Run Little Bear (The Forest Pack Series Book 2)

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Run Little Bear (The Forest Pack Series Book 2) Page 8

by G. Bailey

  “Now I get to explore you, see what makes you moan louder and what makes you beg for more,” Rogue whispers by my ear and then slowly kisses his way down my body. His hands find my hard nipples just before he uses his mouth to suck them into his mouth and I gasp from the pleasure. Rogue doesn’t spend long with his mouth on my nipples as he kisses down my stomach and to my core. I expect him to tease me a little, but he doesn’t, slipping his tongue around my clit several times, slowly, and driving me crazy with how close he gets me each time.

  “I want to feel you come on my hand, and then my cock as I bite you,” he pauses to tell me, his dirty words just turning me on more. I cry out in pleasure as he puts two fingers inside me, his spare hand working my nipple and his tongue flicking against my clit at the same time. The overload of pleasure sends me spiralling as I come, buckling against him as he chuckles. I hear him undoing his jeans as I wriggle on the bed, desperately wanting more of him. I gasp as he flips me over, pulling my hips up in the air and slamming inside me in one long stroke.

  “Fuckkk,” he growls, slamming into me again and again as I scream out his name. I gasp as he bites down on the top of my shoulder and finishes deep inside me, making a second surprise orgasm slam into me. Rogue pulls out of me and flips me over, resting his body on top of mine and placing his neck near my mouth. My wolf almost takes over as I bite my new mate and claim him as mine as the emotions flood out of him and into my head.

  “I feel the same, you know?” I say, knowing what I feel from him is pretty close to love. Rogue kisses my head gently.

  “I know.”

  I roll over as my phone vibrates a few times, and I feel around the side table for my phone in the dim room. I grab it, the bright light annoying my eyes as I read the text from Snow.

  Two groups of wolves attacked the pack last night, moments after you told us. They were trying to take Harper, but her baby saved her. It is a long story, but it seems the baby has a special gift when Harper teleported out of a room, and into Nikoli’s office. We are on lock down and the wolves are all dead. Call if you need anything. Love you.

  I take a deep breath of relief that they didn’t get Harper and in the same thought I wonder why the hell they went after her in the first place. Thank god her baby has such an amazing gift, it no doubt saved her mother from being kidnapped and god knows what. I look down at Rogue as he holds a pillow by his head, his breathing deep as he sleeps. My mate. I don’t want to wake him, so I quietly get out of bed, picking up Cain’s shirt up. I go across the room, getting a pair of leggings and some underwear out of my bag before going to the bathroom. I wash down quickly and clean up before getting dressed. I put my hair up in a tight ponytail before leaving the room and quietly opening the door, before walking out.

  “Hey. I was just going to wake you up,” Cain says, walking up the final steps on the stairs. I smile as I walk over to him, feeling awful at the dark bags under his eyes and how tired he looks.

  “Have you been up all night?” I ask.

  “With some help, we dug graves and made coffins to bury the dead tonight. I also sent three of our pack out with items from the stolen boy. One of them will make it to the castle and pass it to Erik,” he explains, and I step closer, wrapping my arms around him. He rests his head on top of mine, sighing. “I wish I could do more.”

  “We all do, but we can’t. You need to sleep and I need to speak to your brothers,”

  “Why? Is about you mating with Rogue? Because Callum felt the mate bond link to you and told us. We are happy for you, and would celebrate if it was different timing,” he replies and while I feel relieved about that, it isn’t what I want to talk to them about.

  “If I tell you, you have to promise to get some sleep and let your brothers help me,” I say and he grumbles.


  “The Forest Pack were attacked last night. They wanted Harper, and sent two groups of wolves to get her. She is fine, the wolves are dead, but I want to know exactly what it is they want,” I say, leaning back so I can see his reaction.

  “I know what they want, we all do now. Come on, I will show you it,” Chase says from the bottom of the stairs. I pull away from Cain to see Chase walking off and I look up at Cain.

