believe it. I knew you had it in ya, kid.” She pulls back and smiles at me.

  “So you’re not mad about the shop?”

  “No!” I scoff at her and rest my hands on her legs that are straddling me. “Not at all. Dan can run the place until I figure out what’s going on with Shuer.”

  “I’m going to be working weird shifts for a while… we may not see each other very often.”

  “Well then,” I growl, grabbing her ass and standing. “We better start enjoying each other more. What say you?”

  I don’t give her time to react as I push her shirt up and latch my mouth around her nipple. Fuck I love no bra Saturdays. She moans and shoves her tits into my face as I walk us to the bedroom, where I intend to show her exactly how proud of her I am.

  “Did you tell Dan yet?” I ask into the phone, since it’s late Monday and I’m still not home to my girl. This place is running all cylinders all the fucking time, and if you miss one tiny thing you’re set behind weeks. It’s fucking infuriating how they have it set up, but I’m slowly making it better.


  “I did, yea.” I hear her sigh and I grin.

  “You know this is a good move, right?” I stop working and lean back, stretching out my sore muscles. Working in the shop I was always moving and staying active… now I sit at a desk and in meetings all day and it’s really starting to fuck with my body. I’m fucking miserable here. The only bright spot to my day is getting home to Lo but even that hasn’t been happening as much lately. And when she starts this new job of hers I’ll probably never see her anymore but when we’re sleeping. Jesus this is fucked up. If I were at the shop I could set my own fucking hours. I’d be happier. I’d be free of this fucking place.


  “I know. I still feel bad. Dan’s like a dad to me!” Her laugh is contagious.

  “I’m sure he’d like to know you think of him as a father figure.”

  “I mean he’s not old, but he’s wise. Like a wise old owl.”

  “I’d stop while you’re ahead, babe,” I chuckle. “You just turned him into an animal.”

  “Either way, I told him. He wished me good luck- then he asked me to go get him a pack of beer.”

  “While on the clock?” What the fuck is happening over there?

  “Oh no, he was heading out after work so I ran and grabbed him some so he didn’t have to stop on his way.” She laughs. “You’re too stressed, Jett.”

  “I’m fine, kid,” I lie. This place is eating me alive and I can’t stand it but there’s no way out of it. Not yet, at least. “I have to get back to work. I shouldn’t be much longer.”

  “I’ll be waiting.”

  I can only pray it’s nude in my bed.

  “I’ll hurry. I love you.”

  “Love you too, big man.” She ends the call and I groan. Fuck I miss her.

  The men working on a project up North haven’t sent in their numbers for three weeks so far and it’s eating at me that they’re doing shit off the radar. With all the projects my brother had going when he died it’s been hard for me to get shit under control. I feel like Stan is fucking useless here so it’s like nothing got done the entire two months before I came on and now I’m playing catch-up with everything.

  I told her it’d be soon, but it’s going on ten pm before I’m even able to call it a night. On my way to lock up my office door there’s a commotion at the front of the offices.

  “Now,” a man barks. Immediately I run to see what the fuck is happening and when I burst through the massive frosted gl
ass doors I’m met with a fuming Chris and a very scared looking security guard.

  “What the fuck is happening?” I growl, noticing Paisley standing in the corner.

  “He’s been demanding to get back but I didn’t think anyone was back there,” the security guard stammers.

  “He’s fine. Let’s go,” I all but growl to the two of them. We make it to my office and I close the door, walking over to my desk while Chris paces towards the back wall.

  “Nice to see you, Paisley,” I say smiling at her. I wish you weren’t here right now, however. Her being here confirms my fears of her finding something out.

  “Tell him,” Chris blurts, making her jump. I glare at him and he stops pacing and crosses his arms. He looks exhausted and slightly annoyed, “You tell him or I am.”

  With shaky hands, Paisley silently pulls out papers and slides them across the table to me. I take them and sit down, opening them up and start reading.

  “What the fuck is this?” I whisper as my eyes scan over the words.

  Final will and testament for Brandon E. Voss.

  Dated July 2016

  “Why did you bring this? What the hell are you doing here?” I’m glaring at her and she takes a breath.

  “Why are you here, Jett?” She asks and I feel like I’m missing a very intricate part to this game.

  “I fucking work here, Paise!” I boast.

  “But why?”

  “Because I want to.” I grit out the lie and it burns. Chris chuckles a smartass chuckle from behind her.

  “That’s Brandon’s will, ya fucker.” He says, shaking his head.

  “I know,” I grind out. Fuck what the hell is with these people?

  Chris storms over to me and flips to the fifth page, shoving it in my face.

  “This! This is Brandon’s fucking will!” He shakes the paper so I roll my eyes and grab it.

  The fifth page.

  The first time I read this page my life changed forever. I don’t know why he’d want me to read it again.

  “Yea, yea, yea,” I mumble, reading over the page. When I get to the bottom of the page my stomach drops. “What the hell?” I flip the page over and over, turn to the other pages in the document… “What the shit, guys?” I huff, looking up at them.


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