  “Go. You need to see this,” he tells me and I lean up, kissing him once before pulling back.

  “Okay. Get some sleep though,” I tell him.

  “Yes miss bossy boots,” he chuckles walking to his room. I run down the stairs, slipping my trainers on by the door and going outside where Chase is parked out front. He sits on a massive motorbike, the bike purring loudly as he starts it up.

  “Get on then,” he tells me, nodding his head at the back of the bike. I’ve been a massive fan of bikes but I pull up my big girl pants and run down the steps, jumping onto the back of the bike, wrapping my arms around Chase’s waist which seems to make him tense up.

  “Where are we going?”

  “Not far,” he answers and kicks the brake off, driving us around the houses and down a dirt path that goes to the left. It starts to rain as we continue down the dirt path and get to a small house. There is nothing around the house, and it looks like it is falling apart where it stands. Chase stops us outside, knocking the break down and I get off first. Chase runs to the door with me, holding the door open as I walk inside. The inside is no better, with a wooden fire place, a red, torn and dated rug in the middle of the room and nothing else to look at. Well except for the holes in the ceiling that are dripping water onto the floor.

  “I have a feeling this house isn’t what the royals want,” I question Chase who shakes the water out of his hair and grins at me.

  “It is a disguise,” he says and walks over to the fireplace. He presses a secret button on top of the fireplace and there is a clicking sound. Seconds later the floor in the corner of the room slides apart and a lit up pair of stairs appears. I go to walk towards it but Chase steps in front of me, sliding a finger under my chin and lifting it so we are looking into each others eyes.

  “What is in here…it is our greatest treasure. We are trusting you, don’t break our trust,” he almost demands.

  “I won’t. Don’t you get it yet? I want my mates, and my life here. I will keep any secrets you want me to. I only need to see this to know what the royals are going to try and kill us for,” I say gently, and he smirks.

  “You want all your mates? Huh?” he asks, stepping closer. “Why don’t you prove it then?” I go to say something, do something but he steps away and walks down the stairs without looking back at me once. Asshole. I quickly catch up with him, walking down the metal stairs and the door clicks closed above us when Chase presses something on the wall as we go down. The bottom of the stairs opens up into a big library, with bookcases on every wall, filled to the rim with books. There are four desks in the room, and right in the middle is a glowing gemstone floating inside a glass box. The gemstone glows a purple colour and I don’t have a clue what it is.

  “What is it?” I ask.

  “A Shifter stone,” Chase answers simply and sits on one of the desks in the room as I step close to the glass, staring at the tiny floating stone.

  “What the hell is a shifter stone?”

  “To be honest with you, we don’t know much about them. Our family has passed this stone down for generations and generations. We only know if you touch it, you lose your mind and your animal. We keep it in here for that reason, and because we have all been told to keep it a secret,” he explains.

  “Does Nikoli have a stone too? Is that why they went for Harper to bribe him for the stone,” I muse. It would make a lot of sense.

  “We suspect as much. Nikoli has a stone that glows green, and it was given to him by a wolf in his pack when he passed away. The wolf told him to keep it safe and that it is also called a Shifter stone,” he tells me.

  “Why do they want the stones if they only destroy you?” I ask but of course Chase has no answer for me. It doesn’t make any sense. They must
know something we don’t and there is no way I am letting them get hold of the stone.

  “I don’t know but if it takes giving them the stone for the child back…we have decided to give them it. We won’t risk them killing the child,” Chase says. I nod, getting it but having a very bad feeling about handing the stone over. I force myself to look away from the stone and walk around the library. I run my fingers over the dusty books and grab one, pulling it.

  “The history of the lost kind,” I read the title out-loud and chase walks over, plucking it out of my hand and putting it back.

  “The books are all romances and boring stuff about nothing. This place is just a disguise, and a storage place for books for my mum,” he says. “They are her books so you might want to ask before reading them.”

  “I will do. Thanks for the advice, and not being a total asshole today,” I say and he laughs, stepping into my space, my back hitting the bookcase.

  “I decided something last night,” he gruffly whispers, his seductive voice making me shiver and leaving me speechless as he rests his lips near my ear. “Your other mates have made it too easy for you. If you want me, you need to earn it.”

  I watch in shock as Chase smirks at me and walks away.

  My wolf jumps onto the porch of our house and reaches a paw up to open the handle of the door. She pushes the door with her head to open it and walk into the house. My wolf picks up the scent of Cain and Callum in the lounge. She walks into see them sitting, looking at a map on the table and talking quietly.

  “Gold,” Cain says, smiling at me as my wolf goes and sits by his legs, resting her head against on his legs.

  “We have the guards constantly walking around the pack and we are making guard changes every three hours. I’ve sent out an alert to make sure the pack stay in their homes unless it is urgent for them to leave. I think it is best we don’t have them running around for a few days. We will do a pack run in two days so the pack can safely let their animals out,” Cain tells us.

  “I spoke to Nikoli who has his whole pack locked in the main house. The vampires have been reaching out to their friends to learn more about what is going on with the royals. We should have news soon,” Callum replies and stands up, picking the map up. He strokes a hand over my wolf’s head.

  “I have to go and get things ready for tonight’s burial. We can’t have the entire pack there, so it will just be close family. We can’t bury the girl with them, not when our bears know she attacked them. Cain can help you bury her,” Callum tells me, and my wolf lets out a little whine.

  “Go brother. I have our mate,” Cain replies, and Callum strokes my wolf’s head once more before walking out the house. I sit back, imagining my human form and opening my eyes as I feel back to myself. Cain keeps his eyes locked on mine, even as I stand completely naked in front of him as he sits on the sofa and leans back. I stare at my respectful, funny and protective bear and wonder why the hell I am holding back on mating with a man as amazing as he is. I smile and walk closer, spreading my legs as I kneel on the sofa with his legs in-between mine.

  “G-G, please don’t say you’re going to tease me. I think I might actually die if you did,” Cain groans as I start kissing his neck.

  “I’m,” I pause to suck on his neck a little and his hands slide up my sides slowly in response, “not teasing you. I want my mate and I am tired of waiting. We could be attacked any moment, and I know who I want.” Cain grabs the back of my neck and kisses me, harshly, firmly and completely dominating me with one kiss. I moan as he lies me down on the sofa and I quickly undo his jeans, reaching inside and pulling his hard cock out. Cain only lets me stroke him a few times before he grabs my hand and holds it above my head, doing the same with the other one.

  “You aren’t in control here, G-G,” he says, and I laugh, holding his hips tightly with my legs and flipping us both off the sofa, so I land on top and he lets go of my hands to catch me. I quickly slide down his body and suck the tip of his cock into my mouth, loving the long groan I hear him make.

  “I am your alpha female. You best not forget that,” I say before sliding all of his cock into my mouth. I move quickly, loving how he slides his hand into my hair and uses my hair to move my head how he likes. I stop and climb up him, kissing him hard as I lower myself on top of him until our hips are meeting.

  “You feel amazing,” I moan, rolling my hips and enjoying the noises he is making in response. I laugh when he quickly grabs my hips and flips me onto my back, still buried inside of me. Cain holds a hand to my neck, keeping my head up and looking into his eyes.

  “You are mine, but I am still your alpha,” he tells me and then kisses me as I moan as he thrusts harshly into me. Cain suddenly bites my neck, marking me and I lean up, doing the same to him as I suddenly orgasm, and he follows not long after me. We both catch our breaths back as the bond sweetly slips into my mind, followed by his love for me in his emotions. He feels so much. Everything from respect, to protectiveness, to happiness for finally having his mate in his life. It’s funny how I nearly feel exactly the same way, how I know I would do anything for him and my other mates. I love them all, and it shocks me to realise that a little.

  “I love you,” I whisper, knowing he can feel it all from me anyway.

  “I love you too,” he says and kisses me as I start to feel him getting hard again as he still inside of me. “Now it’s time we repeat what we just did. I love hearing your sweet moans.”

  “Where are you going?” Rogue asks as I step out of the kitchen, pulling my coat on. He walks over and pulls me to him, kissing me gently. I smile at the memory of spending the week with him, Callum and Cain. Only Chase is avoiding me like the plague and I don’t want that. We have no news from Erik yet, and no more attacks on the pack. The weird thing is the royals haven’t tried to bribe the pack for the child. The poor parents are going out of their mind, but we keep telling them they wouldn’t have gone to the effort of fighting to kidnap him if they just wanted to kill him.

  “To see Chase. I need to tell him I’m sorry for rejecting him for so long,” I explain.

  “Do you even know where he is?” Rogue asks.

  “Yep. Callum told me he is at the garage and told me how to get there. It isn’t a far walk from here,” I explain, and he smiles, kissing me once more.

  “Go and get your last mate. I’m going to try and watch the television, even though I haven’t watched one in years. The last one I saw was black and white,” he chuckles.

  “Whatever you do, don’t watch Game of Thrones. You won’t be able to stop watching that show and then you will be stuck waiting for the last season like me,” I warn him. I don’t think I have forgiven Harper for making me watch that show with her yet. It is addictive as hell.

  “Okay, got it. No show about thrones,” he says, and I smile as I kiss him.

  “I will be back soon.”

  “Only if Chase manages to fuck up you will,” he chuckles, and I laugh as I walk out the house. I turn left from the houses and follow the path for fifteen minutes until I see lights ahead. The garage comes into view as I get closer, and so does Chase. He has a car just outside, the bonnet up as he looks inside at the engine. I run my eyes over his garage uniform, the dark blue, oil covered slacks and big boots. He looks sexy as hell. Like he can see me watching him as I stand completely still, he turns and his eyes lock onto me. Chase doesn’t move as I take my coat off, showing off the dark red, very short dress I know he might like. Chase shakes his head and closes the bonnet, resting against it as I get to him.

  “You don’t want to wear a dress like that around my garage, Gold. It might get messy,” he warns, and I step into his space, pushing my body against his and not caring one bit about it getting messy.

  “I am sorry I rejected you. It was a stupid move because you are right when you said I am a coward at times. I mess up, but don’t we all? Can you say you have never messed up?” I ask, keeping my eyes on his dark green ones.

  “Once. I f
ucked up badly,” he says coldly, but he doesn’t move away from me or look away from my eyes.

  “Twice. Once when I walked away from you all like a coward, and one other time,” I say, not liking to admit when I am wrong or to talk about my past.

  “Tell me the other time,” he asks me.

  “If you will tell me yours,” I counter, which only amuses him.

  “Deal,” he whispers.

  “When I was young, sixteen, I fell head over heels with an older man. Jasper. I wouldn’t listen to my brothers and parent’s warnings about him being bad news. They had no idea how bad Jasper really was. One night he convinced me to meet him in the woods, and being the stupid girl I was, I did. Jasper bit me, telling me I was his mate and that when I changed we could be together forever. Erik had followed us and ran at him with a spear. He killed Jasper but Jasper bit him before he died,”

  “I didn’t know you wasn’t a born wolf,” Chase admits.

  “We both turned into wolves that night, and we had to leave our village after a little bit of time because people noticed we weren’t aging. Our parents died alone, without their children and I cursed my brother to an eternity of being a wolf because I was wrong about one man,” I admit. “That is a mistake I can never forgive myself for.”

  “I knew about my father and the human. I never told my brothers, or anyone because my father asked me not too. He didn’t love the human, or his child, he just wanted to escape,” he admits to me. “I fucked up too.”

  “If we don’t make mistakes, that would make us perfect. I don’t know about you but being perfect is not something I ever want to be. Perfect people can only fall, and not rise,” I tell him.

  “I see you as perfectly flawed, and it’s damn amazing,” Chase tells me and pulls me into a scorching kiss. I moan as he gently throws me on top of the car bonnet and rips my dress off my body in one move.


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